Oh, except that rightwing rag, The Washington Times. Wait for it: it'll be THEIR FAULT, because they lean to the Right. And if FOX covers this, it'll be a big rightwing conspiracy about Feinstein, right? Well, it COULD be a total coincidence that SO MANY Democrats hadn't paid their taxes, and the information in the Feinstein piece linked above COULD be all a big coincidence, too........................RIGHT? heh
And Feinstein continues to be respected by a bunch of colleagues in the Senate. But, then, there are people who still respect all those Democrat tax cheats, too. And, of course, WE are people who see tax evaders become Secretary of Treasury and barely flinch.............
Then GET THIS.........
ON CHRIS MATTHEWS Tuesday afternoon: 2 Democrats and Matthews (ZERO conservatives on the 'panel', they're always VERY 'balanced' there, right?!!!) were very upset that "THE REPUBLICANS AREN'T LETTING THIS PRESIDENT SPEAK FOR ALL OF AMERICA OVERSEAS. THEY SHOULD REALIZE IT SENDS A BAD MESSAGE AND THEY NEED NOT TO CRITICIZE OBAMA WHEN HE'S TAKING ACTIONS AND SPEAKING ABOUT THEM TO THE WORLD. HE SHOULD SPEAK FOR ALL OF US WITH NO CRITICISM." Wait. Did they do that for.....................................BUSH?
I can't stand to watch Chris Matthews. His opinion is always worthless, and his whiny style is like nails on the chalkboard. Did his "panel" really wring their hands over the right's criticism of Obama's apology tour? Too funny! Obama is criticized by the right because his policies weaken America. Bush was criticized by the left in their attempt to weaken America. There does seem to be some consistency there.
Z, your right, bright minds...
As far as Chris Matthews, I simply don't watch him. Funny thing is, I think he really believes this nonsense.
There are no sins on the Left. None. They simply use OUR values against US. They don't "value" them!
They don't "VALUE" anything except their "authentic" greedy-slimey over-fornicating fetus-aborting selves.
We live in surreal times - a time of inversionism.
I'm not surprised that Feinstein's husband has his hands in the cookie jar. More evidence that we cannot trust Washington (and politicians' spouses) to safeguard the taxpayers' monies.
Chris Matthews: "....[BHO] SHOULD SPEAK FOR ALL OF US WITH NO CRITICISM."Think about those words! Is that not reminiscent of kowtowing to Stalin. Are purges coming to America?
This reaction from the Left is not surprising. Libs are very tolerant UNTIL a dissenting opinion is voiced. Then they resume their brown shirt techniques. We are in for a long haul.
Now, I truly wish you Cali lotus eaters would stop electing her but do you really find it odd that in a period of massive bank failures that money was allocated to the FDIC?
As much as I dislike Dino Feinstein this story doesn't have legs.
Ah, the quintessentially untalented Chris Matthews, former speechwriter to the second worst president in our entire history, host of the second worst program on television, and a man who stands to the left of Albert Speer. That Matthews really believes the bile he spews on his MSNBC program proves he is member in good standing of the American-hating left, an idiot, and a malignant pustule on the posterior of a nation he is desperate to destroy.
Should any of us be surprised to learn Diane Feinstein works overtime to enrich herself at the trough of public money? Are we shocked to learn she is doing this quite successfully in the mold of Chris Dodd and Barney Frank? Her behavior only reinforces what we already know about politicians generally, and about those who represent San Francisco specifically. No, the only question is why voters continue to support these not-so-petty thieves. It cannot be a mere coincidence that Feinstein and Pelosi both have enriched their husbands’ business interests at the taxpayer’s expense.
Hey mustang, did you see that a top executive at Fannie Mae was found dead in his home last night?
How long will it take before Rush has Barney Frank and Chris Dodd ordering the hit?
Or did Obama "Vince Foster" the punk?
The hypocricy never fails to amaze me. They live in a completely different world. I honestly think they have their heads planted so firmly in the sand that they have no idea which way is up anymore.
Hi Z - With apologies to Mustang for addressing a question posed to him:
There are already enough skeletons in Obama's closets to warrant a (Vince) foster-ing of suspicion about what has now been ruled the "apparent" suicide of David Kellermann. And, if questions arise by Rush or anyone else, so be it. As was stated above, Conservative heads are not fond of the sand. But we do know the old adage: If it walks like a Duck and quacks like a Duck.....
It must be a Liberal - Ducking.
Being outraged because elected public officials are helping themselves to money is perfectly justifiable.
There is nothing wrong with having morals and values.
Di Fi is a crook , that's all.
So, we are saying she is a crook.
What was it Nancy Pelosi said about the Bush Administration..
oh yes, culture of corruption.
Well, she should know, as she is up to her surgically repaired neck in corruption.
But yes, it is up to California to boot these people out of office.
People, let me just say once again that I don't sit for hours watching Matthews and Maddow and Olbermann..trust me.
But, I personally like to see what they're saying...it's SICKENING (literally) from time to time (okay, 90% of the time) but I believe it's important for me to hear it. Mr. Z calls it "self mutilation" when I even watch Larry King!
What CRACKS ME UP is when it's Wolf Blitzer who acts like Matthews and the left screams that FOX IS BIASED. Did you hear Wolf go on about Michelle's arms? EVERY single panel but about 8% on FOX DO have both sides represented... And, when it's OUR people, Hannity, O'Reilly, etc., who editorialize, that's TOO BIASED, but let Maddow and Olbermann and Blitzer go off into left field as outrageously and nastily as they do, and THAT'S OKAY. unreal.
FJ..well said. They DO simply use OUR VALUES against US. I've been saying that for years.
Ducky, READ the thing, would you?
You don't really believe I voted for Feinstein, do you? Or BOXER?
Always, "everything good is bad, everything bad is good"..that's for sure.
P.T.S.F..welcome, your blog looks interesting and I look forward to checking in.
And, you're right.
Mustang: I'm still surprised at crooked politicians..go figure!
Miradena; Kellerman looked like such a nice guy from the picture....it's a horrid shame.
I'll never believe Foster was a suicide and I haven't heard anything about Kellerman but saw his picture on the news when I put on the TV this morning ...didn't hear what the story was. I'm very sad to hear that. Yes, he probably knew a lot ...but, you know? SO DO WE. WE have seen Daniel Mudd (I think that's his name) head of Fannie Mae telling the Black National Caucus "you are the conscious of the congress" and promising to give loans to people based on the size of welfare payments...AND we've all seen VIDEOS of Bush and McCain warning America about the lack of regulations there...BUT, OUR MEDIA DECIDES WHAT WE SHOULD BELIEVE.
Heck, we've got a press sec now who actually believes that Obama didn't bow to the Arab even though we all see it with our own eyes!
AND, we've got Perez hilton talking about how Miss California got booed for saying what she said when WE ALL HEAR CHEERING....these are VERY DIFFERENT TIMES, folks.
We apparently can't even trust our senses when dealing with leftists anymore.
WV..I WISH we would UNelect her. I got emails from friends in liberal San Fran on this one...they're angry at her.
But, you know, this is probably all a tempest in a teapot because DUCKY DISAGREES.
This is the kind of post that renews my belief that we truly have fallen down the rabbit hole in "Alice in Wonderland". What else could explain the insanity?
What else could explain the insanity?Limitations during duck hunting season?
You don't really believe I voted for Feinstein, do you? Or BOXER?
Yeah, I figured you for a Boxer supporter right down the line.
now THAT is funny, Ducky!
I'll never forgive her (well, maybe I'll forgive but not forget) making a big presentation to a senate committee on CSPAN a few years ago......half the words on the posters she displayed had misspelled words on them. Oh, BROTHER!
I believe the left's credo is, "to never let a good crisis go unexploited".
So, Diane and her hubby took it literally and decided, "why not"?
excellent point, Pris...they SURE DID..
What else could explain the insanity?Feinstein's been hanging out in Haight-Ashbury?
Hypocrisy, thy home is over on the left. Along with shamelessness, dishonesty, scumbaggery etc
Nice find Z, thanks for posting.
Following politics is the art of self-mutilation. How are we going to stay motivated without some left-induced outrage every once in a while. It keeps your edge, much the same as boxing between matches keeps boxers sharp. Soldier on, madam.
I suppose it is not much of an idea, many have advocated it before this, but for the love of all that is good, term limits for congress creatures and senators.
We are being serially abused by these people that are "elected".
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