"Get OUT, Muslim Turks...leave Austria NOW!"....I PROMISE, you simply won't BELIEVE this guy's speech..........it's AMAZING:
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2 days ago
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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Seems at least someone's still manning the gates at Vienna.
Thank God for this man!
Unfortunately, I think it's too little too late to turn things back at this point.
good point, Beamish.
I HOPE more readers take the time to watch the video, so far, no good! It's so important, not just another video; it says SO much! We can all learn from it.
Hi, Karen..."Thank God for him" is right. You have a point...Muslims are so bold and insulting and, as he says "telling their people not to learn the language, not to mix with Austrians (or Germans or French or Swedes, depending on which country) then blaming the Austrians for not integrating in the Turks?" He's so right, it's insane.
What will Europe do with so many angry muslims all taking TONS of welfare money, having children so they get more welfare money, threatening with placards saying (I know this from my munchner stepkids) "Germans get out, this is OUR country now") and destroying buildings and morale..? I don't know.
Loving the fact he is straight up with the hypocrisy from the left about religious tolerance. Have seen it in France, in the US. That's the left but nobody told them the way he did.
No Turkey in the EU. That's for sure.
FB..if Turkey gets into the EU, Europe's kaput. No passports..hordes of welfare-seekers all over Western society where their culture doesn't fit at all, sadly. Then, of course, they blame the others for not accepting them!
DOn't forget, I know for a fact they're building mosques in little German villages where there ARE NO Muslims, so the Muslims who've prepared for the take-over are busy laying out the plans.
One of the major glitches for TUrkey is denial of the Armenian genocide......when I hear my Armenian friends clamoring for Turkey to tell the truth, I shudder and tell them "It's not worth losing Europe"
And America pushes for Turkey, too......muslims have this all planned and we're falling for it.
Let's hope there are more and more men like the one in the video, brave enough to tell the unbridled truth, as ugly as it is.
Z, you're right. Europe will be kaput for sure. That's why the US should not push for a EU with Turkey like they're doing. It's a very bad and short sighted move.
and we're pushing like crazy to get something we want, like fly-over space..wait for it.
Bush did the same thing Obama's doing; it's extremely short sighted. They know what would happen; how COULD they pursue this?
Well the US foreign policy is full of moves that were making sense at some point but that have backlashed down the road.
That's the problem of our leaders these days: they make decision for the next 2-5 years without thinking long term consequences.
Aside from that, what do you guys think about this tax bill? I'm against it now with the new spending. It's total non sense. Lower taxes with a climate of huge debt and money printing is not good for the economy anyway. I want them to wait for the new congress and do retroactive tax cuts. It's not like it's impossible and 2-3 months will make a big difference.
Reminds me of what they said about the Austrians, "They weren't good Nazis but they were great anti-semites".
I expect there are several regulars here who will be passing out yellow crescents.
Ducky so cliche. I was actually surprised it too you so long to post something so obvious from a leftard like you.
Anything else of great intellectual value to add?
I expect there are several regulars here who will be passing out yellow crescents.
Can you remind us who decided to pass the yellow star?
Was it conservative people like De Gaulle or was it socialists like Laval in France?
Like minds, Z ...
Laval broke with the socialists after WW I, froggy. You don't even know your own history.
Ducky, Laval was a socialist. It's not because he became an independent his philosophy changed.
But your mind is so simplistic, you can't comprehend that I guess.
For your knowledge Moron Ducky, the "Radicaless" in France were left wing. That's why they were also called the "Radicales de Gauche."
I'll give you another one too, who is considered by some historians as the father of anti-Semitism, Edouard Drumont.
I had the chance to read "L'Anti Juif" for a mini-thesis in history. He was amongs socialist circles because he blamed Jewish people for capitalism. As a good Catholic in those times, money was bad and Jewish people were the devil.
Drumont inspired people like Hitler, who I guess you know that claimed himself a socialist.
Keep denying the facts Ducky. History is not on your side.
Ducky, your point is so extremely typical of leftwingers and so dangerous.
Germans can't say no to people sucking them dry because the world says "Fourth Reich" (this, when those people are on the news nearly every night with placards saying "GERMANS LEAVE, WE"RE TAKING OVER" etc)...Austria can't complain and get tough with little fellows like you attacking like you did.
Not smart, DUcky.. your political correctness might someday rise and bite YOU in the butt, too.
Here's another history lesson for Ducky:
Anti-Semitism has never been the rallying point of a right-wing government or political movement.
But you find it all over the left's family tree. Drumond, Proudhon, Marx, Bakunin, Hitler, Stalin, etc. Even places you wouldn't think there are a large enough grouping of Jews to collectively hate had or has left-wing leaders that championed anti-Semitism. Mao in China, Castro in Cuba, Chavez in Venezuela.
There's been three notable occasions in history that actively persecuted Jews to the point of forceing them to wear yellow badges or marked clothing to identify them:
Muslims forced Jews in the 9th Century Abbasid Caliphate to wear them.
The 13th Century 4th Lateran Council under Lotario dei Conti di Segni (who went by the stage name "Pope Innocent III") ordered Jews to wear a signifying badge on their clothing. Over the next five centuries, this law was adopted throughout lands ruled by or under the influence of the (polytheistic) religion of Catholicism.
The most famous example of this method of identifying Jews for discrimination and persecution came when left-wing labor activist Adolf Hitler's socialist party came to power in Germany.
Sorry Ducky. Anti-semitic thought, like imbecility, has always been a mating call of leftism.
Great post Beamish.
I do need this Ducky bobblehead for Xmas.
You know what Ducky will read off his leftist cue cards.
"Communism is the greatest system that's never been tried."
You'd start to think the self-refuting denials would fold him into realizing the left has been incompetent since Robespierre, but I've already mentioned the leftist trait of imbecility.
beamish, but the political correctness, the constant mischaracterizations of rightwing philosophies and actions, the lies, they're very seductive to young people and I believe that we thought we stopped the Cold War and won it but Russia moved into our schools...because we're suffering now so much from this ridiculous thinking that righteousness is bad, money's bad, freedom's bad, morality's bad....all thanks to mostly far leftwingers.
Give that to kids who've been dumbed down, don't know the Constitution, have parents who oftentimes aren't there for them, and you've got kids who think the society owes them.
A good example is today's leftist 'journalist'...remember, when I was in College and knew journalism majors, the integrity of the craft involved only WHO, WHAT, WHEN WHERE and WHY?....not "And how can you spin this to make the left look good and what do you think of it and you need a byline for six words of drivel and please make it leftist or we won't print it" I think it's a perfect example of the lack of integrity caused by the far left.
And, of course, Alinsky's Rules are prevalent and killing us, too.......now, with a Harvard president who even yesterday mentioned how we have to stop "big money" (what is he the heck THINKING?), we're in huge trouble...he doesn't even KNOW America let alone appreciate it.
what do you do about two generations of morons who actually DO feel that "Socialism hasn't worked, I'll admit that...but they just didn't do it right in Europe" (I've heard that!!), or "Who are WE to remain a super power, it's time to let another country take over" (ask WHICH COUNTRY? and they disappear) Ask lefties "if WE are not exceptional, which country IS? and they disappear, too.
I'm rambling (from pain and exhaustion, sorry) but this topic's my pet and you and FB got me going.
Can AMerica get her kids back in time? I FIRMLY believe SOros underestimated the time for this socialist health bill and the stimulus packages...I really don't think he realized there are still oldsters, enough who DO love America and are fighting him hard. Had he waited 10 years, who knows? Is our generation strong enough? Heck no, too many went to college :-)
Well, the EU has problems of its own. Being situated on Earth's most violence-prone continent (there's been a major war among Europeans within every 15 to 20 years since the days of Phillip of Macedonia) perpetuates ethnic strife generation to generation.
One day, the United States may stick around in Europe long enough to introduce them to Western Civilization. Or at least teach them English so they'll grasp the central tenets of it.
(Not a fan of Europe here)
The EU promised Turkey consideration for membership "in 15 years" if they denied the US the right to use Turkey as a northern pass into the invasion of Iraq to topple Europe's biggest weapons customer, Saddam Hussein. That was 2003. The clock has 7 years and some change left on it.
The EU's "pigs" (Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain) are steadily killing the European economy. If Spain defaults on its debts, it's all over for the EU. Bailing out Spain will bring the French and German economies down. And then it all falls down.
And so, it's the United States to the rescue. A Trillion plus dollar bailout for Europe, with money we don't have.
Sort of like a Camp David accord like we pay Egypt and Israel not to kill each other, only bigger for Europe's barbarians.
Smart money says World War III by 2017.
I started out as a journalism major in college, back in the early 1990s. I still have my Associated Press "stylebook," a codex of words and usage phrases meant to make news stories "uniform" as if they were written by the same writer.
(very high WTF factor, even then)
American journalism started dying the moment Marxism began being taken seriously at the university level. It was dead by 1898.
All that's left now are mechanical drones following a script. I have never encountered a larger collection of enthusiastic morons than my journalism class in college.
Did you know they actually teach "write at an 8th grade level for an illiterate audience" in J-school?
Now you know where the misplaced elitist attitude of the average journalist comes from.
Thank God for revolutionaries like Andrew Breitbart.
I HOPE the world is waking up. It's exciting to hear even one voice saying what this Austrian is saying, and to hear the applause too, but he's talking to just as many if not more PC nuts and it's hard to predict if his side will win or not.
But it IS thrilling to hear him say what needs saying. If more said those things Islam would back down. They are opportunists. If they are opposed they will lie low and bide their time. PC has been giving them carte blanche and they have been aggressively taking advantage of it. May the opposition increase to a roar.
Sadly, Muslims can hold signs up every single day with threats to the indigenous people of the countries they're leaching off of and STILL the leftwingers will call the Germans or French or Scandinavians "rightwing nuts" "xenophobes", etc....
it's amazing.
I honestly believe that it will take Muslims who don't mean harm to non muslims to stop the scourge, and I haven't seen very much activity in that area....
I'm rambling (from pain and exhaustion, sorry) but this topic's my pet and you and FB got me going.
Keep on rambling :)
The problem with leftist, Z is that they never admit failure. Never ever. They always find a way to spin it, redefined words, falsify information, come up with a sophist logic, etc...
That's the only way they can win. That and violence. Beamish mentioned Robespierre and he is the perfect example. He had to kill to establish his ideology.
They are master of controlling perception as well. They are propagandist playing on something key in human nature: thinking critically and objectively requires an effort most people don't want to make or have no time to make. We should never forget that.
Look at Ducky. He's blahblahing stuff he's read in books without any thinking. When we go deeper in the facts, he's gone.
@z -- Ducky, your point is so extremely typical of leftwingers and so dangerous. Germans can't say no to people sucking them dry because the world says "Fourth Reich"
Germans? Do you mean Austrians or did we all miss the latest Anschluss?
Really, z, isn't it time that the far right come out and say they just want all Muslims gone?
Really, z, isn't it time that the far right come out and say they just want all Muslims gone?
That's because your little dumb, simplistic mind wants to hear that.
That's not what we want. Proof: I worked on a muslim-related project 2 years ago with a muslim business lady. We want to extremist out, gone.
As far as leftists, yes, I'd like them all gone. Especially your kind. There are many countries that could welcome you: France, North Korea, etc...
I'll take a Conservative, moderate muslim (that exists) anytime over a Catholic socialist.
Z, I read the blog post by 'Jerusalem Watchman' right before I read yours...let me pull a comment out before posting the link.
"Abraham’s offspring – explicitly through Isaac and Jacob (and explicitly NOT through Ishmael and Esau) – became the nation of Israel. God made a covenant with Israel, making Israel a holy nation."
To me, this sums up the whole Muslim problem. God IS in control. Who knows how far He will let this world continue, though. THAT is the question...
God Bless and Merry Christmas!
Ducky, who ever said we want all muslims out? I can't condemn Faith's comment or deny I feel like that sometimes, but no...you've never heard that here.
Odd that, before 9/11, one never heard of muslim butchers denying cutting pork, or muslim students demanding they can't study without footwashing basin on campuses, etc etc etc.........why so suddenly, why after muslims killed 3000 of us?
WHERE are the millions of muslims we know don't want to kill infidels? THat is truly our only chance now against the muslim nuts.
The treaty stopped any thoughts of Anschluss...why bring that up? I specifically talk about Germany in my comment. I know how badly they're threatened there; my stepkids, in their late thirties, were liberals until now; they've finally seen how much their taxes are going to people who're threatening their very lifestyles, if not lives.
NO country in EUrope's the same as it was anymore...clean, lovely, so culturally particular to its people, so marvelous as all once was, believe me.]
FB's right...you can be very simplistic and I think that's beneath you.
There goes Ducky again. switching the debate to anti-semitism, which is not the subject of the speaker in the video.
I'll say it though, Ducky. I want all muslims gone at least until they emerge from the seventh century.
The left on the other hand is loosely allied with the barbarians because they contribute to the chaos in every country where their population is above 5%. Why?
Because the left loves chaos, and can't operate without it. They take advantage of it to gain power, and control, such as body scanners, pat downs, cameras everywhere, and any law which promotes their tyrannical leanings.
Their problem will be when they're vying with Islam for complete domination. Then they'll understand it up close and personal.
Islam will not move over and yield whatever control they have gained to the left, through intimidation, hostage taking, and butchery, as evidenced by the horrific killing of an Archbishop referred to in the video.
These countries are playing with fire, and the left are providing the fuel through appeasement, or as I'd rather put it, kissing up to the barbarians thinking they are another group of useful idiots.
Well, they aren't. They have the goal of world domination just as the left has. Does anyone here think it'll be the Islamists who will blink first? I don't.
And this is why Ducky would rather not discuss this. He is the useful idiot as are the left, they just don't know it.
sue, very interesting article..
Esau and his story and what comes from it now.....something we just can't figure out but God knows why.
Pris, well put; How can people be SO WILLING to champion a group within which ONE can 'ruin our whole day' BIG TIME?
How can anybody not wake up and realize we're not seeing good muslims taking to the streets demanding that terrorists not hijack their religion?
odd. Instead, we see more burkas now than we ever did...it's like they're pushing, pushing, pushing...
If I were from a group as awful as this, with a Koran with the horrors inside that are undeniable if people'd just READ it, I'd never wear the garb in public, I'd be ashamed and I'd keep my mouth shut. INstead, CAIR emerges and PUSH PUSH PUSH.
I've said this before and I"ll say it again...remember that FLYING IMAMS thing where a bunch of muslims scared AMerican passengers on an plane enough to have them ask the plane not to fly or something?....well, the muslims were so outraged THEY WERE GOING TO SUE! CAIR got involved, etc.
Then they dropped the suit very quickly. To this day, I wish they'd gone through the trial, ON TV, and AMericans could have seen Muslims fighting for themselves, arguing with Americans about safety, and giving US the 'screw YOU'... ...they were too cunning and dropped the whole thing :-(
Bravo, Pris.
That's what the left likes: chaos, destruction. Look at Ducky. The mere fact he is spending so much time to go on many conservative blogs, not to learn something, but to destroy, is the proof. I don't go on left wing websites for the sick pleasure of annoying them. But the Ducky kind does.
It's as though they don't know what to do with their life without negativity, destruction and chaos.
isn't it time that the far right come out and say they just want all Muslims gone?
Who is this "far right?" The right is fairly clear and open about what they want. You know, lower taxes, cut spending, smaller, less intrusive government. You need a left-wing goverment like Robespierre's, Stalin's, Hitler's, Mussolini's, Mao's, Pol Pot's, Castro's, Noriega's, Milosevic's, Idi Amin's, ad infinitum to pull off an eliminationist genocidal / ethnic cleansing effort.
You're not going to build a left-wing paradise like Nazi Germany out of low taxes, reduced spending, and tightly checked and balanced government, you twit.
Damn, Ducky. I don't want Muslims gone. My little sister is a Muslim, teaching English to schoolchildren in Cairo, Egypt. I want her (and her Arab husband) here in America, where she's extremely less likely to be killed over her skin color or nationality despite the fact that she's Muslim. She can worship the Mecca Meteorite from my back yard if she wants. I'll even give her a compass so her prayers hit the right spot.
Stop with the projection, Ducky. The only genocidal maniacs of history have exclusively been your fellow left-wingers.
Faith has it right.
The Muslims may
Be as great as they say
But they wouldn't be missed
If they didn't exist.
Ducky, everyone is exceptional.
Conservatives lump everyone in together..they were here, they got killed, all of it's sad no matter who they were.
no, it's hard to say "Muslim extremists" for the reasons I've given so many times at my blog. When NON extremists start marching in abject OUTRAGE at the scum amongst them, I'll then delineate extremists from non extremists. Only fair, I think.
"If I were from a group as awful as this, with a Koran with the horrors inside that are undeniable if people'd just READ it..."
People don't have to read it. They see it everyday, read about it everyday.
I wrote before about the wussification, the feminization and the metrosexual American male ( one only need to look at the incoming Speaker who'll drop tears over a soiled hanky as proof that American men in leadership positions have been castrated by PC, intimidation and their own cowardliness. )
Most men here, Mustang, beamish, Jingo to name a few are embarrassed and humiliated by these clowns masquerading as men.
Many have served this country in time of need and are heros as well as real men in their own rite. We yearn for men like this Austrian who speaks the truth to take a larger role in demonstrating, appealing and standing up to this, PUSH PUSH PUSH.
If New Yorkers can take a stand against the Stone Age barbarians of the east...the Turks, the savages of the Imams and punks like Cair and raise the specter of resistance...forceful resistance...they will by their actions have enlisted the millions who want islam stopped.
Punished for all it's horrendous crimes, hate, misdeeds and lies. We know it's a hateful POLITICAL ideology not unlike Nazism in any respect. And I think we're beginning ( and have seen since 911 ) to see it's ugliness and regressive, retarded, undeveloped, mindless, unsophisticated ( for Ducky )....barbaric, totalitarian side.
It's evil...period. And if Hitler ( whom I and the world will hate forever ) had called Nazism a "religion of peace" he would have succeeded and had a soulmate in Islam. Both are disgusting examples of mans inhumanity towards his fellow man.
But...if history is our guideline...than the Austrian in all of us will soon rise up and demand the end of the islamization of America. And the current mob in DC are not the ones to stop it.
There are to be counted on....millions of Americans who will stop them, dead. It's happened before and it has to happen agin. We're slaves of our own past. However this time it will be our duty to fight the muslim hordes in the name of Christianity and America...a Christian Nation since it's inception.
RedWood, you're Jewish, right?, based on what we talked about in your neighborhood, etc??
What an amazing comment you made......thank you.
I don't know if Americans can survive islam if it gets as bad as England or Germany or France..I hope so. OUr left won't let us fight!
isn't that Austrian FABULOUS? What guts, and what applause.
I hate to say this, but I think Boehner had had one too many; that makes anybody wimper when something touches them and, I think you've seen me say this here before, I met him and he was SLOSHED........
Oh, for the record, there were only about 2000 American dead. The rest were extra people, foreigners, illegals, Muslim. You know, the non exceptional people.
Non-American victims of the 9/11 attacks:
3 Australians
1 Bermudan
5 Canadians
2 Chinese
1 El Salvadoran
6 Germans
1 Grenadan
1 Irish
1 Israeli
3 Japanese
1 Swede
13 Brits
and 30 unknowns.
That's 38 non-Americans, and possibly 68 total.
Of the 2,974 people murdered on September 11th, 2001, at least 2,936 of them were Americans.
For the record, Ducky, you're a fucking moron.
Ducky can you send us a picture besides the psycho one you have on the blog so we can start creating those bobbleheads?
I think Beamish and I could get rich with such a funny product. Especially if it comes with a kwak sound each time we make it move.
"For the record, Ducky, you're a fucking moron."
And a dick-less ( excuse me ladies ), metro, wussified fucking moron.
A pansy ass dilettante who by a freak of nature was unfortunately given a set...that he uses for paper weights and a means to prevent him from falling into the toilet he sits upon. We know he doesn't stand to pee.
A "man" that the leftists love...a whiny protoplasmic, petri tube of a "male". The ones that the Femi-nazis expect to squat. And deliver his emotions on call for the squads of hairy armed pitted goons of leftist "women" who ironically. despise and don't need men.
He alone has broken that glass ceiling so that he can work in a Boston boutique.
"How can anybody not wake up and realize we're not seeing good muslims taking to the streets demanding that terrorists not hijack their religion?"
Where should I start? Because we know it's not a "religion" and we pay a distant "respectful" homage to what we know is a farce. And we sigh and say...well they think it's a "religion" so we must just go along to get along, for now.
And because we know and have seen it demonstrated that this farce...this so called by them, a "religion of peace" is anything but. That's it's very existence is an oxymoron?
That the so called "moderate" ones are those that don't kill non muslims but adhere to the tenants of the "Mein Kampf" of beliefs? The Koran?
That we thank God there aren't 1.5 billion assassins and there's only 10% of that are? Meaning there's 150 million assassins out there with the mindset of the practitioners of the koran?
Hey, just WTF is wrong with us? How many years do we have to wait before the inevitable conflict arises? Ask Israel, they know. Look at what the Israeli's have had to contend with. Is that what we want in order to have "peace" with these enemies of mankind, that they are?
Jews, Christians, Hindus and even atheists better get their shit together.
Soon. The calamity is already upon us. Yet we wait for a parade of sympathetic imans?
Let's all grow up. It's the 1500's all over again. What side are we on?
It's evil...period. And if Hitler ( whom I and the world will hate forever ) had called Nazism a "religion of peace" he would have succeeded and had a soulmate in Islam. Both are disgusting examples of mans inhumanity towards his fellow man.
Actually, Hitler was quite fond of Muslims. The Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, helped the Nazis recruit Yugoslav Muslims into a few SS divisions. Haj Amin al-Husseini later went on to inspire left-wing Islamic national socialists like Yasser Arafat and Saddam Hussein.
Allow me to correct myself.
Actually, I got my figures from now out-of-date posting of identified remains.
The total count of non-Americans killed in the 9/11 attacks is 372.
Still rather far less than Ducky's uninformed imbecilic remark about 1,000 non-American casualties.
He demonstrates about as much care on the topic as a passenger screener at Boston Logan.
What is it about people in Massachussetts anyway? You could add all their IQ scores together and divide by 2 and still come up with a 3 digit number.
Beamish...thanks for making my point.
I know about Hitlers fondness of islam....need I say more about the "religion of peace".
Islam is just going forward with Hitlers agenda and it's ultimate desire to destroy" Jews first, Christianity second. And secular atheists, leftist loons, gays, lesbians, short skirts, BBQ's, pork, songs, music, rock n roll, jazz, short skirts, A&E, HBO, Starz, Showtime, The Movie Channel, radio, television...and every other damn thing we've expected as a civilized society.
Take off the GD gloves America. The enemy, Islam is within the gates.
Islam, like Hitler and Barney Frank ( who wouldn't get a pass from the imans ) are the real threat to America.
Someone already beat you to the Ducky bobblehead idea
To keep the analogy going, Barney Frank would be one of the brownshirted femmes liquidated in a "Night of the Long Knives" purge after the Islamo-leftists consolidate their power. Right now, he's still needed to enforce the takeover or destruction of small businesses.
Beamish, thanks for the laugh. IT does look like his blogger photo now that I think about it.
I don't find it easy to bash on Muslims given than my little sister is one. Most of my disagreements with them are theological.
That said, the Sunni-Shia conflict, basically a squabble over which form of Islam is going to be in charge when they kill all the infidels, is going to keep those 150 million or so Islamic extremists killing each other for the most part. Over a friggin meteorite.
Someone ought to just steal that rock and chuck it into the Pacific Ocean.
Or sell it on Ebay.
"Allah - slightly used $3.99 obo"
Beamish, most of your arguments with muslims are theological when so many want us dead?
Boy, considering the muslims treating Germans like crap for being supported so well by them, wouldn't leftwinger Hitler love Germany NOW?
Beamish, most of your arguments with muslims are theological when so many want us dead?
Allah is a lifeless penis-shaped black meteoric iron rock embedded in the eastern corner of the Kabaa, broken over the centuries by Muslims fighting over who gets to charge admission to kiss it.
That line of reasoning usually draws out the crazies.
Beamish, I was just playing computer SOlitaire (for the 265490165061028680164508176548076238756th time) and started laughing.....based on your thinking, it's a good thing your sis isn't Catholic ;-)
There is that.
At least Muslims don't actually think they're Christians.
absolutely HILARIOUS response...
GO TO DANA LOESCH (or whatever that woman's name is) and become her Bernard McGuirk RIGHT NOW! :-)
I have a face for radio and a voice for typing.
ditto :-)
"It's as though they don't know what to do with their life without negativity, destruction and chaos."
FB, so true. I think they love the fight, but when it comes to managing their power, and putting it to the test, they still resort to thuggery. That's all they know.
They run on negative emotions, not pragmatism or logic, and refuse to accept they could ever be wrong because they don't think.
Who'd would have guessed that it all would have come to this because Sarah talked Abraham into having sex with Hagar.....
Scotty, SO TRUE!! I wonder about that sometimes, too!
That and Zainab's poisoned cooking wasn't strong enough to kill the "prophet" Muhammad instantly.
Oh that it were...
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