Monday, October 24, 2011

Making money.....THIS IS SO STUPID!

You simply will not believe this:

Democrat Senator of Rhode Island, Jack Reed, was a sponsor of the ridiculous bill......Can you see any upside to the thing?   Do you see how much money's being TOTALLY wasted?   And they need a bill to STOP IT?
I've rarely seen anything this dumb, have you?   Had you heard about this? 

Z (thanks, Mustang)


Average American said...

Not my fault!!! I've been buying my 8 per coin for the grandkids as a teaching aide, in case the progressives try to change history again by leaving out some of our greatest Presidents. They will have proof positive that guys like Lincoln and Reagan existed!

Always On Watch said...

The Susan B. Anthony dollar was discontinued after about 3 years.

Silverfiddle said...

This man was elected. We are dying by self-inflicted wounds

Joe said...

As dumb as it is, it might be the smartest thing the government has ever done.

Brooke said...


Stupidity rules the day.

Anonymous said...

They can't stop without doing Obama.....that'd be racist!

Anonymous said...

Dumb as hell indeed. Again the gov thinks the demand is there when it's not. In perpetual denial gov is.

Z said...

Joe, tell us why?!

Dave Miller said...

A classic problem of a stupid idea from a Dem, promoted by the GOP Congress and Senate, and then signed into law by a conservative President, all in 2005.

And now, as the reporter mentioned, after hearing the story on NPR, our current bunch of ineffective occupants of government will be unable to do anything about it.


Proof that both sides of the political aisle are capable of being buffoons.

cube said...

This is what you get when you double down on stupid.

Z said...

Dave, WOW! Sorry I included that fact that it was a Dem who thought it was a good enough idea to promote and sell it...:-)

...this is about a bad idea costing taxpayers a ton of money and nobody having the guts to say "Screw the LAW, this has to stop".
I've got a sneaking suspicion that most Americans would be real happy that happened.

This is "CHANGE" (literally) that we REALLY don't need :-)

Cube, you're so right

Ticker said...

I wonder if they offered them at cost,0.32 each how many takers they would have. At least they would break even which is more than the government has done in years on any project.

Pris said...

This is the kind of thing which happens when money is plentiful, and it's not yours.

There's no restraint, it's just, "what the heck, why not do this, the coffers are full, and the money keeps flowing in".
I'm sure this is the tip of the iceberg.

Not long ago a civics test went around the net. There were three groups who took it. Elected politicians, college professors, and citizens. Here is the result: the highest scoring group were the citizens! You know, we unwashed masses.

So, if you think these politicians who can talk a good game, are smart, or smarter as a group, than we all are, you're kidding yourselves.

Most of us, if we think we have a good idea then find out it's not, would throw it out. That's called common sense.

But government is not built that way. Once a seed is planted, it takes on a life of it's own and lives on forever and the taxpayers be damned.

Z said...

Ticker, I had that thought, too..why not? I'll bet people WOULD buy them.

Are they cheap alloys inside and precious metals on the outside?

Pris; "Common sense"? I THINK I remember that :-)

Dave Miller said...

Z, the part I liked best was that it will continue until something like 2016...

Z said...

Dave, we could do something about it if it was known by more people ... I'm tired of AMericans laying over and playing dead for everything our government does.

This is "CHANGE" we can REALLY live with out..literally and figuratively

cwhiatt said...

@Average America, these aren't coins they're tokens.

America hasn't made a coin for curculation since mid 1982.

The only coins worth getting from the US Mint are silver or gold.

cwhiatt said...

And actually mid 1982 is a stretch since copper, despite the flurry of homes broken into for their copper pipes, isn't really in the precious metals category.

More specifically it'd probably be better to state since 1964 the last year of 90% silver coinage before they debased the currency.