A fourth woman has accused Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain of sexual harassment--this time in public. (Z: if you stopped reading at this point, feeling as informed as you need to be, wouldn't you be thinking "Wow, that's that! People saw them, it was in public, and the guy really did do this!"?) Sharon Bialek told reporters in a press conference Monday that Cain groped her and exhibited "sexually inappropriate" behavior toward her when he was head of the National Restaurant Association.
Bialek, a former NRA employee who worked for the association in between 1996 and 1997, said the encounter occurred shortly after she was laid off from the group's education fund in July 1997.
She said she had approached Cain for help in looking for a new job and had traveled to Washington, D.C., where she had dinner with the then-NRA head. She told reporters that upon her arrival in D.C. she discovered that Cain had secretly upgraded her hotel room to a suite.
(Z: Here's the IN PUBLIC PART): After dinner, the two were sitting in his car when she claimed he "suddenly reached over and put his hand on my leg under my skirt and reached for my genitals" and moved her head toward his crotch.
"I was surprised and shocked, and I said, what are you doing? You know I have a boyfriend," Bialek recalled saying. "This is not what I came here for."
Bialak claimed that when she protested, Cain replied, "You want a job, right?
She told reporters Cain backed off after she asked him to stop, and he drove her back to her hotel.
Bialek, who identified herself as a stay-at-home single mom who lives in Chicago and is a registered Republican (Z: can't miss getting that in the article :-), said she didn't file a complaint with the NRA in part because she was no longer formally employed by the group--and also because she was "very embarrassed." She was joined at the press conference by her attorney, celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred, who offered sworn affidavits from two friends to whom Bialek spoke shortly after the alleged encounter.
"I was very very surprised and very shocked," Bialek said, adding that she had come forward to be a "face" for women who had been harassed by Cain. "I want you, Mr. Cain, to come clean. Just admit what you did. Admit you were inappropriate to people ... I implore you. Make this right."
The Cain campaign issued a statement denying Bialek's claims.
"All allegations of harassment against Mr. Cain are completely false," the campaign said in a statement. " Mr. Cain has never harassed anyone."
Bialek is the fourth woman to accuse Cain of sexual harassment when he was head of the NRA, but she's the only accuser who has spoken publicly. (end of ARTICLE)
Z: If he did this, he isn't the man most of us feel he is............if he didn't, this is the worst sleaze most of us have ever seen. Good ol' Gloria Allred! $$$$$ Don't forget, for Obama, Cain's popularity COULD divide that essential black vote and they'll do all they can to annihilate Cain; do I mean Cain definitely hasn't done any of this and they're behind these accusers? How do I KNOW? But, boy........the hoopla is really something, isn't it.
I dunno...if he stopped when she asked. The event seems more like a date than a "meeting". I dunno.
She is a single mother. I wonder why?
Allred said on Monday, "Mr. Cain instead decided to try to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package."
Should have just come clean Herman. It gets worse from here.
Remember, it's not the nature of the evidence these days, it's the seriousness of the charge.
I love to see the loony righy squirming and spinning this to deflect from the obvious.
Politic is a dirty business and I'm done with it. I may not vote for the primaries after all. And I'll become an independent very soon. Done with it!
Ducky and liberaldude didn't mind the president getting a blowjob on the job, and I don't think you need to comment here.
Because THAT was obvious that we had a sleazeball as a president back then. Did you guys mind?
People saw them, it was in public, and the guy really did do this!"?
The Yahoo article was referring to the accusation being made in public, not the harassment.
Don't forget, for Obama, Cain's popularity COULD divide that essential black vote and they'll do all they can to annihilate Cain
If that were the case, they'd save this stuff for the general election if Cain were the nominee. Doing it now would be stupid for a dirty, scheming Chicago style pol.
The event seems more like a date than a "meeting".
Then he'd be just another dirty old, philandering Baptist minister. When an expectation of sex is part of a job interview. "You want a job, right?", it's something else.
Remember, it's not the nature of the evidence these days, it's the seriousness of the charge.
Even if he's innocent of all charges, he's given multiple accounts of what he knows and when he knew it. You can't get around the fact that he has lied.
LiberalDud said: "I love to see the loony righy squirming and spinning this to deflect from the obvious."
Dude, nothing is obvious. That's not the way the game is played, and it is a game.
I will not defend Herman Cain except to say, so what? There may be some credence to the first couple of charges that the association handled with payoffs, but they have no voice in the matter.
Now, we get GLORIA ALLRED, the self-appointed political assassin of Republican candidates. I don't think there is anybody who believes her after her escapades in the California elections.
Now, I believe that if Herman groped the woman in DC the way she said, he should fess-up and tell it like it was.
I would say that she tried to seduce me in what I thought was going to be a business meeting, and when rejected, she left the car cursing and screaming that I would regret not giving her a job.
That's the way you play this game. Of course, maybe Cain is following the Bill Clinton blueprint and will just deny, deny, deny. It will all blow over, anyway. It's a tried and true method.
Herman Cain can join a pretty respectable company of womanizers like Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy, the Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., and the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.
It's lonely at the top.
Divine T.......it does, doesn't it.
Still, he is a married man...
Ducky, if it gets worse, he's out.
Be sure to read FrogBurger's comment.
liberaldude, if you love to see it, stick around, maybe we'll comply; no squirming here today, of course. And, again, read FrogBurger's second comment.
Are you too young to remember? Sometimes you sound like it.
Craig, I think you're right, now that I read it again, about the PUBLIC thing. thanks.
I believe the Obama thugs have a lot on everybody; they've got the $$$ and that's what pays for this stuff.
Took her a while of coaxing to come out, huh? He's been a candidate for a while now.
"another dirty old philandering Baptist minister"? Don't come here and put that crap in a comment, please. Do you know how many very decent Baptist and other ministers there are? That's just a stupid and ugly comment and I don't want comments like that here..
He has definitely stumbled trying to handle this; he hasn't the people rich politicians have had who could help him through it.
I'll never forget Clinton pointing at us telling us his lies, too.....or Obama's about not knowing Bill Ayers or never having heard Jeremiah Wright's trash, or not telling us who paid for Harvard...Ya, some get away with it, some don't.
Bob...(and Craig) The Rev Jesse Sr's got another sex scandal charge on him.......did you see my post a few down below this one? Heard about that on TV? :-)
and yes, Bob....I wish you were handling this scandal for Cain; it's a lot better than the advice he's getting.
I'm quite sure I haven't seen as appealing a candidate type in years, but this is scum behavior, let's face it, for a married man,if it's true.... and while I'd never think he would do this, considering what we know about him, and while we know how badly the Obama thugs want him squelched, it could be true.
I don't think Obama and his very rich support people will stop at anything.
One of my fave bloggers just emailed me, apparently uninterested in asking this question here for some reason:
Why's this woman need Gloria Allred? Is she needing a lawyer because she's suddenly suing Cain now or did she get paid to come out and ALlred's getting paid for the bigger profile she gives this he said/she said "accusation"?
WHY GLORIA ALLRED? interesting.
z, Froggy's comment is just a straw man.
Clintoon was a sleaze and Cain should have known that this might come to light, what happens if you stall and he'd have to resolve the matter. He should have had a prepared response.
Oh, you mean Frogs becoming an Indie.
Yeah, we should all try that.
there's no proof any of this is true yet...zip.
Pointing out CLinton's blatant lies is absolutely valid; the fact that some don't think it applies is almost scary.
Nobody is squirming, lib dude. I for one am watching this play out.
The man has a long career, and this seems out of character for him.
I hate to agree with Ducky, but this is coming from the right, not the left. Perry and Romney have the most to gain.
What ever happened to it being "just sex"? This was the mantra every time slick Willie was caught harassing a woman.
I find it interesting that this latest woman all of sudden lost her embaressment and got Allred involved.
"Herman Cain can join a pretty respectable company of womanizers like Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy, the Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., and the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr."
So far as I can remember...every one of these male "indiscretions" where forgiven. Right? Or wrong? They all went away or rendered irrelevant to the position.
Perhaps the fact that they were all liberal / Democrats and thus easily explained and rationalized by a complicit, fawning ( trickle up my leg ) irresponsible, corrupt, biased ( Ben Bradlee...he had it coming...like Nixon did? ) talking head LMSM in totally in the bag for the Kenyan?
I can just hear ( being a fly on the wall ) some of the conversations taking place in the newsrooms of the LSM.....(shhhh....but this nigger has got to go....you...dig up something on this "nigga".) Even if he is a Baptist minister ( so is Jackson & Sharpton ) he must have some faults and past that we can dig up and crucify him with. Our boy...our paid for and chosen token boy...you know...the Kenyan...has to be saved.
So....Aldread....a scum sucking bottom feeder of the first order ( all lawyers like her....need killing as Shakespeare once said ) is first on the scene. A lib...that hates uppity Negro men and decided to advance the stereotype of black males.
Funny...eh? Not....I've already sent Cain another $100. Fuck these racist pukes....Who dares to cast the first stone? And if you do...admit that you're a racist piece of shit so that we understand your real motivation.
It looks like everyone here believes this woman. I'm not so sure.
Her story can't be corroborated, can it? She said she told no one the details at the time.
Well, I would have wouldn't you gals? Your boyfriend of four years? I would have told Mr. Pris.
Your close friends? Wouldn't you?
Ooohhh she was too embarrassed to, but evidently not embarrassed enough now to tell the world.
Anyway, after all that groping and innuendo from Mr. Cain, she let's him take her home? What a gal.
Oh, and how noble, she's telling her story in order to put a face on the other accusations.
Boy, does that sound like Gloria Allred or what!
Those others are anonymous, except they set this story up for the coup de gras, whether it's true or not!
I smell a setup. Anonymous accusers, and then this woman.
Since the media and the left used the Palin baby who has Down's Syndrome, to malign that family, I don't trust anything they say, or the people who are aligned with the left.
Btw, whatever happened to that illegal Mexican housekeeper who was used by Allred, to bring down Meg Whitman when she ran for Governor of California, and is now CEO of Hewlitt Packard!
Is she under that bus, where all the useful idiots end up? Just asking!
"Ooohhh she was too embarrassed to, but evidently not embarrassed enough now to tell the world."
Spot on. If she took a shakedown "settlement" then...I wonder what her real "hook" is now?
No doubt....she sees $$$$$. And I hope they find out ( Breitbart ) that she's a slick hooker with more than 10 johns in her book and and has a"sheet".
Turn the tables....make her suffer...put every minute of her life under a microscope. Make her regret her stupidity.
Question.....do you think this pond scum Aldread would have represented this "biali" if she were a conservative?
Nah.....Aldread...is one of the tribe...the same cloth as Wasserman - Shultz.
"Why's this woman need Gloria Allred? Is she needing a lawyer because she's suddenly suing Cain now or did she get paid to come out and ALlred's getting paid for the bigger profile she gives this he said/she said "accusation"?"
Good question Z, I would think there's a statute of limitations after all these years. There's no evidence to prove it ever happened.
Yes, well if money changed hands, you can bet, the state run media, won't want to know about it.
Did Whitman's housekeeper get money? Do we know what happened to that houskeeper when the dust settled? Hell no!
Yet people fall for this crap everytime.
"I would think there's a statute of limitations after all these years. "
Prisc.....how we wish that were true. However...we know that the bastards and scum in the media would find out that Cain...knocked a kid off of a see saw in 1952. And that stupid kid would be on GMA with Matt Lauer dribbling all over him.
"another dirty old philandering Baptist minister"? Don't come here and put that crap in a comment, please
I apologize.
The Rev Jesse Sr's got another sex scandal charge on him.......did you see my post a few down below this one?
That is what I was referencing.
Ducky, I have a right to become an indie meaning not a republican. I will obviously never vote for a Dem as long as the Dems are like French socialists i.e. idiots making promises that are unsustainable and tanked my native land.
Unfortunately a lot of those idiots are also within the Republican party as statists.
And so if a Romney wins the primary I don't want to be part of it.
I am an anti-statist first and foremost.
"Character assassination shouldn’t be this easy. What’s to stop women from falsely accusing any candidate they want out of the race?
This is an extremely frustrating case because even now, with on-the-record testimony and sworn statements, it’s plausible to think Cain never committed any of the indiscretions of which he’s been accused."
Of course in America these days...the innocent must prove their innocence. Not the other way around.
I'll admit this bothers me. And it bothers me from both sides. I'm on the fence, much like I was with Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill. Hill seemed believable, but not when she then followed him to another job. So I had to come to the conclusion that the scales did not tip in either direction and so, like in our legal system, I had to give Thomas the benefit of the doubt.
This woman seemed believable, but Allred being her attorney is a huge red flag.
I was also, quite frankly was appalled at her smiling and laughing with Allred at the press conference. That response seemed completely inappropriate given the situation.
The "oath" statements, which Allred said were made under the penalty of perjury was over-the-top. Allred waved a couple of pieces of paper that were signed, but wouldn't an oath under penalty of perjury have to be heard, witnessed and attested to by a court of law? They may have been signed by a notary public, but I found that claim implausable.
If the story is untrue, I would expect some reporter with just a bit of investigation will be able to dismiss the allegation within a few weeks.
If it's true, then I would expect no further news, other than an outcry with Cain withdrawing.
I couldn't care less if he cheats on his wife. Sex as a condition for employment is a big problem. I would love it if Herman gets the nomination. A whole summer of 999, China developing nukes, Uz beki beki stan stan and the KochCain Connection. That's entertainment.
Well, she's not quite the smoking gun. But she's AWFUL timing if you're a Cain supporter; or a GOP supporter, for that matter.
A life-long GOP-er woman comes out at THIS point with a claim like THAT? Unless she's aiming for an extremely lucrative book deal, what could possibly be her ulterior motive?
I'll even go as far as to say that the lady's story lacks credibility. Meaning, I cannot imagine a man of Cain's status doing that to a younger woman without her telling her boyfriend (or at least one of her girlfriends or one of her close associates at that job) ALL the gory details.
As opposed to "He behaved inappropriately. I'm too embarrassed to go into details."
Unless of course, there were other details that she didn't want to come out.
While I hesitate to say the following, this woman strikes me as someone who was probably a better-than-average looking young female back in the day; and sometimes, in the case of SOME young females, it's tempting to use your looks to get a guy to give you what you want, even if it means sending mixed and sometimes dangerously consequential signals.
She claimed her response to Cain was: "What are you doing? You know I have a boyfriend." Not exactly the words I'd expect to hear from a woman who was just unexpectedly physically assaulted.
And the fact that she immediately trusted him to take her back to her room (or where ever she said) confounds me as well.
But again, it's possible. Likely? I honestly don't know.
But it almost doesn't matter. These women can't ALL be bald-faced liars, can they?
I agree with this accuser on one point: Herman Cain needs to come CLEAN, no matter what the consequence.
If he's really a scumbag, he needs to get out of the way and stop taking up all this airspace. If these ladies are all full of it, they need to be exposed, once and for all.
Frankly, I can't see how Cain can shake this. Unless he's a victim of a unique wholesale conspiracy, he's toast. And if I had to roll the dice, I'd say Obama's on his way to a second term. The GOP looks kinda lost right about now.
The old rules are out, and the new rules are in: no need for evidence, just throw garbage charges at your enemy, and they have to deal with them, despite their lack of validity or a shred of evidence. Works every time now. My word against your word, since it happened in private.
I could allege gobs of stuff that simply happened between me and Herman Cain when I was a business guy in LA, and he was in the restaurant association:
1. I met with Herman in his limo, just me and Hermie, to discuss my vendor services, and he tried to buy cocaine from me. I swear it's true.
2. I met with Herman Cain in a Marriott Suites in 1999 and he asked me to provide him with 10 year old boys. I swear this to be true.
3. I met with Herman Cain in a private jet, and he asked me to pass some military secrets to the Soviets in 1984. No BS, this happened.
4. I met with Herman Cain and he asked me to dispose of some dead bodies that he had murdered. If I'm lyin', I'm dyin.' (pun intended)
5. I met with Herman Cain in private and he (fill in the blank as to the foul, vile thing Herman asked me to do...) Swear on a stack of bibles.
It's the seriousness of the charge, you see.
Anything is possible, but i find it hard to believe the MSM, they have a history of sliming and smearing conservatives. Remember their continuing bastardry when treating Sarah Palin, so sorry msm, go screw yourselves, if i hear Cain is bad from Conservative sources then i'll believe it.
I seem to remember Allred saying on the Gretta van Susteren show that she usually demanded a million dollars for her services. Maybe I misunderstood her, but the lesson is that she does't do this stuff for free.
If we play the "Who benefits when Cain implodes" game, we might come up with Romney as a suspect. However, the Dems have a LOT to gain from this little exercise. They ran out of dirty rope with Mitt, Newt is a known quantity, and they can get more from smearing Cain than any of the candidates.
Plus, if they get Cain thrown out of the race, then the outside chance of the general elections being between two black men is zero. I believe Obama's advisers are really afraid of Cain because Cain is not a known quantity, and it totally unpredictable.
We know why Allred is doing this, we just don't know who is paying her. You can bet they have really deep pockets, like George Soros. This sounds like the kind of weird thing he would do.
You don't pay people to go away if they have nothing on you.
Herman Cain probably wouldn't have even stumbled into this mess if conservatives were allowed into Tea Party gatherings.
Beamish: ALL companies pay people to go away. How do you know when the allegations are actually true? Because the woman or minority REFUSE a settlement.
That's why this woman's claim is more troubling than those settlements. She obviously couldn't have claimed sexual harassment since she wasn't his employee, but she could have blackmailed him.
Although I do find the timing is suspicious. And hiring Allred means there will be some tabloid payment or sleazy book deal. She would have been completely credible if she hadn't hired the high-priced call girl attorney. Allred is like listening to Al Sharpton on the Tawana Brawley case.
Can't the Koch brothers put up some $$ to dig up some dirt on Obama?
Of course the libs here would say there isn't any dirt but there's lots of money to cover up things as well.
Lisa: If you had some dirt on Obama, would you be willing to take money from the Koch Brothers knowing the union thugs would show up at your doorstep the minute your name was even hinted by the press?
I first got this news watching CNN at my favorite bar where the sound is off and you can hardly keep up with the closed captions. I didn't see/recognize Allred, but I just knew something was fishy. That broad was smiling and laughing WAY TO MUCH for the seriousness of the matter. Take my word for it, she's LYING! Then when you add in the lawyer, you don't need to be a rocket scientist.
I can attest from personal experience when I was in school (a long long long time ago), that if you shoot enough spitballs at the teachers back, a few will stick. That seems to be what is going on here. Have enough accusations to get people to doubt his innocence.
My guess, just a guess, is that the NObama people want to go up against Romney. He is the one that they have the most crap on. His Romney-care, his habitual flip-flopping, his RINO character, all make him their easiest target. I'd be looking at them and/or Soros for this type of bullshit. I really believe that they are more afraid of Cain then all the other contenders combined. Let's face it, there are millions of really dumb people, who do NOT follow politics, that will vote for Cain in the general election, because he's black-ER than NObama. That's what I would call IRONY!
OK libs, call me racist now, but just remember, I happen to LIKE Cain, and Cain will kill UNable any day.
Gloria Allred is an attention whore and a media whore.
Simply stated: I don't trust her.
What was once considered making a pass at a woman is now deemed sexual harassment.
The other day, the Guatemalan working here tried to steal a kiss from me. I handled the incident as I handle all such incidents although it's been several years since I've had to fend off such advances: I drew the line, but nicely. He apologized; I laughed. I'm not filing any charges. He did not touch me inappropriately -- by my definition, anyway. As the saying goes, "Can't blame a fellow for trying."
Of course, IF Cain did what this woman said he did ("He said, she said"), Cain did molest her.
Alred is there to handle the "otherwise" inevitable slander and libel charges... it's a message to Cain that says "legal intimidation is NOT going to work." The Court of Public Opinion is now in session.
The Cain camp will now drag up and produce evidence that the woman is a money whore and infamous slut. Cain will then be sued (or counter-sued) by Gloria Alred for libel and slander charges. This will keep the story in the news "indefinitely".
The Cain campaign is toast unless he can deliver a knock-out to her credibility by cob today.
You folks see that the Cain accuser who spoke out was at a Tea Party event hugging Cain and whispering in his ear while he just said "Uhhuh, uhhuh.."? Very cheerful little meeting, apparently. Interesting stuff.
Here's one of the biggest problems with the story.
Cain had her upgraded to a luxury suite, so why did he then grab at her in a car? They had drinks at the hotel, wouldn't it have been more convenient to persuade her to show him the room and then make the unwanted advance?
And now there's a picture taken last month of the two of them at the conference and she STILL hadn't told her latest fiance until last Friday?
Does anyone else think that Allred has to be thoroughly po'd that the Conrad Murray conviction yesterday stole her thunder?
Sounds like a very disgruntled woman to me. Maybe she's the one who made advances and didn't get satisfied.
At least it's suspicious and she's going to look bad as well.
Shows that politics is full of "mouches a merde" and that we should never give people in politics our complete trust. Hence very limited government.
We must not let Herman Cain fall by the hands of the liberals. They have played this lynching game far to many times.
Beamish: ALL companies pay people to go away. How do you know when the allegations are actually true? Because the woman or minority REFUSE a settlement.
Ah yes. Women and minorities are just constantly falsely maligning companies, so they all just pay up their public image insurance. The companies pay off women with false accusations galore because Herman Cain will accuse them of racism if they don't.
C'mon, Rita. Even you don't believe that horseshit.
That's why this woman's claim is more troubling than those settlements. She obviously couldn't have claimed sexual harassment since she wasn't his employee, but she could have blackmailed him
Or, she and the other women who recieved settlements could have legitimate grievances against Herman Cain that prompted the National Restaurant Association's legal department to want to settle as quickly as possible.
Consider the two alternatives side by side.
1.) False accusations from at least three women caused the NRA to settle out of court on sexual harassment charges against Herman Cain
2.) True accusations from at least three women caused the NRA to settle out of court on sexual harassment charges against Herman Cain
In scenarios #1 and 2, Herman Cain is at the heart of at least three incidents actionable enough to take to trial, forcing a settlement. In scenario #1, Cain is the squeaky clean black walnut deep dish Pokemon 2000 fan who is for some reason being maligned and persecuted all throughout his life for trying to sell Godfather's Pizza for $9.99.
In scenario #2, he's a scumbag.
In scenario #1, he's a hapless victim drowning in tears.
In scenario #2, he's a scumbag.
In which scenario is he a conservative?
Beamish: Having worked in the corporate world for 35 years, I can assure you that every female that threatened or actually sued the company I was working for was full of horse----. One woman was hired when she was 55. The next year the company laid off 10% of the workforce. She claimed age and sex discrimination as if she wasn't female and in a protected age class when they hired her.
I've worked where they hired an woman from Afganistan as a DBA. Within the first week it was apparent she could barely sign on to her pc, much less adminster the database, they let her go. She claimed it was because she was a female and Afghani.
Incompetent women LOVE to claim harassment, happens everyday. And it's especially irritating to the other females in the office when the allegations are clearly bull and the company agrees to settle for a few thousand because it's cheaper than an attorney.
So, I not only believe it, I've seen it, time and time again.
And to set the record straight, the NRA settled with two women, the third woman was some anonymous claim, never filed, only reported recently with no evidence whatsoever that there was inappropriate behavior.
Now this woman comes along. I don't know whether she is telling the truth or not. What I find suspicious is her using Gloria Allred and today they are all over the media giving interviews. I found her smiling and laughing, both yesterday and today to not be credible with her story. The more I watch her telling the story, the less credible she becomes.
So, to cut to the chase, I don't know whether to believe her or not.
I do know one thing, if someone years ago tried that stuff with me, I sure would not have my picture taken with him, even years later.
The details will come out, and it remains to be seen whether she actually is credible.
My guess at this point is that Cain is done. And we'll be stuck with Romney. Yuck.
Mrs. Cain will now be expected to pull a "Stand by your man" like Hillary did w/Geniffer Flowers. But THAT isn't going to help Herman Cain. The parallels to Bill Clintoon are just too eerie. And besides, DeNile is a river in Egypt w/many swamps.
Fifteen minutes of fame, a book deal, and the opportunity to get a free makeover from Gloria Alred and have people remember that the skanky ho' was once a bedable beauty is one hell of an attractive Ego trip for our fiftyish accuser female friend. Cain will have no credibility at all in his denials w/o a law suit for slander/libel. And Infamy pays BIG $$$ rewards, win, lose the lawsuit... or draw.
I've dealt with false accusations in a corporate setting and won. I don't think I'm lucky that they were false accusations.
I was already skeptical of Herman Cain before I found out he was a liability for the National Restaurant Association in at least two settlements.
It make well be that Herman Cain has crap like this all in his past about to surface as well from other places he worked.
What's the Washington lobbyist that isn't an insider (bwhahahahaha) to do?
He should have stuck to Pokemon tournaments. Maybe you can bring that up at the next Tea Party brainstorming session.
The Serpantdove is right, of course.
We must not let Herman Cain fall by the hands of the liberals. They have played this lynching game far to many times.
Seems to me Herman Cain's hands are the cause of his troubles.
"Lynching" game? What, because he's a minister of a left-wing activist black church?
Going over a cliff for this scumbag with flags held high is still going over a cliff.
i never thought I'd be saying this, but I agree with Beamish... perhaps we should indeed worry about that asteroid hitting us.
The right leaning bloggers have missed a few things in their zeal to cast this as a leftist hit job.
1. The story that Politico reported has been found to 100% factually true and correct. They reported that a Presidential candidate was accused of sexual harassment by former employees, and that a settlement was paid. What about this is false, as Cain claimed when he was confronted?
Maybe it is just me, but if you guys do not think you'd be screaming for the head of a lib in the same scenario, you're smoking something.
2. Herman Cain lied when he was asked about it. And then when he realized he was caught, he was unable to give a cogent response. Why was he so unprepared? Is it unreasonable to ask whether someone so unprepared for a known question has the chops necessary to lead our country?
3. The Cain campaign is on record as saying this was leaked by fellow conservatives, not liberals. They put the blame for leaking the story squarely on the Perry campaign.
4. The woman at the heart of the first charge, has now been identified as a 20 year employee at Treasury and a lifelong Republican.
5. Conservative columnists and opinion writers across the country are saying Cain blew this.
Us libs have not really had to do anything, Cain has done it all to himself.
As beamish has said... "Seems to me Herman Cain's hands are the cause of his troubles."
Dave Miller,
"Conservative columnists and opinion writers across the country are saying Cain blew this."
I'm genuinely curious. Name a couple of these persons.
I think the issue here is the truth. Not how Cain handled the situation. If he committed multiple acts of sexual harassment, and it's provable, what could he do to help himself? I can't think of anything.
He has loyal followers, obviously. But not enough.
Net, Karl Rove, Michael Steele, George Will, David Frum & Bill Bennett are all on record saying Cain had botched this, has lied (which is not in dispute), and needs to do a better job addressing this.
Is there anything I wrote in my prior post that is not factual?
Dave, "not in dispute?" Are you kidding? :-)
You're really so smug it's almost impossible to read your comments anymore.
You really believe all you said? Alert the media, none of them has been quite as assured as you are that CAIN LIED :-)
net, you really lose me when you say things like that ...nearly every Conservative columnist has said Cain handled this badly (None have said he's lied, that he really DID harass women, by the way)
Dave, by the way, suddenly you give credence to Conservative columnists, eh? priceless
Z, I think we're talking about two different things.
When this scandal first broke, yes, of course, conservatives and many others, myself included, talked about how Cain fumbled incessantly and looked incapable of handling a crisis.
That was then. I'm talking about now.
At this point in the game, his denials, in my opinion, are difficult to swallow. We have moved from two anonymous charges to four charges with public names/faces attached to two of them.
And Cain is denying literally everything. Frankly, I don't believe him.
Ergo, to say "Cain blew it", at THIS particular point, suggests that he'd be in better shape had he handled things differently. I don't see how that could be. Especially if these allegations are even partly true.
Maybe someone could explain. I'm all ears.
Dave, I think you missed my point. I'm not defending Cain at all.
See my response to Z and you'll likely understand where I was coming from.
While I think the woman that came out this week has a credibility problem, Cain is developing one himself.
As to Dave being so willing to call him out for lying, I'm curious what his take is on Eric Holder's testimony today? Come on Dave, while we are on the subject of liars...
As to credence that this is a leftist hit job on Cain, name another story Politico has reported on 100 times.
Net Observer pretty much captures the essence of my latest problems with Cain, aside from the facts that Cain's geopolitically illiterate, a minister of a politically activist church that caters near exclusively to left-wing Democrats, and supported by the conservative-hating welfare statist Tea Party 'movement' and Pokemon movie fans everywhere.
As with Ron Paul, Michelle Bachmann, Donald Trump, Rick Perry, Christine O'Donnell, and Sharon Angle, the Tea Party 'movement" is doubling down on stomping every drop of credibility out of themselves by backing Cain, who deep down really only wants to sell a book, not run for President or answer questions about his record of scumbaggery.
Isn't it about time the Tea Party 'movement' got back to working on keeping the Senate in Democrat hands? There's like 23 races there for them to sabotage.
Herman's going to win on this scandal thing. None of the accusers, so far, are credible, and unless they come up with videos, there is no evidence.
How much is Allred being paid, and who is paying her? I don't mind Cain chasing women so much (which I don't think he did) as I resent the BS charges being made. The presence of Allred pretty well assures that this is a political smear job.
Obama cannot afford to run against a man blacker than him. Herman is a genuine American success story, and Obama is just another mixed race Marxist.
Cain made a good presentation, and he did the best thing possible. He denied everything, which earlier I described as the Bill Clinton method.
Keep denying, Herman. I'm on your side.
Dave: I haven't been following the Cain story in detail, and I don't know what lies he told, or even if he did.
1. Can you tell me exactly what the lies were?
2. As far as settlements go, Herman Cain didn't sign any legal agreement. The accusers apparently didn't have cases, and the HR department handled the situation like other distasteful separations.
3. The latest accusers are just more "bimbo eruptions" as the Clinton camp used to call them.
Don't think I am such a great Cain supporter as he is not my favorite candidate. I believe that this really is a coordinated attack on the man. The Allred involvement pretty well proves it for me.
Z, I am not talking about whether or not Cain did anything. But he was not truthful when he was originally asked the charges. He said there were no settlements and that he could not even remember what happened "back then."
Now, of course, he remembers? All of this after he had told his staffers when he ran for Senate before about the very claims he denied knowing about.
You tell me, was he lying?
Like most, I like the guy. I felt, whether I agreed with him or not, he was a straight shooter.
His response here, relating to this mess, was horrible.
Bob, whether Holder is dissembling or not, is not germane to how Herman Cain handled all of this?
Can anyone make an objective credible argument that overall, Herman Cain handled this well from the gitgo?
Z... sorry to be thorn in your side...
I’m not sure why a corporation would pay a woman if her allegations were unfounded; I’m not sure I understand why the corporation would retain Cain if in fact there was any evidence of unsatisfactory conduct toward a female employee. If Herman Cain sexually assaulted a woman no longer employed by the National Restaurant Association, why didn’t that woman swear out a complaint with the local police department?
I’m not sure how the “other conservative” argument works here. Karl Rove’s horse in the GOP race is Mitt Romney; of course Rove would say Cain handled this situation poorly. In fact, do any of the conservatives mentioned have an agenda that does not include Cain? I suspect they do … and this isn’t wrong. I simply think if Herman Cain sexually harassed women and then threw his hat into the presidential ring, then he must be the dumbest man on the planet.
I also think there is more to this than meets the eye. Lawyers often do pro bono work to help their standing within their community, but Allred is a left wing hack who has boasted she never accepts less than $1 million to represent anyone. If that’s true, who’s paying the bill? Does she only do pro bono work “against” conservatives?
IMO, this issue has nothing to do with justice. It has to do with politics, which is notoriously unjust. If Cain didn’t realize this previously, he has no business in national politics. Since Cain’s detractors cannot destroy him in law courts, they presume to do it in the court of public opinion, aided and abetted by a pro-Obama press. This is how the game is played in the American Politick. This system is how we end up with morons like Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama, and McCain; American voters have to decide between dumb and dumber when the degrees of separation are miniscule.
Final note: according to Rasmussen, the leftist campaign against Cain is working.
Bob, I think you're right. And a lot of us are letting the leftwing media and FOX decide about Cain for us....
He didn't remember, it's 14 years ago, and what got ME was the way it's described that the recent reunion between the latest accuser and Cain went; I have been to events like that and have approached the 'star' of the event reminding them I've met them and have had an arm put around my back and an 'unhuh'unhuh' response (whether he remembered me or not) and almost I laughed at the similarity when I the account . (frankly, I've always left feeling a little stupid "why did you DO that?")
I believe she was reminding him who she was (remember, he said he didn't even recognize her from back then) and he was doing the politician "ubhuh" thing to make her think he remembered. Very cozy and sweet hugs.........I'd not have done that with a man who tried anything as graphic as she's accusing HE did to her, by the way,'
Who IS paying Allred? Bob's right.
Mustang, it's common practice for corps to pay women off with meager sums like $35K to avoid lawsuits of bigger numbers. The woman makes a bundle for her and it's done.
I agree, this is all politics.
Dave, to say you're a thorn in my side suggests you're right and I don't like it. THat's not the case.
To keep asking if we think he handled this well is weird. Who can think that?
Personally, I'd rather have a non-politico running who DOESN'T have a machine big and slick enough to have done better with this.
To suggest this campaign behavior could set the tone for a presidential stint is short sighted and wishful thinking if the guy's not your candidate.
Odd that our mainstream media hasn't asked Allred who's paying her; if anyone has that information, please let us know.
Mustang said, "I’m not sure why a corporation would pay a woman if her allegations were unfounded;"
A legal defense against a totally fake claim can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, plus, the corporation gets bad press whether it deserves it or not. That is why there are thousands of settlements about sex and race discrimination every year that go unreported.
The aggrieved employee can go to another company to possibly do the same thing because the injured company cannot disclose the event to another prospective employer.
Employees of big corps know this, and there are always those who will try to play this game.
Dave said, "Bob, whether Holder is dissembling or not, is not germane to how Herman Cain handled all of this?
I believe the "Holder" reference was a typo. All the same, I don't think it is material how Cain handled the situation. What is material is the truth, and I don't think we are getting it from the bimbos.
I don't believe for an instance that Cain could not have done the dastardly deed of making a pass at a woman. My position is that this is a political smear campaign.
I still am not convinced that Cain lied. He was just misquoted. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Ah yes, what were those union organizations and #OccupyWallStreeters thinking having protests and walk-outs and sit-ins to get their way when all they have to do is file sexual harassment cases towards all the companies that would give away free money to make them go away.
To those down in bunker mentality for Squirmin' Herman, I ask:
In order for this to be a "left-wing smear job" on Herman Cain, would not his accusers have to be leftists?
And wouldn't Herman Cain himself have to not be a leftist?
Who's paying Gloria Allred?
Cain, if he takes his shuck and jive into a courtroom.
beamish...they's have to be 'leftists'? They are Republicans, some of them, you consider THEM leftists now, right?
No, one doesn't have to be a leftist to slam anybody ;not before the primaries.
I wish I knew fewer women who've sued for harassment and got a chunk of change because the corporation didn't have the time or energy to talk the woman off the ledge..just paid her off.
happens too often..it's like a cottage industry.
I don't care WHAT people believe about Herman Cain...I"m with Bob on this one, 100%...it's a political hit job and doesn't take away from anything I personally admire in Herman Cain, which is more and more lately.
This just adds to my disgust of the whole political system. I believe both sides are corrupt except for a select few.
While I'd love less government intervention, I wish we could outlaw political parties. Too much money, too much being in bed with the unions, corporations and government.
I look at this much like I look at the OJ verdict. Justice had nothing to do with it, only money did.
This is why I was supporting Cain to begin with. I'm sick of politicians, I would vote for ANYONE outside of the political system at this point.
Reminds me of the last few lines of Social Network where the young attorney is explaining to Mark Zuckerberg why he will end up settling with his opponents.
She demonstrates only two questions she would ask him on the witness stand, both of which may or may not be true. When he complains, she explains, "Doesn't matter, I've put the idea in the jurors head and now they believe it."
Truth doesn't matter to the political process, only the court of public opinion matters.
It's as stupid as when so many said Mitch Daniels would lose against Obama because once they shook hands at a debate and Obama would stand a foot taller than Daniels, it wouldn't matter who would be a better President.
Bulls---. I'm sick of it.
Let's just pick the cutest chick in a beauty contest and to hell with the rest.
After all, that's what the election is all about anyway, isn't it?
Rita pretty well summed up the reality of our situation.
Neither party generally puts forward quality candidates, but the blame really must fall on us.
When Newt suggests a series of 3 hour debates, for most of America, their eyes glaze over.
Me? I'd love it, but how many are like that? Sure, us blogging types are, but the rest of America? Sadly, not so many.
It really does seem to be as Pogo once said... we've met the enemy...
Rita, if you saw tonight's debate, you're probably even more p!ssed.
I'm thinking baseball. Perry had two costly errors and a season-ending injury. Rookie Cain abruptly ended his string of record-setting hits; just not the same after last week's injuries. Paul caught some fly balls deep, but you don't get a lot of applause for those. Romney was intentionally walked throughout.
Veteran Gingrich is on 3rd base and might have a chance to steal home if Cain eventually hits a sacrifice fly.
But it all kinda depends on Romney striking out the next couple of games.
Team GOP is starting to remind me of the Texas Rangers. Team Dem is starting to remind me of the St Louis Cardinals.
beamish...they's have to be 'leftists'? They are Republicans, some of them, you consider THEM leftists now, right?
No, one doesn't have to be a leftist to slam anybody ;not before the primaries.
I'm just saying it wasn't leftism that found sexual harassment complaints against Herman Cain from multiple plaintiffs credible and compelling enough to get the National Restaurant Association shelling out settlement cash, and it isn't leftism looking at this lecherous sleazebag from Jesse Jackson's left-wing all-star Rainbow-Push Coalition farm team and musing over him commiting the political equivalent of emptying a bottle a vodka and offing himself.
I could see maybe perhaps going to bat for Herman Cain if he were a fellow conservative, but he's not, so I don't have to. But my own "good character" won't let me believe Herman Cain is the victim of a sexual harrassment suit cottage industry," even if you could somehow re-invent a foreign policy ignoramus like Cain into a conservative.
If Herman Cain couldn't convince his own legal department at the National Restaurant Association of his "good character," why the hell should I believe him?
While I'd love less government intervention, I wish we could outlaw political parties. Too much money, too much being in bed with the unions, corporations and government.
I look at this much like I look at the OJ verdict. Justice had nothing to do with it, only money did.
This is why I was supporting Cain to begin with. I'm sick of politicians, I would vote for ANYONE outside of the political system at this point.
Aside from his ongoing work as an associate minister at a major hotbed of Jesse Jackson Rainbow-PUSH Coalition left-wing political activist "kingmaker" church in Atlanta, Herman Cain was a corporate lobbyist in Washington, an advisor to the Bob Dole '96 presidential campaign (now we know where Dole's refering to himself in the 3rd person came from), a candidate for the US Senate and for President in 2000.
Herman Cain is the most inside "outsider" in politics today. So full of crap I'm beginning to doubt he's honest about his own name.
Team GOP is starting to remind me of the Texas Rangers. Team Dem is starting to remind me of the St Louis Cardinals.
Intriguing analogy, except the Rangers didn't hobble each other with baseball bats to field a mediocre closer.
When Newt suggests a series of 3 hour debates, for most of America, their eyes glaze over.
Me? I'd love it, but how many are like that? Sure, us blogging types are, but the rest of America? Sadly, not so many.
I'd love it too. But, I think you're underselling the interest Americans would have in Obama debating whoever once the GOP settles who that will be.
I think Newt Gingrich may have sent a "get well soon" card to his former staffers that jumped off his cruise ship for Camp Perry.
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