Monday, April 27, 2009

Are we hearing OUR people sing?



My Blog said...

I hear em, loud and clear..

Anonymous said...

One of these days they'll hear us in the blogosphere OVER the noisemakers in the press. When that day comes, look out business as usual in DC!

christian soldier said...

If we're talking the French Revolution-I hope NOT---

Anonymous said...

I'll take the French Revolution over a worthless Obamanation any day of the week.

Now where did Madam Lafarge go? "Knit one, pearl, two... knit one, pearl two..."

shoprat said...

The left always believed they were the revolutionaries. Sadly (for them)when the revolution comes the left will be the ones standing against the wall.

Anonymous said...

Z, There was a time I never thought it would come to this. I should have. I hear the voices faintly murmuring, there is a crescendo coming. There is no tomorrow, there is only now.

Today I hear on the news that the healthcare bill will be passed through the reconcilliation process which requires only a simple majority rather than the filibuster proof vote of 60 which would be required in the Senate.

The Democrats are thumbing their noses at the Republican minority on a major entitlement program, which is socialized healthcare. Conservatives will effectively be locked out.

We will not be represented in this we will be dictated to.

Obama has appointed 19 czars. In doing so he has avoided their confirmation on a technicality. Once again we were not represented.

We have in Congress a Democrat majority which has changed rules, and a President that has no concept of representative governance, or any respect for the concept of advise and consent protocol, or debate for the benefit of the people. Understand, the people don't matter.

If we did, those intelligence memos would not have been released.

Face it, the left is of a nature to be dictatorial and tyrannical. They have no stomach for debate or objection, only bullying tactics which leave the people as spectators.

FJ, with all respect, the blogosphere is not enough, it is time to sing, and loudly. We must do it in the streets, and gatherings, we must do it with our money, phone calls, and crowds of people making demands for representation.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are the government. When Obama was elected, was he given permission to avoid the very processes that give the minority the right to be heard? Did the people vote for a dictatorship? No, they did not.

So, the next time there are tea parties, and there will be, GO! The next time you're asked to call you're representatives, CALL!

Finally, the next time you're asked to sing, SING!!


Z said...

You all understand our healthcare will never be the same due to today's business...Thanks for confirming that, Pris...yes, I'd heard the Left isn't working at all with the Republicans on this. After all, you know they think we want all our poor to lie dying in the streets. AS IF it wasn't LAW that county hospitals MUST treat indigents.
This is as big as lie as "homosexuals can't get their rights of hospital visits, inheritance, etc." SUCH a lie. It takes one visit to an attorney.
We ALL have situations peculiar to our needs, we ALL have to do special things to get those needs met...but, no, the left has to lie for their agenda.

My Blog, yes, I hear them, too.

FJ...I'd like to think I'm Madame Lafarge...'s daughter!! (smile)
And it's PURL, just so's ya know! (not that I can do it anymore, but I remembered the spelling).

Shoprat, it's astonishing we have to talk like this, isn't it?

Christian Soldier..awful thought, isn't it? I hope not, too.

But, we're seeing the ruination of the greatest country the earth ever had the pleasure of supporting.

Where the HECK will Canadians GO when we've ruined our medical system? (another lie is that healthcare is free in Germany, by the way, but we haven't the room here to list the left's lies)

Law and Order Teacher said...

I never thought I would come to the point where I would lose faith in my country, but that time has arrived. Our government is edging towards being totalitarian. The minority is completely shut out with the majority dictating, not legislating. My only hope is that Americans will wake up.

I have my doubts. I've twice taken an oath to uphold the constitution. I haven't step back from that.

Joe said...

That was thrillingly inspirational!

It is time to take a stand and fight to get our country back.

I stand ready to beat them with my cane uti they shoot me dead.

Whatever it takes.

Joe said...


Zack R said...

Yes, they will Obamize our health care, and via dead of night/stealth tactics, as usual. Look at the "Stimulus Package," passed in, what was it, one day?, because the situation was "too urgent!!" to wait for the package to actually be read by anyone. We are in dire straits, and just as spelled out in Anonymous' superb comment, "the next time there are tea parties, and there will be, GO!"

BB-Idaho said...

The Paris uprising of 1832 was in response to a reinstated monarchy, a cholera epidemic and rampant food shortages..the folks on the barricades were, not Rush Limbaugh types. :)

Z said...

BBIDAHO. America's not waking up to any of the things you mention here.
America's singing about the truth and how our country's sliding into an abyss.

Limbaugh hasn't anything to do with this anymore, that's a leftist harangue that's not worth consideration. I know lefties who attended the tea parties...they're singing, too "what the HECK is happening to our country?" is not just 'Limbaugh followers'.

By the way, I've heard a Limbaugh show exactly twice on the high side.

Susannah said...

Z~ Looking back thru your archives to find the link you left on my comments & found this! I hadn't seen it before I posted this weekend! Wonderful!

MyBlog~ I hear 'em too!!!

BBI~ "The Paris uprising of 1832 was in response to a reinstated monarchy, a cholera epidemic and rampant food shortages"

The music & imagery is metaphorical, of course (sometimes, folks try to be so literal - ruins the poetic & creative license!). We can't put a date on it yet, but perhaps our uprising will be against an attempted Socialist coup, a rabid Leftist epidemic spread by media contagion, & rampant shortages of patriotism, truth & good sense...among other things...