TOP FIVE BIGGEST POLITICAL GAFFES OF 2010: Michael Steele, Christine O'Donnell, Mark Kirk, Joe Wilson, and (are you sitting down?) Richard Blumenthal, the only Democrat. I got to thinking..........maybe you all can write a realistic list of Democrats who had some pretty hefty gaffes in 2010, too, and tell us what they were? I think so. Give it a try! Make your list as long as you'd like...this should be good.
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2 days ago
Biden is a gaffe-a-minute machine!
good point, Brooke...imagine leaving anything said by Biden out! But, then they had to show four Reps and maybe two Dems would have hurt the media's feelings :-)
I don't known why #3 isn't #1. It's not a gaffe, it's called a lie.
Same goes for Kirk. Liar. Anyone else find the whole 'year end list' thing annoying and useless?
Brooke, "gaffe-a-minute". Shouldn't be too hard to post a couple. Wasn't it Biden who said he wouldn't ride the subway during flu season? Maybe that was in '09'. Anyway, there's a freebie. Two more, Brooke. It's a big effing deal.
Holly Bailey former Newsweek hack. That should tell you all you need to know right there. But she fails to realize that Blumenthal's statement was not a gaffe.
You see, a gaffe is a mistake, a slip-up, an unintentional act. It is by definition a social blunder or a faux pas. Blumenthal intentionally misspoke untrue words. That by definition is a lie.
By Obama and they get dumber and dumber by the quote. See what happens when he goes out running his mouth with out his teleprompter?
And folks talk about Bush! Scheez
"We're not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that's fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you've made enough money. But, you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you're providing a good product or providing good service. We don’t want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of the financial system to help grow our economy." —on Wall Street reform, Quincy, Ill., April 29, 2010
"One such translator was an American of Haitian descent, representative of the extraordinary work that our men and women in uniform do all around the world -- Navy Corpse-Man Christian Brossard." –mispronouncing "Corpsman" (the "ps" is silent) during a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C., Feb. 5, 2010 (The Corpsman's name is also Christopher, not Christian)
''Why can't I just eat my waffle?''
—Barack Obama, after being asked a foreign policy question by a reporter while visiting a diner in Pennsylvania
''The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system.{The first truthful thing he said about Health Care)
"The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries." --Tampa, Fla., Jan. 28, 2010
Thanks for making my point Craig. I didn't read the whole thing b/c it's bunch of crap symbolizing what today's journalism is about: shallowness, lack of analytical skills and not one cent of intellectual honesty. It goes on both sides by the way. Thank god for my Reason magazine.
'America being a Muslim country, 57 states, my Muslim religion' (before being corrected by Geo. Stefanopoulis). Just a few courtesy of Hussein, the brilliant Chicago neighborhood-organizer man.
When you consider all his boners, both before the election & after, remember Biden had to drop out of the running years ago just for getting caught plagiarizing a speech! Oh, for the good old days.
"Gaffe" implies mispeaking or making a innocuous error in speaking.
In that light, I find the idea that a left-wing Democrat could commit a gaffe to be an absolutely indefensible and absurd presumption that a left-wing Democrat could get out of an IQ test with a score above 85 when no leftist in history ever has.
No, when the left speaks, it is rather thorough in its irredeemable imbecility. As we witness whenever Ducky or Craig posts here.
Nobody "accidentally" proclaims themselves a veteran of a war several times on the campaign trail when they're not. If this is a "gaffe," the left has seriously ramped up their zeal for failing IQ tests.
As much as I don't care for Michael Steele, "The war in Afghanistan is unwinnable" is not a gaffe, it's an opinion. And given that Obama has thrown out the statecraft and geopolitical accomplishments of the Bush administration there in favor of landlocking our troops with no basing or fly over rights in neighboring countries, leaving them to wait for their supplies to be delivered over land as they pass, undefended, through Taliban controlled areas of Pakistan.
No enemy of the United States has wiped out more American soldiers and Marines and sank more Navy ship and Air Force planes than the agenda of the Democratic Party.
Michael Steele's opinion on the winnability of the war in Afghanistan has to be considered in the context that that war is currently being run by the spectacularly epic fail that is the Obama administration.
If I must, I'll tick off a few Democrat inanities of the last year. But I won't call them "gaffes." Democrats lack the intellect required to make a "gaffe."
Par for the course.
I saw Alan Colmes talking about something similar the other day, he didn't even bother with any Dems, just all Republicans.
Psst, Craig.
We both know Biden is kept away from microphones and cameras because he's a moron, even by moron-friendly Democrat standards.
Still, you can't hide that hair-plugged sloppy drunk forever.
Here's fu-schnickered Biden offering a prayer for the dead mother of the Irish president. Except, she wasn't dead. And still isn't. You'd think taking the time to draw together that fluffy sentiment of condolences to a foreign head of state's mother would provoke Biden to find out if she's actually dead, but you're just not trying to be as blithering stupid as what is natural for Biden. You know in his mind it was "Irish... drinking stereotype ... pub joke... drinking Irish wake... drinking..." while composing this, and while fantasizing about a nip of hooch behind the curtain to steady the DTs, he got jumbled and actually though he was at a funeral.
"I refuse to accept the notion that the United States of America is not going to lead the world economically throughout the 20th Century." - crunk ass Joe Biden, February 16, 2010 (the 2nd month of the 9th year of the 21st Century)
They call Biden "gaffe-o-matic," but that's far too charitable. He's a lot more akin to a championship level competitive paint chip eater. As dumb as curb feelers on an SUV.
As much as I don't care for Michael Steele, "The war in Afghanistan is unwinnable" is not a gaffe, it's an opinion.
True. Shows what a moron this journalist is. That's why she works at Yahoo!, a respected news organization.
"I'm not a witch, I'm nothing you've heard. I'm you."
--- Christine O'Donnell
How that missed number 1 is beyond me. But the nation proved there is a limit to the insanity they will accept, at least outside the south.
Duck insanity reins supreme in the North especially in Boston and the rest of Massachusetts. You fools still think you won the war. Come south and see just how wrong you are. You won the battles but the south won the war.
Now I could go on about Massachusetts idiots such as John(I served in Viet Nam OH and Laos too ) Kerry and such but why bother when I have you for a perfect example.
But the nation proved there is a limit to the insanity they will accept, at least outside the south.
You mean those allegedly not insane places that are economically dying in New England with local, county, and state bureaucracies all bunched together into states smaller than most Southerner's backyards?
Hungry? Eat your union card.
Hehehehe Beamish and yep some of the folks got 1200 acres for a back yard and that doesn't include the side yards. hhahaha.
Duck doesn't know what he's missing but then that's ok, we'd rather he stay put in Taxatchusetts
Oh, so Ducky, you think she IS a witch? What would you have said if you were called one?
Nancy Pelosi - "you'll find out what's in the bill after it's passed."
Harry Reid referring to the Iraq war during it's prosecution - "the war is lost".
Obama mistakenly reading the Irish Prime Minister's speech off of the teleprompter.
I beg to differ. A lie when found out, becomes a political gaffe, which is different than just a mistake, but a political gaffe, nonetheless.
Sounds like the left are up to their old tricks again, when they have nothing concrete to attack the conservatives with, they resort to smearing.
As for democrat gaffes, what about joe biden and the eff word. pelosi and passing the bill so she can see what's in it. Don't forget Napolitano, that moron is like walking joke.
Ducky, if the writer had to include you in the gaffe list, I think you'd have taken all of the 10 entries.
Pris, the #1 idiocy of the year comes from Pelosi. It's not even a gaffe. It's her being such an intellectually dishonest b---.
"Food stamps give the biggest bang for the bucks."
Maybe she meant in terms of votes for the Dems. In that case, yes, foodstamps, welfare give them the biggest bang for the bucks because they get to use taxpayers money to fund their marketing.
I enjoyed reading this spot-on post. As always you tell the truth and make fools out of the fools they are.
Biden is just a robotic idiot!
FB, I suppose in Nancy Pelosi's case, we have to consider her district is full of dunderheads. It is San Francisco after all.
Pelosi however, is one of the big reasons the dems lost bigtime in the house. Therefore I consider her stupid remarks to be political gaffes.
A gaffe from you or me is embarrassing. A political gaffe can cost politicians votes, money, and a one way ticket home.
I just think the definition is different for politicians.
Pris, good gaffe list...the silliest gaffe might be the Dems picking here AGAIN when I believe the Pelosi favorability number was 16%? Was it a gaffe or does she know where skeletons are buried? :-)
Check out this beauty from Biden. Besides the fact that it's demonstrably inaccurate, the lack of historical knowledge he displays is breathtaking, even for a jerk like Biden.
The railroad he so excitedly pimps was one of the most corrupt enterprises in American history. Credit Moblier was smorgasbord of government corruption from the congress on down. I could go on and on. What an embarrassment this guy is.
“Every single great idea that has marked the 21st century, the 20th century and the 19th century has required government vision and government incentive,” he said. “In the middle of the Civil War you had a guy named Lincoln paying people $16,000 for every 40 miles of track they laid across the continental United States. … No private enterprise would have done that for another 35 years.”
God help us.
Hehehehe Beamish and yep some of the folks got 1200 acres for a back yard and that doesn't include the side yards. hhahaha.
Duck doesn't know what he's missing but then that's ok, we'd rather he stay put in Taxatchusetts
Massachussetts. Now there's a welfare-subsidized non-productive leecher county pretending to be a state.
It is only because of the fact that Massachussetts is the home of 6,547,629 (2010 census) of America's 6,900,000 or so militantly insatiable homosexuals, that the Gay Staters are not some redneck dip ditch county in eastern New York.
I think it was the fruit flavored beer thing that ultimately forced New Yorkers to push Massachussetts County into forming its own state.
Or maybe it's the non-rhotic Bostonian jizz gurgler lisp. It's why few spoke with a Boston accent on the TV show "Cheers." Rhymes with "Queers" and serves fruity beers were clue enough.
Did that show actually ever have a female cast member?
For a little fun. Gov and union incompetence at work
Ticker, I read your invitation but must refuse. I'm quite comfortable here. I'm within five miles of three world class schools (Harvard, M.I.T., New England Conservatory) which is more than exist in the entire south.
Of course there are several other superb colleges in the area.
I'm a subway ride away from one of the country's great museums, none of which are in the South, symphony, theater, light opera. All good.
Best sports town in America plus the marathon and the Charles regatta.
A medical and finance center. Good music scene. Great film area with plenty of work available plus two of America's few remaining art houses.
So enjoy NASCAR. Although we've got that in New Hampshire so there really isn't anything worth bothering with in the south. Especially the politics.
And the South doesn't have Barney Frank.
What a pathetic debate. Feels like primary school: "My bike is better than yours."
So enjoy NASCAR. Although we've got that in New Hampshire so there really isn't anything worth bothering with in the south. Especially the politics.
Have you ever been to Marfa, TX?
(rhetorical, of course) Being a fan of minimalism, I'd expect you to know that Donald Judd lived there for years.
Honestly, you're not really this pretentious, are you?
Happy New Year, Ducky.
Ducky, you can defend Massachussets all you want, but, I rememeber "banned in Boston". A city famous years ago, for it's intolerance.
So, before you get so high and mighty, consider your own history.
Your bias against the southern states, is your baggage.
My Dad was born in Lowell Mass. and when he literally ran away as a young fella, he went to New York. So, I assume it wasn't so great in the old days.
People are people no matter where we live. Good and not so good, everywhere.
There's more to life than entertainment venues. It may be enough for you, but others may feel differently. That doesn't make them them lesser people, that just makes them different than you.
And Ducky, different isn't better or worse, it's just different.
Too bad you're such a snob. It's very limiting, but that's your problem.
"Was it a gaffe or does she know where skeletons are buried? :-)"
Good point Z. Probably a little of both. Pelosi isn't above anything to get her way. She's as corrupt as they come. Her problem is, she's obvious about it, and flaunts it.
People are people no matter where we live. Good and not so good, everywhere.
Thanks for saying what I didn't have the patience to say, Pris.
I don't know why it disheartens me so much when someone disparages southern states like that.
It's so silly.
Not to mention ignorant.
Hope you had a grand CHRISTmas and will have a wonderful New Year---my friend!
Ducky..have you ever stopped to consider that there are people who read here, who are from the south, and may find the things you've said, insensitive?
I'm from the south, and I will admit that there are some unsophistacated people there, but that doesn't make them less worthy, nor less intelligent, than the people from other states.
Perhaps, you've never been there, or you would know that there are many things of culture to enjoy, and not everyone down there is interested only in NASCAR...oh, I just remembered that, once, one of the drivers took me for a ride around the track at Talladega, so I hope that doesn't qualify me for "country bumpkin" or some other derogatory term that certain folk from other parts of the country delight in throwing into "polite" conversation.
I was, after all, a guest, and was just being polite when I accepted the offer.
Gosh, Ducky, you could be such a nice guy, if only you wouldn't be so "uppity" all the time. :)
I'm quite comfortable here. I'm within five miles of three world class schools (Harvard, M.I.T., New England Conservatory) which is more than exist in the entire south.
Of course there are several other superb colleges in the area.
I'm a subway ride away from one of the country's great museums, none of which are in the South, symphony, theater, light opera. All good.
So no real refuge away from gay people anywhere, huh?
I guess "states" as big as the navigable parts of national forests can only squeeze in so much.
Don't look now, but the only people from Massachussetts at those great institutions you cite are the cleaning staff.
Jan, it was a poster who threw down the gauntlet, not me, with "You fools still think you won the war. Come south and see just how wrong you are. You won the battles but the south won the war."
Now I'm not sure what he's after there but I would rather be dipped in phlegm and allowed to harden then live in that intellectual Sargasso sea.
P.S. Pris, I was born in Huntsville Alabama. My dad worked at the arsenal for a sort time after the war. Happy he moved back home. Your folks should be proud of being from Lowell. Great workers movement till the jobs moved down south to avoid the unions and eventually left for good. Yeah, the south has been a real boon to the nation.
Hey, Duck-head, if y'all ever happen to be drunk enough to wind up driving South of the Mason-Dixon line & have a flat tire, or a breakdown in your cute little electro-car, it's going to be a kind Southern farmer, plumber (yes, Ducks, they have toilets here), ditch digger, or other yokel(your opinion, not mine) who stops to help you out of a bind. It AIN'T gonna to be no high-falutin' bank president. But I would suggest not telling them you come from Kennedy-ville. They might just baptize you in the nearest swamp. There be's 'gators down here, real live hungry big ones.
By the way, if the rest of you would like some good reading, just go to Yahoo & type in 'Joe Biden's lies'. Pages & pages----!
Ducky, does this mean you believe in New England exceptionalism?
"I would rather be dipped in phlegm and allowed to harden then live in that intellectual Sargasso sea."
Your ignorance and arrogance never ceases to amaze me duck.
Having a lot of schools nearby does not guarantee intelligence as you so often prove. As for musemums why waste time in stuffy buildings filled with artifacts of the deceased when one can be outside and see real antiquities such as the mountains and plains, rivers and streams. Things not made by man that will eventually mold, rust, and fall apart, but things made by the Ultimate artist who created all thing. Oh, but I forget you don't really believe in God either do you.
So Duck, you stay in the cesspool of elitism and arrogance because we dang sure don't need anymore of your kind in our part of the country.
Ticker, tie a can on it. Ever been up in northern Maine? They got nature and isolation like you've never seen. Stand down with the country boy independent crap. We even hunt in New England.
Nature exists in New England. So does a diversity of opinion. I like being around the roots of Universalism. You know Emerson and Thoreau and that crew. Walden Pond's still pretty well preserved.
And in a typical Southern style move you pull the "you don't believe in God" card simply because I am not an evangelical Protestant. Typical.
So you dislike art. I'm sure the history of man's attempt to explain and organize his environment bores you. Nothing new can evolve from the fringe right wing mind. It can solve no problems.
Nothing new can evolve from the fringe right wing mind. It can solve no problems.
And how are you solving problems by generalizing people by region?
Don't you see the hypocrisy of calling other people closed-minded when you're doing the exact same thing??
Like Pris said, people are people.
Maine IS gorgeous (I look forward to going back!), much like the high plains of Texas.
You'd love to hear the blues on Sixth Street in Austin.
New Mexico hosts a wide variety of artists (many who migrate from Northern states) and find abundant inspiration in the landscape and spirituality of the Southwest.
Art is for every person.
Elitism is born of fear.
You know these things.
by the way, I'm thoroughly enjoying my polaroid at the moment. You should come by and say hello.
Jen, don't be disheartened. Ignorance knows no limits. The so-called enlightened believe they're above it, but they aren't.
I just consider the source of the insult, and dismiss them as a waste of time and energy.
We have in laws from the south, and friends as well. Geography has nothing to do with love and kinship. Nothing.
It's always the people who matter, not their station in life, or their birthplace. At least that's how I see it.
Ducky, I remembered where you were born. I also remembered that Boston folks aggressively fought the integration of their schools.
My Dad left Lowell as soon as he could and never looked back. He never referred to being proud of his birthplace either. Btw, my Mom was born in Trinidad (BWI at that time), not New England.
"Ducky, does this mean you believe in New England exceptionalism?"
Tio, brilliant! I wish I'd thought of it.
Duck, I've been in every state in this union, most of Europe, a good part of the Middle East and more of SEA than I ever wanted to see and then back and around again.
I have been in more museums than most of the artsy folks like you even dream of seeing.
I have roamed as a visitor and in some as a resident the streets of Rome, Athens, Izmir, Istanbul Paris, London, Jerusalem, Sydney NY, LA,Boston,(yea your rat hole) DC, Chicago, Dallas, Miami etc and have seen art that you can't imagine or have only seen in pictures.
So don't go pulling your high and might BS on me. When you can match my mileage, education(not book larnin but I have years of that as well) then we can have a discussion, if your simple mind filled with words from books can keep up.
Now, I call bs on your use of the religion card because it was you who spoke of your non-belief. Hell you don't even know what religious group I belong to if any.I have been a Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopalian, Catholic, Christian Church, Dutch Reformed and a few more and frankly I have found none of them to be totally right on anything.
Who said I didn't like art?
I said I enjoyed the art made by the Creator that will be here long after the art made by man has rusted and molded and disappeared. Learn to read you imbecilic.
You are nothing more than an arrogant, boorish immature wannabe and can't hold a candle to anyone on this board.
So duck stick it in your ducky a$$. Get it? Or do I need to draw you a picture.
So you dislike art. I'm sure the history of man's attempt to explain and organize his environment bores you.
On the contrary, I'm quite fond of the works of Pavel Jerdanowitch and Pierre Brassau.
Because their highly praised work played pretentiously clueless "art snobs" like Ducky for fools and imbeciles. Jerdanowitch more than Brassau, as Brassau was just monkeying around. But Jerdanowitch gave poseur postmodernist twits like Ducky all the rope they could hang themselves with until he kicked the chair out from under their tippy toes. Hard.
Art faggotry has never recovered.
Every time Barney Frank opens his big, ugly, thunderingly uncouth mouth the STENCH overpowers me, and I run to the toilet hoping I won't hurl before reaching the bowl.
Every time the WITCH who took over the House of Representatives -- The Wickedest Witch who ever lived outside of Oz -- emits one of her Marx-inspired proclamations or other malevolent, willfully inane remarks, I either break out in hives with indignation, or start to get a migraine. Whenever I see her Death's Head Grin, I break out in a cold sweat.
Congress is Hazardous to Our Health
And doesn't the White House Staff and the cabinet give you the creeps? All the stuff of unending nightmares -- and national embarrassment.
~ FreeThinke
When Art becomes political, i ceases to be Art, and instead become polemical or propagandistic.
True Art is all we treasure of the past.
~ FreeThinke
"True Art is all we treasure of the past."
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