Written by our very dear friend (a GREAT guy and wonderful writer..he'll kill me for adding this) and sent to me today: I COULD NOT RESIST! Great, isn't it!?
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
How the Left destroys the very foundation of our countries
When I grew up in Germany, one of the compulsory subjects throughout my life as a pupil was religion, up to the baccalaureate at 2 hours per week, split into Catholics and Lutherans. We learned not only about specific religious values, but also about the history of our and other religions and the impact religion had on countries, including moral values and ethical behavior.
That has basically not changed in German schools. Until three years ago, that is, when the Senate of the German State of Berlin with its red-red government (Socialists and Die Linke – the remnants of the Eastern German Communist Party) decided that religion as a compulsory subject didn’t fit Berlin's multi-culti society any more and replaced it by a compulsory Ethics class, leaving the possibility for pupils to take a voluntary class in religion (which meant that practically nobody would take it because of an already demanding and tight schedule of work).
The German conservative and centrist parties, CDU and FDP, got enough signatures to stage a public referendum. They were supported by many prominent politicians (such as Angela Merkel) and other prominent public figures who wanted to keep religion in the schools. Financing the other side were the socialists, communists, unions and the like, spearheaded by the socialist homosexual Mayor of Berlin, Wowereit who, as the head of the red-red government, made it very difficult for the „Pro Reli“ coalition to succeed. The Senate used taxpayer money to counter this attempt to reintroduce religion as a subject (a court ultimately disallowed that), and set the date in a way which made it unlikely that the referendum would succeed (instead of setting it at the same date as the upcoming elections for the European Parliament which would get many more voters out, of course). So, the referendum failed on two accounts: (1) Pro Religion reached only 48.5% of the votes, and (2) because of low participation, they fell substantially short of the second requirement – 25% of all eligible voters.
But it is worth looking at another angle of the results: In the Western districts of Berlin, the participation was 41% and the approval rate for Pro Reli was 60%. In the Eastern parts of Berlin, the participation was only a little more than 20%, and the disapproval rate of Pro Reli was 77%.
Here is what that means: While the Western part upheld conventional values, the Eastern part refused those overwhelmingly. The difference is the fact that these people have been indoctrinated by 40+ years of the Communists. These are the same people who, according to recent polls, still believe that the GDR (East Germany) was not so bad after all, and still vote for the Communists. As a consequence, it can be said that the Christian heritage of Germany and the corresponding moral values had been more or less completely wiped out there by the Communist regime of East Germany.
This referendum showed exactly what to expect in the future: The socialists and communists are giving up any notion of a privileged situation of a country because of the benefits of its Christian heritage (or Judeo-Christian heritage as it's rightfully called here in the U.S.). Everything is watered down, leaving a lowest denominator situation so that nobody „is hurt“. It also shows how long it takes to negate the effect of communist indoctrination.
Look at Berlin to know what is going to happen to other countries where the Left is so busy at work............by Mr Z
Update information: "In March, German auto sales soared 40 percent from the same month a year earlier to 401,000 vehicles. In February, the first full month the plan was effective, German new car sales jumped 21.5 percent, while falling elsewhere in the 16-nation eurozone."
Here's the article about England's new plans........just seems wise to me to, IF you feel you MUST "stimulate", then stimulate by pinpointing major problem areas. It was a good target for Germany because the auto industry is a major industry in Germany. Put money where everyone benefits; buyers, factories, workers at those factories, suppliers to those factories, stock holders, neighborhoods where those factories are, etc., etc., etc., ...... instead of spending $2 million on analyzing the stink in pig sties in Iowa? Just a thought.
When a reporter asked Obama what he thought of the book, the president replied: "I thought it was one of Chavez' books. I was going to give him one of mine." White House advisers said they didn't know if Obama would read it or not."
Also: "While he worked to ease friction between the U.S. and leaders at the Summit of the Americas, Obama cautioned them to resist a temptation to blame all their problems on their behemoth neighbor to the North.
"I have a lot to learn and I very much look forward to listening and figuring out how we can work together more effectively," Obama said."
Finally! TWO things I agree with Obama on.
thank you to all of your for your prayers for my son, jesse. he received his final waiver from the
he will be leaving on 22 december 2009 – unless they can get an earlier date which the recruiter is working on - he will have to complete the final 11 days of basic training that he missed when he was separated for his collar bone injury. yea!!!!(z: it says "rejoining" due to an injury...he'd done all but 11 days of basic training and then things got goofed up!)
I wrote Heidianne back:
You tell him even ol' Z, who doesn't know him, is SO PROUD OF HIM.
God bless your boy.xx
To which this wonderful boy responded:
Love you, Mom.
We need more like Jesse. I'm betting some of you know fine young men like Jesse....I'd love to hear about them. I know we all would.
Thanks, Heidianne and Jesse, for allowing me to brag on him and you AND for being who you are.
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