Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mr. Obama in Europe...a total success? Mr. Z doesn't think so.........

Obama’s Europe Trip of Missteps

The expectations were huge. Here comes this young, new American President to Europe, who, in his own words, „doesn’t look like the other Presidents on the dollar bill“, and who has a charming wife who has turned into a fashion icon and has just appeared on the cover of Vogue. Obamania was in full swing, and he charmed his way through Europe, always displaying his big, nice smile, and radiating this almost exotic appeal which attracts so many people who want to come and see for themselves! Despite several protocol missteps, including hugging the Queen and bringing her an iPod including his own speech from 2004, this aspect of his trip was a success. He looked popular.

The situation is completely different, however, when it comes to the substance of the trip. It was rough to see an American president, who instead of leading, came, in his own words, to come to listen and not lead. The problem started exactly at that point. If the U.S. President is not leading, who is expected to lead? Well, actually, Merkel and Sarkozy did very well in that category. But I am getting ahead of myself. We’ll take the different subjects one at a time, shall we?

Obama and Russia. Obama had a meeting with Russian President Medvedev before the G20 meeting. Main subject: A new, comprehensive and binding Disarmament Agreement, meaning a stark reduction of strategic nuclear weapons. Russia agreed to such agreement, but Obama does not realize that he cannot trust the Russians to live up to such agreement (that is why Medvedev grinned after the meeting). But it gets worse: Obama made a public declaration later during the trip (in Prague) that all nuclear weapons should be eliminated. The response from the Kremlin didn’t take long to come: A sound “nyet”. Conclusion: Full failure.

Obama and the G20. As far as Obama’s role is concerned, this was a complete disaster. Merkel and Sarkozy got their view of tight control of the financial system accepted (in view of toxicity of assets and the Soros-style casino-like gambling with derivatives an absolute necessity), and also defeated Obama in his quest to have everybody accept socialist-style stimuli and bailouts. He got, of course, support from the socialist British Prime Minister Brown who appealed particularly to Merkel to provide more stimuli in Europe, since he wanted to take advantage of that because Britain had already spent, spent, spent more than they could ever afford over the years – just a little preview of what is going to happen in the United States of Obama, unless this is somehow stopped. But Merkel refused. Back to Obama, he failed to convince the participants not to pump more money into international organizations. The U.S. should have never given money for some bureaucrats in international organizations to distribute at their discretion. Conclusion: Full failure.

Obama and the NATO. At NATO’s 60th birthday meeting, a new Secretary General needed to be elected. Turkey had blocked the person proposed by Angela Merkel, the Danish Prime Minister Rasmussen, because it had been in Denmark that the Muhammad caricatures had appeared years ago! Instead of telling Turkey to take a hike, Obama intervened and got Turkey to accept Rasmussen. Conclusion: While at the surface Obama helped Merkel to save face, it came at a price – some concessions to Turkey, like important posts in NATO, which remained obscure (at least to me), and maybe his requests on behalf of Turkey (see below). Since this was more like a celebratory event, no assessment relative to NATO can be made. However, we don’t know yet what the long-term effect of the concessions to Turkey mean.

Obama and Europe. While a certain smoothing of the tone with the European allies was certainly a positive move, Obama went too far by calling the European Union “the world leader“. Europe has an important role to play, for sure, but at least in the current state of affairs in the European Union, the EU fails to take a uniform position even for the most miniscule issues, and is deeply divided over the its role and future constitution after the last attempt in Lisbon a couple of years ago turned out be a dismal failure. But history in general just seems to escape Obama. And then there was this large public speech in Prague where he did what he did his best to provide a well presented speech from the teleprompter. Other than platitudes, his speech was marred, however, by two items which show complete ignorance of history: (1) He announced his intent to make the world “nuclear-weapon-free”. This, of course, is a crowd pleaser everywhere, where you find socialists and communists – and there are plenty, not only in the U.S. So, the crowd cheered. But the response from Russia came promptly: “Nyet”. (2) He requested that Turkey must be accepted in the EU. The response came promptly from Paris (“Non”) and Berlin (“Nein”). Conclusion: Form over substance. Form: A “reach-out” was well received. Substance: Obama stepped from one mishap into the other.

Obama and Turkey. It is worth noting that Turkey was Obama’s first real foreign State Visit. Was it an accident that he chose an Islamic State for that occasion? Remember, his first telephone call after being President was to Mahmud Abbas in Palestine, and his first public TV interview was with an Arabic Station. His visit in Turkey was commented upon in a German newspaper, it said that Obama felt “that Turkey serves as a role model”. He also said in the speech at the Parliament in Ankara that “Turkey had so much history in common with Europe” that it is only logical when he requests that Turkey be allowed to enter the EU. This only shows complete and utter ignorance of history as well as the situation of today with Turks in Europe. The strongly negative reaction from Berlin and Paris came immediately. Well, in addition, he also said that the United States is not a Christian or Jewish or Muslim Nation, but a Nation of citizens. Conclusion: Complete disaster.

While everything looked so nice, and Obama was so friendly and open, the objective assessment of the trip can only be called a complete failure. He destroyed any notion of the U.S. as a powerful Nation on which other countries can rely. His proposals were all rejected. His ideas were repudiated. And on top of that, when he was just in full swing and announcing all his wonderful ideas about a new world order, the North Koreans launched a rocket (to which his reaction was more than weak). It has become abundantly clear – the international political leaders are Merkel and Sarkozy these days, and the new world powers are Russia and China. So, other than schmoozing with everybody, making a nice impression, and having a First-Lady-Contest between Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy , in terms of substance the trip was a catastrophe for the United States.

This is how the German centrist newspaper summarizes Obama’s Europe trip: Naïve Visions instead of Concrete Results.

Z: Obviously, this was written from Mr. Z's points of view on the various subjects, but he arrives at them with a good understanding of history and a great love of his adopted country, America.

The biggest problem is the MEDIA...that the trip is touted so favorably and that "Europe Loves Mr. Obama"....we need truth in the media, isn't happening these days. There were plenty of headlines like the one from FAZ (Frankfurter Allgemeine) just above here. I personally applauded his reaching out to the kids in Turkey as I think we DO have to soften their hearts and give them the true American story, not what THEY hear. I don't have enough information on the students in France and how Mr. Obama did there. But, their apparent admiration for this president is a great boon to our country and, if he plays his cards right, telling of OUR GREATNESS and how we've done SO much for them and that we want PEACE, that can't hurt, eh?

I pray that happens and I believe the Turkey meeting was a good start. That's all I admired about his visit to Turkey, though I'm not totally sure it's not a terrible thing for the moderate Muslims to hear that we're not against THEM. (I wish he'd added that we could use more HELP FROM MODERATES in our fight against terrorism. If he did, I'd love to hear about that and would appreciate links.)

thanks! And thanks to Mr. Z for this article...!



Ducky's here said...

Gee z, why was I censored?

Odd that both you and mustang censored that one but Greywolfe didn't.

Z said...

I DID NOT CENSOR a thing, Ducky.
let me remind you that not all posts do post, it's happened to me, elsewhere, too.
Please post your comments again, I'm sure everyone here will be eager to read them.

Z said...

by the way.."that one"? Are you mass-commenting with the same comment? why?

Ducky's here said...

Because it got censored over at mustang's and I thought I'd keep trying.

It involves the move to a single world currency and why that is picking up momentum.

Z said...

You think that's a great idea, Ducky?

CTconnection said...

Great commentary Mr Z .
Why is the liberal media so in love with our presidents game..I wish peace were so simple. America cannot be so naive to think the rest of the world wants to play nice with us. I pray that the next few years go quick and without incident.

Anonymous said...

..... And as the cameras moved in for a last shot at Mr. Obama stepping on to Air Force One...
Mr. Obama was heard chanting :

The crowds roared in response , and waved back at Mr. Obama.

Author's note: All female members in crowds were obscured by their collective Burka's.

I think Obama was the pivot man in a classic circle.....

Well, an activity that many of the male gender understand.


Gayle said...

Halo Scan has been dropping a lot of comments lately. It's worse than usual.

Extremely good post. The liberal media is in love with this president because he's... well... liberal. He's also a "lieberal"! He made the statement that America is not a Christian nation, and with that statement, he has proven everything I've thought of him ever since he began his campaign for president.

He's proven himself to be a huge embarassment. God help us all!

Joe said...

Mr. Z is brilliantly correct, and President BO is very close to treasonous.

Opel said...

geeeeeZ, wadda idjit!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Z -

Thanks for the observations. Sorry to say, I expect nothing from Obama. Therefore I am sometimes pleasantly surprised when he does something to benefit America. Right now though, I can't recall any examples. Just his his pandering to the EU and his intentions of American financial support for the UN and the IMF are enough to render us a second rate power in quick order.


christian soldier said...

Mr Z is right on!

Ducky's here said...

The U.S. should have never given money for some bureaucrats in international organizations to distribute at their discretion.


Huh? Did Mr. Z notice that WE are the ones with the begging bowl right now? Someone doesn't realize who's flat broke and ain't calling the shots right now.

Z said...

thanks, everyone.

Today, we're learning that Russia and China can completely destroy our electrical grid.

Think we have ANY negotiating power left in the world?

Do you think Mr. Obama cares? Or, does he REALLY think our becoming "just another country" is going to help us in any way? Just ANOTHER country....under the UN, losing sovereignty, forgetting all the good we've done.

Well, like we used to say in the Sixties about the way the liberals hated the cops: "Next time you need a policeman, call a Hippie"

"Next time you need America....she can't help Russia." ya.

Z said...

Ducky, I think everybody's realized that now....thanks for pointing that out.
You happy? I'm not comfortable with it. And getting us TRILLIONS of dollars into debt isn't going to help. We'd have made it if we just hadn't had the Dems get us into the subprime mess and had Soros and his cronies manipulating the way Mr. Z rightfully mentioned...and if we'd let the economy fix itself after we helped out the mortgage situation some instead of evoking the GREAT DEPRESSION.

Ya, now we look like beggars, you're right. And the Europeans are right in everything they're saying. America's screwing up...

The Left must be TOTALLY delighted.

Meanwhile, the electrical grid's at risk, Korea's firing missiles, somalis decided American ships are open season now, we've ticked off Germany, France and England and insulted them, and we've apologized so much to the world we have no powerful standing anymore and you're blaming conservatives, I guess? As usual?

Oh, and we're not a Christian or Jewish nation anymore.

happy, ducky?

Ducky's here said...

The failures just get worse. Huffington post just announced that Iran has agreed to direct talks with the U.S. on nukes.

Myself, I say that's an advance but your mileage probably differs.

Z said... know, sometimes I think you honestly DO get angry by both sides and I feel there's hope...because the only way we'll get past this NIGHTMARE we're living now is WORKING TOGETHER.

I'm just sorry the Left's idea of WORKING TOGETHER means working with IRAN and NOT REPUBLICANS.

I find that wrong.

And, I would NEVER bow to iran's offer because WE CANNOT TRUST ENEMIES...why is that so HARD to understand? Have you SEEN some of the things they've said about us and what they'd like to DO?

But, I WISH you were sounds perfectly lovely!
No, this is a disaster..sadly. I'd like to think it wasn't.

Thomas Lawrence said...

Excellent analysis. Thumbs up from the deep south! I linked to a very good editorial on this subject by VDH at Three Ball Dead.

Keep sounding the alarm!

Anonymous said...

Great post as usual Z and Mr. Z.

This President's weakness, and capitulation to the muslim world has not been lost on the muslim pirates working the shipping lanes in Somali waters.

This is the first time pirates have overtaken a ship flying the American flag since the 1800's.

Why do you suppose they had the temerity to do this now?

The American crew took back control of the ship, but the pirates took the captain and one crew member hostage.

Obama has signaled to the world, with his apologies for America and the previous administration, that he will be "different", appeasing those who seek the end of the West as we know it. He will "listen".

The pirates have called his hand, and even in losing control of the ship are holding American hostages.

It's my guess that the pirates will get their money in exchange for the hostages, leaving ships flying the American flag vulnerable to future attacks.

Weakness is an invitation to aggressors. Obama went to Europe hat in hand, willing to make concessions while not having assurances from others of compliance with U.S. demands.

Bowing and scraping to Islam is to say, we are at their disposal, and that there is a moral equivalence between the U.S. and Islamists who we know wish to dominate the world.

Obama thinks nothing of bullying his own people, taking over our lives piece by piece, and robbing us of our freedoms and money.

But our enemies and adversaries are to be bowed to, and cajoled. We have to watch as a president thinks words, and playing nice, will bring his desired results. He just can't understand that every leader will smile, and do what will benefit his country and keep him in office.

Jimmy Carter is watching and clapping his hands at this approach which failed him. They never learn.


Anonymous said...

Obama went too far by calling the European Union “the world leader“.

I think this is particularly true since the EU is on the verge of economic collapse. This massive socialist organization has almost spent all of the monetary wealth of member nations. Whether we can call a bankrupt government “successful” is questionable, and most certainly subjective. Good call, Mr. Z.

Remember, his first telephone call after being President was to Mahmud Abbas in Palestine, and his first public TV interview was with an Arabic Station. Yes, well, over here at the Social Sense group, we’re betting this had a lot to do with the amount of untraceable campaign donations (in the millions) Mr. Øbama received from undisclosed foreign sources. Can anyone say “Islamic states?”

Well, in addition, he also said that the United States is not a Christian or Jewish or Muslim Nation, but a Nation of citizens. Conclusion: Complete disaster. Øbama only contradicted every American president since George Washington. No doubt, the godless left will agree with the Idiot in Chief, but few country-loving Americans will agree. Yes, we are a secular nation, founded on Judeo-Christian principles. I don’t care how many times Øbama attempts to revise our history; it is what it is, and once again, Mr. Z walks away with the gold.

The biggest problem is the MEDIA. I just put up a post addressing the problem with CBS/New York Times polling data. If your moniker doesn’t begin with the letter D, stop over and tell me if you agree with my analysis.

I'm not totally sure it's not a terrible thing for the moderate Muslims to hear that we're not against THEM. Let me say that if any Muslim thinks the United States is against Islam, they have to be the second largest collection of idiots on the planet, right behind Democrats. How many Americans have to give up their lives to protect Muslims, before the light bulb comes on revealing if ANYONE is against Muslims, it is radical Muslims?

norwegianwood said...

Great piece, Mr. Z, as usual.

I think the assessment is not only accurate, but extremely fair, given the 'great expectations' projected during his campaign.

The man is a lame duck ALREADY! Nothing but words...I guess when he asked that question: "...are they JUST WORDS? JUST WORDS?" was more rhetorical.

I think it is FINE to say that we want peace, but you don't have to do it at the EXPENSE of your leadership role in the world or at PRIDE in your country. AND...I do NOT like what he GAVE AWAY in terms of US sovereignty over regulatory governance over our OWN companies! Nobody is talking about THAT...why not? Perhaps because it is not being reported?

or check out his site and article on it titled :The Declaration of Independence Has Been Repealed
at this link:

I'm going to a Tea Party on April 15th here in Dayton and got my cousin to go with me. What are YOU ALL doing?


Ducky's here said...

z, why when you were just kissing up to St. Ronnie Raygun and his deficits and watching Chucklenuts Bush put us massively further into debt weren't you so agitated.

Now, Obama's Wall Street toadies, "Bubbles" Summers and Timmy Taxes do everything they can to pump up Wall Street and KAPITAL and you don't want your capitalist system saved.

I don't get it. To me you are completely inconsistent and it's very clear to me that the far left has absolutely more reason to be upset with Obama than you. It's your system he's trying to salvage.

Anonymous said...

FANTASIC post Mr. and Mrs. Z! It seems that Obie is on the fast-track to surpass Jimah Cahtah as the worst President in the last 100 years. He goes around apologizing for America and kissing Euro and Arab rear ends while projecting weakness. What did he get out of his efforts at representing America...A BIG FAT NOTHING!!!!!! The Iranians, Chicoms, and the pot-bellied commie dictator in NK are all salivating over their opportunities for the next 3 1/2 years.


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Just when you think Ducky is going relax from his crusade to convince people that all leftists are imbeciles, he re-doubles his efforts:

"Now, Obama's Wall Street toadies, "Bubbles" Summers and Timmy Taxes do everything they can to pump up Wall Street and KAPITAL and you don't want your capitalist system saved.

I don't get it. To me you are completely inconsistent and it's very clear to me that the far left has absolutely more reason to be upset with Obama than you. It's your system he's trying to salvage.

Our system doesn't have government interventions. Or wouldn't have had the interventions ("loan these deadbeats money or we'll sue you.") that caused this crisis in the first place.

American assets are over 5 times higher than our liabilities.

Please. Stop trying to save us.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Z
Excellent article. Written with an eye for topical as well as historical accuracy.
marxism fails everywhere as does facism.
This time however we will do it better because this is America.
Yeah right!

Lost in aztlan

Ducky's here said...

For next class read the first few chapters of Schumpeter's "Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy" and come prepared to discuss the concept of "creative destruction".

Rebut the thesis that Schumpeter hasn't consistently nailed his economic predictions giving examples from the current crisis.

Ducky's here said...

... it's especially important to do the reading since many of you may support Beamish and continue on a path that should get us to a ratio of 2.5 or less.

Getting poorer is the Beamish way.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

When the longshoremen union terrorists on the West Coast went on strike a few years back, its potential impact on the US economy was calculated to be around $70 billion a month if it went on that long.

In you and me math, that's almost 6 Iraq Wars a month.

Anonymous said...

Beamish, I hope you understand the potentially harmful effects of arguing with an avowed communist. At first, you will only experience frustration—but this will increase over time, resulting in hair loss, loose teeth, ingrown hair, corns, diminished hearing, speech impediment, change in sanitary habits, and ultimately, self-flagellation of unmentionable parts. You can avoid these serious maladies by limiting rebuke to no more than two full sentences (one is recommended), twice per day, not to exceed six days per week.

This may be difficult for you, given the amount of duck-droppings deposited throughout the internet in any given 24-hour period, but I know you can do it. If you think you’re about to slip off the wagon, you can call 1-HELP W DUCKS.

Anonymous said...

Hi NW, Good to see you.

Mr. Pris, a friend and I are going to a Tea Party too.

I went to one about a month ago, and 15,000 showed up. Great huh?

I urge everyone here who can, to go to a TeaParty near you.

April 15th


Z said...

Lost in Aztlan....why can't everyone just READ HISTORY and see you're so right??? (good to see you here, always!)

CTConnecticut (hi, cuz!), it'll be a total miracle if we're not hurt badly very soon....or our elect. grid's damaged...Great news today, eh? REAL excited about that.

But, when the Left gets busy and has made sheep out of THIS many Americans and a president apologizes to the world for our greatness, we reap the rewards.
Well, I guess we do, nobody's been that awful to date...except maybe Carter.

Ducky, they're TRYING to PUMP UP Wall Street but Wall St doesn't want it....banks are trying to give the money BACK and YOUR ADMINISTRATION WILL NOT TAKE IT...after all, if they DO accept it, they can't fire their CEO, right?

It's all about Nationalization.

Are you FOR that Ducky?

Mustang, Beamish, Pris, what WOULD we do without you? rock! I'm going to the Santa Monica pier for our Tea Party. Just envisioning a Tea Party in the "people's republic of Santa Monica" gives me a boost.

MANY Democrats at these events, folks. DO NOT let your lying Pravda media convince you it's all "gun totin', Bible carryin' Conservatives" Though, at least that would be a step in the right directino !! HAAA

Anonymous said...

Hey NWW! Good to see you! Nanette and I are going to a HUGE tea party here in Jacksonville on the 15th. Not only that, this Saturday there will be a FairTax rally at the Jax Landing with a capacity crowd expected. The peasants are stirring for sure. People are REALLY pi$$ed at the antics of the fascists in the White House!


(((Thought Criminal))) said...


As the author of Beamish's Hypothesis ("Leftists are incapable of rational thought...") I know full well Ducky's going to bring a papier mache sword to an intellectual artillery duel.

I expect no less.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Getting poorer is the Beamish way.

The decline in the stock market began on October 1, 2007, the day the full impact of having Democrats take over Congress' role in the economy in 2006 took effect.

Since the election of our Messiah in November, the stock market has dropped as much in the last 5 months as it did in the previous 13 months.

No, this isn't my way.

We're here because enough people wanted the economy in the toilet.

It's what happens when Democrats get power.

Chuck said...

Great post Mr. Z.

Mustang, love that comment about limiting exposure to the Duck.

Joubert said...

As another immigrant, I completely agree with Mr Z.

shoprat said...

So true. The press loves him for no reason at all. They will be praising him even as the country is destroyed by him.

Papa Frank said...

What a great article, Mr. Z. I always love to hear your views as they are a different perspective.

Papa Frank said...

And as always, Beamish is spot on!!!

Z said...

Pops...did you say SPIT on? (heh!) xx Glad you enjoyed Mr. Z again...thanks!

Anonymous said...

Well, dear Mr. Obama has now said he wants immigration reform to be pushed through, so there you go.

Looks like the cherry on top of a stellar work week.


Pat Jenkins said...

great piece here mr. z! and great underlying theme! a "leader-less" america means a "leader-less" world! leading to eventual chaos!

norwegianwood said...

Wow! Glad to see that so many are going to be making themselves be heard!

Keep up the good work! Thanks Pris for the link! Morgan, TWO rallies??? AWESOME! I'm going to wear my FairTax gear. I figure that it will be a pretty captive audience of disgruntled taxpayers. :) It just really gives me hope that so many are pulling themselves out of their comfort zones to take a stand.

Ahem...Ducky? Do I recognize you from Frontpage maybe?

For the record, MOST people I know from the right were HOPING against hope that McCain would SHUT DOWN the TARP money and bailout mentality, so you're just wrong suggesting we were 'all for it' under Bush. Not to mention that it IS gov't intervention that BROUGHT us here. Unless, your tome on "Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracies" included data on capitalist would it be pertinent to us? I WILL grant that TOO MANY in this country continue to operate under this 'Democracy' mantra and it's allowed for us to be drawn TOWARD this socialistic governance that is creating our current situation. But, the FACT remains that we are a Republic and that had capitalism been LEFT TO DO ITS REGULATING all along...we would likely not be where we are today.

I listened to an author Beck had on the other day who stated quite clearly that Stalin hired accountants to analyze economic systems because he wanted to PROVE that communism was the ONLY way to go. The result was that ONLY CAPITALISM was sustainable. The man was imprisoned for his findings which included the 'seasons' of the economy and how ALL will work to 'create' bubbles that then must burst and reset a baseline in a particular market. It's not even difficult to grasp really....

I heard the other day what I believe to be true. I think it was Newt who said it, but it might have been Dick Morris. Anyway, they said that Bush wanted everyone in America to become RICH...Obama seeks to be 'leveling' the playing field by making everyone There's something to aspire to, hey?



miradena said...

Excellent article, Mr. Z! While I'm reluctant to repeat rogue comments or address self-imposed spoilers by name - I'm going to risk ruffling some feathers by addressing the following comment..

".."It involves the move to a single world currency and why that is picking up momentum." I noticed that Z's follow-up question was left unanswered, giving the implication that the poster believes that this "move" is somehow a good idea.

With any belief or knowledge of Revelation, this "move" should surely evoke fear. If and when one common currency is established, individual countries will no longer have choices. They will not be able to utilize exchange rates or expand money supplies to encourage job growth. One World Currency? One World Religion? It does sound like the ideal forecast for the perfect Obama storm.

Additionally, there was another foul (or fowl) comment about Obama trying to "save our system." To what end? Clearly, Obama's delusions of grandeur became evident on the campaign trail the moment he defined himself not as an American citizen, but as a "Citizen of the World." Welcome to the New World Order. And Viva La Resistance

Z said...

P...who are you? TELL US! :-)
An old FMP buddy, apparently...because YOU GOT IT!! DUCKY here and Ducky at FPM are one and the same.
Great comments, I hope you come back soon...and thanks for being here. I'm racking my brain for a hint from "P" and a screen name at FPM. I KNOW you're not PSI BOND (gee, how'd I guess, right??!! HAA!)

Miradena, thank you so much! Yes, Ducky forgot to answer if he thought it was a good idea...that's not a rare occasion.

How could the American electorate swallowed that SO obvious CITIZEN of the WORLD stuff?
If I'd been an admirer, it would have taken the GREEK COLUMNS behind him in that acceptance speech for me to run quickly away.......That showed SO MUCH, but America their excitment.
The Left did a marvelous job of portraying McCain as "the new Bush" when those two barely agreed on anything.
This whole process showed how sublimely convincing the MEDIA CAN BE and HOW PARTISAM.
It did wake people up in that O'Reilly's the Number one program now, Beck's gaining in numbers; these aren't only Republicans any more than Tea Party attendees are...NOT!!

Z said...

Oh, for pete's sake.
NORWEGIAN..sorry! I saw only P somehow and didn't see your name on top! WELCOME!!!

norwegianwood said...

Z? I put my moniker at the top..norwegianwood...the P is for Pati??? Have you been dippin' into the cooking sherry, dear? LOL

It's just lil ole me. : )

P (ati)

Z said...

Sorry, Pati...yes, it's 9 am and I'm in the oatmeal sherry!!!! Sorry. Pris emailed me "you know it's Pati, don't you?"
Then I came back and saw 'norwegian wood'.

yet another reason I'm considering closing the blog...I can't KEEP UP!!!!!

Papa Frank said...

Closing the blog? I'd rather see the sun and moon fall from the sky, my friend!!!

Law and Order Teacher said...

Been out of town. I can only say don't do that. Stay out there to spur good conversation. Without people like you and Mr.Z, we will lose an opportunity to exchange with like-minded thinkers, regardless of what D might say.

Z said...

It just seems SO pointless lately. When I heard ACORN was going to sneak into Tea parties I realized that the media will jump on that and all's for naught..they'll focus on the lying placards, etc. And the Left can lie all they want now and nobody cares...even to the point of VIDEO of a president bowing and the WH refusing to admit HE BOWED! I mean....what the HELL?
It's not the bowing as much as this LYING...downright LYING! When Americans see with OUR OWN EYES!??

Then I heard ASU is refusing to confer an honorary degree when Obama speaks there because he doesn't have a big enough body of work to back one up and the liberals are outraged because they say HE IS THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT , THAT should merit the degree. That hurts me to the quick. The BIG OPEN MINDED liberal stooping to THIS? Are we REALLY all created equal or only when the liberals like it?
Don't we judge on MERIT?
AH, there are a million points like this, new ones every day....I'm pooped from the worry and blogging whips me up instead of calming me, you know?

Papa Frank said...

While pondering this post more today I have come to the conclusion that the left and Obama himself will view this trip as a complete success because their only concern is popularity. That seems to be the only skill set that obama has and the only one that it takes to win an election anymore. This is a very sad time we are living in. By the way, thanks for the hugs via Heidianne. We had a great time.

norwegianwood said...

Considering closing the blog? Too much? You KNOW the more people become in tune with the movement of the people that it will certainly get much busier. You can handle it...You're a tough cookie!

I vote NO to closing the blog.
