Please read Michelle Malkin's post on the newest Homeland Security Report. For those of you still unconvinced the following is real, check out THIS LINK.
Then, click here and read the actual report (I just fixed this link, it should work now, if you were here before) will notice that those of us who are anti-abortion, believe in small government, believe in the right to own guns, and don't honor illegal immigration, are now considered at the top of the Hit List of Homeland Security! Obviously, none of us are with the Klan and nobody's a mountain man shooting at anything he sees he doesn't like! But, the inference is's EXTREMIST to have the opinions the 'rightwing' has. Please read it carefully. If you're as stunned as I am, please let me know. I got this Monday and was afraid to post it, but I've decided it has to be done. After all, we are all supposed to be able to have our own opinions. And, after all, as anybody who really thinks would notice, this report makes it appear that it's 'extremists' who we need to worry about, but...really, not favoring abortion, believing in small government, belief in owning guns and wishing immigrants would only come here if they are legal all don't seem extremist to me. (I am not talking about the obvious extremists this report handles, I agree with some of that, but the INFERENCE is clear...the feeling is clear; add this to how Mr. Obama and Robert Gibbs single out conservatives in the media for ridicule, how they insulted Joe the Plumber just for asking a question, etc., and I hope this gets you to thinking....). (There is also an awful inclusion of racism accusations among the "rightwing" in this Report due to Mr. Obama's background; be careful not to jump to conclusions... I know NO ONE who wouldn't have preferred Michael Steele to Mr. Obama. With us, it was character, not color. There are NUTS on every side of the political aisle who'd do terrible things from racism, if that's YOU, please leave my blog.)
And, if we are SO WORRIED about EXTREMISTS in America, should we be more nervous about US, or...............THESE PEOPLE? Ya, that's what I thought.
Now..PLEASE read the article at Defiant Infidel's blog...(click on post below) won't exactly cheer you up, but it'll remind you good conservatives of what you DO stand for.........the GOOD things we cherish.
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2 weeks ago
I could NEVER have featured a time when MY government could POSSIBLY place those who believe in the U.S. CONSTITUTION into the category of EXTREMISTS.
This is simply a farce but all the more frightening because it's true. The American Legion has now publicly come out against Napolitano in a letter revealed today.
Z wrote:
"I got this Monday and was afraid to post it, but I've decided it has to be done. After all, we are all supposed to be able to have our own opinions."
Don't be afraid! The ONLY way to deal with these fascists is via direct confrontation. They actually count on cowing people like us Z. Fascists and leftists MUST be confronted, sunlight is indeed the best disinfectant for the leftist disease. ACORN has already promised that they'll be at the rally tomorrow, and I got my boys ready for the fun here in Jax! They REQUIRE a good beatdown.
Boy, Morgan, I never thought "got my boys ready .." would sound GOOD to me. But, it does.
BZ....GOOD for the American Legion...I hope it's EVERYWHERE tonight on the news! supposed to meet Andrew Breitbart SO looking forward to it! See you guys later.
Oh, the irony...
All we heard about the last 8 years was how Bush and his Patriot Act targeted liberals, and now we have this.
I'd be really angry, however, I'm some what relieved at all of the Obama administration's zealousness to push liberal ideals in front of our faces (socialism, idol worship, American shame, enemy appeasement, disdain for the Constitution, and now demonization of American patriots...
What's next? Oh right. Full amnesty for illegals!
America the sane will not appease them in 2012.
Great one, Deaner..I hope you're RIGHT
We need to start in 2010 (see you in a little bit)
So you're meeting Breitbart?Fantastic! Tellk him hello from Jacksonville,FL.
I never thought the country my family and I served for so many years would target people who think like us on a watch list. This is truly appalling.
I'll be keeping my eyes on you. ;-)
This strategy is to intimidate and silence traditional Americans who are voicing our outrage at the obvious attempt at taking over and forcing us to pay for, well, being taken over.
It should be clear to all of us, that the tea parties have them rattled. After all, every day Americans are supposed to keep our mouths shut, and pay, and pay, and pay.
When the cost is everything we believe in, and everything we have worked and sacrificed for, the price is too high.
When the cost is attacking our vets as potential terrorists, the price is too high.
When the cost is mortgaging our children's future, the price is too high.
When the cost is making us all servants to the state, instead of the state serving us, the price is too high.
This movement, the tea parties, is a grassroots phenomenon made up of Americans of all stripes and walks of life.
We will not be silenced or cowed.
I can't think of anything more American than the people demanding to be heard in the name of respect and freedom.
God Bless the U.S.A!
Lots of people are commenting on the DHS report, obviously without having read it.
I've read it (as have you) and it is worthy of our worry.
In it, and entire group of people are "demonized" because they disagree with the establishment.
I'm not worried. If DHS wants to waste their time monitoring me they're going to pass out from boredom.
MORGAN! I talked to Breitbart for about half an hour...he's absolutely wonderful...just a REALLY regular guy who's sharp and dedicated to this country!..
AND, we met Pat Cadell and JOHN BOEHNER and Richard Miniter, whose card I have in front of me... We spoke with Miniter for about an hour. Just couldn't believe what a great time we had tonight! He's a friend of James Taranto's and I know James, too, thru emails for a few years now, so that was fun!
Boehner was ...okay.
Pat Cadell is a genuinely terrific guy. Man, we had fun!
Tea Party tomorrow!---I'm learning from the dark side and am encouraging my fellow TPs to carry cameras and video cams...going to a fairly newly formed event near my town....
They may be watching us ---WE WILL BE WATCHING THEM and RECORDING...!!!!!
Z-enjoy your TP ----
Tea party tomorrow for Mr. Pris and I too. Yes, we're taking our camera as well.
Good on you, Pris.
I'm HOPING to go, too...I've got a hugely busy day, but ours goes till 7 pm, so I"M HOPING!!
CS....the Washington Times has news that ACORN, etc., will be photographing Tea Party attenders.........this is the new Brown Shirts, folks...Taking photos and filing them.
And the left thinks this is JUST FINE..that 'big open minded' group which would NEVER take this and calls US FASCISTS! HAAAAAAAA!!!
Where do I sign up for this right wing extremism? I just read a drudge linked article that compares the US favorably with Russia.
Actually z, the ones on the top of the list are the loons who were once the militia movement.
Once they make a move they will be purged. Simple.
If you have broken no law you have nothing to fear.
I've got to get out the door to work, so I don't have time to read this thoroughly.
That said, I have noticed some similar information on the web today and yesterday.
What is happening to America? Those who disagree with the political party in power are going to be muzzled? Is this not fascistic?
Back later.
And apologies for this quick comment.
Well AOW, considering that z has at least three regular posters who have been just barely this side of advocating armed insurrection I would look to cleaning up the insanity on your side rather than blaming the liberal bogey man.
You've drifted so far right you don't seem to understand who's on the fringe any longer.
Ducky, which posters? ANd, if they do say anything like that, you want them arrested? Nobody has ever threatened ANYONE here so I'm curious what you mean.
Carrying guns, buying guns and ammunition, so far, is no crime.
Some of us realize how bad things are getting in this country..a fascism nobody would have believed is settling in and you're not aware?
Just eager to put your hands in the air and get your freebies and don that gray Mao jacket, huh?
That's pretty much the sense of the Report "Anyone who has the nerve to disagree with this administration's targeted" Sure, NO PROBLEM being targeted by OUR GOV"t, but let a conservative who greatly resents this sudden and constant barage of insults and threats of bigger and bigger control, and WE are the EXTREMISTS? Unreal.
I'm not going to name them, z, but after the incident in Pittsburgh when a gun loon shot down three cops because he thought Obama was going to take his "security blanket" you should realize that there is a threat.
you aren't going to 'name them'?
Seems to me you asked me to define a few terms the other day so you could see my point...
I'll wait, Ducky.
And you take one incident, or two, and issue a report against your countrymen? WOW.
And, we don't even have the facts. Funny, by the way, that when muslims kill, the names are withheld, but let a White Christian Sunday School teacher kill and her name and AVOCATION were the first things off the media's lips, huh?
Ducky, you're not stupid. YOu see what's happening..and you're condoning it. you should be ashamed.
Funny, by the way, that when muslims kill, the names are withheld, but let a White Christian Sunday School teacher kill and her name and AVOCATION were the first things off the media's lips, huh?
Are you insane? The beheading in Buffalo wasn't plastered all over the right wing blogosphere as MUSLIM?
Now when some Jesus freak whacks an young girl and puts her in a suitcase you get all upset that might be considered representative of all evangelicals.
Myself, I certainly don't believe it is but the difference between me and a right winger is that I know the killing in Buffalo was also unrepresentative.
Go read Greywolfe's blog and see what he has in mind for the country. Steve Harkonnen and Papa Frank aren't far behind.
How's about the Jews in Seattle who were off'd about 1 year or so ago? NADA in the media, Ducky..NADA. Not till the news cycle's worn out..then a small bit...Mohammed.....
How about the JEWS in Northridge,CA, Ducky..? NADA...not till the cycle was over......and I'm not sure it was ever released. But I had friends who knew the dead.
Ya....ONE CASE is SO obvious because THEY OWNED A MUSLIM TV STATION and you use that example?
Ah, Ducky,,,come on. You can do better than that!!
I can't speak for Harkonnen (he's a bit wilder than I am, that's for sure) but he and others are ANGRY, DUCKY. This is beyond ANYTHING we've seen in this country.
As a BIG OPEN HEARTED LIBERAL, you should really READ THE REPORT and see for yourself. And then check out ACORN planning on interfering in the Tea Parties, photographing, asking for signatures from unwitting Americans who don't sabotage themselves so they don't expect this evil?
You should REALLY be ashamed of the Left, Ducky.......honestly, no joke.
As a BIG OPEN HEARTED LIBERAL, you should really READ THE REPORT and see for yourself.
I am a LEFTIST ! I am one of those people your parents and minister warn you about.
The Seattle incident was widely reported but you're right, z, this Northbridge thing is a cipher.
What happen, a Muslim move in next door to a teabagger?
Any of you folks ever really been tracked by the government?
Had your phone tapped, stuff like that? Any of you remember COINTELPRO?
Well we do and it's our country now.
OH, no, the Seattle NAME OF THE MURDERER was BARELY reported, do NOT give me that....we were very aware of that case.
Northridge? A 'cipher'? People were killed. No name of the killer.
Nobody's warned me, Ducky...don't be silly. Who needs someone warning about the obvious?
again, you should be ashamed, but you're far more E European than American, so, though 99% of the Eastern Europeans I know (and all vote Republican)have lived under and know better, empirically, you're still stuck on SOCIALISM CAN WORK IF WE DO IT RIGHT.
Now, who's silly?
Its funny how Bush passes the Patriot Act, which in no way violates any right to privacy (since the Constitution gives legality to probable cause and the Act doesn't change that) gets met with liberal outrage but Homeland Security (which also wouldn't exist without Bush) writes a report about "extremists" who actually recognize Constitutional framework and it gets applauded by the same group. So Ducky, where were you when Randi Rhodes openly called for the assassination of former president Bush on public radio? Or does she get a pass because she's a lib?
Highboy, well done. WHERE, indeed.
And yes, if a lib does anything, it's "SO COOL"...
good to see you
"You've drifted so far right you don't seem to understand who's on the fringe any longer."
Ducky, you know why you think that? Because you are a far left extremist. A marxist. You are the one who has drifted too far. Left. So, from where you sit, anyone right of center is too far right.
The people you refer to as too far right, are simply traditional Americans who want to be left the hell alone.
As far as purging is concerned which you brought up, you might want to consider the loons who called themselves, The Weathermen and talked of one day killing millions of Americans who would refuse to be "re-educated" into your Marxist utopia.
But no, instead they are college professors who have been rewarded for their crimes.
So far, the one who has made threats here Ducky, is you. Your talk about purging people is a threat, and maybe you should give some thought as to how extreme YOU are.
Pris, tie a can on it.
The entire history of the nation is littered with examples of right wing oppression and outright violence against progressives.
You want to be left alone? In your little "if I feel comfortable I must be free" world? Ain't going to happen. You cannot isolate yourself and you can't get away with your little ad hominems.
The St. Ronnie Raygun years are OVER. YOU SCREWED UP. I posted something over at AOW's about Alfred Lawrence's economic theories (please, tell me he's a "socialist") and how they destroy the delusional camp cultism of Rand and the Austrian school. Read up if you like.
Otherwise be satisfied to be part of the right wing cult that would prefer to get all syrupy over a four year old reciting the Pledge rather than real education in this country. Teach "civics" and indoctrinate. That's the right wing way.
Once again. The Republican "brand" (because we are in America and brand image is what counts) has been destroyed. I don't know what you propose to have rise out of the ashes but I doubt all the teabags in China will do anything about your marginalization. It's over, you screwed up. Now get out of the way.
No, Ducky, YOU'RE the group that's not working, it's YOUR PEOPLE who are lying, cheating, nontransparent, hurrying through bills. You're the fascists hoping to tell everyone exactly what to do and when to do it; BIG GOV'T REINGS...and you call the Right FASCIST!! HEH! By the way, let's just THROW MORE MONEY at our schools, THAT'll do it! (It never HAS, but ..heck, money solves everything, huh, in your world?)
And then you actually dare mention 'real education' in this country when our kids are nothing but indoctrinated away from affection or honor for America? Are you kidding? You honestly don't believe there's legitimate terrorism, so maybe you're a case of more not knowing than actually believing what you wrote in your comment to Pris. It's seeming to me that you just DON'T KNOW>
The reason obama's failed so miserably overseas (please don't be naive enough to think THEY LIKE HIM, nothing came out of that ridiculous trip) is because he doesn't understand American history (Or admire it one BIT) and misrepresents and even demeans US, to THEM..THERE's a leader for you)
it's about damned time little children started learning again that they're in the greatest country in the world and that MIGHT help them honor it through not turning tail, through seeing through socialism, through understanding that NO "Conference" can be held without being a laughing stock if it only has one side represented!
I heard a commercial that says "Green is the NEW GOLD" the other day. We'd better damned well HOPE not, Ducky, or YOUR world is OVER. And OH, will you be stunned when it hits you in the face.
How terrible that people like you actually see anything good in what obama's doing. did tell us you're a socialist, so, that helps us to understand. some American.
An American who welcomes socialism in this country sure hasn't a clue about history, either, does he.
Stop z, the political faction screeching about the dangers of the DHS is the same one that spent the last eight years vastly expanding the domestic Surveillance State and federal police powers in every area.
DHS -- and the still-creepy phrase "homeland security" -- became George Bush's calling card. The Republicans won the 2002 election by demonizing those who opposed its creation. All of the enabling legislation underlying this Surveillance State -- from the Patriot Act to the Military Commissions Act, from the various FISA "reforms" to massive increases in domestic "counter-Terrorism" programs -- are the spawns of the very right-wing movement that today is petrified that this is all being directed at them.
When you cheer on a Surveillance State, you have NO, NONE, ZERO, NADA, grounds to complain when it turns its eyes on you. If you create a massive and wildly empowered domestic surveillance apparatus, it's going to monitor and investigate domestic political activity. That's its nature.
This is when someone posts the Aesop fable of the scorpion and the frog.
"It's my nature". Indeed, we were trying to tell you but forget about learn, the right won't even listen.
You wanted the beefed up security state. You got it.
Ducky, the Republican "brand" doesn't matter. It's a political party, a vehicle, and doesn't describe real, thinking, feeling human beings.
What matters is, real people who love our country, and want to preserve it. You don't "get it" do you?
I don't define myself as a politcal party, I define myself as an American. Yes I love freedom, it's sad you don't. Your problem not mine. You take it for granted, I don't.
What you don't see, is that if you have your way, and everything happens that you think you want, you will not be exempt from the utter desolation and disillusionment that will result.
If you think you are above that, you would be wrong.
Finally, no, I will not get out of the way, nor will millions of others.
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