-Grammy Article...with my request for help!
-Request for Prayers for Australia in their HORRID fires!...
-A Census Article you must digest and consider...(ooh, typed 'disgust' first, how Freudian!...
And CONTACT INFORMATION for thanking those who're voting against the "Stimulus" and 'not thanking' those who are! PLEASE DO SO!!
HAD TO ADD THIS QUOTE OF THE DAY: "I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Scroll down, tell us what you think! Enjoy! Z
I love shameless pandering! :)
B'Yedidut, Yehudi
ALLright, ALLright!!!
Well, a lot of us love those discussions and then we get a new article on top and people forget there was some good stuff to respond to !and FIGHT TO, I like that, too!
Well, if it's pandering...probably it is, but I thought we ALL should do something like this..!! NO?!!!
You're preaching to the choir, sister! I have a college degree in Pandering. :)
I'd hoped it didn't seem like that...:-(
I'll take it off if that's the consensus...i just hate it when good comments get left and everybody's off to the next article!
Thanks, xxx
How's this Z, It's a heads up! Which it really is.
Heads up
Scroll down
if you weren't so prolific we could keep up with you
Elbro..I can't help it!
Pris....We'll see how it goes/ I know how I feel when I respond to somebody at another site and then the article's down the row and that's THAT...any chance at a good argument's GONE!
That quote is hilarious. Sad but true. I don't think you're pandering.
Thank you, L&0
My so-called friends do.
I was trying to say that I love that you do that. I should copy you and do the same thing, especially since I've been posting in series, (Part I, II, and III). You're awesome, Z!
Yehudi..naa. not even close..but thanks.
I'm glad I.H.S. is at your site...you both will like each other very much. I just know it.
LOL! Always look on the bright side, eh?
z - two new blogs.
theyalsoran (starts Wed.)
Check it out.
....just hate it when good comments get left and everybody's off to the next article!....
That's why I cut down to only a few a week. I must average at least 6 hours a day in the blogosphere. Wow, I gotta get a life.
Z I love it-may I offer you the greatest form of flattery (imitation) and try it on mine?! :-)
I've just let my friends know that I have a blog-with this idea - I won't have to tell them to go to such and such a date....etc...
Oh, BROTHER, Average...do I know what you mean.
NonBloggers ask "How long do you spend?" I lie!! They'd think I HAD no life and I'm hugely busy with tons of other stuff...every time I walk by the office, I slip in...or I'll see something on the news, or SOMETHING will trip off an idea for a blog and THAT is IT.I wish I had your discipline about writing less!
Obama is the most dangerous thing brought to the United States in a lifetime. By the time he's done or gets thrown out, he'll make Carter look competent and Bush look like Thomas Jefferson.
Should we all have to suffer because of a dumbed down electorate and a lying pandering press that made this happen? Anyone with the least bit of common sense and love for this country should certainly want this hopeless, socialist dreamer to fail, and fail big. The biggest flaw in a democracy is that EVERYONE gets to vote, even the uneducated, the misguided, the lazy, the foolish, the dreamers and worst of all, the elitist socialists who helped elect this fraud.
And how about these Idiots in Obamas corner who can`t even vet people properly. How can any moron expect us to sign up for the biggest tax debt in the history of America and not vet the people in their cabinet. This BS with Daschle is where it has to stop. This guy was the head of the senate. He knew about the tax laws he created. And if he is too stupid to grasp the tax laws than he is too stupid to be the Health Care Czar. The true class envy here is these politicians don`t have to pay their taxes and we responsible people do. DASCHLE IS A TAX CHEAT. AND Obama said AFTER finding this out that he wanted to “Stand behind him”! Daschle should go to jail! Not be brought into the administration. And if it weren’t for the public’s outcry he would have been confirmed. I can't even stand to look at him, much less listen to his self-aggrandizing misplaced sentimental crap and his constant
din about how terrible America is/was/will be and his crap about the destruction of our nation and his "negative rights" ideology of our Constitution
DOWN WITH SOCIALISM and that means DOWN WITH OBAMA/PELOSI/REID/DODD/RANGEL/FRANK/ etc....Failure IS an option, and Barack O'Messiah MUST fail to save this country.
Most of President Obama's campaign promises and his actions since assuming the Presidency, it is apparent that as a Citizen of the World, he has made himself responsible for defanging America, for emasculating our nation and removing us as a threat to all of the murderous genocidal dictators in the world. I to hope he will fail in all of his endeavors, from bankrupting us with his abusive "stimulus" package to his appeasement of enemy regimes.
I'm with Rush.
Remember, Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism.
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