Saturday, August 23, 2008

Do you think this is a good BIDEN IDEA?

3 weeks after 9/11 and Joe Biden wanted to apologize to Iran.

No, I'm not making this up, I've copy/pasted a quote from an article on Joe Biden that you really ought to read. This was brought to my attention by my good friend, WV DOTTR, who you all see brings such wisdom to her comments at geeeeeZ!

"At the Tuesday-morning meeting with committee staffers, Biden launches into a stream-of-consciousness monologue about what his committee should be doing, before he finally admits the obvious: "I'm groping here." Then he hits on an idea: America needs to show the Arab world that we're not bent on its destruction. "Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran," Biden declares. He surveys the table with raised eyebrows, a How do ya like that? look on his face.
The staffers sit in silence.

Z: "sit in silence'? After that, who wouldn't?


The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

Yup....Obama's foreign policy experience expert.

Papa Frank said...

Joe Biden says: "In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian-Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking."

Joe "I hate guns" Biden is a gift from an unlikely giver. Thank you leftards!!!

Anonymous said...

I assure you , this thing is getting passed around all over the net.

Can't you just see Biden going around inviting PETA people to a barbeque or something ?

What a guy.Oh, I think John Kerry is tapped to take Biden's place on the foreign relations committee.

Anonymous said...

I think Senator Obama stated today that due to fairness, he would have to tax the rich.


CJ said...

I don't know if I'm hallucinating or what, but in the last few days and especially since Obama announced Biden, the AOL home page has been putting up strangely vaguely anti-Obamaesque headlines. Usually it's the typical leftist slant, but lately it's had this slightly pro-McCain twist. Drat, those headlines are gone at the moment. I wanted to copy a few. Well, you can take my word for it or decide I'm nuts.

MathewK said...

"America needs to show the Arab world that we're not bent on its destruction."

Are liberals really that stupid? Honestly, apart from raving moonbats screaming at the troops, do liberal politicians really think that American soldiers, their own countrymen are over in Iraq raping, looting, killing and plundering?

Iraq has been rebuilt with American money and blood, that screams "we are not destroying Iraq". Sending a cheque for $200 million screams "we're looking to bribe a mad tyrant hellbent on destroying the Jewish nation."

*shakes head* Surely they're not that dense.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Everything about the man is superficial, even his hair plugs.

Everyone is harping on his "foreign policy credentials," which are indeed considerably high compared to most Democrat politicians.

But foreign policy has NEVER been the strong suit of Democrats in general, as far back as 1828. They're just not real picky about who America loses wars against, as long as they do.

So the comparison is rather uninspiring.

Saying Joe Biden has a wealth foreign policy experience compared to his Democratic peers is like saying a guy with a penny is richer than the guy with pocket lint.

Woopity doo.

This is the most anti-climatic VP running mate announcement ever.

I've heard more lifelong Democrats pledge support for McCain in the last two days than I ever thought I hear in a year.

McCain practically doesn't even have to campaign to win now.

It's his.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

For those keeping score at home, Obama just named Joe Biden his running mate, a Senator that backed the Iraq War, the surge, and an anti-bankruptcy law that Obama vehemently campaigned against.

And the number one hot button Democrat issue of our time?

"How many houses does John McCain have?"

It would be well beyond the capabilities of the American left to produce an intellect not easily mistaken for a glop of potato salad. That's asking too much.

But is it really fair to challenge us with candidates we can't stop laughing at?

Anonymous said...

A few words for Joe.

Iranians aren't Arabs, and why treat them better than you treat conservative Judicial nominees?


Z said...

I think you're ALL right about Joe's foreign policy expertise. He might have "experience" in having been around a long time, but he seems to have made the wrong decision quite a bit, so I think that rules expertise out!

WV...didn't know this was all over the net. thanks, anyway!

cj...I'm sensitive to those headlines, too and had thought of doing posts on the Yahoo Obama slant; good to see AOL isn't quite the same. If you see one, let us know!

mk: the answer's a resounding "YES", sadly. they seem to be just that stupid.

beamish; I've been saying this Obama DNC Convention's going to be THE most expensive ad for McCain ever...let's hope so! As an aside, some are saying Biden's compound has four homes on it..that's four kitchen tables to worry about your future around. poor guy !!:0) At least he FEELS OUR PAIN.

Morgan; a LOT of people think Persians are Arabs.
Just shows how much FOREIGN POLICY EXPERIENCE Biden has, huh?!!

and, I believe he feels conservative judicial nominees will do MORE harm than ANY Iranian, even with a nuclear warhead strapped to his chest!!

shoprat said...


Loved this one
Joe often doesn't know what he believes until he has to say it.. And that was said by a friend.

Brooke said...

Biden is going to prove to be the final nail in the coffin of Obama's run.

Anonymous said...

Does any of this stuff REALLY matter?

The Case Against Joe Biden

by Chris Cillizza

[truncated by FreeThinke]'s Politics Blog

Yesterday, we argued for why Barack Obama should pick Joe Biden as his vice presidential running mate. Today we tackle the opposite argument.

Loose Lips Sink Ships

Over the course of his presidential bid, Biden cemented his reputation as -- how to put this nicely? -- less than disciplined on the campaign trail.

In the summer of 2006, as he was publicly mulling the race, Biden set off a controversy over comments he made about Indian Americans.

"I've had a great relationship [with Indian Americans]," Biden said. "In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

On the day he formally announced his candidacy, a New York Observer story that quoted Biden as calling Obama "articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy" came out, and the resultant uproar effectively undercut any momentum Biden was hoping to build.

While Biden was on his best verbal behavior for much of the rest of the campaign, there is no question that his tendency to shoot from the lip worries some in Obama world. As one Democratic consultant put it: "You know there will be three days in the campaign where someone in Chicago will get a call and respond -- 'What did you say he said?.'"

For a campaign that prides itself on its message discipline, choosing Biden would be introducing a wildcard into the mix.... Do they really want to risk it with Biden?

Plagiarist In Chief

Way back in 1987, Biden was riding high in the presidential race -- widely regarded as a serious contenders for the Democratic party's nod.

Then  Neil Kinnock happened. Biden borrowed passages of a speech given by Kinnock, a leader in Britain's Labour Party, without attribution ... The feeding frenzy eventually chased the Delaware senator from the race.

The incident has become the stuff of political lore -- type "Joe Biden and Neil Kinnock" into Google and more than 37,000 hits are returned....

[A]ny political junkie worth his ... name knows all about the Kinnock incident, [but] it's a mistake to assume the average voter knows about it. In the words of one Republican strategist: "Old news inside the Beltway, new news outside."

[R]eality means that in every story about Biden done in the aftermath of his selection, Kinnock's name and the allegations of plagiarism would come up....

Washington Insider

The central tenet of Obama's campaign message is that if Americans want to change their government, then they have to change the people they send to Washington.

Picking Biden, who has served in the Senate for the better part of the last four decades, seems to run counter to that core message....

Biden has long been a regular on the Sunday talk show circuit and is one of the pillars of the Democratic party establishment. His accomplishments ... were all achieved as a senator operating inside the deepest heart of political Washington.

Biden allies note that despite his long service in Washington he is, at his core, an outsider inside the Beltway. While that may well be true, the optics for Obama aren't great ....

Joe Loves Joe

One of the most overlooked episodes during the 1987 collapse of Biden's campaign was a snippet of footage captured by C-Span in which the Delaware senator, in response to a question about where he went to law school and what sort of grades he received, delivered this classic line: "I think I have a much higher IQ than you do."

While any human being ... can be forgiven a momentary flash of temper, Biden's detractors point to that incident as evidence that the senator thinks he is the bee's knees and doesn't care who knows it.

Biden, by his own admission, has the capacity to fall in love with his own voice and wander off on tangents about his life that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.

During the 2006 confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, the Post's Diana Milbank wrote this of Biden:

"Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., in his first 12 minutes of questioning the nominee, managed to get off only one question. Instead, during his 30-minute round of questioning, Biden spoke about his own Irish American roots, his "Grandfather Finnegan," his son's application to Princeton (he attended the University of Pennsylvania instead, Biden said), a speech the senator gave on the Princeton campus, the fact that Biden is "not a Princeton fan," and his views on the eyeglasses of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)."


There is evidence from the Democratic primaries that Biden is not only aware of his tendency to go on and on about himself but is also able to curb that natural tendency.... In one of the best moments in an unending series of Democratic debates, Biden was asked by ... Brian Williams whether he possessed the "discipline" to be the leader of the free world. Biden's simple response -- "yes" -- brought down the house [and put Biden in the winner’s circle for the night].

Z said...

you tell us, FT. Do you think it matters? That's why we COMMENT!

elmers brother said...

the guy is a cartoon...I'm glad Obama picked him.

Mike said...

One of my in-laws, who is extremely liberal, is absolutely giddy over Obama's choice of Biden. Seriously, he was raving about the choice.

I just don't understand his glee...unless it's just more proof of how outrageously delusional they are.

elmers brother said...

Biden will be one of the best things that happened to McCain's campaign.

Anonymous said...

I think Hillary is so excited about Biden's selection that she's had to resort to wearing adult diapers; I also think that the Clinton's will do as much as they can behind the scenes to derail the Obama/Bi(n)(la)den campaign. As Beamish suggested, it's another self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Note that only 9% of Americans even know who Biden is ... which could be a positive effect from our failed/corrupted education system.

Z said...

Mustang..Hillary? DIAPERS?

you can DEPEND on it !! :-*)

Anonymous said...

Campaign slogan for the D'Rats

OBAMA bin BIDEN in '08!


Always On Watch said...

Biden is an idiot. He "looks" Presidential, but he's an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Just read there are tornado warnings in the Denver, Colorado area , and they are forcasting bad rain on Thursday , there.

I hope these are omens.

Also read that the GOP is opening a WAR ROOM at the Democrat Convention. Is this standard operating procedure?


Z said...

I think the GOP is going too far, personally. Yes, I've bemoaned that they were nowhere when Bush was getting bashed these past 8 years, but here's a 'flavor' of this new negativity that could not go over well with undecideds..I'm sorry to see this. I think it's STUPID and tried to log on at the RNC COmmittee site and had a hell of a time and quit.
BIDEN GAFFE METERS on the RNC website, almost nothing but negative Obama stuff instead of McCain platform information......what's THIS about now? A WAR ROOM?

Still, it's got nothing on the DNC oxymoronic FREEDOM CAGES for protesters. I just can't stop laughing at THAT one!

Ya, there are ways you can show an opponent's idiocy and still sound classy and dignified and above the fray. I heard one mcCain campaign bigwig on TV this morning, a young kid I could have punched in his smug immature little snout, if THIS is the types he's got, we're in trouble..again. Smirking NEVER goes well with the public. NEVER.

Thankfully, Biden is nothing BUT smirks, so that'll work well in our favor!!

I'd heard the Left nagging that "Christians are praying for rain" MUST HAVE WORKED! HAHA!!! A real omen, I hope!

Anonymous said...

like ElBro said, this is great news for McCain.

Biden for VP is the best news I've heard in a long time!

Incognito said...

well, hopefully Biden will be the proverbial nail in the coffin..

i know many dems, who are just refusing to vote, esp. with Biden as veep. I say great.. stay at home.

Anonymous said...

Liberals are capable of building Concentration Camps for dissenters and calling them LIBERTY LODGES.

I'm NOT kidding.

On the other hand, I have always thought that hecklers and "demonstrators" should be seized, shackled and marched away, because NO ONE should have the right to try to SHOUT DOWN any speaker no matter how much one dislikes his message.

Of course, I feel people who talk over one another on TV "talk" shows should be SHOT. ;-}


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Free Thinke,

Feel free to plagiarize this joke (I did):

Deval Patrick / Neil Kinnock '08!

Z said...

For those who don't know, here's the story behind Beamish's presidential support!

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

words. just words.

Anonymous said...


What's the difference between a cocktail lounge and a groups of scheming political operatives breaking wind?


One is a BARROOM

and the other is a


Sorry! I couldn't resist.


Z said...

beamish, the media's saying Obama did quote Deval once, the first time he stole it, but hasn't since.....this is unreal. What's it take? It doesn't water down the statement, it just gives credit where it should go and I'm thinking Obama can't take the humility.

FT....real funny (heh heh!!)
