Cube's blog has a great catch today: "Obama asking Hillary to be Vice President is like a couple adopting the Menendez brothers. Not a good idea."
HOW could I resist that, huh? LOL!
BOB BECKEL is saying the MICHELLE OBAMA TAPES exist. Sadly, the hottest headline on GOOGLE on this subject links to "Web page unavailabe", which is pretty much how our media will handle this, don't you think? (Republicans reporting they'll hold the tape till the Fall.......big F or little f, if you know what I mean)
Mr. Z's point about Zimbabwe in his AFRICA STORY below (please scroll down) was emphasized with this story today....unspeakable behavior toward one's own people.
If Obama starts to sink (from information like that above or some other situation we can't predict) before the convention and after Hillary concedes the nomination, or after the nomination at which he was crowned instead of Hillary should she stick around till that bloodshed, could the Dems draft Hillary again...? AFTER she's been 'sort of' campaigning for him as the Dem candidate? Has that ever happened; anybody know?
AM JUST NOW HEARING THIS: A California teacher took her 9 year olds on a FIELD TRIP. PRECIOUS, isn't it? Except the kids came home saying they'd gone where they felt there were men who 'scared them.' Turns out that Ms. Quintanos took her kids to a DAY LABOR WORK the children could get more comfortable with people like them in our city. I guess they were scared! It turns out that day laborers have been working in peoples' homes and molesting children once they're 'more comfortable' with them. (from a study by Manhattan Institute)
i've been following the situtation in zimbabwe for a while now. mr. z's post kind of goes hand-in-hand wth the stuff i dug up on the tanzania situation. it's a sad commentary, isn't it?
as for the rest, i posited to a friend of mine that the only way the mystery tape will have any bearing on conservatives in this election is if it reveals that michelle obama and john mccain have been havin an affair... well, a gal can dream, can't she???
heidianne jackson
Right, Heidi...I forgot, you did have a good piece on Tanzania..I'll show it to him.
He's reading a German article now (WISH it were in English!) saying that the 'helpers', those countries sending money there are doing exactly the WRONG THING..and THIS in a liberal German paper!
Well, re: Michelle? I think most kids think she'd be right in slamming white America, black AND white kids, so I've been thinking along your lines there.
And, if they WERE having an affair, they'd both go UP in the ratings instead of down in our society today, huh?
No way in HELL are these two going to run together!
And you're right, if the MO tape is real, the midstream media will be MIA!
I don't think it's very likely. The clash of egos would be too mammoth, even for politics. If they do pull it off, it will be a lot tougher to win in November.
I had to make time this morning to log onto your blog Z as I was curious to see if there were any comments about Obama and Clinton running together!
I agree with Keith, clash of ego would be huge and can you imagine the arguments between them on who has the last word!
Obama is SO cunning. He's announcing that CAROLINE KENNEDY is on his list of people finding VP ideas.
AH, we invoke a sacred KENNEDY now.
Man, he is soooo good.
I doubt it will be an Obama/Beast ticket. They really hate her wretched guts and the LAST thing they want is the anchor that is BILL!
Z I've sorta given up worrying about the Prez election, we're screwed either way, so I'll be of good cheer and work even harder to keep the businees thriving.
While a unified ticket would help unite the Dems, any Clinton on the ticket will actually cause some conservatives to hold their noses and vote for the Imposter. All in all it would probably hurt Obama.
As one guy I know put it...
"I'd have better luck picking up sticks with my butt cheeks than Hillary becoming Obama's VP!"
Never tried it personally, but I'm sure it's hard.
but isn't that quote from Cube's blog priceless?, the one on the top of this post? I loved that!!
Hi All
Would anyone here want the Clinton machine at work behind the scenes, while playing her part as helpmate to Obama?
Not to mention the cameras following the "second banana's" husband around the world and reporting on his latest faux pas.
Isn't it in Hillary's interests for McCain to win this go'round? Four more years for her to wait and run again.
If Obama get's elected with Hillary as VP, he'll probably have to keep Michelle from being the first first lady, from wringing the VP's neck.
We sure wouldn't have to look too far to find out where the leaks would be coming from.
One thing's for sure, this match up would be a dream ticket for tabloid America.
God help us all.
I wouldn't if i were Hillary, it's quite obvious that Hillary has been shafted because the left prefer a man. Well, according to their standards that is.
Re Zimbabwe, check out what Mugabe and his wife are up to while their people are starving back home.
lol..good garsh did that maniac get this far?!
Hillary Clinton has "suspended" her campaign, rather than conceed defeat.
[i.e. if she stays in the race through to the convention, she gets her money back - Romney did the same thing]
But, I don't count her out.
I still think she will be the nominee for President, and I think the superdelegates - by and large mostly "Friends of Bill Clinton" cronies put in their state level party positions by the Clinton administration itself, will boost Hillary into the nomination.
Probably after another nice bombshell revelation about Obama right before the Democratic convention.
::cue Dean scream::
Thanks for the plug, Z.
If Obama picks Hill as VP, he's a bigger fool that I thought.
I think Hill is going to hide in the weeds until the convention. If something happens to the Obama candidacy, she can swoop right in (on her broom) and get the nomination.
I think she'd go for it in hopes of having a shot at the presidency... lol
But evidently he despises her too much. I sure hope they don't team up.
I'm still glad he's the one we'll be fightin'.
I think he'll be easier to defeat come November.
The teacher taking the kids to the day labor station....beyond sick. Like Steve says...teachers need a thorough psychological eval before being hired on.
Pris wrote:
"We sure wouldn't have to look too far to find out where the leaks would be coming from."
Right again Pris! Take a bow! If Obama's smart he'll dump Hill and Bill and take the consequences. How long would it take Air Force 1 to crash into a mountain? I know, that sounds paranoid, but we ARE talking about the Clintons...
I'm glad to see that the military didn't bow to public pressure and instead waited to try those Marines in a court of law rather than the court of public opinion.
To think that the MSM and even some people who visit my blog had wanted to hang them before they were given a fair trial.
Thanks for all your comments....always wise, always Right!
Don't you LOVE that line about the Menendez Bros? That's my favorite of the election season so far (thanks again, Cube!)
Pinky.....imagine a teacher taking American children to a labor camp to get them COMFY? WHAT???
And Elbro: MURTHA SHOULD BE OUSTED TODAY. Can anybody forget how he came out against our soldiers only seconds after Reuters/AP SUGGESTED there was a problem caused by THEM? Ya think he even hangs his head in SHAME? (oh, ya...the Left got rid of SHAME so they wouldn't HAVE to wallow in it)
is obamamama trying to tell u.s. what six inches is?
sorry, couldn't resist...
smack me now or smack me later!
NANC! I AM SCREAMING here! When I saw this comment, I thought "What??" Then I looked at the picture and ROARED! THAT should have been my CAPTION! "if I only had the heart, a brain...the NOYVE!"
Honestly, nanc....I'd be afraid to smack you because it might smack some of your humor/brains out, and we wouldn't want THAT! TOO GOOD!!!!! LOL!!
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