Hear about THIS? Sure, he's not running for president this time, but he's been a rather high profile man who's used his "pulpit" for setting the standard for how we all should act. Do you think he'll get 1/1000th of the coverage Cain's getting? And this has a real name and face behind the accusations.
Let's see what happens.
10 Akun Depo 5k Paling Populer di Indonesia
10 hours ago
Maybe this will be the last we see and hear of Mr. Jackson, one can only hope. I have never been a fan of the guy. He believed himself to be above reproach.
However, the person suing him, how credible is he?
Jesse Jackson will never fade away. He will always be causing pain for society by playing the race card. That's his rice bowl.
Leticia, no fan here, either. I'd like to think he played a part in helping race relations over the years but division occurred more from his showing the differences instead of the similarities, don't you think?
Plus, there's that creepy thing of his having said he was with Dr King at his death and....witnesses say "No, he was not." (Picture the outrage if a Republican had done that)
Bob.....I once asked an attorney friend from Wash DC how Jackson makes a living. This (really high level attorney who dealt with high profile people) told me the story is that he goes into plants like Coca-a-Cola when the leadership calls him in because of unrest, he settles the workers down and gets a huge chunk of money. I swear by the integrity of this lawyer friend and I've heard this elsewhere, too. Some integrity, huh? Some guy who's for the workers :-)
BY the way, a fascinating thing is this attorney friend is Jewish and does TONS of legal work for the Saudis and is often there...I've always found that interesting!
I guess one could say "some integrity" for him, too, but he's a man of high integrity, and it's only corporate stuff he covers, so...... !
Jackson and Sharpton are both race baiters. The do not want races to get along because then they would be out of a job.
I find both of them to be disgusting. I think Gloria Allred is learning from their playbook only using gender as the divider.
I'm sure the left will be all over this story and will turn Jackson into a pariah. Yeah RIGGGHHHHT!
Rita! You're brilliant!
"I'm sure the left will be all over this story and will turn Jackson into a pariah. Yeah RIGGGHHHHT!"
Yes, I'm VERY SURE, too (wink wink)
I'll be spot-watching CNN and will let you know......if anybody sees the story there or on MSNBC in half the nastiness they've been covering Cain's story, please let us know.
And yes, also brilliant is your Allred analogy...no doubt about it.
We won't hear a peep out of the media on this one, Z. Disgusting!
However, the gay man had a choice to leave his job. Why did he stay there for so long if he was being demeaned and mistreated? Sounds like he's trying to shake down the ultimate shakedown artist. There's poetic justice in that... hehehe.
Sorry, forgot to say Y U C K !
Who, in their right mind would have sex with Jesse Jackson, or even work for this miscreant? Losers!
"Plus, there's that creepy thing of his ...."
Having being forced to admit he knocked up a secretary of his? And the famous "hymie town" insult? He's a racist piss-ant in a silk suit. A black mafioso.
He should be an honorary "made man" in the Gambino family mob out of jealousy for his slick scams.
And as I recall the scuttlebutt on MLK was he was never there, hated MLK and saw an opportunity to dab his hands in MLK's blood and wipe it on his clothing.
His entire "career" is built on lies, fraud and hate. But...put that phony "Rev" before your name....and all's forgiven. BS.
Oh man, you wanna make a list between GOP and Dems related to this issue? I guarantee you the GOP have many more.
Lib: This isn't a contest, more like a Weiner-Roast.
This will just further enhance his cred with the twisted libs...
FW, good point; who'd want to work for him AND have bringing women to this horrid man for sex as part of their job? Some people will do anything for money.
And, of course, the guy's no dummy...he'll make a LOT of money in this lawsuit because he's brave enough (or truthful enough) to come forward WITH his name attached!
Rita, true! I guess we can all all the Dem sex scandals WEINER roasts with ANthony having made such a fool of himself.
Imp.. It's too bad he didn't put himself before race relations because, if he was really about race relations, maybe he'd have helped Obama be less divisive....
Anybody ever heard of Jackson and Obama getting together? Nope. Anybody ask himself WHY NOT? :-)
SF.....good point. Big brownie points.
Liberaldude...take a deep breath and LISTEN: This article is about MEDIA BIAS. Nobody's ever said Republicans are perfect and, by the way, I'm not sure any stupid list of yours would have any credence because I'm quite sure the Dems are better at covering for themselves, particularly now that libs have taught professionalism and truth out of American journalism students....sort of like the huge amount of voter fraud accusations even Hillary Dems had against the Obama team in 2008....
They're still in court but who hears about them in OUR LYING MEDIA? :-)
Jesse Jackson is a N-----.(at least that is what my Black neighbor calls him)
Herman Cain is an honest Black Man who doesn't play the race card and hide behind his color. Pure and simple.
The REVEREND Jackson makes LOTS OF $$$$$ dividing the races---so- ditto what Rita stated---
Frankly, I've always wondered if Jesse Jackson is bisexual.
AOW, it's only Conservatives who get outed......remember, DUcky's all for homosexuals' rights until a Republican shows any sign of gayness and then he's condemning and belittling as hell.
Did you see the videos of Michele Bachmann's husband just walking down a hall by himself? The GOogle entry had pages and pages of different sites gleefully talking about how gay he seems....unreal
"Anybody ever heard of Jackson and Obama getting together? Nope. Anybody ask himself WHY NOT? :-)"
Cause Obummer heard what Jackson called him on an open MSNBC mic?
Imp...what did he call him? YOu know the left doesn't divulge any indiscretions on their side...I missed that, anyway!
Herman Cain is an honest Black Man who doesn't play the race card and hide behind his color.
Except when he does.
How else would you categorize the term "high-tech lynching" in the context of questions about Cain's having to settle sexual harassment complaints against him?
Were the women he was a repugnant scumbag to "lynching" him as well?
This is why i don't trust the media, they're biased and they smear conservatives. When they give obama the same amount of scrutiny that they give to Cain, i'll start listening.
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