Just saw this picture.
You know how I ask for captions sometimes?
THIS one? Oh, please...DO NOT DO IT!!
This one...I'm not asking............. (much!)
(okay, but keep it clean!)
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
I hereby advise all readers against transmitting via comments, or links to other sites, any material that may constitute criminal behavior, or give rise to civil liability, including (but not limited to) violation of local or state laws, United States Code or regulation, or any international statute to which the United States is a signatory.
"Hey, Hil, Barack thought it would be good for the girls to see some ballet.
He asked Bill to take them to see the Nutcracker and he started off towards your office."
Where do you find these things?!
Ducky wins!
boy joe bill always knocked before he came in the back door!!.... ok that may of went out over the ground rules you have laid down for the comments!
I got nothing, but nice pic.
I.H.S.,, it IS a nice picture..We think of these people as hard core politicians..well, this seemed nice and natural and friendly!
I agree.
I can't top Ducky!
I thought she looked natural and genuinely laughing too. Not the way she'd look if she'd just been called a nutcracker.
uh, pat? Ya, I THINK so!! geeeeZ LOL!
Beverly..vee hahf hour vays...
Have you EVER seen Hillary smile like that? I mean a REAL honest to goodness, no camera ready, laugh? I was surprised ..it looks REAL!
CJ...I FINALLY got the joke. geeeeeeeeZ thanks!! I thought.........never mind!!
"Barack's calling it an Economic Stimulus package..."
(whispering) "We've done it again...the wool is over the eyes of those stupid 'regular people' and it's too late for them to do anything about it."
FJ and MA..I fear you win.
They are REALLY getting their way...bye, bye, Miss American Pie.
Drove my Chevy to the levy and.......just let her crash
Agreed on Michael Steele. As far as the picture, that's just too dark of a place to go to.
OOOOOOOOOH Joey, blow in my ear again!
The most human and appealing picture of Hillary I've ever seen.
Joe has tamed the savage best. Obviously Joe is giving Hillary something Bill never had to give.
Who knew? What has Joe been hissing all these years?
I wish them every happiness, but what about MRS. Biden?
~ FreeThinke
I meant HIDING but I wrote "hissing," instead. Could that be what-they-call a Freudian slip?
I assure you I thought I was typing the word "hiding."
Oh well ...
~ FreeThinke
Joe: I heard you like Dunkin' Donuts?
Hillary: LOL! They go right to my thighs.
Joe has tamed the savage best. Obviously Joe is giving Hillary something Bill never had to give.
You mean respect?
Could be, Elbro, although I was thinking more of affection. The two go hand in hand in my book.
If we didn't know so much about these people, it would be a genuinely sweet picture.
~ FT
yes FT hand in hand. It seems his respect only went so far as she was able to help him politically and vice versa.
I think you're right FT.
At least they are not mouth-kissing like the Obamas and the Bidens did during the campaign. (vomit)
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
Hey Hillary, check out my stimulus package...
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