Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Public Service Announcement regarding TAXES. TAKE HEED


Your income taxes are normally due on April 15th, unless that date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, in which case they are due on Monday the 16th or 17th.

However, due to a recent change, and for the next four years, your taxes will not be due until you are nominated for a cabinet position.

(now don't miss the song in the video below...............!!)


Anonymous said...

And only if you're a democrat.

Anonymous said...

Good one Z! As funny as that is, it also points to something FAR more important. These looters see themselves above the laws that THEY write. It's very hard to miss the fact that so many of them live in NO fear of the IRS. There's a reason for that! That's right, the IRS has been politicized at the higher levels and they obviously don't screw with elite Dems.


Pat Jenkins said...

and you don't even have to know what you are doing either!!!

Rita Loca said...

well good then!

Anonymous said...

Very funny! Only it's really not very amusing.

However, as I just wrote to one of our dear friends:

••• Meanwhile the wind blows, the sea flows, the sun shines, the rain falls, the flowers grow, the vegetables make new seeds for next year's crop, the mountains are still beautiful, the rivers and lakes still shine, cats are still adorable and mysterious and funny and dogs are still all about love and digging homes under fences.

We can't afford to let ourselves get depressed. It saps our strength.

Also --- and i realize this will rankle many --- what's the use of being "privileged," if you don't in fact have a considerable advantage over the rank and file?

~ FT

highboy said...

I'm going to send my 3 year old a thank you card. When he asks why I'll tell him he'll find out when he's 18. If I tell him the debt he'll be paying now he'll never get a job.

christian soldier said...

Z-thank you for stopping by my blog-
YAF is truly a worthy avenue for our $$ support and
Jason is so great at exposing the student 'results' of our twisted education system (Ayers
That is why I LOL when I view him in action ..
As always - I enjoy your posts here.

Anonymous said...

Taxation is the revenue governments deserve for having to put up with the people. But I believe that taxes are our lifeline because were it not for these revenues, government might decide to dissolve the people and start over.

~Leslie said...

LOL yes, only if you are a liberal democrat!

Funny Z!

Mustang: if only we could dissolve them and start over...