Friday, April 17, 2009

Let's hire the Mossad...

Check this out, and this, too. Just click on the underlined words. Read them through, not just the first few paragraphs...

(please especially read the last two paragraphs on that second link, do NOT be beguiled by what the media doesn't want you to read so they add it at the end)

So, what does America do? We must be KIND, we must be OPEN and TRANSPARENT (Unless it involves anything the Obama administration does), but, must we be...............NAIVE? MUST we err on the enemy's side? What purpose did the revelation of the information in the second link do for America? Make us appear kind? liberal our enemies?

What CAN we do to get vital information for OUR safety? What do we do if the CIA is held in contempt of court? Does anyone REALLY believe that, if WE're nice, our enemies will be nice? I mean, REALLY believe it? !! Unless you're in the Obama administration, apparently?

What happened to America, the country that found out ahead of time who'd hurt us and did all we could to prevent it, the country which spied to save ourselves and other countries, the country which, very sadly, had to kill many in Nagasaki and Hiroshima to save far, far more, the country which has been safe to live in until extremist and even moderate Islam moved in so vehemently and demandingly after 9/11? And now we're weakening our protections?

What next? Nukes in Toledo, Ohio, I guess? Well, we couldn't hurt an informant to prevent that from happening. And, now, he knows that, so why would he tell? We can't allow our spy agencies to be nearly as effective as the KGB or Iran or any of the other horrifying regimes which have promised our demise. NOW WHAT? Hire Israel's Mossad? But, we're AMERICA!

have a nice day.



Anonymous said...

The internationalist collectivists require assurances. Obama is simply offering them our 'new' bona fides...

Z said...

Man, FJ..well said.
The naivite is stifling .. and we're SO at risk now, more than we ever were.
Odd that SOmali pirates had never attacked an American least not for years.
Odd that N Korea would suddenly shoot off missiles..
etc etc.


Ducky's here said...

The Army Field Manual has always been a well respected set of procedures.

Are there any concrete reasons to ignore it simply because the far right started peeing their diapers and saw the bogey man everywhere they turned?

Ducky's here said...

Oh by the way, z, have you read about the concept of rendition?

You don't send these guys to Mossad for interrogation. Give me a break. You send them to Egypt, Saudi, Morocco ... which we did.

Mossad. Give me a break.

Greywolfe said...

The leadership we have now is about as effectivee as a mouse running up an elephants hind leg with intent to rape.

They think a LOT of themselves and will until a lot of us get killed. Again. The next time we get hit like 9/11 I think that anyone who opposed the interogation techniques that actually work, should be put on planes and dropped off in the socialist country (other than the U.S.) of their choice.

Or just hung as traitors. I'm good either way.

Anonymous said...

Not many people recognize this, but Ducky is actually a CIA interrogator who interrogated Muslims and obtained important intelligence information. I’m glad to know government doesn’t intend to prosecute him, and I hope terrorists won’t be able to track him down in BOSTON and punish him for his sins against Islam.


Anonymous said...

Obama wasn't satisfied to quietly deter the CIA from using coerced interrogation which is bad enough, But, he released classified documents so the enemy could see what would not be used against them. No more uncertainty for the barbarian killers.

Oh happy day! Name, rank and serial No.
Oh, they have no rank or serial no?
OK, name please?
Do you have any information? No? Thank you, you're excused.
Have a nice day.

We can be suveiled for, supporting the 2nd amendment, being anti-abortion, pro-America, engaging in free speech, being military veterans, non-commie dissident protesters, and generally, traditional Americans.

But the enemy?

Well let's see, we're hearing that some Gitmo detainees may be freed onto our streets, and even eligible for welfare, so they can go home to their section eight housing and make plans to blow up America. What a country!

As usual the left never met a killer or enemy they didn't kiss up to. But their own fellow Americans are fair game.

How generous this President is.

The "overseas man made disaster" (overseas?) folks" can commit mayhem, kill thousands of Americans and destroy the Great Satan in peace and unfettered. God is Great!


Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

I want my country back.

Z said...


You said "Are there any concrete reasons to ignore it simply because the far right started peeing their diapers and saw the bogey man everywhere they turned?"

Let me just give a few:

Tapes of Imams speaking against us (we have a radicalized mosque nearby)
CAIR's constant obfuscation
Profs like Sami Al Aryan
"Death to America!" signs
Incredible lack of border control
Weakening of our defense
An appeasing president
N. Korea
Terror training camps a cross the world and in our country

but, you'll never see it, so what's the point.

And WOULD that we could send them to Egypt again. But, alas.....we have to be nice. I wish Danny Pearl could weigh in on that , huh? He was a really nice guy..ya.

Anonymous said...

An added note:
The release of top secret information, unredacted it seems,
will cause irreparable damage. That's why it's classified as Top Secret.

This is despicable, and for what purpose? To cave to the ACLU.

Now, if the President of the United States can't stand up to the ACLU........Are you kidding me?


Z said...

Pasadena..OH, me, too, more than anything..

Priscilla....absolutely irreparable damage......are they not even AWARE of this? It's breathtaking. They just don't seem to want to THINK, to actually consider America's in DIRE trouble in every way. oh, man

Zack R said...

"ACLU attorney Amrit Singh said the CIA should be held in contempt of court for holding back the information for so long."

I've always thought of the ACLU as an arm of Satan, whether literally or figuratively I'm not yet decided.

On days like this-- and after reading posts like this-- I really feel fairly convinced that we should prepare ourselves for a major attack during The Rotten One's term.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I always think stories like this were silly red herring.

By intelligence-sharing treaties, particularly with the UK, the CIA doesn't have to "spy on American conversations" - they can have MI-6 do it, and we spy on British citizens for them.

Nothing new under the sun.

(No, I'm not "back" yet... just passing through...)

The Vegas Art Guy said...

Zack, take your pick you might be right either way.

Z said...

Beamish...good to see you.

Zack..literally or Vegas guy said, take your pick. :0(

elmers brother said...

you want to torture terrorists?

Make them watch Duhkkky's (Jean-Luc Godard) films.