"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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I took a look at the linked site. Bookmarked!
Z, this site is great and scary true. I blogrolled them too. Thanks
Z, I can't thank you enough. You have a wildly popular blog and I'm thrilled to get a spotlight on it. Now if only I can figure out how to post as prolifically as you do...
Much appreciate it!!
Terrific is correct Z! Thanks for the link and despite the fact it is funny, sadly it is true!
Thanks, Z. Vegas is truly talented! :)
What Chuck said. Zack is an excellent artist, and his message is crystal clear. I've bookmarked the site, Z ... thank you for yet another public service.
Semper Fi
Everybody: Really glad you're bookmarking and blogrolling the site! It's super, isn't it.
I'm hoping Zack becomes the Right's Garry Troudeau. Obviously, he's FAR more bright and a better artist, and THINKS ultimately better, but...!! THe Left WINS....again. (imagine a rightwing cartoon in a big city paper like Doonesbury is!?) Michael Ramirez was in the LA Times and they canceled him!! HE was wildly popular...well, among the thinkers. Since most thinkers dumped the LA Times, Ramirez had to go!
Zack...YOU need to be on a REALLY popular blog. A huge one..
as for my being prolific? I'm working on curtailing that.....though the last few days are no indication!
Gayle...yes, Vegas is, but Zack can draw! (Smile)
Lot of negative space doing absolutely nothing in his panes. He needs to work on that and tighten his composition.
Those are truly great cartoons.
Those are great! Might be including them in future Flopping Aces sunday funnies posts. Thanks for the find!
Those are great. I can see a bit of a future for this one. Every cartoon tells nothing but the truth.
SO glad you guys like them as well as I do!
Wordsmith, you guys have some of the best cartoons going... Diversity Lane is going to be a great fit! Thanks!
I don't THINK Zack will mind my saying he is (obviously!) a working artist; something any artist would strive for. Doing what you love and getting paid for it!
Z, this is a great site. Thanks. I bookmarked it as well.
"Now if only I can figure out how to post as prolifically as you do..."
Zack - Z is a multi-talented gal who is full of energy. She threatens to slow down but I'm not sure she knows how, and we're all the better for it!
I think she should know, if she does slow down, we'll still love her!
Pris, very kind of you. Thanks a LOT.
He's funny. Thanks Z.
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