Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A tale of a young sailor......something to lift you up

From fellow blogger, fellow America supporter, and dear friend, Heidianne...I got this email last night:

thank you to all of your for your prayers for my son, jesse. he received his final waiver from the u.s. navy on friday and today he received his date for re-joining the navy.

he will be leaving on 22 december 2009 – unless they can get an earlier date which the recruiter is working on - he will have to complete the final 11 days of basic training that he missed when he was separated for his collar bone injury. yea!!!!(z: it says "rejoining" due to an injury...he'd done all but 11 days of basic training and then things got goofed up!)

I wrote Heidianne back:

You tell him even ol' Z, who doesn't know him, is SO PROUD OF HIM.

God bless your boy.xx

To which this wonderful boy responded:

Please tell her I said Thank You and that it is an honor to be able to serve her and all who support us in This Country.

Love you, Mom.

To which I say "Thank you, Jesse, for your incredible attitude and love for America...and thank you, Heidianne, for having grown up such an amazing son!"

We need more like Jesse. I'm betting some of you know fine young men like Jesse....I'd love to hear about them. I know we all would.

Thanks, Heidianne and Jesse, for allowing me to brag on him and you AND for being who you are.



Anonymous said...

wow. i'm so humbled to have you honor my son here. i'll be certain to let him know you've posted on him.

thank you for getting the word out and drawing others out who know a "jesse". he's an extra-special kid, but not wholly unique. i know there are many, many, many more like him out there. i'd love to know about them, too, so i can honor them as you've honored jesse.

Z said...

thanks, Heidianne....quite a young man you raised there! Yes, I hope we get other stories similar to this would cheer us ALL up! xxxx

Anonymous said...

heidianne you tell Jesse that we're ALL proud of him! G-d bless your whole family and tell Jesse to keep his chin up. He'll be haze gray and underway with an air gun paint chipper in his hand before he knows it.


The Merry Widow said...

Morgan-T'ain't THAT the truth? At least it's not policing the butts or painting rocks! LOL!
Heidianne-Prayers were answered, now, may G*D place him with the right superiors and cohorts!
G*D bless ad MARANATHA!


Anonymous said...

Anchors aweigh!

-Lt(jg) FJ (USNR ret.)

Anonymous said...

I met Jesse once, back in 2003 - he was a fine boy then, and a fine man now :-)
Thank you, Jesse!

Steve Harkonnen said...

Tell him I am proud of him, and tell him I served 20 years in the navy, and if he needs any support our guidance, I will be happy to help him out.

Pass this on to him:

1. Get your BMR's done asap and out of the way and THEN do your rating requirements for third class petty officer;

2. Do EVERY SINGLE correspondence course you can get your hands on;

3. Read into and prep for the Seaman to Admiral program;

4. Invest in preparation for Sailor of the Quarter and Sailor of the Year programs at whatever duty station you end up in;

5. Be consistent. Mind the rules, play the game, and become familiar with your supervisors direct;

6. Remain physically fit and active and pass all of your PRT's;

7. Keep your uniforms squared away;


9. Always stay ahead and think pro-actively;

10. Follow HONOR, COURAGE, and COMMITTMENT and you'll do fine. Those are your core values, Sailor. Follow them and you will be promoted.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad he got things worked out . I did a lot of time on Navy ships, mostly floats out of Morehead City, N.C. to the med, but I spent months on the ships and it's a tough life. It's a good one, though.

elmers brother said...

Being a 20 year Navy man myself..besides the advice that Steve gave I would say the most important thing is to choose your companions wisely.

Fair winds and following seas!


Left Coast Rebel said...

Incredible and moving, god bless. Great blog!

Anonymous said...

God Bless Jesse. I do know others like him and I thank God for them regularly. This country would not stand without them.

Beverly said...

A heartwarming post.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Miss Z. for writing this about my joining the U.S. Navy. It is the only dream I have ever had to be in the Navy protecting our country.

Mr. Steve and Mr. Elmers Brother, thank you for your advice. I have printed it out and placed it in my wallet so i have it with me at all times and be able to remember it. I have also shared it with my recruiter who said he is going to make the advice part of his new recruit packet. I am sure this advice will serve the Navy well as more recruits learn what they need to do early on to be the best sailors they can be.

I will have Mom update all of you from time to time so you know that your advice and prayers are going to good use. Thanks again to all of you. Miss TMW, Mom says your daughter is the pretty one in Florida. Please send her my regards.

Jesse (Heidianne's son)

Joe said...

Thank you for an inspiring post!

Anonymous said...

LOL - that's my boy!

thanks to everyone for your warmth and support for my son and everyone in uniform.

Anonymous said...

God bless you Jesse, and thank you for your service. You make us all proud.

And Heidianne, bless you and your family for giving our country such a wonderful young man.


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I envy the young man. I only have three regrets. One of them was not enlisting in the Navy like both my parents did.
Enjoy serving our Country Brother. There are millions of us who have a higher opinion of you than any famous athlete or actor.

Z said...

Jesse, it was my total pleasure. When your mom sent me the information, I just felt so proud of you though we haven't met yet!

I love the comments here and am really thrilled that Steve and Elbro's advice is going to be included for not only your edification but for information many young people who have your heart will gain from!.....You all deserve everything we Americans could possibly do for you!

Thanks, everybody...I knew you'd be as touched as I was.

Truth101, welcome to the blog, I hope you come back from time to time.

Rita Loca said...

A gigantic thank you to Jesse and all the other wonderful patriots who put themselves in harms way to protect us. I have some younger cousins and a couple of nephews in the service. I will add Jesse to my list for prayers.

Unknown said...

Thank you Jessie. Your service and commitment to your Country is appreciated.

I have my own soldier, so I know the sacrifices the families endure.
God Bless you

Thank you, Z for sharing. Oh and an icee is like a slurpee. They have icees in CA!!

Z said...

Hi, Grandma! NO BY ME!! Not in my lifetime!?? Sounds like what we call a grape slurpee or grape slush!? mmm God bless "your own soldier!"

defiant_infidel said...

What a great thing to do, "Z"... I am ashamed I missed this earlier in my day.

As I read through the well stated feelings of those who commented, their words made me realize how deeply compelled each of them are to speak. It is very important to them that Jesse and Heidianne understand how much they appreciate the sacrifices. They know, as I do also, that the sacrifices are for all of us, both the grateful... and the revoltingly ungrateful.

Jesse, thank you for taking the time to write back to them. Thank you for giving your time and service for others in this consecrated Republic.

Heidianne, thank you for being such a fantastic mom. You surely are some damn deservedly proud.

Z said...

defiant infidel, it's SO SO good to have your wisdom and kindness here. You're so right about Jesse and Heidianne and my commenters. I've got a fantastic bunch here, I love them, I truly do.

Steve Harkonnen said...

(ahem) thanks all...

The "rest" of the advice?

1. When in Naples, keep your wallet in a front pocket.


3. When in Naples, avoid the "campfire girls."

4. When in Naples, find "La Cava" and have dinner there, but don't be shocked if the lasagna has sliced hard boiled eggs on top.

5. When in Naples, visit "Mama Rosa's" or "Mama Sita's" just don't get caught by Shore Patrol!

6. When in Naples, go to the Piano Bar across from the USO.

7. When in Naples, eat at the restaurant next to the Piano Bar.

8. When in Naples, VISIT VESUVIUS and POMPEII.

9. When in Naples, get your sound equipment at AFSOUTH if it is still there (it's cheaper than at NSA).

10. When in Naples, never forget how beautiful the girls are.

Z said...

Hey, Steve..after reading that, I'm thinking it's best if Jesse stays out of Naples and just dates a pretty girl FROM there, huh? :-)

In ROME: Keep your handbag under arm, TIGHT. (not you, of course, Steve! HAA!)

Steve Harkonnen said...

I have also shared it with my recruiter who said he is going to make the advice part of his new recruit packet.Thanks, shipmate. I can tell you're off to a fine start!

Steve Harkonnen said...

Z: Actually, Naples is one of the top ten cities for him to visit in the Med.

If he wants to meet girls, tell him to tell his ship's CO to do a port visit to Benidorm Spain.

Dutch blondes on vacation.

Need I say any more?

Z said...

Steve, you said "If he wants to meet girls, tell him to tell his ship's CO to do a port visit to Benidorm Spain.

Dutch blondes on vacation.

Need I say any more?"

Not to THIS BRUNETTE you don't! (Smile)

miradena said...

Z - You write faster than I can read - and I am woefully behind by date - but i didn't want to miss commenting here! What a lovely story of an American sailor and his proud Mama. As the daughter of a "Navy man" and the mother (in-law)of a Coastie, I have the warmest admiration and regard for all who choose this path of selflessness. God Speed and smooth sailing to Jesse....