Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Well, Cheetah.....Looks like we MUST be RELATIVES

Spanish parliament to extend rights to apes

Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:27pm EDT By Martin Roberts

MADRID (Reuters) - Spain's parliament voiced its support on Wednesday for the rights of great apes to life and freedom in what will apparently be the first time any national legislature has called for such rights for non-humans.
Parliament's environmental committee approved resolutions urging Spain to comply with the Great Apes Project, devised by scientists and philosophers who say our closest genetic relatives deserve rights hitherto limited to humans.

Rights of HUMANS? They're getting OUR rights because they're our 'closest genetic relatives'? I like animals as much as the next person, but..........what message... isn't this a pretty darned slippery slope? (and we have one foot on a banana peel, so to speak!!!)

"This is a historic day in the struggle for animal rights and in defense of our evolutionary comrades, which will doubtless go down in the history of humanity," said Pedro Pozas, Spanish director of the Great Apes Project.

"OUR evolutionary COMRADES?" WHAT?

Spain may be better known abroad for bull-fighting than animal rights but the new measures are the latest move turning once-conservative Spain into a liberal trailblazer.

Spain did not legalize divorce until the 1980s, but Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's Socialist government has legalized gay marriage, reduced the influence of the Catholic Church in education and set up an Equality Ministry.

Oh, I SEE....Spain was in the dark ages not legalizing gay marriage and allowing the church any say in the education and not having an EQUALITY MINISTRY! Why not legalize humans marrying one of those cute apes? After all...we're COUSINS, no?

Keeping an estimated 315 apes in Spanish zoos will not be illegal, but supporters of the bill say conditions will need to improve drastically in 70 percent of establishments to comply with the new law.

Pretty soon, they'll be taking the apes to Gitmo for really improved conditions!

Philosophers Peter Singer and Paola Cavalieri founded the Great Ape Project in 1993, arguing that "non-human hominids" like chimpanzees, gorillas, orang-utans and bonobos should enjoy the right to life, freedom and not to be tortured.

WHY do APES have a 'right to life' in this "liberal trailblazing" country now and our unborn babies don't!? You'd think there IS no other way to look at evolution, gay marriage or anything else, huh? Reuters...typical. I'm looking for another world to live any suggestions?

thanks for the tip. FT


Papa Frank said...

Is this thinking what comes of watching Planet of the Apes and smoking pot in the legislature? Give me a break!!!

Nikki said...

seriously, what the heck is going on. I am on the same page as you...Is everybody insane? Love the gay marriage and animal marriage crossover, its a legit argument the left just refuses to hear it. This is why I love blogging other bloggers find these kind of gems to blog about and it is so educating! :)N

Anonymous said...


My three dogs are jumping for joy; the Shitzu read this article and has already organized the two Chihuahuas into a pet union; they've already filed a grievance for more leisure time.

What's next? Shari'ah Law? Damn Spaniards.

Anonymous said...

Hi All,
First of all, when the value of animal life is elevated, human life is devalued.

If God had meant for humans and animals to exist as peers, animals would have been given a level of intelligence equal to that of man.

But, of course when people no longer believe in God, they feel free to make up any rules they want. Europe seems to have gone pretty far down that road.

I find it interesting that Peter Singer, who is a professor of Philosophy at Princeton and is purported to be the father of the animal rights movement, has stated that society should be able to put to death, a human baby of up to one year of age.

I wonder if he feels that way about a baby of the primate variety. My point is, that he has already devalued human life.

In my opinion this is a very dangerous man. Only because he seems to have gathered quite a following.

Is it possible that people like Prof. Singer, may think that, in order to save the planet, a percentage of the human population must be terminated? I have read that within the global warming movement, there is a small faction of people who think so.

This is all very scary, and I think that it would be a mistake to think this will be the end of it, as if these asylum candidates will be satisfied with this victory in Spain and it will stop there. They will, if anything, be more emboldened. Power does that to people.

As for Pedro Pozas and his "evolutionary comrades", proclamation, God will get you for that, Pedro!


Anonymous said...

Animals only get "rights" at the expense of humans. We have RESPONSIBILITIES where animals are concerned, but make no mistake animals only get rights at our expense. The commies win another one.

Don't knock that evolutionary chain thing. I had a great uncle Leon who looked like the third knuckle drasgger in line!

I brought Carmen to the new Planet of the Apes movie a few years back and as we were walking out of the movie, another little girl asked her dad, "WHY did he kiss that lady monkey?!" Without skipping a beat, the father said, "I guess he found her appealing."
I laughed my ass off right there! He started laughing too.


nanc said...

and to think obl wants to take spain back for ala!


let him have it - sons of apes and pigs indeed.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nod, Z.

I'm sure none of us is in favor of practicing cruelty to animals? The SPCA has been in existence for a long time in most civilized countries certainly ours. Shouldn't that be enough?

I love all the warm furry creatures and most of the birds, but have a lot of trouble relating to reptiles and and the larger insects and arachnoids.

I might advocate equal rights for animals, if they are able to obtain law degrees from accredited schools and acquire the ability file suit on their own behalf and thenprosecute whatever legal action they may wish to take in our courts without assistance from humans.

Would I be content to let an educated Great Ape sit on the bench and judge ME?

Stay tuned ....

Anonymous said...

Whoops! Sorry.

Forgot to sign that last post.

~ FreeThinke

Anonymous said...

Free Think: Don't we already have hairy primates with law degrees in the halls of Congress and nearly every state legislature? This law merely protects them in Spain.

BTW ... can you imagine all the rolling eyeballs among the average Spanish citizen? They are probably wondering, " ... and we voted for these nuts?"

elmers brother said...

hey I knew a guy that thought you ought to be able to perform legal abortions up to the age of 18.

this is going too far...I read an article in TIME recently where it spoke of some apes who were killed by poachers...

they used humanizing terms like...massacre...murder etc. I thought I was going to puke.

heidianne jackson said...

pris, have you ever noticed that the strongest animal rights people nearly all believe in the right to abortion?

i have yet to meet a member of peta who is anti-abortion. ever.

apparently killing humans is fine because it's a "choice" but killing animals is not ok because your going to eat them. does this mean that if is kill an animal, just because i made a choice to do so, it's ok?

just sayin'...

Beverly said...

Hi, z, I came over here by way of Pondering Penguin. From your comment about drivers below mine, I thought you might live in Florida, but I see you're on the other coast.

This post is incredible. Where are we going to end up? Scary!

Anonymous said...

Heidianne, Years ago I saw a car with a bumper sticker that said, "Eat People First".

I tried to catch up with the car (a young woman driving), so I could yell, "we'll start with you", but the lanes merged into one and I couldn't make it.

Yes you're so right. They have such tunnel vision, and get so immersed in their cause they lose all perspective. Very frightening. I keep thinking, "and I thought Soylent Green was just a movie".

These people are beyond belief.

They'd better keep their hands off of my filet mignon!


Z said...

It's all very worrisome...Animals are fantastic little things, I particularly like to see smart chimps! But RELATIVES?

If that's so, how come there still are APES? Hmmm HA!

Beverly, welcome to geeez! Good to have your comment here, you're so right and, after visiting your site, I see even more why you're concerned!! (she's gorgeous)

God help us all....The human being is being so denegrated and desanctified in EVERY way.

Now the ACLU's suing the Naval Academy for (are you sitting down?) praying before lunch! YEs,and they mention GOD!!!


Well, I'm offended by nearly everything I see and hear the ACLU's doing, who can I SUE?


Anonymous said...

Man, this is not healthy.
And I love animals, live with eight of them, but so far , none of them can answer telephones, write checks, open doors and drive cars.

I guess we will see some horrible , sick things in the future, with marriages between human and beast.

Can't help but think of Planet of the Apes.

Lots of those animal rights people are real sick-o's , in every way imaginable.


MathewK said...

I read about this a year ago i think, it didn't take effect or wasn't passed then, yet here they are again trying the same stupidity again. It's really pathetic how leftists insist on screwing up over and over and over.