How about a resolution you'd like to see Obama make?
Or a resolution you made and have stuck to for years?
Happy New Year, resolution or not.........God bless you all and God bless America........
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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I've got a bunch. I need to set goals for this year overall.
Not work as much b/c I burn out. I do need to take 1 real day off per week in 2011.
Exercise more regularly.
Acquire a new skill if I want to move away from IT at some point. That's the tough one.
I'm not much on New Year's resolutions for myself -- probably because I used to make them but didn't keep them very long.
A resolution for Obama to make? Giving up the teleprompter. He should go cold turkey on that one.
A few years ago, I resolved not to make resolutions anymore, and have stuck with it.
You're practically telling Obama to shut up in public.
This probably belongs on the biggest gaffe of 2010 thread. At this past year's St. Patrick's Day party at the White House, Obama read a speech from his teleprompter and then the Irish prime minister began to deliver a speech when he realized he was reading Obama's speech from the teleprompter again. Obama laughing, jumped in to save the day, but in the meantime, the teleprompter was switched to the Irish PM's speech.
Obama read the Irish PM's speech, all the way through thanking "President Obama" for throwing the party.
As a Democrat, our expectations for intellect from Obama should be low. As a left-winger, our expectations for intellect from Obama shouldn't exist at all.
The idiot will read whatever is in front of him.
Our President is even too stupid to even write or be familiar with the stupid things he reads off of a teleprompter.
I quit smoking just before New Years and swore I would not start again - 9 years and counting.
I need to exercise more (some)
I resolve in 2011 to point out and eviscerate more leftists and their stupidity than I did in the first decade of the 21st Century.
I resolve to blog my thoughts at least twice a week.
I resolve to get back in shape, build my muscle tone and strength back up.
I resolve to curb my cursing to times when it's damned necessary.
I resolve to not scoff at the idea of quitting smoking.
I resolve to swim across the Mississippi River and climb a high rock face bare-handed this coming summer.
I resolve to push my limitations out of the way.
I resolve to do a lot more of what I did last year--Loaf a lot!
Nothing like doing a whole lot of nothing to make one enjoy retirement even more.
'm going to see how long I can go being nice to the right wing.
Best way to be nice Ducky is to leave us alone. Go participate on left wing blogs with your pals.
Shorter Frog. NO DISSENT.
Being a follower of the Creator, Pan Gu. I will make my resolutions on Feb.2, Chinese New Years Eve.
To spend more time blogging. I think Beamish is about right, a couple of times a week. Otherwise, I'm happy.
BTW, I hope you feel better soon. One of my students had that and she was out two weeks. Must be hell.
Craig you crack me up. Druid then Pan Gu. What's the next thing to jump onto? What's in and fashionable in 2011 so I can be cool too?
Shorter Frog. NO DISSENT.
When someone comes on blog for the sake of pissing people off and being a jerk, there's no value in it.
There's nothing to learn from Ducky. It's all garbage. So yes, we don't need garbage.
If you want to call that dissent fine with me. I'd call that dysentery instead if I had to make a pun.
Z..that's something I've never done, nor intend to do..because I know myself, so well.
I probably wouldn't keep them, and then I would feel guilty for not doing so.
I know you've been through an ordeal, coping with Shingles, but I do hope you are feeling better, and will continue to heal, quickly.
I wish you a very Happy New Year, and wish for you, good health, and much happiness!
You're practically telling Obama to shut up in public.
Please, yes!
'm going to see how long I can go being nice to the right wing.
Have you ever made that resolution before?
Beamish said: I resolve to blog my thoughts at least twice a week.
I say: Yes, yes, yes!
I resolve to not make new year's resolutions because most of us never keep them. Besides, if there's something that needs to get done, we shouldn't wait for the new year to do it. :-)
Happy New Year, Z-- stop by my place when you can, I've been missing you!
As leftists, Ducky and Craig dissent from reality.
It's their raison d'etre.
Hi zin;
My resolution for the new year is not to repeat the same mistakes,
The new mistakes will replace the old ones!
Je vous souhaite une excellente année, avec plein de santé.
AOW,I have never made that resolution.
I'm really determined, bet I can go a week.
Ducky, nobody cares whether you're nice or not...we just expect others to respect everyone as everyone's entitled to their opinions.
SAM, merci beaucoup, mon vous souhaite une tres bonne anne aussi. Merci pour avoir venir aujourd'hui. xxx
I wish everyone on the blog a great new year 2011. I hope you get everything you desire and work hard for.
Health comes first so I especially wish everyone a healthy 2011.
Obama should resolve to stop spending our moneon waste, to get out of our business and to resign.
As for me... I resolve to get out of med/surg!
Est ce que vous avez eu un probleme de santé?
I think a brief French tutorial would be a helpful recurring segment. What was the term you used a while back, i think it means "different people, different tastes"? something-non-son-goo?
oui, SAM..en Anglaise,c'est "shingles" suis mieux aujourd'hui...grace a Dieu!
Tio...Chacun a son gout..everyone to his own taste
Happy New Year
Je crois que j'ai bu trop de vin.
All that French makes my head hurt.
from MY French, I'm surprised your STOMACH doesn't hurt, FB :-)
No you guys are very good actually.
Je ne parle pas français, mais mon ordinateur ne.
"ne" WHAT? :-)
Z, como se dice en Espanol?
Gotta get back to the gym.
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