Monday, August 4, 2008

LOW WAGE WORKERS LOVE OBAMA? He's a HOOD alright, isn't he!

Is this news supposed to be a surprise? The link shows that low-wage workers want OBAMA! No kidding....when he promises to pay for everything, including their kids' college tuition, higher minimum wage, their healthcare, etc.? AND, he wants the middle class and rich to pay to finance all of that. Why wouldn't they like him? "Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the glennnnn..."

"The group, which accounts for nearly a quarter of U.S. adults, views Obama as the more empathetic candidate and the one who most closely shares their values (Z: for details re: those 'values', see above), it said."
Who wants to WORK HARD, be SELF-RELIANT, rely on FAITH-BASED INSTITUTIONS or your neighbor for help when you can have........(drum roll).......THE GOVERNMENT?!!
Robin Hood, by Wikipedia..."Robin Hood is an archetypal figure in English folklore, whose story originates from medieval times but who remains significant in popular culture where he is painted as a man known for robbing the rich to give to the poor and fighting against injustice and tyranny." What happened in Britian then WAS injustice and, there's a little of that here in America, too, but we have opportunity to succeed here. Robin Hood 'lived' in England. In America we're about independence, individuality, working hard for what we get...not robbing the rich. Here, we know the rich EMPLOY us. (don't we?) Here, the Dems consider a 10% increase in earnings, in one year, by any corporation, a 'windfall', and that windfall MUST BE TAXED! Didn't we used to encourage success!? Doesn't this help stockholders? Pension plans?...
By the way...I LOVE the film Robin Hood, so I hesitate to brand Obama as THIS "Hood" but........if Robin were today, I'm thinking he'd be for the people who work hard and achieve just as much as he'd fight against injustice. Don't you?


da patriot said...

Hello 'Z'. The difference between Robin Hood and liberal Democrats is that Robin Hood robbed from the rich and gave to the poor, libs rob from us all and keep 70% of it to fund the effort. :)

Thanks for visiting my struggling blog and being kind enough to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. I am going to start a blog roll and I like your blog so much I think I will put it at the top of the list.

Z said...

I'm blogrolling you, too..thanks SO much for your kind words. The more you blog, you'll see my name/blog will go down the line under REALLY great blogs, but I thank you for the sentiment!! VERY MUCH.

You're right about Robin...he left the middle class alone.........Obama WILL NOT!!

GREAT post at your site about the Black poll effect...I highly recommend it, people! ENJOY...

Papa Frank said...

I thought the similarity was because of wearing tights! Besides, Barack would have Robin Hood's bow and arrow banned as he called him a typical white person that clings to guns and religion.

Nikki said...

And he was a hero to many...heck I even liked him in some Disney portrayals. There is just something about taking from the rich and giving it to the poor americans and global citizens and calling yourself a hero that doesn't sit right with me...:)N

Anonymous said...

Hey folks, don't knock it. Robin knew what he was doing. He wormed his way into King Richard's good graces, ended up marrying into royalty, and lived happily ever after. Not a bad day's work!


Anonymous said...

I know Robin Hood. Robin Hood is a friend of mine, and Barack Hussein Obama is no Robin Hood. Robin Hood championed the rights of the oppressed people under Prince John (also known as “John Short-sword”). He was so popular, by the way, that people named their toilets after him.

Fast forward to the present, Obama and the socialist power-elite seek to oppress the masses through as much government as the people can possibly bear … not unlike the English sovereign prior to 1215 A.D. I remain bewildered. How is it possible for anyone to support Marxist/socialist/authoritarian ideology and then claim to care about the health, welfare, education, and spiritual fulfillment of others?

The fact is, these so-called “progressives” are lying through their perfectly capped teeth. I wish Americans would rise up and throw every one of these scoundrels out of office. We deserve better, but we aren’t likely to get it until we start firing these a**holes with uncommon regularity.

Chuck said...

You're right about Robin...he left the middle class alone.........Obama WILL NOT!!

This is my concern. Every time I hear the Dims talk about the "wealthy" I worry about who they really mean. It has been my impresion that to them this is anyone who has a job.

Z said...

Chuck, good point. A LOT of economists I've heard are warning Obama doesn't just mean THE RICH, they feel that number would have to get larger and larger..over $250K, then over $150K, then anybody over $100K? (that's "RICH"! TODAY?)..lower, maybe?
Until we "rich" can support every college student's 'free tuition', every amnesty seeker's home, every anchor baby, ...on and ON and on.

Mustang. I LOVE Robin Hood, and as I said in my post, I HATE to mix the two together, but I wanted to drive home that TAKE FROM THE RICH and GIVE TO THE POOR ...
The circumstances, as I said, are different, and I believe Robin of Loxley (I LOVE HIM!) would be for the OPPRESSED but he'd also be for LESS SPENDING BY THE GOV'T!!

Incognito said...

Oh God, please, Obama in tights.

"Robin Hood robbed from the rich and gave to the poor, libs rob from us all and keep 70% of it to fund the effort"

so true... if people are struggling to survive now, it will be worse under Obama. Look at all the wealthy going bankrupt. I have seen so corporations who own restaurant franchises going bankrupt. What does that mean.. they close down shop.. what does that mean.. people lose jobs.
Sigh, tax the rich and it will only get worse.

Anonymous said...

Good points, z. Robin Hood is an excellent metaphor for modern day liberalism; a common criminal whitewashed as a hero. Socialism/communism has never worked in any country anywhere, and it certainly won't work here. Someone ought to give Obama a non-revisionist history book on the fate of the U.S.S.R.

shoprat said...

In Robin Hood's day the government and the rich were one and the same. They got rich from collecting taxes from the productive people. It could be argued, with considerably accuracy that

Robin Hood robbed the tax-collectors and gave it back to the tax-payers.

Z said...

shoprat, that's true...Actually, it's exactly what he did. But, I thought there was something interesting in the comparison.

As the lyrics go........!!

Anonymous said...

How many ways can you say, "DEMAGOGUE?"

That is exactly what Obama is–––a DEMAGOGUE.

"Democracies are most commonly corrupted by the insolence of demagogues."

Aristotle (382- 322 B. C. )

~ FreeThinke

Ducky's here said...

So what are you advocating, z? A return to the days of the robber barons?

That was your capitalist utopia but it didn't work. That's the interesting thing about the right. They have had colossal failures on the scale with leftist failures but they don't know enough history to realize it.

Z said...

Hi, Ducky. Don't you read my posts?

Did you see SELF RELIANCE, INDEPENDENCE, doing things on your own, helping your neighbor when needed, faith-based help? WHy's everything got to be a NANNY STATE with you leftists? We are NOT SOCIALISTS IN AMERICA, DUCKY...not yet. Not until you have your way. And, please don't ask me to define socialism again; I'm pretty sure you know what I mean when I use the term, whether it's technically exactly your version or not.

I just don't get why you don't get it.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


That was your capitalist utopia but it didn't work. That's the interesting thing about the right. They have had colossal failures on the scale with leftist failures but they don't know enough history to realize it.

Hmmm. I thoroughly challenge this statement, given both my lustful appetite for history and my own work in discovering that leftists aren't actually capable of rational thought.

Let's have a left-right "colossal failure" contest.

I'll go first.

"North Korea."