I think Bloviating Zeppelin hit it out of the park for a New Year's Post...HERE.
Wow. He asks "In retrospect, what would you tell yourself at 16?" Go back, see where you were then, and tell yourself what you might like to say to 16 year old you today. BZ included things like "Go with your gut" "Buy stock in Google whenever you first see that name." Buy stock in Apple whenever you first see that name." "Hug your father more"...etc. WAY better ones than those are there, too....amazing insights and it takes a LOT of courage to be as honest as he is with other points he makes and then publish them, too. I'm actually hesitant to do it but will try here. I hope you go see his and that you chime in on the comments. "What would YOU tell yourself at 16?"
Z's list: Believe in yourself
Your opinions count
Don't judge, everybody pretty much means well and they didn't mean to hurt
Sex is for adults; keep saying no!
Drugs are stupid
Don't have that first cigarette, it's a killer and you'll probably like it.
Exercise like you want really good arms when you're sixty!
Put ALL your faith in God and never be embarrassed to talk about Jesus
Yes, your folks are as good as you think they are and they'll continue to show you that as you age
You're going to lose your loved ones, keep telling them you love them
If you don't do as well as you could in high school, you'll be stuck at a JC for 2 years
Your health will never be better than it is today; do things you won't be able to do later
Ignore your grandfather's sister, just be cordial
The world will start falling apart sooner than you thought. Stand firm on your conservative values and never let down on them......
You won't BELIEVE what your next years have in store for you! One is you'll be living in Paris and Munich, Imagine?
You'll marry late but you'll marry good.
I guess I could go on but they'd be more and more personal and..........that's that!
"What would YOU tell yourself at 16?" Share it in comments, please!
xxx (Rita, I SAW THAT! Do I do that so much!?)
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9 hours ago