"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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Und das ist Knut -- oder Flocke? --in der Front Row? Famous liddle polar bear.
Ja. Well, I dunno. Political Correctness calling the shots everywhere these days. Maybe more so there even than here? I guess they're trying to embrace the inevitable. Too bad it's gonna bite 'em in the ass if they go on pretending like it's all hunky dory, one big happy family.
LOL CJ! I do believe that is cute and adorable Knute! Just one of many in this photo who would rip your face off.
I've never been to Germany, is it nice there?
Keeping in mind that it has been 30 years since I was in Nuremburg, I do not remember that much diversity anywhere in Deutschland.
At the time, there were some guest workers from Mediterranean countries, mostly from Turkey. They kept to themselves a lot and I was warned not to frequent their bars and/or cafes, because they didn't like Americans and loved to fight. The only black people I ever came in contact with were US soldiers stationed there. (I did meet a black lady from Britain just outside Frankfurt once.)
Germany is a beautiful country. Clean as a whistle, as they used to say. You can go into any German's home at almost anytime of the day, and it's clean. They even sweep the streets in front of their homes. Roads were as smooth as when they were first paved, no potholes.
You couldn't find very much litter anywhere, if you tried. Frankfurt or Hamburg maybe a little here and there, but any town or village you would encounter looked like a picturesque scene, from storybook land.
Wow, they put a Burqa babe right in the center.
Fodder for next week's radio interview, Z?
Always....Mr. Z gets a little "over the top" on the subject, but I'll try to subdue him IF he talks at all, too! Thanks. (actually, I get a bit edgy on it, too, having seen Germany change over the 20 years)...
Brooke summed it up nicely.
My thoughts are that we will see this here in the US soon
"Wow, they put a Burqa babe right in the center."
Somehow Ducky, 7th century living, doesn't quite work unless one lives in a 7th century culture.
The whole pc effort is so counter productive, and ludicrous. To put on a pretense that it's just hunky dory, and acceptable is just plain stupid.
Multi-culturalism is a societal killer.
Um ... Nuremstan?
Pris, keeping a society in tact is something one only wants to do if one sees merit in that society.
Sometimes I think some Americans have been taught we're so rotten to the core that we're not worth it. Honestly I do.
And, in the name of KINDNESS and OPENESS (mostly by the left in all Western countries...not Eastern or Latin countries, they'll throw you out on a dime),some kind of 'mea culpa' for all that evil America's supposedly done, we're opening ourselves up to terrible times to come....
Z, there's truth in what you say, but I do think Americans take so much for granted, as though things will remain the same no matter what, that they don't become concerned until it's too late.
The shallowest look at history tells us that in the long view "change is, indeed, the only constant."
Human society taken altogether is very like the oceans --- always in motion --- always effecting changes to the shoreline --- restless --- never ceasing --- eternal --- beautiful --- exciting --- and terribly dangerous.
The same could be said of Life, itself.
Personally, I hate change and love the coziness of stability, but evidently God wants constant adjustments and various kinds of upheaval to occur or we'd all be frozen in time like statues.
Why should this be so?
It's not for us to know.
Anonymous..I'm not a big CHANGE lover (even more, lately!!) But, I suppose you're right.
For SO many years these beautiful countries were 'allowed' to stay as they were, with their own identities, without strangers coming and living off of the people, refusing to acclimate/integrate, etc....now, it's a change that's unpleasant. I'm not sure THAT is a God thing at all.
And we're next.
Pris...well said.
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