There's something very satisfying about this short'll like it!
thanks, Mustang!
10 Akun Depo 5k Paling Populer di Indonesia
10 hours ago
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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I have seen this before; it is excellent!
If only! That newspaper headline at the end, I mean.
Brooke, I thought this one was new!?
I've seen others and they're always good, aren't they!
AOW...yes, 'if only'
How's that Hopey.......welcome to geeeZ and 'losers' is right. Except WE're the ones who are losing because of them.
Just hearing American Airlines is filing for bankruptcy.
What a very sad metaphor this is........
Don't worry about American Airlines. They're too big to fail.
What! No bail-out?
Oh, the humanity....
Yes, it's a well known fact that we don't have the money left amd we are in the process of cutting our budget for our military, and social programs like social security, Medicare, and on and on. 0bamas goal looks to me is to have everyone unemployed and dependent on Government. With a shrinking tax base to pay for everything... how, or better yet... WHO is going to pay for anything.
And still with all of this the obama's are sucking the country dry, and he's draining the entire treasury with all their foolishness and vacations. And yet they blame the republican because they refuse to compromise. Why compromise with those who are out to destroy America?
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