Saturday, May 22, 2010

Obama speaking at West Point at 10:30 AM EST

I'll be watching and I hope you will be, too. It's said to be an "important foreign policy" speech. I have a friend at the graduation and will be eager to hear her real take on the crowd's reaction, not just our media's take. If you watched it, let me know what you thought...thanks!


FrogBurger said...

I won't. I can't take this fraud. Worse I can't take his speech patterns and his transforming the word "to" into "tu" all the time, or "ay" for "a" (sorry I don't have the IPA codes here). It's dumbing down English.

Mona said...

It's too early to watch him. I can only listen at night when I can make a drinking game out of it.

Opus #6 said...

I can't take Obama's non-stop blathering. I will have to keep an eye on my twitter feed to see the quotes. That's about as much of his nonsense I can take.

Joe said...

I didn't know he was speaking. I will find the transcript or a video and read or watch it.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Speaking, or reading?

The Conservative Lady said...

I shut it off. He doesn't deserve to be the Commander in Chief of those wonderful young West Point graduates. Imagine...their lives are in his hands. As the title of your blog says...GeeeeeZ!

Z said...

Conservative Lady! That is EXACTLY why I called my blog that! I like that you said what you did :-)


Okay, I have to admit, I fell asleep again (I'm 3 hours behind a lot of you, remember)...I got into bed and heard the first 10 minutes and then a friend called and said "Did you watch?"...oops!

I'm going to have to find the transcript, too.
BUT, I have to admit I didn't go back to sleep AND DID watch almost every cadet go up and get his diploma, which took approx 58 minutes.
I must say Obama had to shake hands and smile and congratulation them ALL and that is part of his job, but I thought he did it with grace and cheerfulness until the end. Of course, the smile got a bit bigger as he saw the end, but mine would have, too!

AND I WATCHED THE CAP TOSS AND THE ELATION OF THE CADETS AS THEY HUGGED THEIR BUDDIES...and, of course, I started to cry. Typical :-) it's so emotional and so sweet to see.

And, I have to admit, (don't hit me, ladies), I wish women weren't in the armed services..but, that's JUST ME. I admire their courage, their dedication to this country and their hard work.... don't get me wrong. And, I have to add that I did hear that the two top cadets in this West Point class were WOMEN. still.....I'm too traditional, I know.. And, I can't help it.
I DO think women should be able to do what they want, I just don't admire this choice; I don't think it's a good one for our country. Go ahead, shoot me...convince me I'm wrong; I can take it!


cube said...

I can barely force myself to listen to clips that Rush plays on his radio show and those are GOTCHA moments. I can't listen to a whole speech. I will make an effort to read a transcript after the fact.

Z said...

I know, Cube...I can barely LOOK at him, but I had to admit he was very pleasant with every cadet after standing and shaking hands for ONE HOUR.

tha malcontent said...

We have NOTHING to apologize for, with the exception of our presidential choice in 2008.

Z said...

Malcontent..EXCELLENT point...

Faith said...

Let's at least bring down Obama's helpers in Congress, starting with Harry Reid.

This is a short interview of Sharron Angle by Mark Levine on his program last night. He pegs her for the Reagan conservative she is, as against the "moderate conservatives" she's running against in this Nevada Republican Primary to put up a candidate against Harry Reid. She's ahead in the polls now but still needs as much help as she can get.

Anonymous said...

I didn't watch it Z. It came on and we changed the channel. We prefer to have our morning coffee in peace.

I've always listened to Presidential remarks or speeches regardless of who was President. But, everyday? More lies and obfuscations? I can't take it.

I did see the cap toss later and that was great. All those fine young men and women. I'm with you Z, about women in the military.


Karen K said...

I think I'll just read the transcript. I'm really getting so I can't stand even looking at the bastard much less listening to him.

Deborah on the Bayside said...

Aw, c'mon boys and girls. You've missed so much. So I've translated part of it for those who couldn't bear it.

"The international order we seek is one that can resolve the challenges of our times. Countering violent extremism [Islamic extremists - the same words that stuck in Eric Holder throat]

and insurgency [oops, we're shutting down Acorn finally?];

stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and securing nuclear materials [we'll give ours up first just to improve the downward average];

combating a changing climate and sustaining global growth [let's keep a perfect record of flying in face of the facts];

helping countries feed themselves and care for their sick [I should say promoting free and open economies so they can attain greater standards of living and be self-sufficient, but that's too judgmental and besides I don't want to insult Fidel];

preventing conflict [so we ARE going to put the cancelled planes back on line and other things that make it too painful to challenge us militarily??]

and healing its wounds [we need a 'come to Jesus' moment, but I can't bring myself to say that either!]."

... America has not succeeded by stepping outside the currents of international cooperation [can't we just sing kumbaya instead?]."

Z said...

I keep Googling and still can't get at a transcript...anybody found one yet?

Z said...

Deborah,where is the transcript? Please link! Thanks, and thanks for your excellent editing! :-)

I must say it was worth listening to as much as I did just to see the cap toss at the end! marvelous

LA Sunset said...

I would not watch that cowardly bastard contaminate that fine institution with his deceitful rhetoric, under any circumstances whatsoever. As far as I am concerned, he is not qualified to even set foot on the property.

Z said...

well, we have two votes for "bastard"...I'd say he's doing pretty well considering other names I've heard him called :-)

Deborah on the Bayside said...

Not a transcript. Washington Post news items.

sue said...

z - I was surprised to read your comment about Obama cheerfully shaking hands with the cadets.

That was a fair and honest thing to say and it makes your blog more credible.

Z said...

Deborah, I had seen that, but I appreciate your posting it, thanks so much. It's good but I don't understand why there isn't a transcript yet...very unusual.

Sue...I just tell the truth...I had to give him credit. I'd be whining by half an hour, except I LOVE those kids for what they're doing and so maybe I'd have been energized. 58 MINUTES of shaking hands and man, they were coming from both sides of him and FAST. He never waivered. I do admire that.

christian soldier said...

based on your last comment-I guess the response was not a tepid as I had heard---

Anonymous said...

"they were coming from both sides of him and FAST. He never waivered. I do admire that.

They weren't allowed to wear their ceremonial swords then ( again ) either.

Because this punk obama from chicago knows what it means....when a guy has the upper hand.


Z said...

CCS...I'm eager for lunch Thursday with my friend who was at the graduation...I very much want to hear what the crowd response sounded VERy lackluster on TV but that's probably the placing of microphones, they usually wear their swords at graduation!? Did you hear that in Kalamazoo Michigan, Obama's speaking at their high school graduation and the WH is demanding background checks on everyone there, including CITIZENSHIP! Can't ask anybody in ARIZONA, THO! Isn't that hilarious!?