Monday, June 9, 2008

I need a laugh, I don't know about you!


Anonymous said...

LOL . . . Good one, Zee!

EDGE said...

You know, I've never learned to play solitare. My 10 year niece wants to show me how to play...probably to beat me.

Z said...

glad you liked it, Mustang.

edge....VERY good line...very, very good!

I got into an addiction with FREE CELL...I wish I had a dollar for every game I played of that on the computer. I mean THOUSANDS.
Now, it's INTERNET BACKGAMMON....I'm a killer, I've gotta say! LOVE it.

nanc said...

i'm a freecell freak...

yeah, i admit it!

is there a 12 step program for this affliction?


z - how many games have you gone without a loss?

Z said...

nanc, it's been so long since my 12 step program, I can't remember.
Here's what I HAD TO DO; I had Mr. Z REMOVE it from my computer. Yup. I am not an addictive personality, but that game GOT ME!
I probably haven't played it in two years now!
COLD TURKEY was the only way...

I just beat a Portugese backgammon player which is a COUP because THOSE people play a heck of a backgammon! REAL happy about that!!
Enjoy the FreeCell....I just had to STOP!!

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I never understood why people who have computers that can do thousands of floating point calculations per second settle for a solitaire game simulator.

Me, I'm addicted to Battlefield 2.

kevin said...

Exactly Beam, Age of Empires here.

Z said...

I almost got Carpal (sp?) tunnel syndrome from Free Cell....I mean I WAS that game!
I could Free Cell though any phone call, I could Free Cell through a discussion with poor Mr. Z, I could do (almost!) anything with one eye on the Free Cell got THAT scary!

As it is now, I play live internet backgammon with people from ALL over the world and friends on the phone will say "What's that binging noise?" I have to turn the sound down because they just CAN'T understand that I might be playing a game on the computer but they have my undivided attention!!!!!

That computer noise thing is a toughy! LIke Beamish's's the only one I can't go on at 3 AM with insomnia because I always forget the MUSIC!! And Mr. Z is right across the hall from this computer! AND, at 3 AM, in the quiet, that metal music is even BIGGER! Then, on top of that noise, my laughter at what i did YET AGAIN could wake the neighbors!

Mike's America said...

When I was still working for the Federal Govt. my coworkers and I probably spent as much time playing solitare on our computers as we did using them for work.

Z said...

Mike's America: NO big surprise there! sad, isn't it? Our tax dollars at work.
And the worst part is i'll bet many didn't feel the slightest bit guilty.

Anonymous said...

I played solitaire by hand this week. It was fun.