"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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Michelle: You do remember you lost the primary, right?
Ha, funny post. Chuck, nice one too!
i will be honest with you z i can think of nothing clean here so i will refrain from bringing filth to this blogsite....
"Yeah, I voted for McCain, too!"
Chuck, great one....FJ, too good..
and Pat? Ya, I know what you mean, but I'm still trying to get over being mad at your comment on the Al Green video (Smile)...!!
Kris Eveland, a new blogger, has a blog piece you'll want to read...on his TRUTH BE TOLD blog. check it out..
Sorry but I try to avoid obscene language.
Well Z I will honor your wishes dear friend. But wasn't it Michelle that supposedly HATED Hildabeast? Go figure. Such hypocrites, the lot of them!
Welcome to wrinkle cream HELL!!!
They'd make a cute pair of SALT & PEPPER SHAKERS, wouldn't they?
was that your thighs I heard apologizing to one another or mine?
You show me your cajones and I'll show you mine.
"I like you Shrillary!"
"Aw, shucks, I like you too, Michelle...
"It all happened after he found the vibrator? Yeah, I'm worried about that too. They have such egos."
The picture says it all.
Michelle:..."Hey Hillary, do you want to switch panties" ...
Hillary:....... "Sorry Mish, I wear boxer shorts"
ya, ya, yaaa. I knew I couldn't count on some of you to BEHAVE!
Oh, well.....some of these are fun, and we NEED FUN these days. thanks!
G'morning, Z - The photo looks like it captured a moment of hierarchy-in-training... :)
(Michelle to Hillary)
"You are not prepared to bow at the feet of the Saudi Prince, until you first learn to bow at mine..."
The one from DD2 was hysterical, he gets the First prize ribbon.
"My she's tall, dark and loathesome!"
"I can take this dumpy old broad down with one hand tied behind my back."
~ FT
Bummer..had to delete 2. But, that's not too bad, considering what COULD have been written! Thanks, anyway!
Hey, RedHead...naaaa but not too bad.
My favorite is FJ's first one about mcCain!
And Pat Jenkins cracked me up!
Mr. Z loved Namaste's, but I've already whined to you all that he LOVES that kind of humor!!
Aha! So you didn't LIKE the "Shall we go get a room at the Mayflower" bit?
My my my! We ARE getting prudish, aren't we?
And yet you let fart jokes remain?
Tsk tsk tsk!
Honi soit qui mal y penseBuh BYE!!!
"buh bye"...sorry, it's at my discretion and it had to go.
as for the 'other comment', I can't even type the word, but it was still meant in humor!
FJ, funny
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