"Let's string Clarence Thomas up, and his wife Jenny..string them up!" "Put Clarence Thomas back in the fields.." "Kill the bastard" "Cut off his toes one by one and feed them to him..." Oh, and don't forget to "kill Roger Ailes!"
The quotes above are in the video........Now, that was all at a Code Pink Protest....all liberals. Odd, I've never heard anything NEARLY as bad as this...not even close, at a Tea Party event......Why's the media always slamming them for their violence? Hypocrisy, thy name is LIBERAL.
WOW (thanks, Pris, for emailing me the video and your comment about the Left's VITRIOL...yet the Right is constantly blamed for it..........and the Right puts up with it. Go figure)
10 Akun Depo 5k Paling Populer di Indonesia
10 hours ago
oh how sad and pathetic.
seriously....sad and pathetic.
I'm thinking the combined IQ of that crowd wouldn't top 100.
All analysis of the left will arrive at a non-sensical conclusion once you succumb to the absurd premise that leftists are actually capable of rational thought.
Amazing...sad, disgusting. An accomplished black man who by any standard, should be seen as a fine example of achievement and success. Is vilified like this without any...without a peep from the MSM?
Yet we know damn well why it's tolerated. He's a conservative, sensible man. Now...after all the bullshit about the TParty "spitting on and cursing" black house members on their way to the Obamacare vote ( and nary one shred of proof even after Breitbart putting up 100K for proof and not one scintilla of visual, oral or audio evidence ) we now that proof right from the mouths of leftist loons!!
And not a word of condemnation.What's worse, yet not unexpected is that the saviors of the black race...sharpton, jerkson,waters, rangel....offer not a trace of outrage that one black man could be treated like this???!!
You know folks....if it happened to one of their sacred eggplants from the CBC, NAACP or the NAN....there would be cities burning down now.
Jen, I, too, was stunned by the level of stupidity and low level of thought processing...some are absolutely laughable if we didn't know they VOTE. REALLY pathetic.
Beamish...where have I heard THAT before? :-)
RedWood, I totally agree with you..cities would be burning, excellent commentary.
FrogBurger, this is THE OPEN MINDED party, the BIG HEARTED, UNDERSTANDING bunch, right? (smile) And WE get nailed for..vitriol? WOW.
How can anyone expect bipartisanship, when this is what constitutes the left.
I'm convinced that these are people whose misery drives them to these ends. This is what hateful indoctrination does.
There is no depth, only shallow thought which goes unquestioned.
Yet the media is silent about threats and violent hopes from a gaggle of misled fools, while criticizing citizens who are deeply concerned about their country.
I agree this is sad and pathetic. There are no other words to describe such non thinking buffoons as these.
I guess this is what passes as useful idiots, and "useful" is a generous way of describing them.
Pris, isn't it stunning to think we barely see dopes like these on the Right (if ever) and the Left has people like THIS of all ages? I mean, the older people sounded like NUTS and they should have matured by now! And imagine calling for a black man to go to be STRUNG UP?
As RedWood said, cities would BURN if ONE Tea Party person implied anything CLOSE to that! BURN! We all know that.
Oh, brother...I may save this just to link to it next time ANY lefty here tries to imply the Right is unthinking..."Hold on thar, guy.....I got somethin' fer ya to see" (they'd understand better if I put it that way, apparently:-)
FrogBurger, this is THE OPEN MINDED party, the BIG HEARTED, UNDERSTANDING bunch, right? (smile) And WE get nailed for..vitriol? WOW.
You know what's sad to me?
The American radical left has become almost worse than the French left, which seems pretty mild compared to those drones.
Or maybe it's because I haven't hung out with them in a long time now. But I never saw that in France.
they were pretty darned hard on LePen, FB...pretty foul stuff was said but he kind of deserved it! I was living in Paris during the election before Sarkozy's...Chirac's last election....with Jospin his biggest opponent. Were we glad Chirac won! (for about 18 minutes)
I don't think the French have the lack of class this PROGRESSIVE bunch exhibits in the video.....Actually, I take that back; when you think of the French Revolution and OFF WITH THEIR HEADS and toothless hags knitting in the corner with crowds watching the guillotine? ...this Progressive crowd looks like a modern day rendition of that!!
Non-thinking is right, Z. And yes, a non-critical approach to problems. You can tell that they were just repeating talking points, if they could even get anything coherent out. It seems to me that the older folks in these videos are just giddy that there's a new generation of "revolutionaries" to go out and share their vision.
Sadly, they just look like simple-minded clones. This kind of footage needs to be used in classrooms in order to show a good example of group-think and non-critical thinking in action.
But I believe that there are significant numbers of young people who see this hypocrisy and turn away from the brain-washing of the left.
Conservatives need to use that to their advantage and welcome independent thinkers, making sure to promote a higher level of thought and behavior. I say that we should not shun anyone who doesn't echo the perfect "conservative" sentiment, if there is any such thing...else we become as exclusive and closed-minded as the left.
The left is disgusting.
I wonder if many people are even aware that Code Pink actively supports the Muslim Brotherhood ... and are part of the continuing efforts of Bill Ayers and his moll to destroy America.
I don't think the French have the lack of class this PROGRESSIVE bunch exhibits in the video.....Actually, I take that back; when you think of the French Revolution and OFF WITH THEIR HEADS and toothless hags knitting in the corner with crowds watching the guillotine? ...this Progressive crowd looks like a modern day rendition of that!!
If you use that example I agree. Or if you look at the "Ligues" in the 1930s and all the lefty/fascistic antisemites back then, they're pretty similar.
But now the French left has also realized the error of their way under Mitterrand. I still think they're deluded (Rocard now wants the 32-hour work week to fix unemployement since the 35-hour one didn't fix it). But some socialist ministers under Mitterrand like Strauss Kahn or Kouchner have said that their policies weren't very good for the French economy in the 80s and that they had to be more competitive.
Now I don't know how the folks are. I hung out around union people many times when I was younger b/c I was working blue collar jobs in the summer and weekends, but I've never seen so much hatred than this video shows.
Jen, you say "This kind of footage needs to be used in classrooms in order to show a good example of group-think and non-critical thinking in action."
That is an excellent suggestion.
Also, your suggestion that we shouldn't "shun anyone who doesn't echo the perfect "conservative" sentiment" is very true. I've tried to be welcoming to less than Conservative opinions here but I've been bashed for sounding like I've gone to the other side by a few commenters so I've shied away from it, but mostly, I'd like to have a blog where left/right could actually TALK, not insult, no sarcasm. Sadly, I tend to get sarcastic, too....When passions are up, we forget out resolve. It's my experience that this simply can't happen.
AND, Independents will ONLY be pulled into a party, I believe, where they don't see constant slams to the other side.
WHat's good is there is no footage ANYWHERE of Tea Partiers even coming CLOSE to the kind of people who were at that Code Pink rally...
Of course, when one Tea Partier holds up a nasty sign, the media puts it EVERYWHERE and, of course, this video's not been used ANYWHERE.
HEREIN lies the problem. America doesn't see this stuff.
Mustang, many folks simply don't care. MOST folks in America don't even know what Code Pink is but mention TEA PARTY to a normal neighborhood Democrat and they'll become incensed and repeat the negatives they've heard on their local and network news..
FB..."more competitive"..that's so un French it made me smile. I hope that's happening. My friend loved a particular product she'd bought at a particular shop in Paris for years. She moved back to MOntreal, then came back to look for that product...the storekeeper told her "We sold so much of it we got tired of having to restock the shelves and don't carry it anymore" That's the truth :-) Not too competitive!
Am I surprised? NO!
"We sold so much of it we got tired of having to restock the shelves and don't carry it anymore" That's the truth :-) Not too competitive!
France ranks after Albania on the economic freedom index now. Too bad there's not a laziness index as well.
Pretty shameful to see so much educational potential totally wasted and destroyed by the brainwashing of the left in France.
Hey, Ticker....I saw your sidebar lists me as THE Z SPOT! I kind of like that :-)
Beamish...where have I heard THAT before? :-)
I know I harp on it, but it's true. If leftists were truly interested in an honest, respectful discussion, they wouldn't hesistate to let you know that they are blithering imbeciles.
But no, you have to constantly remind them.
Beamish, I just saw a CNN "Correspondent" at the WH watching the Arab protest against Mubarak...
Suddenly, the all stopped and prayed and OH MY GOSH was she enchanted "Look at them praying! They take time for their faith even in this difficult time of protest....look at them gather they're strength from their faith.." yadda yadda
I couldn't help but think what she'd have said had they been Christians suddenly stopping to pray during a protest!
my GOSH, when is America going to WAKE UP at the hypocrisy AND who's lauded and who's disdained these days..? a VERY dangerous development prompted and continued by the left...in their zeal to look OPEN MINDED (ps see video!!)
Z, it is stunning. When we've been to TP rallies and conventions, everybody's talking about the issues. That's always the main focus.
Yes, Obama comes up, but I've never heard anyone want something violent to happen.
Sometimes I wonder if these leftists even know what the issues are!
"Sometimes I wonder if these leftists even know what the issues are!"
They're all deranged one trick ponies Prisc.
True, RedWood.
Pris, I know...NEVER have I heard anything remotely close to the horrid things said here, yet the media doesn't pick it up.
Odd Ducky has no comment, huh? :-)
I saw the "hearings" on Clarence Thomas' fitness to be appointed to the Supreme court. I saw Anita Hill's star turn as one of the greatest bold-faced liars in history. I saw how the Feminazis ganged up on Jusice Thomas. I saw the anguish in Virginia Lamp Thomas' face as she watched her husband endure what-amounted-to a "High-Tech Lynching."
I didn't think much about Clarence Thomas one way or another before that shameful spectacle, which has to be one of the lowest points in the history of American politics, but after that I became one of his greatest admirers.
As it turns out the appointment of Justice Thomas was probably the only lasting good thing accomplished in the first Bush administration.
~ FreeThinke
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