I recently asked my friend's little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day.
Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her,'If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?' She replied, 'I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.'
Her parents beamed.
'Wow! What a worthy goal.' I told her, 'But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I'll pay you $50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house.'
She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, 'Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?'
I said, 'Welcome to the Republican Party.'
Her parents still aren't talking to me.......
(no loss)
This little girl 'got it'! Probably, no thanks to her schooling...please see WC's terrific post......it's on education and how it's failed America. If we'd had better educated children for the last thirty years, we'd never have elected a man with Obama's history, would never choose to threaten America's beautiful history with the ugliness of socialism, etc. etc. It's worth reading, folks!
'Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?'
Because I live in a gated community and we've got illegals doing it for 10 bucks. Welcome to the Republican party.
Check out WC's post yesterday.
Ducky, read the darned thing...do you see where we're going here? thanks.
By the way, you're the one who's welcoming illegals more than ANYBODY ON THIS BLOG OR ANY OTHER, TRUST me. And you know it.
Always, Thanks. xx
It makes a good point and so does Ducky. He proves that liberals are morons, not that we need any proof. It isn't the GOP that fights against protecting our borders and It isn't the GOP that is turning cities into sanctuary cities. But why would any liberal let the facts get in the way of their fantasies? If they paid attention to reality they wouldn't be liberals, would they? :)
"Welcome to the Republican Party." (Standing & applauding!)
Duck, any illegals we have climbing into our gated yard for work, well, we just hire the neighbor kids to beat 'em back w/ baseball bats. (is there sarcasm dripping here yet??)
Nah, honestly, 3/4 of the folks I know who are comfortably ensconced in the "nicest" neighborhoods are Liberals. Either that, or their lawns were being used for Obama yard sign storage last Fall. Nice effort at a comeback, though. ;)
Of course, there would be more funds to pay for all these welfare projects if people would just pay their taxes. Welcome to the Democrat party! (Or maybe even the President's cabinet!)
Welcome to my gated community. I need to cut the grass tomorrow but the battery on the mower is dead. I need to either buy a new one or find someone with a charger. I also need to wash the dishes, but my dishwasher is on the blink, meaning me. I just spent over $700 getting both of my cars fixed this week. My house payment and taxes are due (I'm not a Dem so I pay).
There is only one recourse, I need a bailout.
Conservatism is common sense.
Liberalism takes brainwashing.
Just look at the universities.
Having read WC's post and the embedded article on the "Decline in Education", I can attest to the fact that it's true. I attended HS in the mid fifties, and our curriculum was geared to academic courses not the social claptrap included in today's public education.
Parents today have to supplement their children's education at home with exposure to the classics in reading material, American history, and a good dose of their own values.
There is no longer any continuity between school and home, or respect for parental authority. I acknowledge that in many cases parents have abdicated that primacy, and that is the saddest thing of all.
L&0..both cars, here, too$$$ ugh.
All of you make excellent points...
Pinky, fantastic little adage there..
Pris, we need information about how parents can stand up. You've told me your group did but I think it's almost too late.
Seems like everything's too late in America these days. We must have REALLY been sleeping.
WHO KNEW what our teachers' politics were back then?
Who would believe a kid could flip his mother off and LIVE?
Who knew the gov't would side with a teacher over a child.
Here's the thing: ONE CHILD was treated badly at home and EVERY PARENT IS UNDER SUSPICION.
ONE CHILD has a nasty racial epithet and EVERY CHILD needs to go into training classes
This all falls under the category "S**it HAPPENS" Sometimes it just plain DOES and not EVERYBODY needs fixing because of it..But the left just can't allow a bad thing to happen...they just have to government it out of existance.
Sad thing is that has NEVER WORKED and look where we are now.
Parents are bullied by their kids
Teachers are afraid of those kids.
etc etc etc
Cute story Z.
I'm a little confused though, why doesn't the homeless guy just have an ACORN rep illegally occupy a house for him? Welcome to the Socialist, oops, I mean Democratic Party.
Because I live in a gated community and we've got illegals doing it for 10 bucks. Welcome to the Republican party.
Well, why don't YOU offer to make up the difference --- if you can AFFORD to that is.
Apparently, YOU benefit from this cheap labor as much as the rest of your "gated community," so why rail against it?
Welcome to The Party of Disingenuous Rhetoric and Limitless Hypocrisy.
What NO ONE seems to understand is that "illegals" have re-introduced the element of COMPETITION to the labor force --- a concept that UNIONISM (a MARXIST tactic implemented by THUGS) all-but destroyed.
~ FreeThinke
The story about thee little girl makes a good parable. I've seen it before in the world of email. It may seem "cure," but it's implications are vast and profound --- and INFURIATING.
And BTW, I knew a Washingtonian who really DID make a habit of offering homeless people little jobs to do so that they could feel they EARNED their handout.
INVARIABLY these wretched bums just REFUSED, because they KNOEW that sooner or later some sucker would show up and buy them their next bottle of cheap whiskey out of "compassion."
FT - Ducky has alreaady told us he's wealthy. He's cheap like all those cabinet members who owed back taxes.
He tells himself he's helping those poor illegals and revels in the fact they're putting one over on the mean old U.S.
Not unlike other well to do people I know. There's not a tax loophole that exists they don't know about and take advantage of, while supporting every entitlement that comes down the pike.
Meanwhile they walk around patting themselves on the back, celebrating their own compassion for the underprivileged.
I just spent the past half hour or so dancing to music of the 60s. It was great. I posted some on my site. My cats are wondering what the heck I'm doing, but it was fun and I needed some time away.
Children are smart, then we make the mistake of sending them to leftie-infested public schools, some make it out still with some common sense and a brain, other's just become stupid, whiny, dishonest liberals.
Quacky being a prime example.
Ducky is neither stupid, dishonest nor whiny. He's merely sarcastic, supercilious, persistently derisive, combative and contrary. However, I think most of it's a pose designed to get our goats.
Every once in a while the real Ducky emerges, and then I see someone with awareness of the finer things and a good understanding thereof. That he feels obliged to defend what is militantly coarse and tediously trendy from time to time is a product of his "liberal" education.
EVERYONE under the age of 65 has been brainwashed by the popular culture into worshipping idols made of excrement as though they were purest gold.
Many who believe themselves to be conservative have had their tastes cheapened, coarsened and debased just like everyone else. The Pop Culture Diarrhea Machine is too powerful and too pervasive an arm of Cultural Marxism to be resisted.
It's polluted EVERYTHING --- even the Church.
~ FreeThinke
"EVERYONE under the age of 65 has been brainwashed by the popular culture into worshipping idols made of excrement as though they were purest gold...Many who believe themselves to be conservative have had their tastes cheapened, coarsened and debased just like everyone else..."
Hi Free Thinker, et. al. You're right, the 'pollution' is everywhere, none so insidious as in the church - disguised as "social justice." I must lovingly disagree with your assertions above, however. There are those of us who have not been brainwashed & have not had our tastes coarsened, cheapened & debased. We are few, but we are strong, and we are trying desperately to raise Godly children in the midst of the secular Humanist, anti-God culture. Please don't give up on us. We are here & we need your support - please pray for all of us "under 65's". We're gonna need it. Thanks~
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