Thursday, April 23, 2009

This would be SOME SHOW!

Due to the popularity of the "Survivor" shows, Texas is planning to do one entitled, "Survivor, Texas-Style."

The contestants will all start in Dallas , then drive to Waco , Austin , San Antonio , over to Houston , then down to Brownsville . They will then proceed up to Del Rio , El Paso , Midland , Odessa , Lubbock , and Amarillo . From there they will go on to Abilene , Fort Worth , and, finally, back to Dallas .

Each will be driving a pink Volvo with bumper stickers that read: "I'm Gay," "I Love the Dixie Chicks," "Boycott Beef," "I Voted for Obama," "George Strait Sucks," "Hillary in 2012," and "I'm here to confiscate your guns."

The first one to make it back to Dallas alive, wins.

(got it from a friend...Thanks, Ellen)


Ducky's here said...

Pink's okay but there is no bleepin' way I'm getting into a Volvo.

Z said...

but that was a fun imagine I found, huh? "NO GUNS" perfect!!

what's wrong with Volvos? Don't TELL me you only BUY AMERICAN, Ducky (ya, right!) heh

Anonymous said...

Z, don't they mean the first one to make it to Waco? Yeah, it's the "no guns" that'll do it.

Ducky - pink's okay? Whoa!


dmarks said...

Don't forget "F___ the Cowboys", "Tofu: It's What's for Dinner", and the ever popular "Kerry/Edwards '04"

dmarks said...

And "Mess With Texas"

DaBlade said...

Almost as risky as having a nobama bumper sticker in urban Michigan! F the Cowboys!:)

Chuck said...

All that is missing is having Perez Hilton driving.

This is hysterical Z, this rated a whole household laugh when I read it aloud.

Z said...

Sure pink's okay with Ducky, the great 'outer' (only if they're Republican...if they're Dems, gay is very cool...if they're Rep's it's reprehensible and they have to be slammed) (sorry, Ducky, but you know that's how you sound most of the time!!)

dmarks...great additions! I should have done a kind of caption contest.."add more" Yours were terrific. TOFU about slayed me!!

DaBlade! SEE? I SHOULD have done a 'Can you name more bumper stickers?" on this one. FABULOUS!

Chuck. That's why I blog. Just to think I made your family laugh. how much better does it get?

WomanHonorThyself said...

haha good one !

shoprat said...

And all participants must be major players on the Left. that would make it more entertaining and more valuable to society at large.

Ducky's here said...

z, I notice you associate pink with gay. You far right wingers are a stitch.

Off course, right wingers get a little uneasy around men who don't need a gun to reassure them of their masculinity.

Texans are a joke anyway. Well, except for this one guy who was visiting Boston with his wife and we were sitting next to each other at the BSO and started chatting. Wound up talking over a drink at intermission about great Red Sox shortstops ... he was okay.
He though Southie was kind of hard ass thought.

christian soldier said...


dmarks said...

DaBlade: So, got one of those "Shut Down GM" bumper stickers yet?

Anonymous said...

Wow Ducky, first a pink car and you actually deigned to talk with a Texan? Imagine that, you found the one Texan you could relate to.

Will wonder's never cease!!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I knew quacky would pansy out. Perhaps if someone got the fairy a pink prius.

Z said...

pink prius...good, MK!