Thursday, May 20, 2010

Next time you think all of California's totally leftist-loony........

...........listen to THIS VIDEO.

BRAVO, Mr. McClintock............FINALLY, somebody stands up to Calderon and the Left. What the heck kind of people applaud a man who insults us? Obama followers.


Faith said...

It's depressing that anyone would ever have to give such a speech.

LA Sunset said...

Very well said and way overdue.

Anonymous said...

McClintock has always been solid. He's the one who should have been elected, instead of Arnold, for Governor of California.

We, including me, believed Arnold was capable enough to stand against the entrenched liberal establishment here. We knw now, he couldn't. Too late.

I do think he tried, but he gave up when the California electorate voted down his initiatives which would have paved the way to solvency in California.

McClintock wasn't a novice concerning our state issues and would have been more dogged in his approach, and I believe would not have backed down.

His remarks on the House floor in the video, were made sincerely and were based on his core beliefs as an American.

He is the real deal!


cube said...

The nerve of that Calderon criticizing the US when he's president of a cess pool. And the nerve of those dems giving him a standing ovation. It's topsy turvy world with the libs.

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

And guess what?

That's MY Congressman, in MY area!!



Linda said...

Thanks for posting this. I wish all of our DC folks would recognize that this should be our stand!

I posted this for tomorrow, with a HT back to you!

FrogBurger said...


Z said...

Faith, so well said...I often think "Who'd have thought we'd NEED to do THIS", right?

LA...if only liberals would be more open minded and read our blogs, they could learn something...maybe patriotism would be infectious again?

Pris, great guy, isn't he. He did have good ideas but somehow's never quite made it in bigger office aspirations..

cube, it was stunning to see them stand and clap after seeing a hypocritical JERK diss us.
Have you noticed a pattern? People feel much freer to bash us now that Bush is gone..

BZ...WOULD that he'd run!

Linda..thanks, enjoy! More people need to see this, I hope more post it, too.

FB, exactly!

FrogBurger said...

This guy should run for president. Great speech quality, leadership skills clearly, some courage. That's what we need in a leader of the Free World. I am going to send him an email.

Anonymous said...

Personally, as the Mexican President was being inexcusably rude to this nation, I think the Republicans would have been within their rights to rise & walk out en masse. If we can do it at the U.N., then why not in the Congress. Show some backbone for a change. They wouldn't have missed anything important.


Z said...

Slvrlady, I'm so glad you're commenting're so right.

Major...You and Mustang are brave, patriotic men who are smart enough to see what's happening ...and very clearly. It does seem like something bad is going to happen within our country because it can't go on like this, that's for sure.....
yet, I see people just going about their business thinking Obama's taking care of them.
We have children in the WH and we're facing such terrorism and other things and I don't get why people don't WAKE UP. They are, somewhat, but I am with you...I really strongly doubt NOvember will make much of a difference.Though I'll fight HARD on my blog..too bad so many people are on our side here! We'll be preaching to the choir !

Law and Order Teacher said...

I agree that any American in the truest sense of the word should have walked out when Calderon started trashing his host, us. The fact that bobblehead Nancy and Bonehead Biden were in love with him is inconsequential.

BTW, the word verification was "unbows"

Tom said...

Z - great find. Am going to "borrow" this one for a post.