Get this quote from the same article:
"Obama said he's willing to start from scratch but that both sides must give ground. He also said that the final bill must meet his goals, such as ending abusive insurance industry practices, reducing costs and expanding the affordability of and access to coverage."
Wait, he'd kept Republicans out of the bill's writing, he'd met behind closed doors, he didn't take into consideration their torte reform or portability ideas or tax deductions, among others, but "both sides must give ground" NOW?
Do you hear how he makes himself look so above it all? He's chastising Republicans who'd begged to be included most of the year and weren't heeded, but the public again hears "the party of NO!" Perhaps, if the Dems had allowed the Reps IN as most congresses do (especially when they're planning on changing drastically something that's 1/6 of the economy!?), something would have been agreed to, people might have cooperated, ideas the Dems might have actually liked even if they DIDN'T think of them first, might have been included.............. Instead, Obama stands above it all looking like a disappointed teacher wishing the dumb kids would either shut up or agree with him.
I'm telling you, Z. Obama counts on the public being uninformed on the issues. He depends on people not digging any deeper than sound bites and sexy headlines.
It's how the Dems stay in office, after all...keep 'em dependent, keep 'em the victim.
Z, personally I think Conservatives and Republicans should EMBRACE the label "Party of no." We should tell the President and the Democratic Party, not only are we the party of no, but we're the party of HELL NO!
We should be standing up to them and screaming that they'll impose their Socialist take over of our healthcare system over their cold, dead bodies!
Why try to defend ourselves against the accusation? We really don't want any part of this legislation, do we?
And neither do the American people. So by admitting we say no, we're on the side of the voters.
He's watching his dream go down the toilet and hearing the celebrations of his enemies. That just can't be in his mind.
I think FairWitness nailed it. Several Republican House leaders came out today and said they may tell Obama to piss off on his health care summit.
I hope the Republicans in the House and Senate do just that Chuck. Screw Obama, Pelosi and Reid. This legislation resolves NONE of the problems our current healthcare system has. It's not about reform or fixing anything -- IT'S A POWER GRAB. Republicans should be saying that, screaming that at the tops of their lungs and telling Obama to stick where the sun don't shine.
I agree with FW. The Republicans should announce they're proud to be the Party of NO, and proud to stand with the American people!
They would hear a loud YEA! from out here in the hinterland.
Nope. I don't agree...not unless Americans hear WHY NO IS GOOD...and Republicans have either not been good at explaining OR the media just doesn't let their message OUT..Both, I suspect.
"Party of NO" isn't a good moniker for most of America...because we've got whining entitlement dopes who WANT WANT WANT, know Obama's dying to provide, and saying we're the PARTY OF NO isn't going down too well.
by the way....I DO approve of the Republicans saying they're not participating...but the media will screw with that, too..."See? They don't want to cooperate, SEE? They don't want you to HAVE WHAT YOU DESERVE and that which OBAMA WANTS TO GIVE YOU" (SPIT!!)
Z, I see your point on the media but I think this would have been more, important just a few years ago. The MSM is becoming irrelevant. They have become so slanted and bias that even liberals are starting to distrust them.
I think the internet and cable news has killed the network news and print media in this country.
People are simply turning them off and the few that remain don't believe what they say anymore.
Z, this is a TRAP!!!
Obie is in BIG trouble, and he's looking to place the blame wherever he can. Clinton was a master tactician at political brinksmanship, and Obama's trying his hand at it now.
Obie wants a scapegoat, and he's trying to sucker the R's into playing the part of the sheep.
So far your buddy Boehner :-) seems to be wise to it, and he and Cantor aren't falling for it. Good for them!!
FairWitness, about your post at 4:07....
I agree with you. The Repubs, if they want to get it together again, can not be painted as the party of no. They need to come to the table with a plan. See Ryan's plan. He seems to be someone I can listen to. I'm not sold but, it makes a lot of sense. We'll see how far that goes.
Hi Z, guess I just think it's better to say NO to whole bill. There's nothing in it that fixes the issues that need remedied.
I agree that he wants the bipartisanship so that when (notice I didn't say "if") their plan doesn't work, they can cry that the Republicans worked on it, too.
And isn't THIS politicking the reason WHY our forefathers knew it was best to LIMIT government so that it wasn't about power and blaming and nobody taking responsibility anymore??
Beth, great point.
FW, absolutely right..we MUST say NO to that bill. he's just made it (and the media's run with this) look like all Republicans are about is NO NO NO..."No ideas" "No helping the poor" "No GREEN" you just bugs me SO much that he gets away with this kind of stuff....and it goes to show you what a president can do when he's hired 3 bigwig network producers to skew news and make HIM LOOK GOOD.........
The great news is his favorables are down to the high thirties, from what I've been hearing.
IMagine that 60% of Americans still like HIM?
Did you see him BOWING again? This time to the MAYOR OF TAMPA???? Pasadena Closet Conservative on my sidebar shows the picture!! WHAT IS HE THINKING?
I personally like this stage.
Every time Obama opens his piehole to say Republicans are stopping his health care "reforms" from happening, it's like free campaign advertising for Republicans that even the now defunct McCain-Feingold Act couldn't stop from playing every news cycle.
Good morning Z, my point about embracing the party of no tagline would be to counter and dismantle the definition of "no" & replacing it with HELL NO. Meaning we are fighting against the Obama-Pelosi-Reid plans to socialize America.
Also, I think the MSM has become irrelevant. Less and less people are watching them, even fewer believe the news they air or print. Most Americans are now aware we've been lied to by the MSM, by the President and by Congressmen and Senators in both parties. We're wising up, my dear. I believe it!
The Chicago way is to Reward your friends and Punish your enemies. This invite falls into the latter category.
FJ, you make a good point. I wonder if the Chicago will be effective in Washington DC. Those methods work best in smaller arenas against people with little power.
George Bush found out that the strategies he employed to get bipartisan cooperation in Texas didn't work in DC. His opponents had agendas that had nothing to do with improving things for all Americans. In Washington DC, it's all about political power and clout.
President Obama and his Administration don't respect their opponents. Utilizing thuggery and coercion will fail.
You cannot govern America this way. Every elected Respresentative and Senator wields the same power. President Obama doesn't seem to understand that.
The February 25th meeting is useless, imho. The goals of the Obama Administration are counter to those of the majority of Americans. Republicans should decline to attend. Obama doesn't deserve to meet with our Representatives & Senators. He's already blown it. Reconciliation is irretrievable.
Republicans and Conservatives need to concentrate on defeating their opponents in the next elections and stopping legislation in the meantime. No good will come from meeting with Democrats.
I agree with FJ: everything Obama knows about politics, he learned from the playbook used in Chicago.
This latest garbage about summits, GOP input, listening, compromise, yadda yadda...all bogus.
This is just his latest end-around to getting more socialism into our system, nothing more, nothing less.
a read of _Rules for Radicals_ is good 'opposition research'---
bho was trained (arff arff) by Alinsky-ites...
to do battle -we must know how our enemy thinks....
I guess my point is that the news has to SHOW that the Republicans are saying NO for 'the following reasons' or ' with the following YESES to offer'......then I think PARTY OF NO is absolutely fantastic because I certainly feel it should be NO to nearly everything in Obama's healthcare plans.
Paul Begala (spit) this morning on Imus said the bill HAS portability and tort reform ...he said the bill has 213 points Republicans included and so they're just being obstinate and Obama's right...
I have NEVER heard of those two things (much less another 211 of them) in the bill, have you? (Not that just having them would make the bill acceptable with the socialist junk THE ONE has in it, too.
Fredd, thanks for coming by and I agree with you and FJ...all show.
Christian Soldier...the left is more cunning and, you're right, we have to catch up.
But, I SURE do wish we could finally get our politicians together on's about time we stopped letting terrorists in this country and outside lick their chops at the disarray we're in, ignoring really important things while they plan.
BHO has to try to shift blame because his ego will not allow him to admit that his administration is a failur.
Lots of fantastic comments here.
As was said, this is all a show for blame shifting, IMO.
NOTHING is Obama's fault. He's god incarnate to the left, so blame must be placed on the GOP.
This is the attack tactic that Obama is currently implementing against the GOP.
Fj, my GOSH, I just commented about that on my Video piece at the top....I'm going to paste that link in there, it exactly captures what I was trying to say..thanks so much.
How dreadful that man is.
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