Friday, February 13, 2009

BEZMENOV and American Socialism.....PLEASE watch and send this around

Every senator should have this sent to him.
It takes a Russian KGB defector to articulately say so much of what you smart bloggers have understood but our government and half of America can't.
It's the SPEED with which things are happening......! We've been saying this, right?
He suggests letters and emails and phone calls aren't enough to stem the tide. "FORCE", he says. And, if we do not....if we let the leftists continue this ridiculous slide..............listen to what he says.

God bless and help America.



Ducky's here said...

"FORCE", he says. And, if we do not....if we let the leftists continue this ridiculous slide..............listen to what he says.


Remember, z, I have a .50 caliber weapon and I'm not real enamored of right wingers.

You might want to skip my place.

Z said...

Trust me, would take less than a gun to make me skip your place!

I don't want FORCE....but did ANY of this sink in to you, Duckster? ANY of it? YOU starting to see why you can't get an Eastern European (except your Slav relatives, from what you say) to vote for a liberal? What's happening here now is what people from Canada and Germany and France and other countries came here to get away FROM. Do you see a trend?

I'm off for a few back later.

Anonymous said...

This man is absolutely right - we have been saying this, and written articles about it, for a year now.

One must be completely blind (or dumb) not to recognize that the country is on the rapid march to communism. We have seen these things happening, e.g. in East Germany, and it will take another generation to get rid of the consequences.

We have to stand up, and do that NOW, before King Obama I. can do even more harm to this country than he has already inflicted in such a short time.


Ducky's here said...

I have to say that the credibility of anyone calling Obama a communist (the guy is too frightened to even enact single payer health care)is in serious doubt.

As long as the far right is kept marginalized then things will be fine.

Misfit410 said...

Ducky you call us Paranoid, so explain why a pacifistic left-tard has an illegal weapon stashed away?

Papa Frank said...

A .50 caliber weapon? Israeli handgun or old school muzzle loader?

Anonymous said...

Ducky, there's some good .50 cal ammo for sale on Sportsmans Guide right now if you have a Barrett or something of that ilk. If you have a muzzle loader ,can't help there!

You were right about me mixing up Byrd and Spectre on that quote over at PF. I'd commit Seppuka but I don't have a good second. And it might hurt,too....

Anonymous said...

You're first ducky!

This guy says what we all know to be true, there's an all-out assault on America going on right now. It's Soviet inspired, but the commandos of this assault are students of Gramsci, Mao, Stalin, and Saul Alinsky. I'm referring to Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, and most important of all B. Hussein Obama!Many are closer to fascism than communism in tactics and beliefs, but it matters not a whit, they are STILL socialists!

This pork spending bill is filled to the brim with freedom-killing grenades, like the government Commissar who okays your treatment after talking to your doctor. WTF!

Oh, the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE is back again too! The left is actively seeking to squelch freedom of political speech! Lemme see, they DESPISE and attack freedom of religion, freedom of political speech is also under attack.


How about the 2nd Amendment? Just WHAT do you think he nominated Eric Holder for? This "comrade" has ONE purpose! He is supposed to go after Americans!!! Obie and the boys have already made their intentions clear to Jihadis: "gimme some space, I have a country to fix." This guy is a KNOWN gun grabber and he's part of Obama's coming assault on gun owning citizens. Think I'm kidding? Do some reading on this sweetheart of an "American."

Here's the question as I see it.
Just WHAT will the trigger be for us to storm Washington? What will it take for us to save this country from the left?

Just yesterday I heard snippets on the radio of CLEPTOCRATS and one clap-ridden Republican browbeating corporate CEO's about their private planes!! The GD nerve of these BAST-RDS! These CEOs create jobs and wealth that the Cleptocrats use to buy planes for their own damned use! The politicians create NOTHING but spending and further restrictions on our freedom, and they have the unmitigated GALL to browbeat men who DRIVE the economy of America.

The CEO's are the real heroes and the cleptocrats are amoebic dysentary!!!!!! BUT FOR WHATEVER REASON, EVERYTHING'S UPSIDE-DOWN !!!! The Congress has a fleet of planes at the ready at Reagan Airport at any given moment, yet they RAIL against the private sector.

Folks, we are getting close to the point where the blood of patriots AND villians will be needed to refresh our freedom-the tree of liberty. You KNOW where I stand.
Get your weapons and your carry permit, RIGHT NOW!

I have some more work to do, be back in an hour.


RevRight said...

Good show, thanks for it.

CJ said...

OK, I have to say something again, though I won't stick around to defend it.

That video is right on about what has been happening and we need to be prepared for what is coming. But Christians (and there are some here) ought to know that the reason we are in this pickle is that we have failed to live up to our calling.

No, not guns. The Second Amendment does not apply to us although I'm sure there will be plenty of ire expressed against that idea. Jesus' Kingdom is not of this world. If it were His followers would have defended Him -- He Himself said that. Why can't we keep that simple message in mind? If we did what He told us, dying to self, loving our enemies, praying for them, living a life radically unconformed to the world, well, first the nation wouldn't be in this pickle, and second, when it gets to this pickle the solution is STILL that we die to self, love our enemies, and spread the true gospel and though it may make maytyrs of us that's the only way this evil can be confronted. Unless the seed fall to the ground and die there will be no life.

Not just the gospel of salvation through grace, that's only half of it; but the gospel of the Kingdom which calls us to radical holiness, as in the Sermon on the Mount. I'm no better than anyone else; I've fallen for the same easy believism that has made the church irrelevant and allowed America to be overrun by Marxism. And I don't even know if God will give me the grace to live the radical life I now recognize as the true Christian life, I'm such a lazy worldly slob myself.

Our citizenship is not of this world. Patriotism is of this world. We aren't to kill our enemies, we aren't to fight in wars. Our weapons are NOT CARNAL, but mighty in God to the pulling down of strongholds . . .

So delete this or have at it, have the last word, this is all I'm going to say.

Brooke said...

We're already neck-deep into socialism.

"Every senator should have this sent to him."

I really don't think there's even one out there that would care enough about what We The People think to watch it.

Anonymous said...

Well CJ, thanks for the sermon. A cut and run sermon, how brave.

What your personal circumstances are, I have no idea, but, for most of us, we have families. Children, and grandchildren.

It's our responsibilty, here on earth, to protect and fight for their future as free men and women. Whether we are able, or willing, remains to be seen.

I did not have, and raise my children to be victims. They were raised to be good citizens and to love freedom. They were also raised to confront wrongs and attempt to right them. They were raised to love America.

If we accept evil, and mayhem, we are the lesser for it. If we do accept it aren't we then as responsible as the evildoer?

I, unlike you, cannot speak for God. I leave that to God, and His judgement.

I don't expect you to enter into a fight for America, you couldn't even stick around to defend your own words.


Anonymous said...

Once again, wisdom from Pris! Fantastic and inspiring! She wrote:

---"It's our responsibilty, here on earth, to protect and fight for their future as free men and women. Whether we are able, or willing, remains to be seen.

I did not have, and raise my children to be victims. They were raised to be good citizens and to love freedom. They were also raised to confront wrongs and attempt to right them. They were raised to love America.

If we accept evil, and mayhem, we are the lesser for it. If we do accept it aren't we then as responsible as the evildoer?

I, unlike you, cannot speak for God. I leave that to God, and His judgement.

I don't expect you to enter into a fight for America, you couldn't even stick around to defend your own words."---

I couldn't possibly add to that. Thank you!


CJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Z said...

CJ...nobody says you're not wanted here. That's simply not true.

Everyone comes to faith/beliefs at their own time...nobody's behind anybody here,nobody's ahead.

I wish you well, you know that.
I'm hoping easy, gentle prodding will be more effective than otherwise and I would welcome your input in that way.

CJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Z said...

CJ, I wish you peace.

CJ said...

I'm sorry I answered Pris. I'd rather leave it unanswered as I originally intended.

christian soldier said...

My Savior is not a whimp-
He gave us a direct command to 'occupy' LK:19 KJV- He won the ground-we are to hold it til He returns...We haven't been doing that....
Put on the 'Full Armor' EPH:6-and OCCUPY--

Gees-I wasn't going to comment tonight-
Just quickly go through my favorite blogs and then read ...

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


Given the fact that all leftist philosophies are derived from premises inherently divorced from reality, you'd be hard-pressed to find two self-professed "communists" that will agree on what exactly communism is. Even Marx and Engels acknowledged this when they made their own "manifesto" attempts at rationalizing bold imbecility. Throw in "dialectical materialism" and the logical extension of leftism's perennial and absolute refusal to be rational takes on a sinister tone.

Then you get crazy ideas like "writing numbers on an inventory list will feed people" and "erasing files from an archive makes accountability go away."

Mother Leftism has never lost a submarine.

It's awful convenient to postulate one's philosophy as the cure-all that's never been tried. No heavy lifting required.

Life of the mind... feh. Do leftists even know what a mind is?

Anonymous said...

Beamish wrote:

"Mother Leftism has never lost a submarine.

It's awful convenient to postulate one's philosophy as the cure-all that's never been tried. No heavy lifting required.

Life of the mind... feh. Do leftists even know what a mind is?"

LOL! Good one! Touche'!


Average American said...

Our country, our constitution, and our government have been hijacked by some extremely ruthless people. This didn't start with NObama campaigning for President, but it sure did escalate there. It has been a long process that so far has remained peaceful, if not civil. The proper way to win it back would be through peaceful means, and I for one would expend every effort to attempt to do it that way, BUT, there would come a time in my mind when peaceful means might be tossed aside for a more violent solution. Not to unlike foreign policy with not-so-friendly countries. Negotiations are not always the answer. So, yes, I will be hanging onto my guns and ammo. You can take that to the bank!

Anonymous said...

Good going AA! It may come to that. We'll see. One thing's for sure, if these sob's go for the Fairness Doctrine, the TIME HAS COME!