Friday, August 8, 2008

He's a REPUBLICAN. I LOVE this guy!


Beverly said...

That's great. Have you heard Rush's guy, Snerdley, He's African-American, who gives his take on Obama and the political situation in very proper English and then tells it to the brothers...quite interesting.

Z said...

no, Beverly...I haven't. I know Snerdley but didn't know he was Black. I guess we'd have to know he'd not be fond of Obama! i'll listen for that...we usually listen to Prager during Rush here on radio in SO Cal.
This one's stunning in that a Black hip guy would be talking like this!! Reassuring, right!?

Ducky's here said...

Ludacris owns him.

shoprat said...

Common sense and intelligence is not a function of skin color as this brilliant young proves.

Z said...

Oh, DUCKY! is THAT all you've got?!!! I LOVE THAT!

right, shoprat....too cool

WE all know what you said is right, why can't the "big open minded leftist PROGRESSIVES" see that? This guy didn't need affirmative action, I'm sure. And, if he had, he'd not have taken it.

heidianne jackson said...

perfect line about not believing we're better than everybody else because we ARE everybody else. sending more people your way for this find, z. great going!

Papa Frank said...

"Ludacris owns him."

There you go again ducky. As a lefty you guys are always trying to enslave people. This man is not "owned" but rather a STRONG FREE MAN WITH HIS OWN MIND!!! Democrats have always been the party for slave owners.

Mike said...


This young man gives reasons why he is a conservative Republican, including that he believes in peace through strength and the 2nd amendment. He also believes in what America is and believes that "if we're smart enough to earn the money, then we are smart enough to know how to spend it". He talks about issues that are important to him.

Ludacris write a love "song" to Obama, saying things like, "Hillary hated on you, so that bitch is irrelevent", "Let's paint the White House black" and "McCain don't belong in any chair unless he's paralyzed". He also throws in the ever-so-classy line: "Well give Luda a pardon if I'm ever in the slammer."

I think the conservative Republican wins hands down here because he actually provides his stances on important issues.

Ludacris does not provide any information about what he believes with regards to the issues. I didn't see any parts of his song that backed up Obama on philosophy. He merely resorted to name-calling and insults.

What I take from this is that Ludacris is backing Obama for one reason....and Martin Luther King, Jr. would not have approved.

MathewK said...

Good on him, 10% consumption tax! When's he running for the top job?

cube said...

Shades of Snerdley.

Karen Townsend said...

"I don't think we're better than anyone else. We ARE everyone else!" That's my favorite line. Love this guy, too.

Nikki said...

totally awesome! I love it great find Z! :)N

Z said...

m.a....your new blog is good; I hope some of the people here check it out! and please come by often, your comment is excellent and we all get buoyed by good thinking..thanks.

I'm SO glad you guys enjoyed this too...I keep thinking he HAS to be an actor, but HE"S TOO GOOD!! Hurrah!!

Mike said...

Thank you, Z!
Your blog is superb!

Average American said...

Good find Z. It's nice to have young people like this guy on our side, bodes well for the future.