Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Londonistan doesn't exist......trust the guy in the hot tub

I'm away for four days. We're at a wonderful hotel in Santa Barbara, California...somewhere Mr and Mrs Z ADORE.

This noon we sat next to Warren Christopher and his wife who were eating fried shrimp and fries. (She took home her cole slaw) Just thought I'd let you know!! A guy at another table near them took his cotton napkin over with a pen to get him to sign it. You can well imagine I DID NOT.

This evening, around five, we had lovely cheeses and quite a delicious Merlot out by our hotel pool. Germans and Englishmen abounded "they're taking advantage of the strong Euro", the girl at the desk tells me. Four Brits were in the hot tub and joined the conversation we were having with a lovely German family. I asked one of the young Brits "So, what's it like in London, as bad as we hear? Tons of burkhas?" He said "WHAT?" I said "I don't know, I had never seen that there, but they tell me you're having big problems and that there are more mosques than churches now in England...."

He grimaced and said "This isn't a RELIGIOUS thing, these are just disgruntled, disaffected YOUTH...this is NOT about religion...we've had situations with different ethnic groups every decade, this isn't anything new or any big deal." (I am NOT making this up, folks). He looked at me as if a third eye'd just formed itself on my forehead. Actually, my head was starting to hurt like it had. I said "Well, I think no-go zones in England where only muslims can enter is pretty terrible for England, don't you?" "There is NO area I wouldn't go. I don't know what you're talking about." he said to me.

"Disgruntled youth" "not a religious thing". Are they misinformed, not informed, or just plain STUPID?

Good that there was PLENTY of that good Merlot.



Anonymous said...

Well, Reading what you wrote here, Z, and based on my own limited years in England, he can't believe you know things about his country and the mess.
He is irritated you didn't marvel at how wonderful the English were.

Hey, when I lived there in the 1980's, it was already bad in London.Places you did not go if you were white, and so on.

And lots of complaints about Asians and other ethnic types.

Fie on the old fool.

You did not swallow the kool aid.

( I mean why get bent out of shape like he did? ?


Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

An ignorant Englishman? Surely they don't exist, or do they today?

Merlot is nice, especially of the Chilean variety but Cabernet Sauvignon is a fav of ours over here...

Warren Christopher signature is worth naught, so that was a good decision on your part...

nanc said...

no, there are probably just places they never went in london before - for lack of a better way of wording it - in nearly every town we've lived, there's been a "southside" or "other side of the tracks" or a "watts" - decent people just do not go there and would like to think these places just don't exist. look what happened in n.o. after katrina - who knew there were SO MANY thugs?

it may happen in n.o. AGAIN before the week's out.

there building one of the largest mosques in the world right there in their city - not to worry, they'll recognize it when the time comes.

i read some stats recently that muslims are outbreeding the brits something like 3:1 and that the name muhammed is the number one name for boys - they'll not deny this much longer. those are government statistics.

nanc said...

they're building - not THERE!

Anonymous said...

Good thing he was in the hot tub. It made washing the sand out of his hair much easier. Heck there were too many muslims when I was there in 1991! I thionk you ran into a wierdo. Was the cheese good?


Anonymous said...

Z, this is the big problem with England. There is a certain stubbornness and refusal to admit the obvious amongst a large number of the population. In fact, they're bailing out in record numbers. Brits love Australia. I just hope they are able to admit to themselves the problems that ruined their own country and vote accordingly here.

Anonymous said...

I know a young woman who lives in London, where she works as a lawyer. She would not agree with the assessment this individual offered.

Ducky's here said...

I had a similar conversation with a French couple last weekend.
It's not a religious issue, the rioters were Algerian and they rioted long before jihad was even in our vocabulary ... but I'm sure they knew nothing of their own country's history.

EURO sure is powerful, they thought Boston is a "reasonably" priced city.

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Another guilty, overeducated white male, brainwashed by his country OR so completely insulated by money he has never experienced such.


Pat Jenkins said...

i see the z family only travels in the upper crust circles... and thank you for name dropping so us peasants can dream of what it is like on top..... that was meant as a joke... how do you get those who are blind to see?....

Anonymous said...

What Aurora said. I have an acquaintence from England, who advises me that there is a significant British population living here in FL. He said that between 200 and 300 thousand Brits leave their country every year, migrating to the USA and Australia. At that rate, and at the procreation rate within Muslim populations, the Queen will be the only caucasian left in the UK.

The man's reaction isn't surprising. We also have people who don't get it. It's the old "head in the sand" syndrome, even among some who comment here.

Z said...

great to hear from you all! Thanks.

Pat, I sat at the table next to the Christophers,not WITH Warren Christopher!! But, I've gotta tell you, we do tend to see people we recognize quite a bit..weird.

Ducky...I lived in Paris; you're talking two different subjects. That the French have a problem with Algerians is a 50 yr old fact. that the French keep building cities for these people who don't have jobs and that these people are so dirty and riotous that the butcher, baker and candle stick maker have to leave in fear...just before the cops have to close up shop for the setting of fire to their station is something you never hear here. I know.
They've been burning cars for years to the tune of about 10 a night. It's only when they're REALLY ticked off does it move into the hundreds. The French won't wake up till this happens within Paris...in the nicer arrondissements, of course.

that they're all Muslim...does that make you think it's nothing to do with religion? To call ingrates and rioters who complain they're treated badly "youth" is a euphemism and Western society can't afford to be this naive another minute.

DO those muslim 'youth' cling to their more radical members of their 'faith'. Of course. That's KNOWN.

Germany's birthrate among GERMANS is rising....that's a good thing. It's not happening in France or England.

WV...he sure didn't like that I didn't buy his delusion.

AI..you're right about CHilean wines !!

You're ALL RIGHT: They are JUST not waking up in Europe fast enough, especially ENGLAND. Some countries are seeing it and acting, but England just seems to be shrouding itself in PC which will be lethal. And it HURTS me, I love England SO much...the countryside, the shops, the people, the "stiff upper lip" personality, the old village churches and pubs. All will be lost.

May we wake up people here before it's too late. THEN, when we DO wake up and start demanding mosques and minarets NOT be built, we'll be chastised by our own Left who thinks that's noninclusive. Wait for it! Seems to me that if it were 'normal' muslim immigration here in America, (and all of us welcome legal immigrants who respect OUR CULTURE), they'd not be making demands, not be building mosques everywhere they can, not be hiring lawyers against US, having CAIR stand against us so often, not keeping our feds out of mosques because they're "too holy". Too holy? These are places where at least one person I know has been so radicalized in his American neighborhood mosque the parent's afraid. THAT 'too holy'? Maybe, but only for islam, not for America.

cube said...

It sure must be nice to be as limber as that Englishman surely must be... I mean, how else can you get your head that far up your a$$?

Anonymous said...

It's like being told by your doctor, "You have less than six months to live.?

NO ONE want to HEAR it!

We're blind to our faults here, and headed in same direction as Europe.

Face it! The White Race and Western Civilization are EVOLVING out of existence.

God doesn't want us to be in control anymore.

Basically, we're dinosaurs. Most smart people have seen this coming for the last 45 years. Why do you think the smart people choose NOT to have children.

It's not out of selfishness, but a sense of altruism toward all the innocent victims of the Grinding Mill of History who will never be born.

Mourn at every birth. Rejoice at every death. Earth will be uninhabitable in less than twenty-five years.

kevin said...

I think you may have hurt your Brit friend's national pride. Although he's clearly a fully indoctrinated PCer, I get the feeling that if a fellow Brit asked him, he may have been a bit more receptive. I doubt he would be comfortable announcing to foreign strangers the problems in his country.

Coincidentally, I just happened to be visiting a Brit friend's house when 7/7 happened. It was splattered all over the TV, so I couldn't contain myself. I said that Europe was in for very hard times if it didn't wake up to the the reality of Jihad.

She admitted that Muslims were everywhere in London, but she also believed that somehow this was all temporary and was going to mystically fade away.

I really think that Brits view this as a political struggle and are using the past example of the IRA.

Clearly this is a bad example, it would be hard to find the IRA in Darfur, Malaysia, the US and nearly every other corner of the globe like one finds with jihad.

shoprat said...

People who have been indoctrinated and brainwashed into leftist thinking are incapable of envisioning a social conflict in any terms except class struggle. Some would sooner say that the earth is flat than admit that there is a cultural struggle going on as well that has a far greater impact on society than the so-called class struggle. It's part of the secular religion that the far left clings to.

Ducky's here said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ducky's here said...

exactly, I believe it is two different problems, z. The riots in Paris were portrayed by jihadwatch and Spencer and the rest of the ignoranti as a religious uprising.
They weren't. Yeah, it goes back 50 years to the problems of Algerian immigrant workers but you aren't going to read that.

Britain has had similar issues. Not necessarily with Muslims but Brixton was sure a no-go not that long ago.

It's odd that we are so ready to tell foreigners what the situation is in their own countries. Americans really need to drop the arrogance and get in touch with their colossal ignorance.

Ducky's here said...

z, if you ever visit Boston to try the Gardner museum please remember that Bowdoin & Geneva is strictly a no go.

Seems they have those everywhere.

Brooke said...

I'm with Cube!

Karen Townsend said...

What? Warren wasn't at the fab convention in Denver?

The Brits. As we say in the South, bless his heart. Just like in Melanie Phillips book, she tell us all about Londonistan. Maybe the guy needs a copy?

Enjoy your getaway. How wonderful. I hear Santa Barbara is now open to drilling offshore and going to vote on it. Once we were in Victoria, BC and sat next to a table with another American family. They were from Santa Barbara. They were very cordial to us until they discovered my husband is an engineer in the oil drilling biz. Then we were not worthy of acknowledgement. Idiots.

Anonymous said...

Warren CHRISTOPHER?!!!?!!!!?


Is he still ALIVE?

Geeze Louise!!!

Thirty years ago someone sagely quipped, "On rare occasions Warren Christopher seems almost lifelike."

How awful for you, Dahling. A lib in the tub, and then Warren Christopher. How perfectly dreadful!

I can't imagine how you survived to tell the tale.



Trekkie4Ever said...

Sounds like he is in denial. Time to wake up and smell the tea.

Z said...

well, Anonymous! Aren't YOU a cheerful little fellow! not sure you're wrong, by the way!

Kev...what a joke. They're not going ANYWHERE! it's what they're going to do to those who ARE Englishmen IN ENGLAND is what we should be worrying about...WHERE THEY are going.

Ducky...i do think it IS, more and more, a religious thing. One can't deny there is extremism and it's rubbing off on what might have been nonextremist muslims. Arab youth have been stealing bikes and cars, and burgling around Paris for years...Foreigners are pretty much ruining Europe's cities. You think you can't park a bike, unlocked, in front of your home in munich because your German neighbor'd steal it? Of course not; Rumanians, Arabs, Turks. (and NOT ALL, but THAT is the foreign contingent robbing and threatening mafia style "you don't give us $300 EU a month, we firebomb your restaurant..it's RAMPANT, Ducky..those things are NOT religious)
The religious thing IS rising and I don't see how we can stop it. Muslims hold up placards all over England with "Islam is going to overcome England".you know that. They're not teasing..

Shoprat..you are so right. important point.

FT.yup..Christopher. Lucky us. not. Man, he looks like a female Nancy Reagan...honestly. VERY old, very frail.
And I, too, thought "not at the DNC Convention?" hmmmmm

kevin said...

Z, that's not what she meant. Her view was that eventually the radical aspect of Islam would fade away and the Muslims would become totally integrated.

Her view, not mine.