PLEASE READ THE LINKED ARTICLE AND SEND IT AROUND. Even your liberal friends might open their eyes and ears to this truth, if you have the nerve to send it around. Of course, you'll get a lot of "OH, that must be on FOX". Please, it is not on FOX and, anyway, remind them that sloughing off information just because it might be on a conservative news venue is dangerous to truth and transparency. This is a huge problem in America today. The Left drew the lines, Alinsky style, and now nothing Conservative could EVER be beneficial. This has to change or we're in even bigger trouble than we think we're in because it means people won't THINK or WAKE UP. Here's one paragraph from the article:
Soros had backed Obama for president in 2008, saying that he had “the charisma and the vision to radically reorient America in the world.” His prediction seems to be eerily coming true.
Please send this around. We have a country to save.
z thanks, Pris
After an evening of escapism it's back to reality, huh?
Soros is, I think, the single most dangerous man in the world. What? He is a far left, anti-American with the money bring it off. He has done more damage to this country than all the Islamofascists combined because he has broken the structure of America.
Ironic that he thrived in the system and now he wants to tear it down.
From the linked article:
By embracing the “global plan for recovery and reform,” which is how it was officially described, Obama explicitly endorsed International Monetary Fund (IMF) surveillance of the U.S. economy, creation of a global “Financial Stability Board,” the expanded use of a new global currency called Special Drawing Rights, a new global warming treaty, and costly fulfillment of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This is in addition to the explicit and reported commitment of over $1 trillion in additional taxpayer money to the IMF and the World Bank.
The Financial Stability Board is going to be immune from greed? I hardly think so.
Right now, many people are angry with the greed of corporate America. I am too. But what makes anyone think that those on the FSB won't also have the same problem.
Surrendering financial sovereignty is surrendering national sovereignty.
Look at it this way....If a family surrenders its finances or the control thereof to another party, who is in control? Duh!
And let's not overlook the redistribution of wealth:
The Special Drawing Rights proposal, which is a vehicle for further U.S. foreign aid to the rest of the world
Excuse me, but don't we have some Americans here at home in need of assistance? I don't advocated nationalized health care. Nonetheless, why are we sending all kinds of gratis health care and medication to Africa when we have "epidemics" of our own right here in the States?
If BHO has his way, America will be lowered nearly to the condition of a third-world country.
Also from the article, possibly the last hope for our nation as we know it:
But while Obama endorsed the document and its recommendations, the Congress of the United States can still have some say over whether some of the commitments he made are put into law.
I see the world is simply not done with marxism and communism eh. I wonder when we will have had our fill of it, perhaps when there is nothing left to give to those that did not work for it.
Just whose King does Obama think he is? Or is he only George Soros' Puppet King. Perhaps Obama's string pullers don't know that groveling by an an American President before a Muslim Potentate is comparable to an American President acting like a lawn ornament at a entrance to the main house at a Kentucky horse farm.
But try to remember that just because "they" say it's so, doesn't necessarily make it so.
Most of it's a lot of hot air --- like the UN:
No teeth
No testicles
No heart
No love
A New World Order… for some
France24 - Paris,France
The summit ushered in a new order that can be described as capitalism with a conscience. But for poorer countries, this New World
Barack Obama's New World Order
But its international branding campaign, as led by the new president, Barack Obama, is so different that the rest of the world might be forgiven if it has ...
A 'Truly New World Order' Emerges; Global Currency Closer -
New York,NY,USA
Headline reads, 'G20 Imposes New Rules on Captalist World'. Even if the birth proves painful, in London, it is well and truly a new world that has emerged ...
A ‘Truly New World Order’ Emerges; Global Currency Closer: Le ...
The Moderate Voice - USASee all stories on this topic ...
G20: A 'new world order' is simply fantasy - United Kingdom
His fantasy press conference at the end of the G20, with his grandiloquent (and preposterous) claim to have founded a "new world order", confirmed it. ...
Emergence of new world order hailed as turning point
Brisbane Times - Brisbane,Queensland,Australia
GORDON BROWN hailed the emergence of a new world order and Kevin Rudd declared cowboy capitalism dead following yesterday's historic agreement to hasten the ...
BBC News
New world order emerges from chaos
BBC News -See all stories on this topic
New World Order: Still A Conspiracy Theory?
Prison - USA
Despite the fact that the term “new world order” was mentioned in connection with the G20 this week hundreds of times by both global leaders and in news ...
G20 ushers in a 'new world order'
Globe and Mail - Canada
But their failure to unveil new stimulus spending was criticized as a "disappointment" by economists, who fear the global downturn will only deepen unless ...
G20 summit: Gordon Brown announces 'new world order' - United Kingdom
Gordon Brown announced the creation of a "new world order" after the conclusion of the G20 summit of world leaders in London. ...
~ FT
While decrying the lack of regulation, Soros has made billions of dollars operating a secretive off-shore financial hedge fund and manipulating international financial markets and foreign currencies.
This is one of the operative paragraphs.
He has also been a big critic of Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy while he keeps his money offshore to avoid taxes.
I have thought for a long time that he is a dangerous man. One of his dangers is that he flies below the radar. I talked to my dad about him once, he's not online he only gets his news from the AP and NBC primarily. He is smart and keeps up with the news religiously, he had never heard the name.
Soros reminds me of the character..Dr. Evil, from the silly Austin Powers movies.
Sadly though, Soros is indeed evil.
Well, I have news for Mr. Soros, like the rest of us, he will die one day and no matter what, he cannot take those millions or billions with him.
Funny! I saw Soros interviewed the other day by Al Hunt's wife a fixture at PBS News. Can't even remember her name anymore, because she's such a fawning liberal. You know who I mean --- the long-faced aging blonde who always looks like she has acid indigestion.
Anyway, SOROS came across like everybody's favorite grandpa or aged uncle from the Old Country, as portrayed in movies from the 1940's and 50's. His accent was charming, his English impeccable, his demeanor wholly benignant --- twinkly-eyed warmth, understanding and kindness oozing out of every pore.
Of the two the lickspittle from PBS, whose usually sour puss never stopped beaming in adoration for even a second, was by far the more repugnant.
~ FreeThinke
For those of us who've been paying attention, this is no surprise. Our "John Burch Society" friend has been howling about the danger of the UN & World Bank for years, as people laughed & brushed him aside; & here we are.
Wordsmith, welcome. I tried to leave a comment @ your new blog the other day, but your controls wouldn't allow it. So, welcome. Stick around...
MKSviews, wasn't it Margaret Thatcher that said, "The problem w/ Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." ??
Thanks Z, I posted on this too after I saw it here. Get the word out!
Just seems to me like this guy's bent on destroying a lot about America...and I always wonder WHY?
He's made tons of money, he needs NOTHING MORE. WHY do this? WHY lead America into Socialism?
Judy Woodruff is the woman you're trying to remember, FT....imagine a hard hitting interview with Soros and MARK LEVIN? THAT would be something.
And, THAT would be something Soros would never subject himself to.
But, as usual...we're just not waking up in time and obama's over there in Europe apologizing for America and making deals most people know are absolutely not in our best interests.
BUt, the left can't stand up with resolve (if they even noticed the problems at all) and demand that principle comes before being nice.
Another thing we'll never solve, huh.
George Soros is the man behind the iron mask. I agree with commenters here that he is dangerous, primarily because he uses wealth to manipulate corporations and national politics. He well understands that politicians can be purchased rather cheaply, and that his investment in this filth is likely to produce substantial returns. He isn't wrong.
Soros is also a flim-flam man and a gambler. He has destroyed banks and investment firms. He can make millions in a single day; he does this by placing bets on the value of currency, and then doing everything he can, using extraordinary wealth, to ensure the outcomes. He is up to his eyeballs in hedge funds; the same kinds of activities that have involved our major banks and, of course, AIG.
Soros is dangerous in the same way Satan is evil. We are powerless to stop him, however, because he is above the law. He is above the law because he owns so many politicians. We cannot correct this problem until we find politicians who cannot be corrupted.
Good luck with that.
Why do you think Soros is doing this? What's he so in love with Socialism for?
George Soros is an enigma to me.
Well, not really.
He's a Jew that fought anti-Semitism by changing his name and discarding his faith.
All the rest is Karl Popper.
As for why he loves socialism, ask British pensioners who lost everything when Soros gutted the Bank of England.
What a disgusting thing to realize..that British pensioners situation, you're right
........How's Popper fit in with this? "empiricism over the reality of Scientific theories..?"?
Long story short - Popper attempted (and in my opinion, failed miserably) to make leftism compatible with logic. He'd have had an easier task trying to make doughnuts out of gravel.
It's the age old post-modern curse. The right remembers history and learns from it, the left revises history and blames Jews for gravity when they run off a cliff.
Popper was one of the last philosophical vestiges of residue from the 1930's Vienna Circle [jerk] of logical positivism:
"The meaning of a statement is its method of verification."
Oh really? Verify the meaningfulness of the following statement:
"The meaning of a statement is its method of verification."
I could go on and on poking holes in the "logic" of Popper and other leftists, but it's not fair to take a bulldozer to a cakewalk.
Ah heck, let's take on an example of what I'm talking about.
"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." - the first sentence of Karl Marx's "Communist Manifesto"
[Now, if you can get past that ridiculous sentence without laughing your ass off, you have more self-control than I do.]
The rest of the tract meanders through just about every logical fallacy you can think of, so that one can only rightfully conclude that Marx was f-ing stupid.
But it really all springs from that first irrational sentence.
All of history is a class struggle?
There was once a time philosophers would have labeled the Communist Manifesto "sophistry," and that's being kind.
No logic to it, really.
The left hates anything which doesn't fit in with their view of the world. Evidence or even benefiting from the American dream will not convince them otherwise.
Think of David Horowitz for a minute. What convinced him to abandon leftism?
Leftists are incapable of any "thought" other than that relating to feelings. The same was true of Horowitz when he "converted."
I've never been able to understand how one can swallow that class-struggle thesis, from which the rest of Communism springs. Still, I know that most college students, even those who claim to be conservatives, swallow Marx's basic thesis. Furthermore, college students are all swept up in the idea that unfairness explains all conflicts. Part and parcel of adolescence?
Beamish, when I looked up Popper, I couldn't believe anybody'd take him seriously in the five minutes of reading I did! it's astonishing. TALK about Emperor's New Clothes!!
Great line there about Jews and Gravity..excellent. boy.
ALWAYS...they sure DO swallow it. It sounds SO NICE! And, when you throw in the constant slamming of conservatism, the kid's in a new mindthink of "Wouldn't the world be better if EVERYBODY had what the rich have!" Not a smidgen of thought to HOW that could possibly who pays the taxes and individual freedom and self of accomplishment. Those things seem to be things of the past....logic seems to have been pushed under that same bus with obama's grandmother and half a million other things he's shoved down there. Because NOW this ridiculous communist way of thinking has been legitimized by an American president!
Now that I think of it, an American president who feels this way really does add some gravitas to the whole thing and perhaps THIS is why the left is in SUCH a frenzy for him "SEE? Our mess-duh tells us it's okay to rob from the rich to pay the make America look like 'just another country'...seee? What we've learned in college WAS RIGHT!"
Marx and Engels were spoiled rich kids who had nothing better to do than spend their parents’ money on cognac, ink and paper. Their first task was accomplished rather easily, which is they convinced stupid people that they were engaged in a class struggle. Later, Russell Lynes would help us to understand the Marxist mentality when is observed, “The true snob never rests; there is always a higher goal to attain, and there are, by the same token, always more and more people to look down upon.” I would also paraphrase Margaret Thatcher, ‘There is always other people’s money to spend,’ in a cause no one quite understands, believes in, or even cares about outside that tiny circle of intellectual midgets.
This explains George Soros, John Edwards, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Charlie Rangel, and of course, Barack Øbama.
‘There is always other people’s money to spend,’
Cannot the Left even understand THAT IS RIDICULOUS?
Maybe they don't understand simple SUBTRACTION?
I saw Obama complimenting the Indian PM the other night, how WONDERFUL they're growing their economy.....ya, with OUR JOBS, huh? Called Hewlett Packard lately?
Cannot the Left even understand THAT IS RIDICULOUS?
No, Z ... they cannot understand because it is the reason they exist. Were it not for the Marxist cause, they would wither on the vine and die.
Still, I know that most college students, even those who claim to be conservatives, swallow Marx's basic thesis.
Please state it. This should be interesting.
Ducky, you need to have Marxism explained to you?
I LOVE and other lefties at other sites do this all the time.
SUDDENLY, nobody can criticize if they can't dictate the Constitution or Das Kapital...
You guys kill me!
I needed a smile...!
Remember Popper's dopey empiricism.
Communism's not a total failure until it fails in America too.
Maybe if we stab our eye with a steak kinife a ninth time we'll hear Parliament singing "One Nation Under a Groove."
LOL. I ain't fixing that typo.
In other words ,z, you don't have a reply. Q.E.D.
No, I don't, Ducky.
It's almost as bad as when we hit on a nerve and you disappear. Or when you don't reply to a post which is so obviously right in its anti-left information.
c'est la vie, enh?
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