When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for a self-reliant people to cease being citizens and become serfs of its government, a decent respect for the opinions of mankind requires that a list of reasons be given.
We hold these truths to be self-evident: That no one should be responsible for his own actions. That actions only have consequences because conservatives are being killjoys. That no one should have to pay for his own health coverage, house, or education. That the government can always make better decisions than individuals. That the laws of economics don't apply when the president is sufficiently charismatic. That standard of living must never be improved at the slightest cost to the environment. That America must never take any action that might offend Europeans, Arabs, or any other members of the world community.
To these principles, we solemnly swear the lives and fortunes of those Americans who don't agree with this, but will be better off if they allow the government to take care of them.
--Tio Bowser
Z ...thanks, Tio, for another great mugging! OBAMA's just been mugged!
That pretty much sums up the main theme for this upcoming Obama Pandemonium Revival & Minstrel Show.
By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes.
It really does sum it up, doesn't it, FJ.
I feel a foreboding, too, FJ.
The government has about squeezed this lemon dry. Since they already take about a third of all my wife and I earn, if they try to get more it'll be blood out of a turnip. Unless I go live in a refrigerator crate, I guess. Or, maybe I could get subsidized housing... you think?
I doubt it, though. An IRS agent in Atlanta once told me "you don't be nothing special!" From the feds perspective, I guess not.
Short, too the point, and true.
I hate to repeat everyone's comment, so I will just say ditto. It truly does summarize the Obama disaster in waiting.
Hope you are well Z. I miss you!
Liz [Layla] xxxx
The Moral Compass
Saw that comment earlier and thought it funny and only too true. Glad to see it made a blog post.
OK, this clears it up. Thanks to Tio I understand now.
Yeah....well....that about says it all doesn't it?
Think I'm gonna get drunk Tuesday......Maybe Wednesday too...damn media will be humping barry's leg all day wednesday too.
I'm free at last from that pesky self reliance...and I now have a document to back me up. A proud day indeed.
Great post; nothing to add.
"That actions only have consequences because conservatives are being killjoys."
Tio, this made me chuckle. Not easy to do when we're about to be taken to the cleaners, but you did it.
So, from one killjoy to another, great post Tio! Really, very clever.
Here's my personal favorite line "That the laws of economics don't apply when the president is sufficiently charismatic."
I think this applies all across the board. And it scares the wits out of me.
It IS a great piece, isn't it, everybody? Tio's a marvelous thinker!
This definitely falls into the category of sad but true. I tried to laugh, but I couldn't shake the sadness at the truth I was reading.
That is SO odd; I thought: what a great separate post that would make regarding Tio's comment. Excellent, Tio and Z!
BZ...great minds again, huh!
That's a great spoof of Liberalism period.
My feeling is that the looming economic realities will make many of the decisions for the bama administration.
We'll see soon enough.
Greywolfe stole my line so I'm going to use it anyway:
Think I'm gonna get drunk Tuesday......Maybe Wednesday too...damn media will be humping barry's leg all day wednesday too.
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