Above all the things the article well describes which support the idea that it might be better for him to go is this statement of his from the article:
Eric Holder was quoted in the NYT article stating ... "This is a way to get at the president...because of the way I can be identified with him.
Both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, the fact that we’re both African-American .”
Is he NUTS? Do you think he believes that? Is this about color or incompetency? Has his color ever even become an issue when you've thought about how he gave a pass to the Black Panther voting intimidators? Has it been an issue for you when you learned about Fast and Furious's operation which led to a death? Do you even think of his color when you think of Holder? I certainly don't. Sometimes I forget who's black and who's white, frankly. Shouldn't we all? And, of course, if he blames his troubles on whites going after his race, he can walk away looking like he'd done nothing wrong, right? Blame his woes on us. WOW, brilliant; what a weak, weak man. I heard he had a fairly good reputation as a judge in D.C...what happened? What a wimp.
For him to pull this race card is so low. It shows a kind of level of thinking which I think speaks loudly enough to give a reason for all Americans to think he ought to resign. Today. Don't you? Think he'll leave?
We'll all be "racists" in the eyes of morons, and they'll lose the White House for eight years.
Fair trade!
IMO, Holder won't leave. He'd rather stay and be a martyr for the race card.
"For him to pull this race card is so low."
Democrats always try to play the race card. That's pretty much the way they think, if you can call it thinking.
It's beyond outrageous for the President and Attorney General to accuse their opponents of racism. The President was endowed by the voters and AG Holder was confirmed by the Senate to their prestigious positions in government. Their decisions and policies have been challenged and objected to, not their race. Very sad, indeed, Z.
Democrats are, by definition, racists. They are the ones who faught agaist civil rights from the earliest days of the republic.
They hide behind legislation with high sounding names, but always keep both minorities and the poor enslaved to their power.
Holder should go...but I wouldn't be a breath holder.
Guy really is a disgrace. Worst A.G. since Alberto Gonzales.
I do think it's time to say to minorities, "Look we elected the black guy and what has it got you. Evictions and unemployment."
But it's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
'Til you wise up
Of course, of course....any questioning of your ability as AG is based solely in that you are a...*gasp!*...black man!
Someone call Sharpton and Jackson and get this guy some face-time on the MSM!
Pathetic. Tedious and pathetic. If we're such a racist nation, how in the hell did the majority of Americans vote for Barack Obama as President? (Oh, unless of course there is some truth to the ACORN scandal and the vote-tampering?)
You said:
"Look we elected the black guy and what has it got you. Evictions and unemployment."
Spoken like a true liberal!
Well, if you consider that Americans need to learn the lesson that anyone in the political system is most likely bought and paid for, I imagine it's liberal. The right doesn't seem to have figured it out.
Let's face it, identity politic, left and right, has been a tool the corporatist use to divide people and it's time people wised up.
The Tea Party has been a prime example of suckers similar to minorities and liberals who assumed the black guy must be progressive.
Time to start wising up.
It's only racist when the person is a minority Democrat, but when they are conservative then there is much critical thinking by liberals about how they are black on the outside and white on the inside
beamish...except the morons vote
AOW...he might leave, but he'll never stop playing the race card.
Bob...I think it's reason to get rid of someone when they really think that way. HE is the racist.
FW...the left will never learn.
Joe...do you think minorities will ever wake up to that fact?
Ducky...Gonzales was horrid
But, you want socialism in America and you think OTHERS have to 'wise up'?:-) your last comment makes absolutely no sense at all. ?
Chakam, a question black Americans COULD ask themselves is why Sharpton, Jackson, etc etc., have been absolutely missing in Action with this president; never at the White House that WE see, never saying a THING about Obama. odd :-)
And actually, that line about evictions and unemployment and Obama is true....black OR white skin doesn't matter; he screwed up BIG TIME.
Lisa...I'm not real sure what that quote even means.
This guy's body language irritates the crap out of me. All I see is the typical big gov or big corporation idiot and lazy guy who found a way to climb the ladder by schmoozing and playing the political game.
Eric Holder has been a sniveling little race-baiter from the start. He has to go.
FB, he's extremely smug, isn't he.
I laugh at these guys when I remember how the left called Reagan the TEFLON PRESIDENT...as if ANYTHING sticks on this bunch in the WH now? :-)
Opus, it should get interesting.
beamish...except the morons vote
Morons gotta eat too, and if Obama wants to defend the record of his first term and sell the prospect of a second term to the 79% of Americans that think he sucks by screeching "RACIST" I can only encourage him. I mean, c'mon. Bush was more popular that Obama is now a week after Hurricane Katrina.
Obama may be one of the few morons to vote for himself.
Beamish, are you saying that we shouldn't care that our president and his henchman screech racist every time America doesn't agree with them when you say "...that think he sucks by screeching "RACIST" """
No, I'm saying their screeching "RACIST" at their opponents has jumped the shark. Hell, even the devout Teabagger Communist Glenn Beck is calling people "racists" for supporting Newt Gingrich. It's not pulling anyone into Obama's corner that wasn't there already.
It's having the opposite effect actually. "Generic Republican" is trouncing Obama in the polls.
So are Gingrich and Romney. And about the only thing that would screw that up is a Gingrich-Romney ticket...
He needs to move on. His amalgamation of incompetence, bald-faced dishonesty and corruption make him uniquely qualified for the United Nations.
SF...he has just what the UN likes, doesn't he.
Beamish, could you link where Glenn Beck's called anybody racist for supporting Gingrich? Which race?? :-)
Romney, sadly, is the only jerk who can beat Obama but, like Brooke recently said "I'd vote for a ham sandwich over Obama"
We have to get a Republican in there and then watch Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio and the rest of the more conservative Republicans straighten out the president, whoever that'll be.
I'm sure, Beamish, that you consider them all liberals, but you're delusional, of course.
If Cantor continues getting in Boehner's (R - Tanning booth) face you aren't going to be able to identify him from dental records.
I'm sure several here appreciate losing the SSI tax cut. The can thank Eric.
Beamish, could you link where Glenn Beck's called anybody racist for supporting Gingrich? Which race?? :-)
After the Tea Party's preferred leftists Rick "I want TARP bailouts now!" Perry, Michelle "I scammed welfare for profit!" Bachmann, and Herman "Raise taxes on 84% of Americans!" Cain imploded and Newt Gingrich jumped ahead with the support from conservatives, moderates, independents, and Tea Party populists, Glen Beck had a meltdown where he suggested that the Tea Party was "racist" for backing Gingrich, as if he is a "Progressive" and the only difference between him and Obama was skin color, and that he was going to endorse Ron Paul (so much for all that pro-Israel posturing, huh?) if the Tea Party keeps backing Gingrich.
Here is said meltdown.
Romney, sadly, is the only jerk who can beat Obama but, like Brooke recently said "I'd vote for a ham sandwich over Obama"
The conservatives and independents who have been consistently polling Gingrich winning over Obama by +2 to +6 percentage points for over a month now beg to differ.
Historically reliable polling groups have indicated that either of Gingrich or Romney would beat Obama.
For actual conservatives, the choice is the guy that stopped Hillarycare cold over the guy that authored Obamacare.
We have to get a Republican in there and then watch Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio and the rest of the more conservative Republicans straighten out the president, whoever that'll be.
How's a Gingrich-Ryan or Gingrich-Rubio ticket sound?
I'm sure, Beamish, that you consider them all liberals, but you're delusional, of course.
I don't "consider them all" liberals / leftists, but given the anti-Gingrich, pro-Romney screeching by everyone from Glen Beck to Ann Coulter to even National Review magazine, I'm finding myself significantly to the right of the Tea Party guest speaker class, and their preferred candidates (Paul, Bachmann, Perry)
The Communist Glen Beck is especially contemptible trying to paint Newt Gingrich as a "Progressive." Ann Coulter's out saying "Mitt Romney is the most conservative candidate."
If they're "conservative," and Newt Gingrich and people who back him aren't, I'm not sure I want to be a "conservative" anymore.
Especially if it involves abandoning my principles for Romney.
I'll be over here on the right wing if you need me.
Beamish, your problem is you think some of us like the less conservative candidates...and that Newt's a true conservative.
Most of us have enough experience that we understand that we're not going to get everything we want and that ANYTHING is better than Obama. And that Newt's a grandstander. Even his good friend Bill Bennett said what I'd always thought, that Newt's in it for Newt. Newt is the poor(er) man's Trump, of course.
Ducky, we're doing all we can to escape the redistribution/socialism you and this gov't advocate; it won't be popular to fix things enough to protect AMerica (especially with those who've taught not to love AMerica) but we're trying...leave it to the adults. I'm surprised Cantor's that young and that wise.
Kudos to Andrew Breitbart for slapping down Glen "Mormons stick together" Beck.
Unfortunately, in Breitbart's camp, you have Dana Loesch of 2008 "we have to back Romney to keep McCain from getting the nomination" infamy / hypocrisy.
Fingers in the wind...
The Republican tradition of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is alive and well.
If Romney gets the nomination, if Obama wins re-election, it won't be on the backs of conservatives.
It will be on the backs of pundits who sell books in Democrat times, and the rubes that buy them.
Beamish, your problem is you think some of us like the less conservative candidates...and that Newt's a true conservative.
No, my problem is that like it or not, Gingrich has a documented conservative record of creating budget surpluses, reforming welfare, and ending a 40 year lock of Democrat control on Congress and the Senate, and Bachmann and Perry and Paul have a record of running their mouths real pretty like through their own mediocrities.
Virtually all of the Washington politicians badmouthing Gingrich ARE WORKING IN ROMNEY'S CAMPAIGN.
That should tell you enough, without the Becks and Coulters looking for their next "living under Democrats is so horrible" meal ticket.
The difference between me and them? I actually want another conservative President in office during my lifetime. Reagan wasn't enough.
Until Americans decide that they have to stop depending on government handouts to survive there is no victory here.
Amen, Highboy!
(cue left-wing chants of "racist" and "Grandma killer")
I don't believe Romney is the only one who can beat Obama.
If he's the nominee the Obama campaign will go after him just as hard as they've gone after the others. Remember, they have the state run media on their side.
The GOP establishment thinks a moderate Republican is the answer. I don't.
I disagree with Beck, and Coulter about this. I like them both very much, but in this I disagree.
The fact is, that when Newt was speaker, Congress had a balanced budget for four years, passed welfare reform and proved that conservative objectives worked.
People can nitpick and find something they disagree with about any candidate.
The media is capable of humiliating one, while avoiding reporting the truth about the other. It happens everyday, I just refuse to fall for it!
"Let's face it, identity politic, left and right, has been a tool the corporatist use to divide people and it's time people wised up."
Ducky, it's not the corporatist who has polarized this nation into groups, it's the left.
They're the ones who came up with Affirmative Action which if you think about it, kept black people separated from others.
Giving them free points on tests and applications, based on race as if they were inferior. I call that racism.
It's calling a conservative black person, an "Uncle Tom". That's based on race too, it's racism.
So, before you take on that feel good pat on your back, take a good look in the mirror, and you'll see someone who believes a minority isn't capable of success without help from you and your cronies who'll say and do anything to get votes.
Beamish, don't get excited; I doubt highboy would approve getting rid of all medicare and social security tomorrow, trust me.
And, aren't you a Loesch fan anymore? I saw her on TV recently and thought "Boy, she must have lost Beamish!"
And no, you're just plain wrong no matter how many times you say it. Newt's a mess.
Pris, I totally disagree with you on Newt and I haven't fallen for anything....I can't trust that man.
I'll vote for him if I have to, but I'll be in the minority in this country, sadly.
I think we need a really strong conservative to win, too, but none of these contenders is the one.
And, of course, Ducky is one of the liberals who doesn't have enough confidence in minorities to think they CAN survive without freebies..or is it that he knows that providing those freebies, they're going to vote more and more for his beloved Socialism?
As BUsh said "the soft bigotry of low expectation"....
Incompetence is boundless Z ! :) And they prove it every time they get the chance. All they know is to point their fingers in all directions other than inward.
I think if they get close enough to him to prove he lied to congress, he'll walk to save the früher. I would hope they'd prosecute anyway.
No one I know who is conservative talks about obama or holder being black. Only of their failures. Their constant failures.
libs are so 1 dimensional !
Put in Herman Cain, or better yet Allen West!. Black, Yellow, Red or Green, I don't care. We don't care.
Duhkky its not even a tax holiday let alone a cut, its more vain morality from the left because they know that reduction in SS revenue has to be paid for. Add to that the fact that 1% of payroll deductions in a month wont buy you a tank of gas.
Kid, how the left could slam Conservatives who were nuts about Cain and are still nuts about West "racist" kind of supports the 'mental illness' thing, huh?
Elbro..excellent..facts hurt the left.
(Did you get a grade on that paper yet?!)
Here I was dumb enough to think it was about American citizens being gunned down by weapons Holder's people sent to Mexico with love?
Excuse me if I'm wrong, but I think when any American is shot the blood is neither black nor white, it is red. Holder and Obama have blood on their hands, no matter what color the hands are.
Not yet I'll let you know. It may be several months before I get my portfolio back.
American Vet....you couldn't illustrate our point better than that..thanks
I'm sure several here appreciate losing the SSI tax cut. The can thank Eric
this is a make or break moment for the middle class because that 20.00 per week is such a job creator.
Heck with those seniors and their SS.
whining babies
Beamish, don't get excited; I doubt highboy would approve getting rid of all medicare and social security tomorrow, trust me.
"Movement" implies momentum, Z. Even I don't seek a cold turkey abrupt end to all the "entitlement" junkies' socialist bliss, but the goal post is firmly planted, and I'm not going to cheer for the other team.
Certainly not going to be dressed down on conservatism by a Naderite, or any other kind of left-wing idiot.
And, aren't you a Loesch fan anymore? I saw her on TV recently and thought "Boy, she must have lost Beamish!"
Too often, she's too clever by half. Seeing her history of cheering for Romney over McCain in 2008 and hearing her lame excuses for doing so now puts me off big time. I'd say her principles are promiscuous, to say the least.
I discovered she "was" a Romney supporter around the same time I discovered Herman Cain "was" a Romney supporter.
I have no time for frauds.
And no, you're just plain wrong no matter how many times you say it. Newt's a mess.
Who in the field is "more conservative" and "can beat Obama" if not Newt Gingrich? I'll grant you Rick Santorum on the "conservative identity" question, but he can't even beat Ron frickin' Paul, much less Margin O'Error.
I'll take a "messy" Newt over a slick Romney, a deranged Paul, a bungling Perry, or a shrill Bachmann.
I stand with a LOT of conservatives and independents in that regard.
Actually, you might stand with some but they're under no delusion that newt can win the national.
It's fine to get all rah rah'd up but no amount of rah'ing's going to get that guy elected.
they'll annihilate him and he knows it. the media despises him and they'll make him pay
Actually, you might stand with some but they're under no delusion that newt can win the national.
Reliable, top shelf national polling organization data says otherwise.
It's fine to get all rah rah'd up but no amount of rah'ing's going to get that guy elected.
they'll annihilate him and he knows it. the media despises him and they'll make him pay
Show me the media that will make Americans forget the unmitigated disaster of Obama's first term.
The conservatives and independents that have abandoned the flakes Perry, Bachmann, Cain, and Paul are rallying around Gingrich. Mitt Romeny still has his unchanging core of 25%.
The media's not going to nominate Romney.
So, do you want a conservative candidate winning the GOP nomination, or not?
It's amazing how you can go on such a ;ong winded rant over something that is an out of context lie from some other wacko site.
You guys will believe anything if it's keep your childish outrage up.
When you're hunting and pecking keys on your keyboard, try to keep the rules of grammar and syntax in your head at the same time.
Impress us.
I have to agree with Beam on this one. Newt would not be my first choice, but he's my first choice among those who are running.
And except for us political junkies, the rest of America is simply not paying attention yet.
And after watching Newt in the debates I have no doubt he could mop the floor with Obama in a debate.
I could not believe the number of people I knew that were big Obama fans his first go round. They believed him. The liberals I know now say, "They are all alike." The others who believed his lies now realize they were duped.
Only a few soundbites from a Obama/Newt debate would have the independents convinced. The liberals I know will just not vote.
I cannot believe that Romney is getting shoved down our throats by the GOP. I'd hold my nose and vote for him if I have to, but I won't like it.
It might help if we, just for the record, define "the race card". I think it's when someone conveniently -- and often inappropriately -- employs race to advance his/her political agenda. Ergo, I would conclude that Holder played the race card in this instance.
Now, why did he do it? I think it's because we're entering an election year (and he wants to save his hide, too). Let's face it: The so-called race card is, arguably, an effective way to gen up cheap passion among a particular slice of the electorate.
Having said that, it's extremely important to note that the so-called "race card" isn't necessarily a liberal or a Democrat thing. Condi Rice was spot-on when she said in a recent Sean Hannity interview, "I don't like it when either side plays the race card" (specifically referencing the then-timely Herman Cain scandal).
When that dingbat Ann Coulter reflexively and thoughtlessly (and predictably) screamed "liberal racism" when Herman Cain began to show his true colors (i.e., charlatan-chartreuse), that was a classic example of the right playing the black race card.
It's ugly when the left does it. It's ugly when the right does it. But both sides do it.
I don't see anything honorable about ANY of these cards: the race card, the gender card, the persecuted religion card (e.g., the crybabies on The Five"), the persecuted conservative card OR the persecuted liberal card.
More importantly:
Z, I love you, but...
You continue to confound me beyond words when you say things like "When will minorities 'wake up' to the 'fact' that 'the left' are the 'true racists'?" so to speak. It suggests that you honestly can't see how an educated African-American could reach a different conclusion.
I hate to sound like a broken record, but again, white racialist websites like American Renaissance (in 2011, not 50 years ago) share very obvious common ground with conservatives on various racial issues (e.g., multiculturalism, illegal immigration, affirmative action).
I absolutely cannot make that same statement about liberals. Liberals NEVER sound "American Renaissance"-friendly when they talk about blacks. (Now with Jews, it's a different story)
So guess what? A lot of black people have detected -- and continue to detect -- those same similarities. Unlike me, most of them are normal. Meaning, when THEY detect those similarities, they don't hang out and try to "understand" that which offended them; they simply turn around and go somewhere else.
Which is what MOST people do.
If you honestly can't see the logic there, I must concede that I will never understand WHY you can't. It's really quite simple as far as I'm concerned.
Now I am the first to admit that it's unfortunate and unfair when good, innocent people get lumped in with scumbags. But it does happen, and conservatives are not the only victims.
In any case, most of these "race card" moves are politically motivated and NOT racially motivated. Which is probably why I don't freak out too much when I witness it.
The so-called race card is a feature of modern-day American politics. Sad, true and across the board.
"You continue to confound me beyond words when you say things like "When will minorities 'wake up' to the 'fact' that 'the left' are the 'true racists'?" so to speak. It suggests that you honestly can't see how an educated African-American could reach a different conclusion."
As if I mean ALL Blacks feel any one way. IN GENERAL I'm absolutely right...minorities think the left's doing them a favor and they're really practicing the soft bigotry of very low expectation.
I think that sucks and makes racism even stronger.
"minorities think the left's doing them a favor"
Z, I don't think most black people are necessarily convinced that either Party is handing out any favors to any rank-and-file voters. Sometimes people simply vote for what better resonates with them, which of course, could be misguided, or well-thought-out, or whatever.
Nevertheless, it's important to note that Blacks are not the only solid Democrats out there. Jews are pretty solidly Democratic. I even noticed that Asian-Americans voted overwhelmingly for Obama.
If you ask me, there's nothing intrinsically intelligent or obtuse about a vote for either party. It all depends on who, when and why.
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