Here's just one of the many dolphins in the ocean I saw on my walk on New Year's Day..........a surfer watches as it glides by. (And no, that is NOT an upside down surfboard!!) Just thought you'd like to see the dolphin. I loved watching them going up and down the coast ....
I was fortunate enough one day to actually hand feed wild dolphins with shrimp bait, with no incident, except that I felt a surreal bonding with them.
Awesome picture and nice blog! Almost makes me feel a little warmer here in the mitten state. What Chuck didn't tell you was the picture he posted of a snow swept Lake Huron shoreline was from August :)
I do miss the beach! We have no coast here. I grew up in California and Florida, then lived in Venezuela with the Caribbean coast, and beach?
Went on a Carribean cruise when I was younger. The Dolphins follow the cruise ship0s and jump in the wake. It was cool to stand on deck and watch them. Of course I was dissapointed to find the reason they follow is because the ship dumped it's garbage off of the ship. As long as it's just food I guess it's ok.
Oh, for the beach at this time of year! Here in the D.C. area, we're holed up in our houses because of the miserably low temperatures.
Well, except for the "polar bears" who took a dip yesterday in the Chesapeake Bay. Idiots!
I've never seen dolphins except at Sea World. **sigh**
taaaanks for rubing it in z... he he!!.. happy new year!!
Amazing animals. I used to go out on a buddies commercial fishing boat and you could throw a tennis ball over the side and they'd try to bat it back.
Well that was when there were still fish of the Cape.
Dolphins are fantastic animals.
They are one of just a handful of animals where older members of the species show a special recognition and care, not only for their own personal young, but their grandchildren as well. (Gorillas, Chimps, and Elephants are, last I read, the only other species where a special bond exists between young animals and grandparents.)
they're really good with tobasco on them too.
Is it cool there ?
I am now picturing you living a house like the doctors on Private Practise do !
Lovely shot. Let's hope it heralds a good year for us all.
My most exciting sight on a New Year's morning was a bald eagle that Mr. Cube & I saw flying past our house. We routinely see all kinds of hawks, but this beautiful eagle was unmistakable.
Frasypoo..I've never seen the show, but our home is a normal condo! Sorry!!! We're a few miles from the water..
DaBlade.."the mitten state" That's hilarious! AUTUMN!!? Got to get over to Chuck's to see that pic!
JM...I get a little island fever when I'm too far from water. I thought I'd feel 'shut in' living in Paris, but the river helped!!
CUBE: A BALD EAGLE?? OH, my gosh, what a wonderful sight! I'd LOVE to see that. The best we get is V's of geese in the sky around dinner time in the Fall! I'd LOVE to see a bald eagle. I love the sound of the geese honking up in the sky ,but the silence of a bald eagle would win, hands down!
Elbro; I'm ignoring you. How would YOU know, you don't eat FISH!! (smile!)
dolphins aren't fish
Awwwwwweee, The beach. I remember growing up only a couple miles from the beach; in fact the high school I graduated from which now no longer exists was across the street from the beach, Great times.
Oh, did I mention the beach was on Lake Erie?
May the Ravens pick on Dolphin bones all weekend long!
Canned tuna doesn't taste right since they removed the dolphin.
Lucky, lucky surfer. I've always wanted to learn to surf. It's just kinda difficult when you live in the hours upon hours from the beach. ;-)
ElBro and Beamish deserve s swift kick in the butt.
Can I do it, Z?
The last command I was with in the Navy used dolphins for minehunting. Unless you've ever seen a 600lb dolphin trying to hump a diver you don't care how cute or how smart they are.
That fin look suspiciously like a shark to me.
Jus' kiddin.' ;-)
Great that you were able to capture the image of a dolphin at all the move so quickly.
~ FT
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