"The cartoon in today’s New York Post is troubling at best given the historic racist attacks of African Americans as being synonymous with monkeys,“ civil rights activist Al Sharpton said.
Calling the cartoon "offensive and divisive,“ he promised to stage a demonstration outside the Post offices on Thursday.
I remembered these.........
UPDATE: The New York Post has caved and apologized.."to some". The very idea that Obama WROTE this bill is so silly and makes the whole liberal hysteria SO dumb.
Actually, the cartoonist likened the rampaging chimp to the folks who wrote the stimulus bill.
We all know Obama tasked Pelosi with the stimulus bill and she wrote down everybody's porky wishlist.
There has been much overreacting by professional overreactors like Sharpton.
Here's a metaphysical question for you: If a colored leaf falls in the forest, will Al Sharpton overreact? The answer is yes.
Did you hear the one about the cop pulling over the guy in Oklahoma for having an "Abort Obama, not newborns" bumper sticker on his car? Cop thought it was a threat against the President. Wonder how many "abort W" or "abort Bush" bumper stickers went unnoticed?
What about the film in which Bush's assassination was shown. Where was the Secret Service then?
I've long believed that the jackboot of conformity fit the left foot far better than the right.
Z is right; we need to stop being ridiculous ... but let's be fair. We cannot expect regular people to act like adults when our national leadership routinely act like buffoons. Holder's recent statement is proof of that. As far as Sharpton (et alii) is concerned, raise your hand if anything he says surprises you.
Z, Bush was a Republican, he was fair game
Obama is a great president. His presence is impacting grants like no other president prior. Grant funding for minorities and middle class have increased nearly 10,000% in the past week.
Obama's New Grants
Largest Grant Amounts in History!
GRANTS? I was wondering where it said we have to pay for other peoples' grants ..in the constitution.
thanks for coming by.
Dr. John..good to see you.
I have to admit I never saw an "Abort W" sticker even here in LALA LAND.....but we all know this is a WHOLE new world:
Anything against Republicans is good.
Anything against Dems..oh, never mind. We never hear those.
If they wanted to make the cartoon more accurate, the writers of this bill wouldn't have been shown as a chimp. More like a 600lb gorilla. That's much more on the scale of the damage being done.
I just can't wait to hear what Ducky has to say about all this... He called Bush 'Chimpy' all the time.
Right, Greywolfe.
Brooke, he STILL does.
I don't know why leftists can't discuss things without insulting.
The cartoon made no mention of Obama. I'm wondering why people were implying that it did.
1) People are way too sensitive and just assumed it was referring to Obama.
2) People don't like the NY Post and saw it as an opportunity to use a bad inference to try to take them down.
3) Al Sharpton, et al don't know what to do with themselves after the election and they needed to get back in the spotlight again. They were just waiting for someone to use a monkey in a cartoon so they could claim it referred to Obama.
I'm so sick and tired of this race-baiting B.S. I'm pissed at the Post for apologizing "to those offended". They should have just said: Obama didn't write the stimulus bill, so we are not sure why people think there is a connection. The monkey does not represent Obama, it wasn't meant to represent Obama, quit being so darn sensitive and get over it.
ARGH! It's so freaking frustrating.
calling it racist is merely putting the opposition on notice that you better not criticize the President.
it's a way to shut down the opposition...plain and simple.
In eight years, I never saw any of those ape/Bush posters. But I do admit to watching (and laughing) at Letterman's Great Moments in Presidential Speeches.
MA and Elbro...exactly right.
Sue, i couldn't even find the more egregious, common ones one saw so often.
More "species-ist" than racist, if you ask me. It's an insult to Primates everywhere.
There's a difference only to a racist who would make one.
Comparing a white president to a chimp is no different than comparing a black one to a chimp.
And if you think there is, then you've properly identified the racist. He's in the mirror, so to speak.
FJ, Exactly. No HUMAN BEING should be compared to ANY ANIMAL.
Frankly? When dealing with politicians these days, it's an insult to the animal.!
Ducky -- did Obama WRITE the stimulus package? Enough said!!! there is no racism in this comic. The monkeys now hold the purse strings. Monkeys like Pelosi, Reid, and Frank.
Off topic but I was very confused by the latest from the new RNC chief Michael Steele.
“I don't do 'cutting-edge,' “ he said. “That's what Democrats are doing. We're going beyond cutting-edge.”
If anyone has the slightest idea what that means, be sure and drop me a note. Maybe he's just gone all Dadaist on us.
Ducky, that was FUN! I googled that statement of Steele's and saw where you get your talking points! I loved that!! Really funny..sorry, but it was!
who the heck knows what he meant? Sometimes "Avante garde" is considered "Cutting edge" and that was the context.
Who knows? Obama calls whatever comes out of HIS mouth that people don't like "inartful"..maybe Steele will have to start saying stupid things like that, too.
But I doubt it...he's not THAT bad!
Keep reading those links, Ducky...you're like my clipping service from the left!
I'd say Obama's the Dadaist...considering he's a 'punk' and all.
No person should be compared to any animal? Ducks included?
Comparing dim people to chimpanzees is a common trope, but I suppose Sharpton wants us to view this cartoon in the larger political context. I don't remember him asking us to view "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig" in the larger context of the Palin acceptance speech.
As Cube pointed out, the President doesn't write bills, so Sharpton is guilty of false accusation. Had the cartoon said, "Now we'll have to find someone else to give the stimulus bill executive approval," Sharpton would merely be guilty of double standard. In Sharpton's defense, it's hard to keep track of which parts of the Constitution we're following.
Ducky, bringing up Michael Steele just because we were talking about black people shows that you are clearly a racist. Mr. Sharpton will have a word with you shortly. (No, I don't actually think you're racist. Unless there's something I missed, you're on the short-end of a Wrightesque cheap shot with the duhkkky moniker.)
Tio Bowser
Good one, Tio!
Ducky's probably not racist, just homophobic. Likes to 'out' everyone he disagrees with. It's the liberal way, dontchaknow.
The New York Post owes that chimp a huge apology! He is no where near as friggin UGLY as the Wicked Bitch of the West, aka Nancy Piglosi!
Oooops, sorry to all pigs, I didn't mean to insult you.
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