Do yourself a favor and read our friend NAMASTE'S POST HERE. It's about racism and her feelings about it and a lot more.........I promise you won't be disappointed. She's pure and true and honest.......
I'm proud to highlight it. Please let me know what you think here or at her site...I'd say "let US know what you think" but Maria doesn't care, I like that :-).......thanks.
10 Akun Depo 5k Paling Populer di Indonesia
2 days ago
She nails the personal rationale many use to justify prolonging the misery in the following:
"Either we identify with the tyrants, possessing a delusional superiority over a group or we identify with the victims, perceiving constant persecution of our selves or fellow man."
It is just an excellent piece.
A wonderful essay, Z! Thanks for the recommendation. I left a lengthy comment over there.
Hi, BQ and Always....I knew everyone would love Maria's piece. Thanks for commenting.
EXCEPTIONAL commentary, Z .. thanks for the link.
She wrote the piece well. I posted this on her blog however. To some it might label ME a racist for saying this, but the truth has to come out as I think people are trying to skirt around it. Now, do I care about being labeled a racist? No, not really:
To me, black resentment of our nation's past perpetuates racism while at the same time. Gangsta Rap invokes those same feelings - feelings of hate, ignorance...whenever I see this behavior, I remember to understand the reasons behind it. Sadly, not all white people do.
z, thanks so much for the link. your readers brought their own truth, shedding more light on the issue. THANKS!
Steve, can you be a little clearer on what most white people don't get? 'hate' and 'ignorance' by whites?
I'd like to know.
Beautifully written. Love it.
I wanted to comment there but I have to have an account.
Never miss a single post of Maria's. She knows the truth and is not shy about sharing it at all. Love that about her.
Namaste, what a wonderful piece.
Honest, forthright, and thoughtful.
So beautifully written.
I've always thought that a commonality of values is what unites people. If we, all of us, deny groupthink, and accept or reject each other as individuals based on character, shared interests, or just plain chemistry, we'd be ahead of the game.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. You are one terrific gal.
FB and pris, thank you!
Namaste (Maria) is a VERY special gal, Pris, you're right...
I love what you wrote, too, Pris. xx
I love the word "namaste." [नमस्ते]I've always had a fondness for Sankrit spiritual phraseology and greetings. If I ever brave marking myself with a tattoo, it will be a line of Sanskrit.
Racism is stoopid.
I think President Bush phrased it best as "the bigotry of low expectations."
In my line of work, I don't see the people I'm helping. I can only hear their voice over the telephone. Unless they specifically mention it or their name on my screen is foreign and they have a thick accent, I can't know for sure what the ethnicity or race of the person I'm speaking to actually is, and it's quite liberating that all of that is irrelevant. For the foreigner with the funny accent, it's someone that speaks one more language than I do.
Respect is what it's all about. Who do we carry these bricks for anyway? Let 'em go.
"I think President Bush phrased it best as "the bigotry of low expectations."
I think it's the smartest thing he ever said. Have always loved that true.
I feel the left is committing terrible bigotry by expecting that minorities are too stupid to learn in ENglish so they need bilingual education, OR EBONICS....etc etc......Ya, if you want your daughter, too, to be a maid, then continue the low expectations..if you don't, treat her like AN AMERICAN and see how far she'll go :-)
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