Monday, July 23, 2012

ONLY in America.....truly

Only in America

… can politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $40,000-a-plate campaign fund raising event.

… can people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when we have a black President, a black Attorney General, a Congressional Black Caucus and a federal workforce that is roughly 18% black when the black population is only 12%.

… can people most responsible for our tax code turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes: Timothy Geithner and Charlie Rangel.

… can terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have media fretting about a possible backlash against Muslims.

… would we grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens while forcing people who wish to come here legally to wait for years for permission to come here.

... are those who believe in the enumerated powers of the US Constitution thought of as extremists.

… is it necessary to present a driver’s license to cash a check, buy cigarettes or alcohol, but not to vote.

… do politicians demand investigations of oil companies for daring to make a profit, but ignoring companies who manufacture athletic shoes whose return on investment is twice as much.

… can government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a trillion dollars more than revenues, and complain that it doesn’t have nearly enough money.

… are rich people, who pay 86% of all income taxes, accused of not paying their “fair share” by people who don’t pay any income taxes at all.

Our poor country.  I don't know who wrote this, but he makes great points......


Always On Watch said...

Well, some of them apply to Europe too, don't they?

Anyway, this is a sober post -- never mind the satire along the lines of Mark Twain and Will Rogers.

Joe said...

The liberals in America cannot see the contradictions in their own philosophies. Nor can they see their own hypocracies.

They are very good at pointing the finger (one or the other) at conservatives and calling them vile names, but that's about all they're good at.

Silverfiddle said...

Sad, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Yep! Only in America. It wasn't always that way, was it?

Lisa said...

Did you hear the latest,Obama is leaving the gun control issue up to the democrats.
Think he would have been saying this in Jan 09?
And shouldn't the left wing media be blasting him over this? Course not they are all on his campaign staff.

Bob said...

It's all about the narrative. How can we change it?

Z said...

Lisa, "leaving the gun control issue up to the dems?" How so? I'm not sure what that means....

Bob, it's a narrative we must change. The points themselves are individually nuts, when you think about them, but people don't see it. That's what needs to be changed, don't you think?

Lisa said...

He said he is leaving it up to them instead of him having to A-either use executive power that he loves so much to ban them or B-Stating his opinion on it so he can play both sides of the issue being it's election season.
I can guarantee if he wins he is going forward with exec power on everything he wants,which is why we can't have him win at all costs.
I saw a commercial for that show Political Animals and Sigourney Weaver says "If you want anything done in this country you have to run it like a tyrant" Think that would have been said under a Bush or Romney presidency? It's like they support Obama to use tyranny.
Aren't these the same type of people who used to get black listed in Hollywood?

Z said...

Lisa, thanks...
MY GOSH, that Weaver quote absolutely shows they honestly think they know better than most of America..

As for the Dem/Obama/guns I get it; He absolutely can't say anything about it because he could lose votes, so that's why he's letting his henchmen take over.

Man, if THAT isn't transparent.
Thanks, I was a little unclear before on what you I see... and I see why. And the media's not picked up his motivation in any articles?

Seems very clear to me "I can't say what I WANT on this because I could LOSE VOTES!"

Ticker said...

Lisa, we all know that Obama lies so why should we believe him on this one. He's waiting on the UN deal so he can allow it to slide through in the dark of night. He has control of the Senate so it's possible.

Z said...

Ticker, it's not only possible, it's probable.
And, of course, I have heard NOTHING on the news ANYWHERE on this, have you?
Even FOX isn't covering it, which really makes me wonder what's going on into levels I'd not imagined I'd have to wonder..

Anonymous said...

I hate impugn BO's motives but it's nice he showed up in Aurora, however, he has a chance to make a home visit to his city, Chicago, because it's a battleground and he could go along way towards drawing attention to this horrible solution.

Oh wait, I get it, he doesn't want to draw attention to a failed Demo city, one incidently with one of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. Rahm's city is in chaos, but he chooses to show up in Aurora. I'll eagerly await his trip to Chicago and his leadership in making that city livable once again.

Z said...

L& is nice that he stopped there, since his plans bring him to the West :-) Just on his way!!

OFF TOPIC< I just heard something I wondered if all of you have...that all flights in and out of Israel from Turkey have been cancelled. Just got an email from a friend with an editor from of a big newspaper and he told her. I found that interesting...

Rational Nation USA said...
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Rational Nation USA said...

I think Moocheel Obama needs to find something more important to do with her time.
King-sized Candy bars, Big Gulp Soda's, and Super-Sized Meals are NOT the greatest threat to our Nation!
Stay away from my Snickers bars!!!
People with fat asses shouldn't be telling us what to do...

Anonymous said...

Is it any coincidence that there are 10 of these anti society "commandments"?

The 10 commandments of hypocrisy?

Rational Nation USA said...

But we should not be surprised that the Liberals would blame everyone but the shooter! Are you shocked that the liberal media would do such a thing. They immediately politicized the Gabrielle Giffords shooting claiming that Sarah Palin might somehow be to blame because of her “target list” that she posted to her Facebook, didn’t they! In this case, George Stephanopoulos immediately said “He must be Tea party member”
There is no doubt in my mind, and there shouldn’t be any in yours either that the media and Progressive Democrats was going to shamelessly exploit this and in the end there will be a cry for more gun control and more attempts to tie this to Conservatives and the Tea Party. Let’s not forget that there’s an election coming up and Obambi is going to need all the help he can muster up, So don’t be so surprised. I can remember when people thought that a Communist would never be elected president in America! We have to make a choice, what’s more importing Banning Guns or Obesity? Don’t be a Hog and ask for both.
And PS, somewhere Bush, and Cheney are responsible for this as well.

Rational Nation USA said...

Look -- people -- Yes it was a a terrible thing. Now it's time to let the victims and their families have some private time....

The man is a loon and should be either given the gas pipe or locked up for the rest of his miserable life and that's the name of that tune....

So it's time to give it a rest. And let's not do what Obama wants us to do, let's not get distracted from the up coming election and do whatever we can to defeat this inept president who;s Mommie was a Commie and make sure that he;s not going to be around to do any further damage thane he's already done. .

Mustang said...

@ Z: you could do a "Only a liberal..." contest. I'm thinking Ticker or Imp would win that one.

Anonymous said...

" I'm thinking Ticker or Imp would win that one..."

I'm in Mustang....what's the prize gonna be?


Bob said...

"That's what needs to be changed, don't you think?"

Yes, Z. We need to change the narrative, but we have been trying that for decades and it isn't working well. Sometimes we get some converts, but using facts, logic, and just plain truth is not in the liberal kit bag. They would tell a lie when the truth would sound better.

We have the facts, but they have the media. That'a a BIG problem to overcome. It's a good thing we have blogs like yours where we can vent and talk about the real issues. I believe that the blogosphere can be our salvation.

Lisa said...

"Lisa, we all know that Obama lies so why should we believe him on this one. He's waiting on the UN deal so he can allow it to slide through in the dark of night. He has control of the Senate so it's possible."

Ticker that's right and unfortunate.

Z said...

Bob...thanks, and I couldn't agree with you more:
"We have the facts, but they have the media. That'a a BIG problem to overcome. It's a good thing we have blogs like yours where we can vent and talk about the real issues. I believe that the blogosphere can be our salvation.We have the facts, but they have the media. That'a a BIG problem to overcome. It's a good thing we have blogs like yours where we can vent and talk about the real issues. I believe that the blogosphere can be our salvation."

What would we have DONE?
Still, we do know the facts about the UN Guns treaty and so many things most AMericans haven't a CLUE about, and what can WE DO? We're helpless to watch this trash destroy our country!
What the heck kind of president would have the UN over AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY?

my GOD. "It takes a Village IDIOT" and we sure do have the IDIOTS running the village.

Radical Redneck, If I hear THEY ARE STARTING TO HEAL another time I'm going to scream.
I lost my husband almost 3 years ago and, believe me, they're not NEAR HEALING. And I think it's a gross offense to everyone concerned to even push them toward that when THEY HAVE LOST CHILDREN AND HUSBANDS AND WIVES! LET THEM GRIEVE!! It'll take a lot of time.

I believe they should take this guy's life; I wouldn't even have a trial, I swear. "ALLEGED" ...why say ALLEGED, and people ARE on the news! As if it wasn't HIM!? ARE THEY KIDDING?!
THanks for coming to geeeZ, welcome

Mustang, you have a great post idea there! And you probably have the winners, too! :-) Thanks for coming by, Mustang xxx

Liberalmann said...
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Liberalmann said...

I know who wrote this. Some wingnut with limited intelligence who buys the black and white lies from the right and has no sense of critical thinking to realize for example, requiring voter ID's disenfranchises voters. This is something even the tea party supported.

Sam Huntington said...

Here's my "Liberalman" theory: Georgie Soros pays him $5.00 each time he leaves a stupid comment on conservative blogs, and, an additional $2.50 each time someone responds to his stupid comment. Granted, this isn’t much money, but then his comments aren’t much, either.

Anonymous said...

Your point is well taken's hard to resist though. Scumbag that "it" is.

Sam Huntington said...

@ Imp … check out Louie’s comment here.


Anonymous said...

Sam...I agree...and with all due Respect to Ms. Z...I'll refrain from any further analysis. will fly up his...well you know.

Z said...

Well, what an absolute HONOR!

"D***** Bag" seemed to start here at geeeeZ recently!

Naaa. I don't mind, folks....they say "if the shoe fits wear it.."

And, with LIbmann? That works for me.

Z said...




Z said...

Oh, God...I'm telling MEN they'll 'adore' a book. Might as well recommend THE VELVETEEN RABBIT TO MEN!

No, I used the wrong word, you will LOVE this book!

Anonymous said...

Yea Ms. that LA "adore" stuff...LOL.

Already succumbed to the invite...Amazon ordered....only cause I want to say D>>>Bag whenever...OK?

TS/WS said...

Israel Flights canceled
Syria admits to having Chemical and Bio WMDS (Husans) --- Bush said History would prove him right -- And So Soon!
Remember the 18 wheelers from Iraq running for the Border (Syrian)?
Remember All the Shooters from all the School Tragedies were on Phsyco Dr experimental cocktail combo Rx's
Can't wait to here the MSM tell about this Perks Dr visits and the cocktail given to him and suddenly cut off like Dillon in Columbine.

Z said...

They Say/We Say...people SAW the convoys to Syria! Intelligence KNEW (i have on pretty good authority) Saddam was moving WMD to Syria.
Also, my husband worked in missile defense all of his career...he spent about a year in total in Iraq ... yup. He knew.
The Iraqi General who swore this was true knew.

But somebody didn't want the world to know. WHY?

Z said...

Imp! I am SO GLAD you got THE BOOK!
I SWEAR, you'll really enjoy it.
I'm really so glad :-)

Kid said...

A lot of these are hokey, but then one is well done.

My only complaint is it's too short of a list.

Z said...

Kid said... A lot of these are hokey, but then one is well done.

WHAT? :-)

Kid said...




I meant to say 'this list' was well done

Z said...

OH! I thought you thought the list was hokey all BUT ONE!

(misunderstandings tonight :-)


Kid said...

More like typing failures (me) :)

Kid said...

I'll ask folks to forgive me in such situations. My class graduated in 1970, I didn't get my GED until 1981...

It's been a long hard road.

Liberalmann said...

‘On his own’ Romney ad star took over $1 million in government loans


Z said...

One guy lies to the Romney folks and this is indicative of..?

Obama gives our money to Solyndra and the other two energy companies which have gone bust and THIS Romney this is 'LOL'?

real funny

Liberalmann said...

The guy took a loan from the SBA and paid it back with interest. What's the issue?