2008: "Navy Seal Team 6 is Cheney's private assassination team." Seymour Hirsch, NY Times (Please prove Obama didn't share this sentiment :-)
2011: "I put together Seal Team 6 to take out Bin Laden." Obama did tap 12 SEALS for this job.(please prove otherwise!)
2008: "Bin Laden is innocent until proven guilty, and must be captured alive and given a fair trial." http://www.stoptheaclu.com/2008/07/11/obama-flip-flops-on-osama-bin-laden/
2011: "I authorized Seal Team 6 to kill Bin Laden." We all heard that loud and clear
2008: "Guantanamo is entirely unnecessary, and the detainees should not be interrogated." As if there's any question he's said THAT?
2011: "Vital intelligence was obtained from Guantanamo detainees that led to our locating Bin Laden." We know that's said, too.
What more is there to say? How things change when people finally learn the realities they earlier had mocked actually ARE the realities..........I hope they learn earlier than this next time because a lot is hanging on it.
February 2009: If we don't pass the stimulus bill right now, we'll be at 9% unemployment by June 2010 and it won't drop below 8% until early 2011
May 2011: We've been hovering at around 10% unemployment for the past two years
Good one, Beamish....yet another one.
WHERE is the media to catch all of these? (ya, right)
The media will not cover these contradictory statements.
I sound like a broken record, but I'll say it again: the media are a huge part of the problem, the problem being an electorate voting like sheeple because the media so manipulate the sheeple.
Anyone who still believes anything this hollow, petty man says is hopelessly naive.
Obama COUNTS on the goldfish attention span of the average sheepole, and the complicity of the midstream media.
As AOW said.
As an aside: I am DEEPLY offended that Obama said that the AMERICAN people support this travesty!
Bin Laden's dead. Get used to it.
Ducky, do you NEVER understand the posts? I'm deleting you from now on if you can't catch up, I swear.
BD...these are not all exact quotes from Obama...but show us just one from 2008, JUST ONE, that wasn't the liberal sentiment he shared, okay? Talk about context; they were ALL sentiments libs had and still have.
How many times did he promise you libs he'd close Gitmo?
And he's against interrogation but shooting Bin Laden dead is humane? :-)
Ya, this piece is all about context, all about how things change when people finally learn the true threats and, of course, want to gain popularity in their base.
Obama counts on the "just-want-free-stuff" idiots in the population and the complicit press that keeps them that way. If we had a truly free press, Obama wouldn't be president.
Cube, I can't tell you how much I support your last sentence. NO WAY COULD he have been elected if the press wasn't in his pocket.
AND, no way would the birth certf. stupidity have got so far if we had people like Woodward and Bernstein who wanted to get the truth and did anything they could to get it......but, in case he might have been born in Kenya after all, young indoctrinated journalists had to hide.
I feel almost sorry for them; how awful to have your professional ethics ruled by your ideology.
It's why I watch FOX so often, though I watch a LOT of CNN lately (like when Shep Smith is on FOX)...I need to get BOTH SIDES and FOX gives both sides WITH paid liberal consultants well describing their thoughts on every subject.
Actually, I long for the days of "News at five, film at eleven"...things were so much calmer then..
Bin Laden's dead. Get used to it.
What's all this latest noise about American oil infrastructure under threat by al Qaeda now?
I thought they were interested in killing people?
I thought you leftists had finally saved us from crack troopers blowing up our Krispy Kreme donut shops?
Beamish, don't you know we Conservatives who read ALL the news, are just BED WETTERS? (:-) The truth hurts but it's better to grasp and consider it then run and blame Conservatives.
There's info today that Qaddafi was planning on blowing up American oil tankers, too.
This is all in the plans and, I suppose if they can't get at whatever oil we have, they'll hit our electrical grid, as promised...but heck, I'm just another 'bed wetter'.
I'm glad Bd commented re the quotes because what I got sent to me was misleading and I checked them too fast; Obama definitely shared in the 2008 sentiments in as many words if not exactly those posted, but they are mostly leftwing mantras; the 2011 quotes are definitely his. SO, I changed my post to better expose the left.
Thanks, Bd.
I normally try to figure out how something works, then I use that blueprint to interpret the thing that is working.
This is what I've concluded:
The left tries to pass itself off as intellectually superior and in line with the true mindset of the American people and goodness. The self contradicting nature that these quotes expose however quashes the intellectual superiority and goodness. So then, why don't these contradictions matter? That's simple. The left buys its power from people like these who have been purchased in some way by government funds, or by those who are interested in their own little pet projects based on jealousy as they seek equality. The bottom line is, the main thrust behind the left is not based on superiority of any kind, especially not a superiority of thinking, but instead it is based on base emotions and human depravity. Therefore, these contradictory quotes will not enlighten our philosophical enemies for they are spoken in the language of logic and are subjected to the concept of objective truth. These concepts are spoken in a vernacular that is wholly foreign to the left. Frustrating, I know. This is why the fix will be long term, if there is enough time, which I sincerely doubt that there is. The debt we are accumulating at the speed of light is metaphoric, or perhaps prophetic, of the debt of sin that we are piling upon ourselves as payday quickly approaches. Our inability as a nation to be appalled enough to take decisive action at the antics of this administration and his party does not bode well. Many say we won the last election. The fact is, in light of the abundant revelations and increasingly emboldened actions of this administration's flouting of the law, the Senate should be out of the left's hands. That it was not taken away from them, was in my mind, quite frightening.
While there is hope of recovery, I'm afraid that there is no hope of recovery without a substantial price. Whether the grit has been removed from the American resolve is yet to be seen.
And that's about all I have to say about that now, have a nice day :>.
So I post my comment THEN read some of the string. Cube stated my book long comment in one sentence. I do want to take issue with Cube on one thing however. We do have a free press. What we don't have is a free education system. This is key because it is where minds are programed to think emotionally, enviously, and entitlemently (new word, but what the heck). The news is created and consumed by governmentally programed dolts created by government education based on government desire for power. A free press promises dribble, a free country requires that its citizens see it as such.
Well, Dan, and thank you for the optimistic words :-)
Ya, how much grit IS left?
I just heard that, in California and Indiana, the cops can now search with no warrant...I had NEVER HEARD of this and I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA.
Liberal California....and Indiana, which I think is NOT very liberal (although my buddy in Anderson says there are many true Democrats, i.e. not whining Anti-American creeps like some Californians are)
So, who's fighting this in California and Indiana? Nobody that I can see.
Heck, it's a big deal if we even HEAR about some of the stuff gov't is pulling over on us these days.
I agree with everything you said, of course... Yes, wouldn't we Conservatives be SO PROUD to think that so many Republican votes come from people on the dole for goodies? Sure, we have some Republicans who're probably just as 'not bright' as those in the video, but you can bet they'd be voting Democrat if they're looking for freebies.
And, of course, as Alinsky set it up; leftwingers buy into the idiocy that not feeling entitlements help is not loving the poor and needy :-)
that's a large part of this problem, the PC is killing the USA.
Beamish, don't you know we Conservatives who read ALL the news, are just BED WETTERS? (:-) The truth hurts but it's better to grasp and consider it then run and blame Conservatives.
There's info today that Qaddafi was planning on blowing up American oil tankers, too.
Well, for every dipshit left-wing idiot like Bd, there's thousands of completely mindless left-wing imbeciles like Ducky who will demonstrate how much Islamic terrorism doesn't scare them by taking every care not to offend a Muslim even in the abstract.
I say we blame the next terrorist attack on "Obama got Osama" triumphalism, just to keep it real.
I just heard that, in California and Indiana, the cops can now search with no warrant
Something like that passes in Missouri they better come with more cops than I have bullets.
People with college degrees are among the most idiotic people I've ever had a conversation with.
When someone tells me they have a B.S. or a Ph.D., I immediately assume they've narrowed their minds down to a small percentage of minutiae within a single exclusive field of study and are completely buffoonish on common sense matters.
The kind of people who'd request financing for an environmental impact study of various way to open a Velcro strap.
I dropped out of a university around the time my American History PROFESSOR insisted that the Harpers Ferry rebellion was led by a black man named John Brown.
So it's not so much they were trained to be idiotic, but rather that they willingly paid for it. Idiotic came before enrollment.
Why do you THINK they call (my degree) it a B.S.? :-)
"Idiotic came before enrollment"
You are quite right. But it is not intrinsic for the training does not begin in college but rather in kindergarten.
As the late Allen Bloom so aptly put it in his flawed but aptly titled book The Closing Of The American Mind:
"there is one thing a professor can be absolutely certain of: almost every student entering the university believes, or says he believes, that truth is relative...The students, of course, cannot defend their opinion. It is something with which they have been indoctrinated."
C. S. Lewis also had this to say in his worthwhile essay The Abolition Of Man:
“The very power of the Little Green Book(a name Lewis uses to describe literature text books) depends on the fact that they are dealing with a boy: a boy who thinks he is ‘doing’ his ‘English prep’ and has no notion that ethics, theology, and politics are all at stake. It is not a theory they put into his mind, but an assumption, which ten years hence, its origin forgotten and its presence unconscious, will condition him to take one side in a controversy which he has never recognized as a controversy at all.“
Bullets will not overcome bad teaching. IT will come to that, but only after the bad teaching has had its sway.
Obama is a politician, which means he is a dirty filthy liar and does so more or less constantly. It means that as a politician, Obama assumes that we little ole peons aren’t smart enough to figure out that he’s a lying piece of crap, or maybe that we’re too busy texting to figure out what he’s up to.
Having written that, I feel better.
I also agree with Dan (above) and I think that anyone who doesn't agree with Dan is a racist.
PS. I hope you folks have your bags packed. Tomorrow is the end of the world.
Your acumen knows no bounds Mustang.
Z said "these are not all exact quotes from Obama."
So you admit you're post is fraudulent yet the discussion continue nevertheless. Ah, wingnuts, lol!
Bd, PLEASE read all comments, THEN respond. You'll look a bit less nasty and dumb.
By the way, don't miss Mustang or Dan's comments; you could do with some real good information and great thinking.
it might be a relief! :-)
Mustang, the cool thing is tomorrow might be the safest day in the world...because Scripture apparently says that when anybody knows it's the last day, it isn't that day :-)
Dan, you are SO right about Mustang.
Why do you THINK they call (my degree) it a B.S.? :-)
Well, a Ph.D. is merely a B.S. that is Piled higher and Deeper.
You're a rare treat, Z. Someone who hasn't had common sense colleged out of them yet.
Z said "these are not all exact quotes from Obama."
So you admit you're post is fraudulent yet the discussion continue nevertheless. Ah, wingnuts, lol!
Z merely corrected her statement to say we were comparing the sentiments of the far left (including Obama) from the past to today.
As far as the accuracy of her post, she's dead on.
As far as the accuracy of the conclusion that you're a moron, Bd, well, post again. I'm sure there's someone holding out hope for you.
Obama is a politician, which means he is a dirty filthy liar and does so more or less constantly. It means that as a politician, Obama assumes that we little ole peons aren’t smart enough to figure out that he’s a lying piece of crap, or maybe that we’re too busy texting to figure out what he’s up to.
Obama has yet to read the teleprompter script that makes 22% of Americans feel good about being underemployed or not employed at all and trying to afford $4 a gallon gas on top of bills and sustenence.
Makes his nutroots internet trolls seem a bit more out of touch with reality than the 2008 batch.
Must be down to the fill out phony voter registrations for crack rocks crowd.
C'mon Obama, give us a better class of troll you freakin' cheapskate!
Beamer: "You're a rare treat, Z. Someone who hasn't had common sense colleged out of them yet."
If it didn't happen yet, it's NEVER going to happen, trust me :-)
and thanks.xxx
"Woodward and Bernstein"
Remember..both were totally libbie, hippy, hopey doepy "journalists" working for WAPO and could only see the Pulitizer. And they were after a Republican President.
That was they're only goal.
Imp...I am not glad for what they did but I will defend their zeal and hope that journalists would feel they should be that probing when they see questionable behavior on either side!!
How sick have we become? Here's one for you...
China Arnold of Dayton, Ohio was sentenced to life for burning her baby to death. She put her 28 day old infant in a microwave oven and turned it on.
Doesn't she deserve the death penalty... preferably of a smoking pyre?
Oh, my GOD, Imp........no words.
Ah...discontent in the land of feigned outrage over dubious sources.
BD, does it feed your ego or something to make comments without all the information?
Trust me, it shouldn't...you're looking like a damned fool..but thanks for coming by, I guess?
I don't have the ego that makes me go to liberal sites and educate them; how you feel you need to be here and show how much education you need is beyond me, I assure you.
Hey, you're the one who started a thread with quote you later admitted where not true.
And the sad part is almost 40 people also feigned outrage over the lies.
Bd...hey, they turned out not to be quotes per se, but the phrases (let's call them that) are so leftwing now you're going to tell me Obama doesn't share those sentiments?
And "Hey"...I admitted 2 of them weren't quotes...I wonder if you'd have done that? (but I won't wonder long)
And hey, you're at a blog owned by ME telling ME I'm a liar until I showed you link after link that Bush DID try to warn congress about Freddie and Fannie, and HEY, you're at a blog owned by someone who keeps reminding you to read the comments and know your material before you sound as silly as you do...I'm trying to HELP.
And HEY, I don't go to blogs of an avowed persuasion and bother people there, either, but maybe that's just me.
By the way, Dave Miller and BOB had a liberal/conservative discussion with civility, kindness, and INTELLIGENCE today....you should read it (I think it's the 3rd blog down now) and maybe you can stay here for a while because I'll probably be deleting you soon if you can't learn something from their discourse. thanks, Bd!!
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