FAR BE IT FOR ME TO ADVERTISE LARRY KING'S SHOW, but he is having Perez Hilton (the homosexual judge) and Dennis Prager (the brilliant conservative thinker/radio show host) on his show TONIGHT to DISCUSS THIS ISSUE....It should be excellent.
Miss California (believe it or not) is for marriage between a man and woman. Why is having a different opinion "fumbling"? Yahoo also called it 'awkward'. Well, at least she didn't mention world peace! Imagine how uncomfortable it is to stand up for your beliefs about gay marriage in public, spur of the moment, answering a gay man? Sad, but true. She was really thrown a curve ball, but "Fumbled"? The implication is she wasn't BRIGHT or IT WASN'T OUR TYPE OF ANSWER? See the judge's FACE?
"Here is Perez Hilton, the judge's, response: "He went on to describe Prejean as having 'half a brain' and said he would have stormed onto the stage and ripped off her tiara if she had won." I like the big, liberal open mind, don't you?
There was speculation that the reply had cost her the Miss USA crown, as she was named runner-up with Miss North Carolina, Kristen Dalton, winning the title."
More from this article..."But in saying marriage should be between a man and a woman, it was a reply that may have cost her the Miss USA crown and led to her being called a 'dumb bitch'."
The sad thing is that we have to face the fact that this isn't a country that welcomes or even respects a conservative, traditional point of view anymore. Miss North Carolina, the winner (it had come down to those two, and congratulations to N. Carolina), said she thought American taxpayers should not have to pay for bailouts... The judges must have been really stumped. "NOW what do we do? Nobody said we had to pick between two conservative answers!!"
Liberal Torture. I like it.
UPDATE: "The way miss California answered her question lost her the crown, without a doubt!" Perez told Access Hollywood after the pageant. "Never before that I'm aware of has a contestant been booed at Miss USA." Z: here's the big problem: the audience clapped and cheered when she answered. You can hear it. Oops.
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2 weeks ago
Judge Perez Hilton typifies the tolerance of the leftist mind-set.
Tollerate anything but an opposite opinion.
Oops...there are too many "Ls" in tolerance. We need to get the "L" out of that word.
She's the real winner. Mr Hilton is an eternal loser.
have you ever noticed how liberal titles for things that sound SO inclusive are really exclusive of any viewpoint other than the liberal sanctioned pov? for instance, "pro choice" - they really aren't pro choice unless you make the choice that they advocate.
the only choice they will permit anyone to take - without attempting to shame them - is abortion on demand all the time right up until the moment the child is born. and then, if you're obama, after the birth if the child dares to live through the abortion procedure.
there is nothing so close-minded, racist and anti-equality as a liberal espousing equality in their pc manner. i always like to remember the words of larry elders in instances like this "facts are to liberals as kryptonite is to superman."
Good for Miss California! God Bless her!
Joe, we need to get Perez the L out of Miss America judging!
'eternal loser'...perfect. and perfectly sad. right.
HA..good one!
David...I was VERY proud of California! (finally!)
I'd like to know what the diplomatic answer could have been. I mean, either you are for it, or against it.
Is there a middle of the road answer? I don't think so.
It's a beauty contest for crying out loud, not a political litmus test. The judge was out of line.
I believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and his Portuguese water dog.
I agree with shoprat--and I will add >>>>>>
Oh that we had public servants with the same 'grit' as Miss California....
And :-) California is not as liberal as some want to believe-Right Z!!
The idiot displayed the exact behaviors toward a young woman that he purports to detest most toward gay men. Double standard? Yep. Typical of leftist twits? Yep.
Should she have lied about how she feels on this issue? Hell no.
An after thought: Who in their right mind would ask a homosexual woman-hating man to judge a female beauty contest? Are they smoking dope?
Oh wait ... Las Vegas. Got it.
The sad thing is that we have to face the fact that this isn't a country that welcomes or even respects a conservative,..so true Z!
Perez Hilton is a clown and a farse. The girl told the truth and as usual the kook-aids could not handle it. So disgusting and really sad.
Pris, EXCELLENT point I hadn't even considered...why, I don't know.
WHY ask a question like that at ALL? and Carolina's question was about bailouts! WHY?
EVERYTHING is politicized in the left's direction.
Doesn't this indicate that the lefties figure "if you don't agree with us, you can't win a beauty contest?"
Well, agreeing with them DOES make you AS VACUOUS AS A BEAUTY QUEEN, RIGHT?
DaBlade, that's the thing....gays who DO want gay marriage are descriminating; if THEY can marry, why not two sisters, a man and his horse? A dad and his daughter (Shudder)
Mustang...gays, the experts on feminine beauty. ?? ya, she REALLY turned him on, huh!? HEH!!
Carol...I'm SO SO PROUD OF MISS CALIFORNIA...and yes, there ARE good conservatives out here! YOU being one of them, of course!
Woman and Zeeva....beyond sad. BEYOND unAmerican.
"There was speculation that the reply had cost her the Miss USA crown...."
Wouldn't surprise me in the least, that's the ugly face of the left, intolerant, nasty and dirty.
Shame on the homo. He was probably jealous that he couldn't prance around like a big fairy up on the stage while all his boooyfriends cheered and the world was forced to celebrate.
I'm inclined to believe that good things will happen for Miss California after she has stood flat-footed and spoke truth.
In my humble opinion she truly embodied the American Spirit of true independence, and that a crown wasn't enough payment for her to relinguish that ideology from her.
I'm reminded of a scripture which says, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:" Matt 7:13
Which says to ME that all this open-mindedness is nothing more than a trap, and that straight forward thinking is what's going to get us through these years of crisis we face today in this country.
Liberals are so tolerant... Until you disagree with them, and then the cussing and ad hominem insults start to fly!
I'm amazed Ms. California had the GUTS to disagree in such an environment! Good for her!
MK and IHS...I'm thinking miss California GAINED a crown, huh?
Thanks Camera,...well aware of that book but haven't bought it yet.
I've heard he's had 8000 at book signings, lines snaking around corners. People have raved about this book.
Ducky..I don't call white people than any more than I'd welcome another nasty word about black people..you're deleted. "CENSORED" if you prefer.
You did, however, say "Can't believe this is what our culture spends time on." This I can't agree with. If we stop paying attention to morality in culture, we'll be like your side, and that's not the side that, so far, promoted a healthy, accepting, tolerant America. It's not 'tolerant' to accept EVERYTHING...we're not judgmental, we're discerning, hoping those who are lost and so angry (as witnessed by the personality of poor Perez Hilton) calm in the knowledge they're leading honorable lives.
i don't want to offend any homosexuals, because of course they are human beings like us all, but i am sick of the flambouyant bullying this group of people uses to get their way. they have shown nothng but hatred, belittlement, and abuse to reach their ends. ways they themselves have accused others of in treating them. this sickens me!... hilton is a punk... pure and simple!!
Pat.nobody wants to insult gays here...ever.
I'm sorry...except Ducky, who 'outs' every nasty Republican he particularly despises as if GAY is SATAN.
Oddest thing.
She was honest and gave her honest opinion, one I agree with. I admire her integrity.
Who are you going to believe a gay whore celebrity gossip or your lying ears?
This woman won't need that lousy tiara anyway. She will become the female equivalent of Joe the plumber before too long.
BTW: The co-producer of this show was on a morning show this morning. What she said is worth noting (I paraphrase), I heard on the radio this morning: "If she wants to win, she should have been aware that she could not voice an opinion which goes beside popular belief".
In other words: You can only win a beauty contest if you express liberal views. Congratulations. These people who claim to be open minded are anything but that.
i refuse to refer to homosexuals as 'gay'. that is an abomination and perversion of such a beautiful word.
back in the 1950's my father was taking a greyhound from d.c. to nyc to visit his brother, jerry, who was a model and television actor there. on the bus he was sitting next to marine corporal and (being that two of my father's older brothers had been in the marines and my dad hoped to join the marines) they were talking most of the trip.
towards the north end of the jersey turnpike, this corporal put the moves on my fathers. at that point my father called him a "homo" and a "queer" and vociferously rebuffed the marine's moves. according to my father, the marine was not at all put off by my father's refusal, but was instead offended by the words my dad had used.
he quickly and emphatically told my dad "we don't like those words. we want people to call us 'gay' because queer and homo are so negative. if we can't change how people think of us we'll never be accepted in the mainstream."
my dad related this story to me for the first time when i was maybe 10. at that point, people still referred to homosexuals as homos or queers and i had never heard the term 'gay' when referring to a homo. i also remember my sisters, my cousins and i laughing at such a notion - you should also know that one of those cousins is named 'gay'.
when i was just entering college a few years later, i heard the term 'gay' referring to some homosexuals. i immediately flashed back on my dad's story. the movement that had started in the fifties to gain mainstream acceptance for homos by calling them something they are not had succeeded.
sorry, i will not be a party to it. they are not gay - they are miserable unhappy people who want to force their unhappiness on all of us who do not agree with their lifestyle choice. i do not dislike homosexuals, but i will not pretend that it is normal or happy or 'gay'.
So now we have a person's personal political opinion determining her fate. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? The judge should be disqualified and Miss California should share the win with Miss South Carolina. It isn't going to happen because we're on our way to the Fascist State.
I couldn't tell how much of the audience reaction was cheers and how much might have been boos. I wouldn't doubt there were boos, there's so much of that foul righteous indignation out there against her point of view.
Mr Z...and the truth is it is NOT the majority which believes in gay marriage.
Heidianne, good points. The homosexuals I know are no more GAY than my friends with serious illness.
And, none of them wants to marry, either. They've told ME that's "all agenda"
Faith, welcome to geeeeZ. The were probably boos but the video somehow only seems to record the cheers. You are right, though...there had to be boos.
Thanks, Cube and Hermit...hard to believe, isn't it?
The very idea that a woman's beliefs will disqualify here from ANYTHING is anathema to America.
I"m hoping Ducky chimes in. It's SO about time he actually saw what we've been saying about the left for YEARS.
Also, this morning, the woman who helps run the pageant said very clearly that it was this woman's beliefs which caused her to lose and she shouldn't have risked it.
Way to go Miss California! And Cube is right, she's the next JTP.
As an aside, I hate to point out something painfully obvious, but Miss California is one beautiful woman! Yowsa! She's got the redneck Southern vote hands down!
Nauseating and scary pseudo-fascist blacklisting. The Left worship at the alter of historical McCarthyist blacklisting victims, yet are carrying out their own version of it on an infinitely broader scale on a daily basis: jobs are lost, conversation is squelched, pageant winners are besmirched-- all McCarthyism at it's worst, except that at least Joe McCarthy was combatting communism; these thugs are at war with the basic established tenets of societal order.
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