Dr. Henry Louis Gates was on her show discussing people who he found through DNA testing are related, like Eva Longoria/Yo Yo Ma, and Mike Nichols/Meryl Streep. Gates was apparently advertising his FACES OF AMERICA special for PBS, which was aired in February, so this Oprah show I happened upon must be a summer rerun. While talking about DNA, etc., Gates started talking about how it's a scientific fact that "If there was a Garden of Eden, it was in East Africa...scientific FACT!"
Oprah looked into the camera and said "...which, of course, lots of Southerners won't be too happy to know!" with such a cute little smile on her face. That's for all you RACIST Southerners who'd be SO upset to find that your earliest ancestors came from (gasp!) AFRICA. Aren't you? :-)
Speaking of TV shows, as you know, Obama will be the first president to visit THE VIEW on Thursday. Should the tax payers foot that bill for his travel, etc., or should the DNC? What do you think? I sure wish he'd given those thousands of Boy Scouts celebrating their Jamboree a visit instead of a video, don't you?
While talking about DNA, etc., Gates started talking about how it's a scientific fact that "If there was a Garden of Eden, it was in East Africa...scientific FACT!"
Oprah looked into the camera and said "...which, of course, lots of Southerners won't be too happy to know!" with such a cute little smile on her face. That's for all you RACIST Southerners who'd be SO upset to find that your earliest ancestors came from (gasp!) AFRICA. Aren't you? :-)
Well, we had to evolve from some dumb animals, I suppose.
---Oprah looked into the camera and said "...which, of course, lots of Southerners won't be too happy to know!"---
Hey Oprah GO @#$k YOURSELF!!!
I guess I won't be watching Oprah anymore. LOL! I think I'm the only person on the planet who hasn't seen ONE Oprah show.
MK there was a VERY interesting snippet in the news maybe three weeks ago. I also read it in my Archaeology Magazine. Every race on earth has traces of Neanderthal genes. Oddly these genetic traces don't aways show up in the same place in the genome. None of this surprises me in the least. People of different sorts have always excelled at fighting and "mating." :-) Long story, but here's why I brought it up.
Sub-saharan Africans (blacks) are the only ones WITHOUT the Neanderthal genetic markers. Hmmm.
Ridiculous! I'm done being manipulated by the ruling class with false racism accusations. It is plain as day that the Left has been ginning up this crap for decades to instill guilt in folks who are NOT and never have been racists. Screw them! I'm done! No more!
And Oprah should be ashamed of playing the race card. She's a gazillionaire. Only in a country which treats all its citizens fairly could Oprah Winfrey succeed beyond her wildest dreams. HOW DARE SHE!
"If there was a Garden of Eden, it was in East Africa...scientific FACT!"
Oprah looked into the camera and said "...which, of course, lots of Southerners won't be too happy to know!" with such a cute little smile on her face. That's for all you RACIST Southerners who'd be SO upset to find that your earliest ancestors came from (gasp!) AFRICA. Aren't you? :-)
How ignorant.
There's no way to be able to extract enough genetic code from modern "black" people to account for all of the different physical variance we see today. Each "race" is a result of years of geographical isolation.
Oh wait....
I mean, "I'm offended!"
The offense of the claims about East Africa isn't to Southerners, it's to the Bible which is clear that Eden was in the Middle East.
As usual we are given a choice between believing science -- which arrogantly asserts without any possibility of proof or disproof that it can read the past with perfect accuracy from DNA -- or God's word.
But I agree, Oprah's remark against Southerners was racist.
I gave up on Oprah when she threw in her hat for Obama.
That she continues to offend does not surprise me.
The boys are better off without a visit from a Marxist emperor
Beamish, go back to reading "The Bell Curve".
You and Gates are instructive reminders that each side has it's bimbos.
It just goes to show who the real racists are.
They project onto US what THEY truly are.
I can't watch that dumb cow Oprah, or the harpies on the View. More than 15 seconds and my head starts to hurt. Badly.
Oh, and Oprah thinks that only whites live in the South? Hm.
What??! Oprah is still on TV?
The guests of these programs are often more telling than anything the host or guest has to say. What should we expect Henry Louis Gates to say? The man is a black theology Marxist/racist. So too is his attorney, Charles Ogletree and the man who invited him over for a beer to discuss that stupid police officer.
Racism is not the exclusive domain of white people. Ask Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Eric Holder, or Barack Obama. Oh, wait … no, don’t ask any of those people. Don’t ask Oprah, either—although I think we can comfortably say that white people made her one of the richest people in the world. Neither does racism exist only in the south. One of the more racist areas of the country is in the northeastern metroplex.
Thanks for all the comments...it was an awful comment, wasn't it? And OH, the applause and laughter from the audience that came after! Oprah is very beguiling.
I haven't watched a full show in years but it's definitely worth checking in to see what she does; she doesn't make gazillions a year by only appealing to a small amount of women.
THIS is why it's stunning to me that no Conservative producers have put a show together of good American women, black, white and whatever color, who can sit and talk about their traditional values to the mothers who are home, mostly traditional mothers who stay at home with their kids (IF they can)...that's a growing audience that's being ignored .....or being beguiled because "Ah...I have a few minutes, there's nothing else on, maybe I'll watch Oprah........."
Dr Laura Schlessinger has a HUGE following on the radio....why not someone on television? Her show didn't make it many years back, but it was a very boring format of only doing her radio show with a camera. DUMB idea!
I agree that the President needs to go to The Boy Scout Jamboree.
One of our young men from church received his Eagle Scout Award, and he was so looking forward to meeting the sitting president during the 100 year celebration. He doesn't agree with the president's policies, but like he said..."How many people get to shake the hand of the sitting president?"
Our president would rather yuck it up with his 'left-wing' ding bats. Maybe he is afraid that the Boy Scouts will be a good reminder to our country what values we should all have!
Sigh! :(
Beamish, go back to reading "The Bell Curve".
You and Gates are instructive reminders that each side has it's bimbos.
Was I supposed to give Oprah an extra helpin' of grits dummy for saying something monumentally stupid to keep the leftists happy?
Sorry, Ducky, we righties don't do the whole marching orders thing. But thanks for playing. Be sure to be offended by this post too, you freakin' marionette.
Linda, I'm SO sorry that's not going to happen for the Eagle Scout at your church.
I personally couldn't shake Obama's hand, a great character flaw in ME, I guess, but the boy's sentiments are right...we SHOULD want to shake ANY president's hand just for the opportunity.
Not his...not in MY hand...not with the lies and what he's doing to America..NO WAY.
beamish....good one
KAREN, I BURST into laughter (which I needed today) Thanks..you do have a point!
(Could you shake his hand?)
Little does the moron know that most of the "southerners" today are displaced Northerners who have left the high taxation, crime, over population and corruption of these states....for Arizona, SC, NC, Va, Ga, Al and the midwest.
While many southerners have migrated to the north for jobs. States with the highest rate of "racism" and race troubles? NY, NJ and Pa.
"Sub-saharan Africans (blacks) are the only ones WITHOUT the Neanderthal genetic markers. "
Too far to walk to the mid / northern European climes where Neanderthals flourished. I guess an 88 Chevy hadn't been available for a ride.
I'm not sure what the Neanderthal implication is...but I won't have any race insulted here.
talk about insulting, I always thought it was NeanDREthal...oops
Most of Oprah's viewers did not catch that pathetic, RACIST, snide remark. I quit watching her show eons ago, she just got on my nerves with her "spiritual" garbage and that there were many ways to get to heaven.
Don't count on the DNC to foot the bill. Why should they? All Obama has to do is reach in the proverbial cookie jar and steel the taxpayers money.
So the Biblical view is that all humans are descended from common ancestors. So why would it matter where that was? The whole point is that we are all related.
Creation teaches that all humans are special because we are all specially created by God.
Evolution teaches that we are valuable based on how far we have evolved, perhaps some further than others.
Fair assessment?
So the Biblical view is that all humans are descended from common ancestors. So why would it matter where that was?
It matters because the Bible SAYS where that was and either the Bible is God's word or it isn't.
We watched a ken Hamm video series in Sunday School. The Bible says the Garden of Eden was surrounded by Tigres, Euphrates, Pishon, and another river whose name escapes me. Traditionally, Garden of Eden is believed to be in present-day Iraq because that's where Tigres and Euphrates are. But so far as I know, those other two rivers are not. Hamm suggests that the geography of the world (such as where rivers are, etc) changed greatly during the flood. He suggests many of the names that were used for pre-flood things were used again for post-flood things. Were they the same Tigres and Euphrates? I don't know. The number of names from Europe that got recycled in America suggest he may have a point. I don't think the location of Eden is a point the Bible hinges on. I think Oprah's point was that it is a blow to racist belief if humanity started in Africa. I am contending that it is a blow to racist doctrine if we ae all related special creations of God, regardless of location of origin. But if our value is based on how much we have evolved, it follows that the less someone has evolved the less value he is. Someone who sees no distinction between man and animal is justified in treating some men with no distinction from animals.
As soon as I saw it was Louis Gates of Beer Garden infamy, 'nuf said!
//it's to the Bible which is clear that Eden was in the Middle East. //
Just where does the Bible say this?
"88 Chevy hadn't been available for a ride.
I didn't kmow that a tongue in cheek reference to chebbies were..."racist"?
Some how...we've become such cowards to even make a joke...thats what's wrong with America...Period.
Lighten up everybody.
Some people deserve to be joked about.
Where does the Bible say Eden was in the Middle East:
Inference from the verses that refer to the rivers related to it.
One of them, the Gihon, reaches to Ethiopia in Northeast Africa but the others are identified with the Middle East. Notes say the Havilah was in the area of Persia.
Ge 2:10
And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.
Ge 2:11
The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;
Ge 2:13
And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.
And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria.
And the fourth river is Euphrates.
Tio says above that Ken Hamm thinks the change in geography brought about by the Flood could bring the original location more into Africa. I don't know, I guess I'd have to hear Hamm's reasoning. But the mention of Assyria, which didn't exist before the Flood, is a pretty strong geographic indicator.
Well Faith, you said in your statement that it was clear that was in the middle east. I see no evidence in this passage that it is clear.
But consider this, the river in this passage ran OUT of Eden and split into four heads. The Euphrates is one of them and it begins way up in what is now Turkey. It may be a matter of Semantics, but I consider Turkey to be in Western Asia, not the middle East.
The larger point in this post is not where it was, because it means nothing to us in this day and age. But rather it was and this post I think is more about the racist dig that Oprah tried to use with Professor Gates' remarks.
I've always understood it was the Middle East. The four rivers appear to converge on an area in the Middle East even if they originate outside it.
But perhaps Ken Hamm is right. Again, I'd have to hear his reasoning.
It may not matter as much as some other fact but if it is what the Bible is saying, we aren't to contradict it even if it is a minor point, that's all I'm saying.
//It may not matter as much as some other fact but if it is what the Bible is saying, we aren't to contradict it even if it is a minor point, that's all I'm saying.//
Questioning ourselves as to whether we have the correct interpretation is not contradiction. We do not have all of the truth and I question those who think we do.
If we were not allowed to investigate and discuss these things in an intelligent manner, Martin Luther would never have come to the realization that the just shall live by faith and the Catholic Church would still be over the large majority of the Christian world.
Something for you to think about.
I'm never quite sure how encouraging it is for less mature Christians or non Christians on the fence to see Christians arguing about Scripture.
No, I am sure, I've had enough comments saying "you can't even get along, why would anybody..?"
//I'm never quite sure how encouraging it is for less mature Christians or non Christians on the fence to see Christians arguing about Scripture.
My argument is not with scripture, Z. My complaint is with attitude and behavior. My argument is with ignorant statements. When non-Christians hear Christians condemn everyone that doesn't believe exactly as they do, how can they do anything but shake their heads and say they want no part of it?
I have read and studied the Bible extensively for many years, I still don't know all of the truth. I cannot understand how anyone can think THEY do. But I do know one thing. Scripture tells us that the rain falls on the fields of the just and the unjust.
That means the earth quakes in the yards of the just and the unjust. The tornadoes sweep through the houses of the just and the unjust. The hurricanes rip through the properties of the just and the unjust.
Therefore it only stands to reason, to make any other statement to the contrary is NOT Biblical.
I know, LA, but some would say it IS an argument of Scripture, I think.
God does 'smite' people in the OT, after all, and seeks vengeance and righteousness, and I believe Faith's 'going there' if I may be so bold to speak for her.
If I'm wrong, I'll be happy to stand corrected.
Yes, you're right...when nonChristians are corrected for not believing as they do, you're right, it's a stumbling block...
But our faith really does tell us that His Truth must be told...at least directly from Scripture (not their opinion of it) and if it isn't told, one is not doing right by God.
I have to go...but I"ll be back later. xx
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