Friday, February 13, 2009

Can you IMAGINE giving more money to refugees than our retirees!??

I just got this in an email:

Get mad and pass it on - I don't know how, but maybe some good
will come of this travesty.

If the immigrant is over 65, they can apply for SSI and Medicaid and get
more than a woman on Social Security, who worked from 1944 until 2004.
She is only getting $791 per month because she was born in 1924 and
there's a 'catch 22'.

It is interesting that the federal government provides a single refugee
with a monthly allowance of $1,890. Each can also obtain an
additional $580 in social assistance, for a total of $2,470 a month.
This compares to a single pensioner, who after contributing to
the growth and development of America for 40 to 50 years, can only
receive a monthly maximum of $1,012 in old age pension and
Guaranteed Income Supplement.
Maybe our pensioners should apply as refugees!

Consider sending this to all your American friends, so we can all be
ticked off and maybe get the refugees cut back to $1,012 and the
pensioners up to $2,470. Then we can enjoy some of the money we were
forced to submit to the Government over the last 40 or 50 or 60 years.

Anybody know details on this? It seems to be absolutely factual, but it's INSANE! I was at an Old Age Home about 9 months ago and sat with some elderly Russians who'd been brought here......they did nothing but complain about how America isn't such a great country, etc. Well, it was our hostess's birthday, so I didn't make TOO much of a fuss, but..........they are BEING SUPPORTED BY US!!$$ Are we ever going to STOP THIS giving more to others than we give ourselves? ("VAT A KONTRY," huh?) Is this healthy for ANY country? CAN we just say "STOP" to immigration and try to fix our house before it's too late?



Pat Jenkins said...

well done z!!! but we have to remember sacrifice for the greater good is this nation's knew theme. and that means the old don't have as much life left as the young, so they, the old, will need to sacrifice what is left of their lives!!! and that means their pension for this life!

I.H.S. said...

I believe in helping strangers, but not at the cost of hurting your own.


shoprat said...

If we are going to have Social Security then we need to do it fairly, which means those who paid for it get first dibs. Immigrants should never be allowed to go on these unless they paid into it.

Ducky's here said...

You have a point about the reduced payments to the "notch" recipients but that issue should be dealt with on its own rather than making irrelevant comparisons.

The injustice of the first instance has no bearing on the others.

Anonymous said...

Nothing shocks me anymore..

Anonymous said...

Z said..." I have a very lib cousin on E 35th St who thinks she's a centrist so i figure New Yorkers are ALL LOST!"

You are right, most of New Yorkers are that way. But there are a handful of others like me.
DD2 for example, and Throwing Stones is also from New York.And Angel from Women honor thyself is.

Anonymous said...

mr. ducky still can't tell the difference between a citizen and a metic. No wonder this country's gone to hell in a handbasket.

Z said...

New Yorker, thanks....that's true....DD2, TS and Angel....Hurrah (and thanks for coming to fill me in! guys MET YET?!)

FJ..I'm not opening ANY of your links until you promise, with your hand over your heart, that you won't sneak that SCARY ONE IN!! PROMISE!?!?

Anonymous said...

It's not scary Z, I promise. The "do not watch" link in the movie thread is simply the piece of film around which the premise of the rest of the story, "The Ring", is based (receiving a chain-letter). During the course of watching the entire movie, you learn what each little cut-scene in that mini-piece of film represents.

Now after watching the link mentioned above, should you get a phone call telling you that you only have seven days to live, by all means, get scared. Either that, or do what I did, simply copy the link and... "pass the letter/curse on to your friends". ;-)

Anonymous said...

You've never gotten a chain letter, Z? What if you got one, and failed to pass it on. What if the consequences of not passing it on were certain to come true? Would you pass the curse on to your friends, or would you choose to suffer the consequences and thereby "break the chain"?

I.H.S. said...

OOOO. FJ. Let's pursue that line of questioning can we Z, please?


Z said...

FJ and I.H.S.; Yes, let's talk about that.

I have to admit I used to SHIVER and COWER when I got those "if you don't pass this to your friends, then..." chain emails. Especially the faith ones. 'HOW can I not pass on what MOTHER THERESA or SAINT.... or JESUS says!!"

Today? DELETE! I think I know what I.H.S. will say, and I know he'll say it better than I, have at it, pal!

On another's the passing of emails like that which creates the spam and virus problems we don't need, so I wish people would STOP SENDING THEM AROUND> They're lovely. NOW DELETE!!!

I.H.S. said...




Anonymous said...

Of course, in the movie, I forget how many copies you were required to make two or three. But each time you chose self-preservation, the curse "multiplied"...

Anonymous said...

...and as the Parthenon friezes will attest, the foundation of all society depends upon a certain degree of mutual self-sacrifice.

Anonymous said... - would Agamemnon sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia in order to obtain fair winds for the Achean expedition to Ilium/Troy?

Anonymous said...

Would Abraham sacrifice Isaac, or G_d his only Son...

I.H.S. said...

Sacrificing someone other than yourself isn't self-sacrifice at all in my book.

Wouldn't you agree, FJ.


Anonymous said...

...some quid pro quo in a social contract.

...some "skin in the game" to avoid creating a moral hazard relating to securitization of mortgage transactions (FANNIE/FREDDIE).

Anonymous said...

I could easier sacrifice my self than one of my children, IHS. So I don't agree "entirely".

Anonymous said...

...but I'm no Job.

Anonymous said...

The trap that Aniken Skywalker (Darth Vader) falls into is to holding on too tightly to those he loves... and so converts him over to supporting "the dark side".

Anonymous said...

Titus Andronicus sacrifices twenty sons for Rome...

...but it isn't until he sacrifices his daughter that he can rid Rome of her ultimate enemy.

I.H.S. said...

FJ, in that I agree with you, but I'm not so sure I could follow through with the self part of it either.

We say to our loved ones, 'I would die for you' but would we really? I would like to think I would and saying it is a whole lot more different than doing.


Anonymous said...

Fair Lavinia, what crimes were committed before your father could exact a fair redemption...


Anonymous said...

Indeed it is, IHS. There's always a bit of uncertainty involved, especially is that moment seems "slow" in arriving.

Anonymous said...

We don't always see the harm in simply passing along the future consequences of the chain letter to "persons unknown"... if it buys us all a little bit of "present day comfort" or relief.

The "porkulus" package in Congress being but the most recent example...

Anonymous said...

What freedoms and liberties have been sacrificed in that bill just so we can buy ourselves a little present-day economic security. What of the future liberties of our children?

Anonymous said...

You see. It's a little murkier, far-off and distant. The threat does not at this moment seem "clear and present". And so the sword of Damocles hangs by ever fewer threads over our own heads, and ever more certainly of the heads of our children.

Anonymous said...

We've all got to wrestle with our own devils... by either actively pursue a goal selected, OR passively waiting and later experiencing the consequences of our inaction by allowing others to select ends for us. Either way, you end up wrestling.

Fortune favors the brave.

Anonymous said...

Every story is a love story...

What would you sacrifice for love... and beauty... the "good"?

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the digression. My son played Radamese a couple of years ago in that show (not the one in the YouTube).