I didn't get to see all of it, but did see the part about how her Dad, the father of five girls of whom she was the eldest, was allegedly gunned down by a white farmer during a dispute. They told how she was called into the principal's office and informed that her father'd been killed and a sister of hers was interviewed, in tears, about how terrible the family felt. I can only imagine how awful that would be.
Ms Sherrod then went on to relate how the jury hearing the murder case was all white and acquitted the alleged killer. She was asked by CNN's Don Lemon (who I really rather like sometimes) "Did it make you hate white people?" The show went on to say how her sisters integrated a white high school and how a cross was then burned in the front yard of her home. Sherrod apparently went on to a career of organizing black farmers to 'take on the white establishment.'
I post this because I don't really know what to think of off this Special on CNN. One thing I found odd is that Sherrod, in the interviews we all saw, admits that it's the White House who finally said "pull over NOW and resign your job." But, I saw on the news today that the Obama said, on Thursday, that "the USDA 'jumped the gun' in letting Sherrod go." How's that? Sherrod clearly said the White House did it.
Even THIS article from AP, as unbelievably biased as it is, admits that the White House had her let go.
What do you think of CNN doing a whole special telling us that, essentially, Sherrod seems to have been a racist for good reasons? My feeling is that the whole special was a little over the top....just plain ODD. It's such partisanship, such bias. Don't you think so? I even wonder if CNN was asked to do it. What do you think?
Have you seen this video of Howard Dean confronted by the facts about FNC and Sherrod? Hilarious!
That's the CNN special I saw in the waiting room at the car dealership. I posted about it here.
Check out this from CNN:
Two anchors on CNN have called for muzzling bloggers.
CNN clearly is trying to make the Sherrod story into, well, something other than what it really is -- the goal being to shut up the blogosphere.
That is funny about Howard Dean but this thing is so depressing I'm not getting many yuks out of it.
I've decided I'm going to try to make the rounds of liberal websites and blogs, as many as I can get to, to try to set the record straight about who did what when in this mess. So far I've only been to one. Yes, they are succeeding at spinning it against the conservatives and people are buying it and it's horrifying to watch.
Since I don't have TV I didn't get to see the CNN story on Sherrod. I hope some of it will show up online.
My take on her now is that she's a poor sad confused woman more than anything else. She clearly did say she was told three times it was the White House that wanted her to resign, but that's become so garbled few are aware of it any more. Now she's blaming Breitbart -- I guess he's the more politically correct target for all this.
CNN didn't tell us much of anything new. The facts about Sherrod's life have been out there since shortly after the disgusting Breitbart hatchet job.
What we are seeing again is the Republican pathology that when their views are collapsing they cannot admit that anything is wrong, they spin and dig the hole deeper and move even further to the right. Now, when you understand this pathology you understand why the division in the country is becoming so threatening and severe.
As for Howard dean, he pummeled Chris Matthews and frankly I was surprised Fox allowed Matthews to ask someone like Dean a question about this sorry incident.
Keep spinning but you are going to lose this and be put down.
At the risk of being "put down," I want to argue that we must not let the facts get in the way of reporting.
I didn't catch the CNN story, but after watching this issue unfold on CNN a few days back, I don't think my constitution could take more of the same. Now I think these media people are quite clever redefining the argument. They do it with "anti-immigration" as opposed to "anti-illegal immigration," and they do it with the Sherrod story. It is how we ended up with a community organizer as our president.
The pity of this is that so many Americans are so easily fooled into thinking this is a left vs. right issue. It isn't. It is rather an US vs. THEM issue. I mean that in context of WE the people and THEY who want to control us.
Sam Huntington: The pity of this is that so many Americans are so easily fooled into thinking this is a left vs. right issue. It isn't. It is rather an US vs. THEM issue. I mean that in context of WE the people and THEY who want to control us.
If I say what I feel, I'd be banned from here.
Hey Ducky, Breitbart did not intend what happened to Shirley Sherrod but don't forget that what she revealed of her pre-transformation attitude was horrifyingly racist. Because of the context of her telling about her change of heart she should not have lost her job over it, but don't sweep under the rug that what she actually said was pretty self-damning and unfortunately raises the spectre of far more black racism than we'd ever suspected before. As Breitbart said recently, if anyone had exposed such attitudes in a white person, that journalist would have received a Pulitzer Prize for it.
Nevertheless I think it might be good for him to apologize to her for being the cause of such trauma in her life even if it wasn't intentional.
The pity of this is that so many Americans are so easily fooled into thinking this is a left vs. right issue. It isn't. It is rather an US vs. THEM issue. I mean that in context of WE the people and THEY who want to control us.
I'm not sure what you mean here. I think it's blurred together. The left IS "them" and they DO want to control us. What am I missing?
The left IS "them" and they DO want to control us. What am I missing?
The line isn't as well-defined as it might appear.
A more appropriate division would resemble "oligarchy" made up of both Republicans and Democrats--and "the common people" who are viewed as being too stupid to know how to do anything for ourselves.
The ruling elite do what they want because "we the people" are busy squabbling over peripheral, hot button issues (like race) that keep us from catching on to the game.
There is a tremendous amount of variation within the common people's perception of what is Left or Right.
A lot of us on both sides see legitimate problems (some even will agree on what the problems look like), but we disagree on how to fix said problems. Oligarchy stirs the pot by tossing in a grenade every now and then in hopes that we won't notice some new bill or ruling that further erodes our personal freedoms
Well, I'll have to ponder that, Heather. I'm not gung-ho the Republican party but I do see this as predominantly left versus right WITH the left putting themselves above the right instead of respecting us as equal opponents, and seeking to deny us any voice at all. As I've been pondering this issue of race recently it's seemed to me that just by defining everything the right stands for as racist they are effectively undermining the foundations of this nation and marginalizing the only real Americans left. I don't think everyone on the left is doing this intentionally, I think many blacks and others on the left just DO see our political positions as racist, but the effect is the same.
I can accept a "left" vs "right" perspective as being valid.
My view is that there's a bit of a smoke and mirror show going on and not all those who we think of as "right" are actually on our side.
But, I'd be interested to hear what you think after you've considered it a bit.
I guess we shouldn't continue this too far right now, but I just want to say that in what I just said I'm probably identifying with mostly the Tea Party mindset and the far right, certainly not the RINOs or liberal Republicans.
I guess we shouldn't continue this too far right now,
No problem.
I can't say that Sherrod is racist, per se... but she IS a socialist. The whole "have" and "have nots" mentality.
Sherrod IS a racist. The NAACP members in her audience who cheered her tale of discrimination against a white farmer ARE racists.
The story has become about Sherrod's being embarrassing enough to be fired by a thin-skinned administration. The NAACP is unlikely to carry water for the left's "Tea Party is racist" narrative. Now it's "we gotta rein in all of the anonymous bloggers." Andrew Breitbart is anonymous?
No "body bags" for Breitbart or anyone on the right, you idiot.
Saul Alinsky has a glass jaw.
The only thing "going down" around here is a Democrat-controlled Congress, and then, the Democrat controlled White House.
57% of Americans disaaprove of Obama after a year and a half. More than Bush pissed off in 8 years.
See you at the polls. :)
Faith, I agree with you, I have to admit. I've been saying we have to stop this left/right divide or we won't survive, but we don't have to accede that it's not the right championing Sherrod's socialism (as Karen so rightly says just above here) or, the point of this post, giving her excuses for her viewpoints (How many CNN shows have dealt with white mothers of children killed by blacks and giving the white mother a ridiculous 'out' to hate all blacks?!!! Hint: NONE, and thank goodness, of course)...
Sam, sadly, "them" IS the left and "us" is the right, at least at my blog.....WE THE PEOPLE are patriots, their wish to control us is not an indication of patriotism.
Always, I'm amazed! So they had this SHERROD SPECIAL that early on in the story? WOW, I'm really thinking the WH got them to do it...fascinating.
Now that CNN and other leftwingers are calling for muzzling bloggers, I wonder if they'll call for muzzling Wikileaks for the tremendous damage Julian Assange is allowing to happen to AMERICA due to his having published Pentagon/Afghanistan top secret information? Or maybe that's not as troubling as blowing the lid on the left?
Ducky, you totally miss the point again. A, the whole story and these details was certainly NOT known shortly after the problem, and B, for a 'news venue' to do a plea for her innocence and suggest her childhood situation excuses racism is not the kind of show CNN wants to be doing while it calls FOX biased :-)
How'd we get to "not all on the Right are on our side" ? Most of us have been saying this for months and that's a given.
ALL of us see problems on both sides, ALL of us, nobody's as ideological as Ducky's tried to suggest here for 2 years....
Joe, you make such a good point.
Who is THEM?
How'd we get to "not all on the Right are on our side" ? Most of us have been saying this for months and that's a given.
It is related to the concept of left vs right finding it's identity in "ruling elite" vs "the people" and the identification of who is actually on "our" side as we are constantly kept off-balance with various issues.
I assumed my comment was in line with both the discussion and the post topic. Forgive me, Z for offending.
I'll just sit on my hands.
Hey Faith, don't make excuses for Breitbart, he has a record.
Now, do you stop digging the hole or fess up to the way that piece of scum INTENTIONALLY injected race into the national discussion just as he did with the fake ACORN tapes and the way Fox news ginned up the NBPP episode.
For people who claim they don't want to deal so much with race the right sure is doing a job do keep it front and center.
Like the post z has up of the woman in tears about what Obama is doing to the country. Then the pol makes some cheap points by bringing up MLK. Yes, if only we would understand that the right's constant harping on race is a sign that the issue is resolved. Heck, it's so trivial we have black politicians using MLK in a cynical fashion
But we'll let , AOW, explain what the story "really is" ... because it sure ain't about the right trying to stoke race as an issue, correct?
As the likelihood of the Democratic Party retaining control of both houses of Congress freefalls to zero, the right's out stoking race issues?
I understand that your being a leftist requires you to drive away any misconceptions about you actually possessing the capacity for rational thought, but no amount of dialectical materialism is going to transform that turd in your mouth into a candy bar.
You're trying to make this about the right in general and Andrew Breitbart in specific, but it won't wash.
Andrew Breitbart didn't make the black Congressmen falsely accuse Tea Party protesters of hurling racial epithets at them. Andrew Breitbart didn't make the NAACP hop on the leftist bandwagon of trying to play the race card against the swelling numbers of Americans salivating for the chance to vote the left out of office. Andrew Breitbart didn't make the NAACP host AND CHEER a racist at their banquet.
Quit crying about your shattered glass house, you moron.
Here's a hint you leftists can take to heart:
Saul Alinsky's tactics don't work.
Ms Sherrod and the NAACP showed themselves to be racist in this video, edited or not.
The CNN piece is just spin to help the White House convince the lobotomized (see Ducky's here) that there is nothing to see here, everything is fine...
As for Howard dean, he pummeled Chris Matthews and frankly I was surprised Fox allowed Matthews to ask someone like Dean a question about this sorry incident.
Did you even watch this clip? You have said some really, really stupid things but this was just too much.
First, it was Chris WALLACE, Chris Matthews is one of your fellow far-leftists on the fringe media network MSNBC.
Howard Dean was reduced to sputtering baseless attacks without producing actual facts. Sound familiar?
Ducky, you are such a perfect representative of the left, what can I say? Have you NO feeling for our side of things?
This idea that it is the RIGHT that's stirring up the race issues is nuts. I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt that it's not just strategy (though it may be) and assume that maybe they really think that, but if so they are nuts.
This all started with the NAACP attacking the Tea Parties as racist. THEY brought it up. Breitbart answered them with proof of their own racism. THEY -- the White House, the USDA, the NAACP -- denounced Shirley Sherrod and got her to resign her job. Breitbart didn't do that. He wasn't after her. His interest was in the audience reaction to her account of her racism. This is what HE said right away. I don't have to look for excuses for him.
What are you saying about the woman in tears? I cry right along with her every day these days. Obama IS ripping this nation apart. And that's not about racism, it's about his leftist policies. Until recently. Now we find out just how big a deal race is in THEIR minds. Took me by surprise I can tell you. I'm still reeling from this Shirley Sherrod business. I thought racism was pretty much behind us until they started calling us racist for every political position we take, and now because of this Sherrod flap we are seeing how much of it is really on THEIR side.
Except now the CNN media has-beens are now trying to spin this episode into a call to shut down anonymous bloggers (as if Andrew Breitbart were anonymous) and raw footage can't speak for itself. (How often did the media show Rodney King's beatdown by the LAPD, but not the lead up to it where he hit a cop and went for another one's gun?)
Watching the whole tape of Shirley Sherrod's NAACP banquet speech does not mitigate the fact that the NAACP HOSTED AND CHEERED a self-admitted racist. The hypocrisy of the NAACP dirtying itself with the childish antics of the left in calling their opponents "racists" was exposed.
Now that Saul Alinsky's glass jaw is shattered on the floor and the Ducky's of the world are in full panic mode calling for Andrew Brietbart to be "put in a body bag" (listen to him lisp macho on AOW's BTR show with Z from last Friday) maybe we can move on to more important matters like "why should idiot leftists be taken seriously anyway?"
I'm going to try again.
Now we find out just how big a deal race is in THEIR minds.
Several people I know have been aware of the racist mentality of the Obamas (particularly Mrs.) for some time. It disturbed me at first because I really wanted to believe it was just unsubstantiated rumor.
It is interesting to get perspective from black people--I don't think many of the more conservative ones were ever fooled about the intentions of this administration. One lovely black blogger I read brought the constant race baiting to her visitors' attention a few months ago.
Chuck, I wondered what Ducky meant about Chris Matthews! Thanks. Howard Dean was almost funny yesterday morning, you're right! he got nothing right.
Faith, absolutely true; to suggest it's the Right who's brought up racism is unthinking and very uninformed. This is what we're seeing from the left these days.."keep saying it and Americans will believe it"
Although, we SHOULD be discussing the way the WH is playing the race card...i keep remembering those awful quotes about race from Obama in 'his' two books...remember how he wanted to get rid of the white blood in his veins? There are so many comments about color
Ducky..what about Breitbart? if it weren't for him most people would think ACORN was a legitimate organization! Thank GOD for Breitbart. His offer of $100K STILL hasn't been taken...all someone has to do is prove racism in the Tea Parties and the money's there. so far, nothing. But, OH, the calls for TEA PARTY RACISM!
Beamish, if they were not in full panic mode, they'd not have to pull the race card they've been pulling for the last month or so particularly.
They've GOT nothing else..and they're frightened.
What bothers me is that both parties are full of questionable people but we have to at least veer toward the party which has never shredded the constitution quite so much as the ruling party has of late.
Leftists believe they can alter reality by repetitions of falsehoods.
Hitler called it "the Big Lie." Lenin called it "dialectical materialism." Alinsky called it "the narrative."
I call it evidence that the left is incapable of rational thought.
I don't often respond directly to a Ducky post because it's an exercise in futility, but I must echo Chuck's comment that it was Chris Wallace and he mopped the floor with the loony Howard Dean. Dean was slapped down in a forceful manner by Wallace. Facts can be inconvenient things especially when they belong to the other side.
...For sensible men I prepare only three kraters: one for health (which they drink first), the second for love and pleasure, and the third for sleep. After the third one is drained, wise men go home. The fourth krater is not mine any more - it belongs to bad behaviour; the fifth is for shouting; the sixth is for rudeness and insults; the seventh is for fights; the eighth is for breaking the furniture; the ninth is for depression; the tenth is for madness and unconsciousness. (Eubulos on serving wine in a symposium.)
Z, who is the symposiarch of this blog, how many more before you have served the tenth and brought 'the house' down? But perhaps I know your answer and theirs (read democrats) too: tu quoque. So God bless America!
I'm so over this.
I am so tired of this.
Race race race race race race.
Racists under every rock, under every shirt, in every white home, only by whites. Racist babies, racists toasters, racist cats.
Only whites can be racists.
Disagreeing with Obama is racist.
Racist whites.
More racist whites.
Every white is racist.
Racist, racist.
This is me tuning out on this bullsh*#.
"How many CNN shows have dealt with white mothers of children killed by blacks"
Or the countless stories of too many people killed by ILLEGALS is enough reason to keep these lawless criminals out of the country. How much of the prison population is made up of ILLEGALS and Hispanics? It's a big, big number. Matter of fact they're doing their best to catch up to the others crime rate...rapidly.
Yet...if you're against ILLEGAL's...somehow you're a Raaaaaaacccccist!
I'm against black, white, hispanic criminals everywhere.
BZ, they are getting desperate. I just heard that EJ Dionne (who I actually thought something OF a few years back but not lately) has written that this is all about backlash against a black President now.
You see, none of us could care less what color our president is as long as he's an American Capitalist who loves this country and its Constitution, but suddenly it's way easier to put racism monikers on us than 'sensible'?
Check this out from HERE:
Posted on Jul 25, 2010
By E.J. Dionne, Jr.
"The smearing of Shirley Sherrod ought to be a turning point in American politics. This is not, as the now trivialized phrase has it, a “teachable moment.” It is a time for action.
The mainstream media and the Obama administration alike must stop cowering before a right wing that has persistently forced its own propaganda to be accepted as news by persuading traditional journalists that “fairness” requires treating extremist rants as “one side of the story.”
And there can be no more shilly-shallying about the fact that racial backlash politics is becoming an important component of the campaign against President Obama, and against progressives in this year’s election."
No more shilly-shallying about the fact that racial backlash politics is ...
Why can't we be against the ENORMOUS government Obama's brought us (Don't look now, Mr Dionne, but some of us think THAT's pretty darned 'extreme'), the anti-Constitutional buying of companies and setting salaries of executives, etc etc without being RACIST? THIS IS ABOUT THE NOVEMBER ELECTIONS...Who'd vote for a part of RACISTS?
From WaPo:
"In a bid to remake the enforcement of federal immigration laws, the Obama administration is deporting record numbers of illegal immigrants and auditing hundreds of businesses that blithely hire undocumented workers.
Illegals and Obama
thanks for that link, Major. Obama has to do this now because he's said he can't get amnesty unless he gets tough first. Let's hope he actually does something on the borders now. Let's see how long this lasts.
What a political article..the comparisons are all to Bush "More than Bush did... " "More companies looked at than Bush did.." As IF Bush was strong on the borders? :-)
"I'm so over this.
I am so tired of this."
BZ, count me in too.
It should be clear, that the reason there was a special on CNN about this woman, is because the left want's this issue to be beaten to death. They love it.
They use black people constantly, as pawns in their political drive to discredit conservatives. If this isn't racist, nothing is.
This was being used while a financial bill was debated and signed.
They use it to mask important issues we should be focused on.
It's being used to take focus off of the oil spill and the moratorium placed on our deep water drilling by Obama, despite the administration sending two billion $ to Brazil for deep water drilling, while ours is disallowed.
Black people and race baiting is a favorite tactic for the left. They must be kept on the left's plantation.
The far left traffics in hate, and racism, and I, for one, condemn them for it.
Yes, BZ, I'm with you.
"I'm not sure what you mean here. I think it's blurred together. The left IS "them" and they DO want to control us. What am I missing?"
You're missing everything if you honestly believe that it is merely the left trying to control us. The statists know no party. When a Republican governor or a Republican representative supports the imposition of a smoking ban upon a privately owned business (and a great many did as did their "conservative" supporters), that is a means of control over private property. When a Republican governor or Republican representative supports public subsidies for professional sport complexes (and especially without a referendum), ethanol mandates and subsidies, subsidies for light rail and mass transit, these too are an exhibition of control over the people.
Don't even get me started on the flurry of Republicans who voted FOR the TARP bill....
you know, soapster, you keep saying things like this as if you think we all just blithely go along with 'all things Republican'..and we don't, and we've NEVER said that here.
I'm very against much of what Bush did and have always said so. I'm not as naive as some to think he didn't have to do some of the dreadful things because of a Dem congress but that'd be as silly as giving Clinton the credit for a better economy because the Reps took over.
we have to fight the socialism the left's bringing in, the buying of private corporations and setting of executive salaries, taking over healthcare, etc...we have to fight for the borders to be closed, we have to try to keep the Bush tax cuts, etc etc...........that's US and "THEM" are for the above. So, yes, there is a THEM and an US and, right now, we're stuck with our lousy US because it's too scary a time to go purist and demand the perfect Conservative candidates "or we won't vote!" That REALLY showed us in 2008, huh?
It's not to suggest that you didn't or don't have reservations about Bush. But, I will tell you that all across this blogosphere, I see countless "conservatives" who don't have any sort of principled backbone whatsoever. The majority of them are so completely enamored with Palin or Romney or Gingrich or Pawlenty or....
It's laughable because the reality is that there's little difference between all of these Republicans and the whole lot of Republicans that brought us to this point to begin with.
You've got these conservatives that yammer on and on about the Constitution and getting back to it but yet they're vehemently opposed to the Islamic cultural center being built in NY (so much for religious tolerance eh?)
And so yeah...it goes back to the same old stuff from before which is why I continue to post reminders. Someone will say they're a "conservative" but when you get to the crux of it they're all over the map (I support smoking bans because well...that second hand smoke is icky. I'm tired of these welfare queens and CEO's getting their bailouts and subsidies but oh...well we should raise sales taxes because we have to build a new stadium for the Vikings because I like the Vikings.) blah blah blah....
This is why as a candidate for state rep. I refused to take the state matching funds. You see, in Minnesota when you file your state taxes, you can check this box to donate some of your return to local campaigns. If as a candidate you meet a specific dollar goal (for state rep. it was $1500 from at least 30 different people, the state would give you a $3,000+ match).
That's principled leadership (something grotesquely lacking in WA).
Soapster, that's part of what's hurting us so much. let them be 'sensitive' to US for a change. Any mosque built THAT close to 9.11 and opening 9/11/11 isn't an accidental happening and everyone knows it. (Plus, as I've previously said, I know design and construction and they must have an ENORMOUS amount of money to pay off the city planning dept to even approve the plans let alone start construction to be ready in a year!)
Yes, many Republicans aren't far from the Democrats in their feelings..I've seen Gingrich say things that stunned me.....but, mostly, I think it's a ridiculous attempt at appearing CENTRIST which, in my opinion, is the LAST thing Conservatism needs in America today. Anybody who's going to really WIN will be VERY Conservative, talk about adhering to the Constitution, love of country, protecting OURSELVES, and make mincemeat of the unconstitutional things the Obama regime (as Howard Dean referred to it Sunday) is doing.
Are you polling yet? How's that going? I wish you the best
"Are you polling yet? How's that going? I wish you the best"
Thanks but let it be known, ours is not a campaign to be won but instead a campaign to educate and bring ideas to the table.
Our district is wholly owned and operated by Union labor and the DFL. Our only chance to ever regain the district is for the reality that is unsustainable liberal policy to collapse beneath itself. For far too long we've tried to prolong the inevitable by pushing back and holding ground but gaining nothing. Such is not a winning strategy.
The only plausible strategy seems to be to increase the debt load to more expeditiously bring about an inevitable collapse. Finally faced with a reality they too long dismissed, the people will either sink or they will swim but this much is certain, there will be no government handing out life vests.
"What could go Wrong?"
Obama meets Whoopie and Joyce
This is rediculous. How far, how low can the offices of the POS decline? Always in the campaign mode folks...always the showboat and a serious mental case of needing approval and affection.
Think Obama will make it over to the Fox studios for a one on one with Hannity while he's in town? Costing a fortune in security for US and the NYPD as well as wasting all that Jet A fuel?
Will he do another fly over at low altitude while he's on board? Bad enough that he'll close down the entire NY airspace too. Which is about 4 major airports.
I’m not one to agree that both the left and right have equally valid points of view, but admit the notion is quite subjective. A moderate stands to my political left, but I do not consider myself part of the so-called radical right. It is true that most Americans distrust fringe groups —like Ducky’s Hall of Communist Swine and the Pat Robertson right.
Let me rush to say that on the issue of religion, we Christians must not become the enemy. We must not become like the radical Moslems, nor those among us who are looking for social justice —a Marxist concept. We don’t need social justice; we need just courts and if we can achieve that, then we will have all the social justice we can handle.
When a man in a wrong cause attempts to steer his course by anything else than some polar truth or principle, he is sure to be lost. —Thomas Paine
This is where we find the likes of Ducky and his blathering associates. He fails the test: a real American will step up when his or her country calls, but this doesn’t describe anyone on the political left —unless by stepping up, one infers hiding behind false labels like Progressivism. They come not to praise America, but to bury her. The twits who adore Alinsky and Zinn and Chomsky aren’t real Americans; they are putrid Bolsheviks doing all they can to tear down what our founding fathers created and their numbers are far too many. In my view, they pose a clear and present danger to the safety and security of the United States of America.
I do not think it is possible to be dumber than Ducky and his ilk. Beamish squarely nailed it when he wrote (above) “ Leftists believe they can alter reality by repetitions of falsehoods.” That does describe Ducky to a tee … and all the patent deceitfulness he spews forth here and at other blogs. It is difficult to respect anyone who is intellectually dishonest all the time. That bears repeating: all the time.
"In my view, they pose a clear and present danger to the safety and security of the United States of America."
Well said. But Christianity didn't just lay down, give up and die 500 years ago either. They fought back. It's no different now aside from the ROE's and theater.
Nor did Reagan give the USSR a chance. He bled them dry....surrounded them until Gorby gave up. We must do the same to the Muslims, Persians,Arabia and especially the "progressives". Starting here. ( Russian spies anyone? Muslim attacks here, anyone?) Why do we need to be reminded of the Ft. Hoods and other assaults?
I’m not one to agree that both the left and right have equally valid points of view, but admit the notion is quite subjective...
I don't think the perspectives necessarily need to be equally valid in order for both sides to have some legitimate concerns.
There definitely can be a huge difference in the assessment of which problems should take priority and in the viability of certain proposed solutions.
I never equated the right with "Republican."
I also object to the supposed conservatives who reject the "radical right" or the Christian right, and make some kind of enemy out of Pat Robertson. What, you think murdering the unborn should be a right? What exactly is the problem? "Social justice?" The radical right doesn't talk that way.
And Heather, WHAT "concerns" on the left are you talking about? The "racism" of the right? That's about the level of their "concerns" today. The "racism" of the Constitution? The "racism" of the Tea Parties? The "racism" of objections to unbridled illegal immigration? The "racism" of objecting to the building of a mosque near ground zero --0r anywhere else in the US for that matter. The "racism" of rejecting Marxism? The "racism" of being for free enterprise and capitalism?
Faith, who DO you consider THE RIGHT?
And Heather, WHAT "concerns" on the left are you talking about? The "racism" of the right? That's about the level of their "concerns" today.
No Faith. I'm not talking about leftist accusations of racism.
I'm referring to the concerns of one professed leftist in particular whose views concerning American energy consumption and interest in making sure the poorest among us have basic needs met have been confused with a perverted desire to create a totalitarian society. They are legitimate concerns, even if his priorities are not aligned completely with the right and even if his proposed solution is unworkable on a practical level.
I do not agree with his socialistic response to the perceived problems, but neither can I dismiss his view as being a non-issue.
Always, I'm amazed! So they had this SHERROD SPECIAL that early on in the story? WOW, I'm really thinking the WH got them to do it...fascinating.
The story first appeared on CNN on Wednesday, July 21.
Who do I consider the right? I'm probably not all that clear about it myself. Most Republicans are on the right but some are more right than others. The Tea Parties are on the right. Most who post at this blog are on the right. Socialism is probably the main divider for me. But abortion "rights" and gay "rights" and all that are also dividers.
Heather: I have no idea what you are talking about, sorry.
Heather: I have no idea what you are talking about, sorry.
No Faith. I'm not talking about leftist accusations of racism.
It's leftist EQUATIONS of racism with conservative political positions that I'm talking about.
I'm referring to the concerns of one professed leftist in particular whose views concerning American energy consumption and interest in making sure the poorest among us have basic needs met have been confused with a perverted desire to create a totalitarian society.
Translated, this COULD be what I'm talking about, leftist accusation of "racism" (because the poor are equated with racial minorities) for opposing socialist solutions.
Faith said: “I also object to the supposed conservatives who reject the "radical right" or the Christian right, and make some kind of enemy out of Pat Robertson.”
Radicalism on either side is dangerous, no matter how much you would like to object to that fact. As for Pat Robertson, was it right and agreeable for him to tell the world that God sends earthquakes and other natural disasters to kill people? Sounds rather radical to me and has nothing to do with conservatism and the dangers our country faces today by progressives and radicals on both polar ends.
Love your blog, Z.
Translated, this COULD be what I'm talking about, leftist accusation of "racism" (because the poor are equated with racial minorities) for opposing socialist solutions.
I suppose it could at that. I can't prevent anyone from crying "racism" when someone discounts as illegitimate the perspectives I mentioned.
Alternatively translated, it could mean exactly what it appears to mean as I originally wrote it.
If there is any doubt, you could e-mail the resident leftist from his blog profile and ask him to explain.
//What we are seeing again is the Republican pathology that when their views are collapsing they cannot admit that anything is wrong, they spin and dig the hole deeper and move even further to the right.//
What we see here is a classic case of one word changing the entire meaning of something, making it into a different reality.
The sentence should read as follows:
//What we are seeing again is the PROGRESSIVE pathology that when their views are collapsing they cannot admit that anything is wrong, they spin and dig the hole deeper and move even further to the right.//
This it more like it. This makes more sense because it based on fact.... not faulty opinion.
This WH has never admitted a mistake, though there be scores and scores. It's Bush's fault.
This WH is losing the approval of anyone who does not think Obama is a deity. He is losing independents, he is losing whites. He isn't going to win them back anytime soon.
His policies are failing to produce results. There is no real change in the quality of life for anyone, despite the fact this was sold to the dumb masses who supported him. In fact, it's gotten worse, despite the trillions spent.
He has not acted in a transparent manner as he promised. Everything he does he does with smoke and mirrors.
When any of this is brought up by Breitbart, Fox, or the conservative blogs, the only argument that the Progressives can offer is..... "racism". Everyone who disagrees with Obama is racist.
Whenever the Americans verbalize a strong displeasure for their government not protecting their border (which every other country in the world does), they are called bigots and xenophobes.
So Ducky, once again, people who have the ability to process the most basic of information are not impressed with your ability to reason in an intellectual manner. Your prose is so full of fallacies, it could qualify as potential material for a Saturday Night Live skit.... towards the end of the show when the filler comes.
Maybe your emotions are getting the best of you. Are you sleeping well?
Heather, "I do not agree with his socialistic response to the perceived problems, but neither can I dismiss his view as being a non-issue." I get it..but his VIEW is a non-issue, it's the problem that's valid!! :-)
Hayden, it's an honor to have you here, your blog is really good and I'm so glad you like mine. I have super people here, glad you're among them!
ANONYMOUS..by the way, Obama DID to O'Reilly on FOX and I laugh out loud every time the o'Reilly windbag talks about how hard hitting his questions were!! I'm laughing again NOW with the extreme ludicrousness of that!
I'd LOVE to see him have the courage to do Hannity...heck, I'd love to have Dennis Miller really question O'Bama! :-) (that apostrophe was an accident but it cracked me up, too, so I'm keeping it!)
Faith has a point about RACISM....we can't disagree with obama without RACISM monikers, or say the muslims are insensitive for building that new mosque in NYC without being RACISTS, etc etc... I believe that's what she means, and that is, sadly, these days, quite a leftist harangue.
LASunsett..you're so good at what you do! :-) Keep slingin' it bro!
I get it..but his VIEW is a non-issue, it's the problem that's valid!! :-)
anyone hear the tape of Shirley Sherrod's husband?
Radicalism on either side is dangerous, no matter how much you would like to object to that fact. As for Pat Robertson, was it right and agreeable for him to tell the world that God sends earthquakes and other natural disasters to kill people? Sounds rather radical to me and has nothing to do with conservatism and the dangers our country faces today by progressives and radicals on both polar ends.
That view is Biblical, not "radical." It's only radical to unbelievers and liberal Christians and those who reject the Bible or pick and choose from the Bible. There was a time when the nation knew God was sovereign over nature and all events. That time is apparently long past so that normal Christian theology is considered beyond the pale.
Does it have "nothing to do with conservatism and the dangers our country faces today?" Well, if it doesn't, leave it alone. Why can't the man make a theological observation that doesn't impinge on politics once in a while? However, if God is sovereign over all things, and again, it used to be regarded as standard theology that He is, including over events like 9/11 and our political situation too, then a nation should look to Him for help in all such circumstances. And some of our Presidents used to know that and call for days of fasting and prayer when facing crises.
But if we're a post-Christian nation that can't stomach such truths and will never look to God any more, maybe we're just destined for the junk heap after all. Let them build that mosque. We deserve it.
Thanks for posting the link to the tape of Shirley Sherrod's husband. Great, another racist in the pulpit, just great. The "white man and his uncle toms." Wonderful. No racism there, right? No, this is how they put all the racism on the tea party although we have none of it -- to them it's "the white man and his uncle toms." THEY can't get beyond race. THEY can't see the political issues through the color of skin. All they care about is "us" versus "them" and I guess that's the way it's going to go down from now on. Poor poor America.
Maybe we wouldn't be a post-Christian nation if twits like Pat Robertson followed the path of Jesus Christ, rather than developing the personae of a nut-job.
People who claim to adore Jesus Christ as Christians, and then judge others so harshly and arrogantly are responsible for driving people away from God. Don't respond; I don't care to hear your self-important rant. Just think about it.
Caution...handling or getting near "Newts" can be very dangerous to conservatives that value honesty and truth!
"Most newts can be safely handled, provided that the toxins they produce are not ingested or allowed to come in contact with mucous membranes or breaks in the skin. After handling, proper hand-washing techniques should be followed due to the risk from the toxins they produce and bacteria they carry, such as salmonella and voter fatigue
Keep away from this Newt...toxic and dangerous to conservatives
I've never liked the Newt...he's a coward too...and an opportunistic fraud. Proper hand washing, indeed.
"THEY can't get beyond race. THEY can't see the political issues through the color of skin."
You're coming late to the party friend. But...you can never say we all haven't tried to get over it...can you? Now...it's the Uncle Tom's turn to realize where all this is heading. And I've got a good idea....the CCC and Storm Front....love this.
I didn't care to hear YOUR self-important rant, so YOU think about it:
Why can't people recognize that when it is preached that GOD is sovereign over all, nobody is "judging people harshly," we're warning you of a truth about the nature of things. Ever since the Fall of man humanity has been subject to death, disease and disaster. If it hadn't been for disobedience to God we'd never die. And if we NOW continue to look to Him for help and trust in Him He protects us and guides us, because He's a good God who doesn't want to see us punished. He will even change us spiritually if we believe that Jesus died paying for our sins in our place -- that is not a "harsh" judgment.
But if we go on rejecting Him and calling His preachers "nut jobs" we will not have the benefit of His help and protection, in this live or the next.
"Ever since the Fall of man humanity has been subject to death, disease and disaster."
Maybe Faith....we haven't fallen far enough yet? I wonder what it's going to take? The end of "humanity" is my opinion. And it appears that were're more on the edge than we've ever been...since 1945 or maybe 1962?
Yep....the "Eve of Destruction" certainly looks a lot closer now.
You have a fake Jesus Christ, Louis. The real Jesus warned about Hell more times than the word was spoken by anyone else in the Bible.
Amazing how some people's so-called Christianity can sound so similar to the beliefs of Islam.
Major, you need to come to Christ and see things from His perspective. You'd know that there's nothing more effective than prayer to the God who owns this universe.
I've believed for a long time that we're on the Eve of Destruction, right on the brink of the very last days. I've even wondered if there's any point in being involved in politics at all.
Let’s see if I understand your point of view, Faith. Pat Robertson claims that Haiti experienced an earthquake as a punishment for the sins of po’ black people. Doesn’t this assume (a) that there are NO godly people in Haiti or (b) God doesn’t like po’ black people, or (c) Pat Robertson needs to be in a rubber room without access to a Bible? Do you think that God would punish those who love Him, along with those who don’t? Are you suggesting God is a Democrat?
Your friend,
Christians are to warn people of the danger they are in because of our fallen nature and our disobedience to God, and point them to Jesus Christ who can save them out of that danger into eternal life.
There is nothing similar to Islam in Christianity.
There's a love in Christianity unmatched in any other faith and I hope we stay mindful and grateful to that as we comment here.
Sometimes, its truths are ignored because they're harsh but they are what the Word says... that's a conversation for a different post or a different blog.
Louis, the only similarity in the beliefs is adherence. Any similarity stops right there. I wish muslims who've become Christians could come forward instead of worrying about being killed for their newly found beliefs; I'm hearing it's happening in huge numbers. Love wins out.
Back to "politics": Have you all listened to the Sherrod tapes and her comments from the Sixties? They're pretty astonishing. Thanks for the link, whoever left it.
Heather, I think my point is well taken, I don't know what "ok" means, sounds like you thought I was correcting you, I didn't mean to.
Dear friend Louis,
I wrote a great deal about Haiti at my blog Faith's corner if you'd like to go and chew me out over it there. But I'll do my best on the subject since you ask:
Let’s see if I understand your point of view, Faith. Pat Robertson claims that Haiti experienced an earthquake as a punishment for the sins of po’ black people. Doesn’t this assume (a) that there are NO godly people in Haiti . . .
No, it doesn't assume that. There are no doubt some, but the majority practice voodoo. It isn't a racial thing, Louis. The most glaring reason for God's judgment on Haiti would have to be the practice of voodoo which is a directly satanic religion. The majority of Haitians are nominal Catholics but the Catholic church allows the voodoo, apparently not caring much whether the people are taken to Hell by the church's pagan superstitions or by their own native ones. It sure takes a lot of love for "po' black people" to guide them to Hell -- as well as the temporal destruction of a gigantic earthquake and evil government control and all the rest of their ills.
. . . or (b) God doesn’t like po’ black people, or (c) Pat Robertson needs to be in a rubber room without access to a Bible?
No need to answer such nonsense. You need to learn something about God.
Do you think that God would punish those who love Him, along with those who don’t? Are you suggesting God is a Democrat?
If you knew the Bible, Louis, you could probably answer this for yourself. The righteous as well as the unrighteous went into captivity in Babylon in the Old Testament.
However, those who practice voodoo (or pray to "saints") can't be said to love God even if the Romanists have deceived them into thinking they are Christians.
Your friend,
Pick me! Pick me! I know!
[/Horshack impression]
Z asked Faith:
"...who DO you consider THE RIGHT?"
But I'd like to answer the question.
The "right" are those that understand that government does not grant rights, it only constrains or takes them away. The defining aspect of the left-right division is upon property rights. Those that would have government dictate what one can do with one's own property and even further if they can even own property free of government intervention and regulation are on the left.
Far left is totalitarianism (communism, socialism) and can be observed in the history of the Soviet Union and the left-winger Adolf Hitler's labor movement in Nazi Germany as well as the cesspools of Africa, Asia, and South America, many of which have taken their cues from the leftists Hitler, Mussolini, and Mao.
Far right is libertarianism, the object of the American Revolution and the Constitution of the United States of America as intended by its writers in the Federalist Papers.
We in America are governed far to the left of the intentions of our Founding Fathers. This decline towards totalitarian socialism began really under Herbert Class Warfare Hoover and Franklin Demento Roosevelt and continues today, especially under the double whammy of Lyndon Brainless Johnson's "Great Society" boondoggles and Barack Insane Obama's nationalizing of everything in sight.
Someone who wants smaller government, more individual freedom, and a return to Constitutional mandates is of "the right."
A right-winger fills in the blank in the question "the goverment should ________" with "$%*# off" or something less polite.
Please repost the link to Shirley Sherrod in the 60s.
Hey beamish, you said what Right is way better than I could have said it.
I hope that, particularly after what I said, the conversation about God does continue at your blog, Faith....
that should get very interesting!!
Beamish...you know, it's kind of nice to hear 'right' and/or 'far right' described so glowingly and truthfully; the leftist media has deemed the 'far right' as synonymous with everything wrong when quite the opposite is true. Funny, the other day Ducky slammed John Bolton as if it's just a given that he's not a good guy and, later, I hear Bolton on TV and thought 'Man, this guy GETS IT, why didn't I speak up?' it's so easy to find yourself sagging under the blows and that's plain STUPID.
Faith, here's the link to Sherrod's husband saying "Finally, we must stop the white man from stealing OUR elections" in January of this year.
I really thought Mrs Sherrod had had a change of heart but that doesn't seem quite so believable now.
I hope their new black radio station takes off better than Air America did. Also, I think that most blacks want to be AMERICANS first and that this kind of talk is as regressive as Mrs Sherrod's speech of 20 years ago.
It's painful to think any Americans carry these grudges, and of course it's not impossible to figure out why they do, but we have to get to black kids today and assure them that their schooling and hard work will pay off and they've got every bit of a chance at the American dream (or did when there WAS a dream) than anybody does. God, let it happen.
I don't subscribe to the psychoANALytic fart noises / sheer twittery of Sigmund Freud, but I'd say his theory of projection at least addresses the monstrous way the left describes the right.
My grandfather was fond of saying "the Constitution doesn't defend your rights, your aim with a gun does." It's an adage I fully believe in.
Another way of saying it all is that the left is for "the people," they just have an exclusive definition of "people" that leaves out the rich, Jews, the unborn, etc.
" but we have to get to black kids today and assure them that their schooling and hard work will pay off and they've got every bit of a chance at the American dream"
Right...so long as 90% of them graduate from high school rather than the Detroit low of 25% or the DC lows of less than 50%. After 40 years of spouting the "Dream" that MLK lived by...it should be obvious that no matter how much money is tossed at the "problem"...it grows by leaps and bounds every year. The answer no longer lies in $$$$.
14...15...18K... per year per student? How about 100K? maybe that'll work. Then they can get into a 35K a year college with 8th grade reading levels? Yet still...education gets worse, less effective and less graduate than ever before. Who's to blame? Who will admit and take responsibility for the saddest state of affairs education has ever seen?
Are we supposed to believe that they need more money to solve a problem that it will take generations to recover from and reverse?
It's time to tell the ripoff, parasitical teachers union that profit from this crime...to put up...and measure their effectiveness in merit pay. No more tenure...no more automatic pay raises.
Otherwise...keep your kids away from the public education sewers of despair and guaranteed jobs at McDonalds.
Another way of saying it all is that the left is for "the people," they just have an exclusive definition of "people" that leaves out the rich, Jews, the unborn, etc.
It even leaves out the vast middle class which they think doesn't exist -- it's all "haves and have nots" to them -- the way it is in the Third World, which is probably where we're headed.
"I hope their new black radio station takes off"
And what do you think will happen to them when they start spouting "cracker's, white devils, Uncle Toms"?
They'll have an Imus moment? Sharpton will call for a boycott and the firing of the staff?
Major, you didn't complete my sentence about Air America, it was meant to be sarcastic!
And who do I blame for the state of schools? PARENTS and UNIONS. and people who really think MONEY is what's needed when kids learned FAR FAR FAR FAR better in one-room school houses with no computers and no heat!
And yes..imagine anybody forcing a black American to apologize to a white person for the incredible things they say about whites? Sure, IMUS MOMENT. If he'd had any integrity (and I get a kick out of Imus most of the time), he'd NEVER have gone hat in hand and apologized except to the girls...not to "Black leaders", none of whom MY black friends regard as their leader any more than they regard Obama that way.
Maybe their black radio station will at least make it as clear as it should be where the racism really is.
There are some great black preachers, by the way. I hear them from time to time on my local Christian radio. Good solid Biblical preaching, no racism.
Of course they're just "uncle toms" to the racist leftist crowd.
I did see something recently I keep wanting to mention -- a "panel" discussion on CNN that Breitbart linked to. Two black talk show hosts, Bev Smith and Warren Ballantine. Leftists but interesting.
Ballantine said about the accusation of racism in the tea party: No, we don't think YOU are racist, we think your IDEOLOGY is racist, and I thought that said it all. He said that when we talk "states' rights," they hear "Jim Crow."
I thought that was honest and illuminating. That's how all our political positions get slammed as racist, political positions that are the essence of Constitutional America that SHOULD benefit all citizens of all races. Instead, this kind of paranoia is how they get brought down.
Bev Smith was calling for a dialogue on race. If it could be honest along such lines maybe it would be worth something. Maybe the paranoia could be acknowledged as an understandable reflection of the history of racism. Maybe measures could be discussed to remove any lingering threat along those lines, while the principles of a free society are shown to be the greatest good for all.
Heather, I think my point is well taken, I don't know what "ok" means, sounds like you thought I was correcting you, I didn't mean to.
Hi Z,
You did grab part of what I meant. I appreciate that you stepped in to dismantle a potential time-bomb, as it is likely I would have just kept going on to try to "better" explain myself.
I stopped because I don't want to seem argumentative. As my abrupt response appears to be bothersome, I will try to explain briefly what I was thinking:
Ducky's view includes errant conclusions, and I don't expect anyone here to feel obligated to accept them.
But his view also includes recognition of legitimate problems (even though his proposed solutions are most likely unworkable). Your assessment of his position places actual acknowledgment of the very real problems on the outside of his overall view and does not allow for any part of it to be valid.
I'm a little "softer" in my stance concerning whether any part of Ducky's view could be considered worthy of contemplation.
Does that make sense?
I don't want to appear to be arguing with you, which is why I thought "okay" might be the best response yesterday.
God bless,
Pick me! Pick me! I know!
We in America are governed far to the left of the intentions of our Founding Fathers. This decline towards totalitarian socialism began really under Herbert Class Warfare Hoover and Franklin Demento Roosevelt and continues today, especially under the double whammy of Lyndon Brainless Johnson's "Great Society" boondoggles and Barack Insane Obama's nationalizing of everything in sight.
is something I've often pondered.
Interestingly, bad economic times played into people's interest in govt intervention "back then", too.
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