Saturday, August 13, 2011

Democrats......just because they accuse, does it make sense?

You and I keep hearing from the Leftwing politicians, media, and the president and his people, that .....

1.  "The Republican candidates are caving to the TEA PARTY"  (as if they're succumbing to cholera)

       Has any of them considered that the candidates aren't 'caving in' but might just share the opinions of the Tea Party and other Americans who don't believe raising the debt ceiling and raising taxes are the best solution for the economic problems we're facing?

2.  "The Republicans caused the Standards and Poor rating loss because they held up the talks."

       Really?  So, the Republicans should have given in on things they really didn't believe in just to hurry along what they felt were really bad compromises for this country? 

Do you see the spin? if what they say is the truth because they said it, spun it?  They know the public hears them as the media has repeated the claims ad nauseum;    just sayin'...........

An interesting fact is that, in Australia, Peter Costello (of the Liberal Party, not to be mistaken with the actually liberal LABOR PARTY), under Conservative (Liberal Party) PM John Howard, did the really hard work and turned their country around after having been downgraded by S&P.  It took 17 years of swimming upstream to get their rating back, going against the leftwing media (according to him) and some Australians asking "what's the big deal about the ratings?" !
They have finally achieved a surplus, and now are doing very well. Wouldn't it be good to hear a conversation on television, with both sides of our political aisle, about how Australia handled their situation?   Costello is considering running for Prime Minister in a few years.   Maybe we can get him here? :-)



Always On Watch said...

In my view, this demonizing of the Tea Party on the part of the Dems actually violates our Constitutional principles in that "gridlock" is actually built into our Constitution. Legislation is not supposed to be an easy process. Indeed, the very process from bill in committee to the President's desk is supposed to be a slow and deliberate process.

As for the S&P downgrade, we deserved it -- not because of the gridlock but because the economic path we're on is unsustainable.

Thersites said...

Just another Tale of a Tub...

from the Preface to Jonathan Swift's "Tale of a Tub"

The wits of the present age being so very numerous and penetrating, it seems the grandees of Church and State begin to fall under horrible apprehensions lest these gentlemen, during the intervals of a long peace, should find leisure to pick holes in the weak sides of religion and government. To prevent which, there has been much thought employed of late upon certain projects for taking off the force and edge of those formidable inquirers from canvassing and reasoning upon such delicate points. They have at length fixed upon one, which will require some time as well as cost to perfect. Meanwhile, the danger hourly increasing, by new levies of wits, all appointed (as there is reason to fear) with pen, ink, and paper, which may at an hour’s warning be drawn out into pamphlets and other offensive weapons ready for immediate execution, it was judged of absolute necessity that some present expedient be thought on till the main design can be brought to maturity. To this end, at a grand committee, some days ago, this important discovery was made by a certain curious and refined observer, that seamen have a custom when they meet a Whale to fling him out an empty Tub, by way of amusement, to divert him from laying violent hands upon the Ship. This parable was immediately mythologised; the Whale was interpreted to be Hobbes’s “Leviathan,” which tosses and plays with all other schemes of religion and government, whereof a great many are hollow, and dry, and empty, and noisy, and wooden, and given to rotation. This is the Leviathan from whence the terrible wits of our age are said to borrow their weapons. The Ship in danger is easily understood to be its old antitype the commonwealth. But how to analyse the Tub was a matter of difficulty, when, after long inquiry and debate, the literal meaning was preserved, and it was decreed that, in order to prevent these Leviathans from tossing and sporting with the commonwealth, which of itself is too apt to fluctuate, they should be diverted from that game by “A Tale of a Tub.” And my genius being conceived to lie not unhappily that way, I had the honour done me to be engaged in the performance.

Anonymous said...

AOW is spot on. We should anticipate gridlock; we should savor it. Gridlock protects us from the emotion of not-so-bright but zealous politicians. Have we not learned our lessons from even very recent history? The DC Madam expedited legislation, and the result of that is our present circumstance. The only thing worse than expedient legislation is … well, electing a committed communist to the White House.

cube said...

Z, I know you watch Morning Joe sometimes... talk about spin.

I wondered about Imus in the Morning's abrupt stoppage all week ... until I heard about Fred. So sad.

Bd said...

1. Even Rick Santorum chided the tenthers as the debate last night and surprisingly looked like the reasonable one. The others were trying to out crazy each others to cow tow to the tea party. That's a fact.

2.Ah...even S&P themselves named the GOP for their rating.

You don't 'study-up' much, do you?

The GOP are nothing but shameless obstructions and fore gridlock. They'd rather the middle class suffer a defeating blow in another depression to keep their cronies living high off the hog and Obama defeated.

Give the country back to the GOP and we're done! Don't you get it? The uber rich who control the GOP and the media WANT to destroy the middle class. Wake up!

Ticker said...

WH and Dems on Perry over jobs even before he announces. I would ask, just how many jobs has the WH and Dems created in the past two years and at what cost?
You know how they spin that without even thinking hard.

Z said...

cube, I can't watch Imus too much...he starts on TV at 3 AM here, but I watch him from time to time.....
Yes, Fred's death is very sad and i know they were very close.

Bd, I'm not deleting you this time because it's important people see how uninformed leftwingers can gosh.

Standard and Poor's blamed the lack of enough cutting the debt....something the Republicans were all for. It would help a LOT if you'd read my posts before blathering, truly.
As for the ceiling; Standard and POor's is wrong, of course. No rational, smart family calls their credit card company when they're max'd out to get a higher limit of spending they can't afford!! Does that EVER sink in, Bd?

Conservatives actually DO want the economy to improve and to help the middle class by getting more jobs in by not threatening them with obama care which polls show is scaring businesses to death....we need to stop raising the ceiling on our grandchildren who can't afford even the debt they're facing NOW with the amount Obama's borrowed from the CHinese and others.

Actually, statistically, the 'uber rich' are Democrats and give even less in charity than their Republican cohorts your type's always blaming for having all the money, but it's clear you don't 'study up' really WOULD help you , Bd.....
have you STILL not studied up on how many times Bush warned about Freddie and Fanny? Did you FINALLY learn about that from my blog with all my links? I hope that helped.

Santorum's an excellent candidate; amazing that you can actually see that.

The Tea Party IS the middle class...wake up...

Ticker; the White House actually believes that 'creating' gov't jobs is if that wouldn't be a house of cards waiting to fall. unbelievable.
read Bd's comment above :-)

Ticker said...

BD, you don't know much about politics and the folks running do you?

Saying Rick Santorum sounded reasonable while the others tried to kow-tow to the tea party is just plain stupid. Rick is a Tea Party Sweetheart! He is also sweetheart of the "religioius far right", the same folks who brought us Obama.

S&P blamed GOP? DUh, try again dumbass braindead fool. The S&P blames OVERSPENDING and FAILURE TO CONTORL SPENDING! You don't study much do you. Now become educated rather than pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining. Here is what the S&P said. Now tell me where they blame the GOP?

"Republicans and
Democrats (BRAINDEAD DOES THAT BLAME THE GOP exclusively?) have only been able to agree to relatively modest savings on discretionary spending while delegating to the Select Committee decisions on more comprehensive measures. It appears that for now, new revenues have dropped down on the menu of policy options. In addition, the plan envisions only minor policy changes on Medicare and little change in other entitlements, the containment of which we and most other independent observers regard as key to long-term fiscal sustainability."

Try again Braindead!

Ticker said...

Z, we could take a lesson from the Aussies on many issues one being Social Security. They have a plan that is outstanding called Superannuation but of course the Dems won't touch it because it locks the Piggy Bank and keeps them from steal from it to fund Social Welfare programs designed to keep their voters down on the plantation.

Z said...

Tick, thanks for adding on to the lesson to Bd.....I guess BD's what happens when people ONLY read KOS and worse. (and then insult the Heritage Foundation, imagine!?)

And thanks for the information re the Soc Sec in Australia....I'd like to know more about it but, yes, the Dems can't do that if it's how you describe it; who'd VOTE for their policies if their policies weren't FREEBIES TO UNINFORMED AMERICANS WHO THINK THIS CAN GO ON FOREVER!?

you know, Ticker; maybe this is why the Left's THIS ANGRY and COMBATANT toward the Tea Party....the truth:

They know the money won't BE THERE to give away soon.......they MUST get "The RICH" to pay more and more in so they have the money with which to dupe Americans they've indoctrinated into feeling entitled; gad, that's scary. Maybe it was obvious to some, it's just hitting me now how QUITE how dishonest they are.

elmers brother said...

Look even Boehner suggested closing tax loopholes and Obama has called for lower corporate taxes so their have been bids to compromise. Besides if raising taxes on the rich would solve our problems why didn't the Dems do it when they controlled both houses of Congress and the White House?

elmers brother said...

We cettainly could learn a lot from Australia

elmers brother said...

And you are so right Z. Money = power. The less in ours and the more in the oligarchy will only reduce our liberties.

Z said...

Elbro, why suggest Boehner shouldn't call for corporate tax loopholes closing? All Republicans think that's important; I don't know a person who believes off-shore accounts and sneaky tax evasion are a good thing. And, the laws need to be redone to prevent absolutely LEGAL shenanigans, too, don't you think?

Was thinking about blogging that Australia link you emailed me, but I"ll leave it here where I hope people see it. If I don't get much readership on this article today, and Saturday's a slow day (and I'm going to a luncheon to hear Coulter in 45 minutes), then I will post it anyway, next week.

Wouldn't it be a wonderful sign if Obama would invite Australia's money people here to talk? Do you think he's got the ego to allow input from others who know VASTLY more than he and Geithner obviously don't?

elmers brother said...

I mentioned it for BDs sake

elmers brother said...

I believe Canada took thhe same type of measures as Australia

Z said...

Do you think we EVER will with Obama in 'charge'?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"the 'uber rich' are Democrats and give even less in charity...."

Yes and it's easy to find if you want the truth which is something the braindead little gay stool of the kool aid party refuses to acknowledge.

Out of the richest 15 in Congress...9 or 66% were "uber rich". Ever heard of John F'in Kerry or Pelosi to name two? Kerry with 188 mil and Pelosi with 58 mil.

Yea...they sure represent the "little" guy pea brain. They sure can relate to the average America. They sure have smoked your brain ...assuming you had one that was capable of rational thought.

Read it here:

elmers brother said...

And according to Arthur Brookes and his book on American generosity we are the most giving people on the planet. Sometimes when compared with some social Democratic European countries by a factor of 27.


Our Judeo / Christian values. He found that the left donated very little to charities because they believed their taxes were a form of charity.

Anonymous said...

The reason the media demonizes the Tea Party, is because the last thing their corporate masters want, is for the people to stand up to the control structure.

Bd said...

Ticker said...

WH and Dems on Perry over jobs even before he announces. I would ask, just how many jobs has the WH and Dems created in the past two years and at what cost?
You know how they spin that without even thinking hard.

Obama has created mor jobs in 2 years than Bush did in eight.

The loony tea partiers of the GOP ran and won last fall on 'jobs.' Yet, they haven't introduced a single piece of legislation related to jobs.

I'm betting you won't post these facts. Shame on you in advance.

elmers brother said...

and look at how much each one of them cost At that rate lets hope he doesn't create anymore.

elmers brother said...

whew the guy is hard on a budget...that is if he had one.

elmers brother said...

Shame on you BD.

elmers brother said...

That's at the low end BTW. The high end is $586k+ per job. Now there's some bang for your buck. Makes the DOD look like a piker.

Always On Watch said...

Along the lines of my earlier comment, HERE is a recent column by Charles Krauthammer.

Bd said...

Man baloney, you'll believe anything, lol! Yeah, it costs money to make money. Duh!

elmers brother said...

Non partisan CBO, BD.

Z said...

Bd, of course I'm posting these 'facts''s fun to see the crap you come up with and actually swallow!'re like a living testament to everything we think of far leftwingers! Keep it up!

elmers brother said...

But when it costs more then it makes its called a loss.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...
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(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Obama has not "created more jobs than Bush in 8 years" and further Bush didn't lose 19+ Million jobs as Obama has so far.

There are legitimate criticisms of the far left communist Tea Party welfare statism movement currently led by former Jimmy Carter for President cheerleader Michelle Bachmann. Losing America's AAA credit rating is not one of them.