.....First Jackson, who has showed lefty leanings in the past, indicated he had no problem with the controversial state Senate Bill 1070.
“Am I crazy, or am I the only one that heard [the legislature] say ‘we just took the United States immigration law and adapted it to our state,’” Jackson said.
I told him they usurped the federal law. (Z: don't you love the writers "I TOLD HIM..."?)
“It’s not usurping, it’s just copying it is what they said they did, and then they gave it some teeth to be able to enforce it ,” Jackson said.
Then he mildly scolded the Suns.
“I don’t think teams should get involved in the political stuff. And I think this one’s still kind of coming out to balance as to how it’s going to be favorably looked upon by our public. If I heard it right the American people are really for stronger immigration laws, if I’m not mistaken. Where we stand as basketball teams, we should let that kind of play out and let the political end of that go where it’s going to go.”
Right on, Phil (and PLEASE don't retire)
I just might become a Lakers fan.
Or a Phil Jackson fan anyway!
Elbro...good one!
David...now, now, now... :-)
Do I need to look this up on Snopes, or did he really say that? If so, I will abandon my Cavs and cheer for the Lakers!
He DID, Beth (you made me laugh with that comment)..(by the way, don't trust SNOPES too much, as you know)...
CHEER FOR THE LAKERS! I"m holding you to that :-)
Like I said last night, Z... I won't hold it against you! LOL!!
I have honestly never had a problem with Phil Jackson. He's a little out there sometimes, but who isn't?
And Beth - don't abandon the Cavs - the Lakers have enough fans... and as a former Cleveland resident (transplanted to PHX) I have to tell you, as much as I enjoy my new hometown team, there will be nothing sweeter than the Cavs.. or anyone besides Kobe and The Crybabies winning it all!!
My goodness, some common sense amidst the chaos. Good for Phil Jackson.
Jackson's a smart man who has the courage of his convictions. I hope this doesn't put him in harm's way.
Totally clashes with Steve Nash's wishy-washy, I-want-to-be-liked-and-a-good-person-thus-I-am-talking-out-of-my-rear-end comment
Pasadena Closet Cons. and Z, maybe we should hang out :)
Frogburger!! "Wishy washy" indeed.....
Nash says "My team stood up for that part of our community because I think that's the one that is targeted by the side of this bill that could open a door to racial profiling and racism. And I'm talking primarily about American citizens who are Latino, who now, their quality of life and freedoms could change because of this bill. I think it also puts an undue pressure on police officers.
"Having said that, the bill is continually changing, and it seems that it will continue to change. So it's impossible to have a stance that is black and white and all or nothing, because it's going to continue to change."
Sounds like he just might have argued for the wrong side and is back pedaling, huh?
And yes, it would be fun to connect with Pasadena, you and me here in LA!
Good for Phil Jackson!
Don't follow sports, but I like him already.
nice try but it's going to take more than that to get me to cheer for the lakers
oh, tio...I DID try :-)
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