Then, stammering and hesitating for something to say, he threw in "....we'll be building bridges which might be in your neighborhood and bring you more business or help you get to work."
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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I'll say it, Z.
He's dumber than a bag of hammers.
the messiah-in-chief should send him to the theatre again. What's he thinking letting this guy anywhere near a camera and microphone!? Funny stuff Z!
Biden is...fill in the blank. It's being kind to call him a putz.
Did everyone watch the speech last night? I watched the whole thing, and I give it a mixed review. He delivers a beautiful speech, and last night was no exception--although it's important to ignore the substance of his speeches. If you listen hard to what he says, his speeches start to fall apart because they are loaded with utter nonsense. I like to refer to Barack's speeches as "poetic pap"!
Here's another take from Myron Ebell at the Competitive Enterprise Institute:
It's Myron's contention that Obama scores a 0 on Econ 101, while I think he's being kind! :-) G-d help us if these idiots get their Cap and Trade legislation through the Congress.
Pinky and LA Sunsett...hilarious "Bag of hammers" and "asphalt is a rectal disorder!" Love those...and SO SO true.
LA Sunsett: I thought she must have lost 2 pounds with the amount of calisthenics she got shooting up in the air for every big spending idiocy! HURRAH! (ptui!)
Yes, Morgan, I saw it...until Obama said "there are no earmarks in this bill." I had to shut it off then. Just click and he was gone. Wanted to play some piano but couldn't bring myself to..just sat there. weird.
DaBlade, glad you enjoyed it.
Hey, I sure could use a bridge to get me to work. Just add another one of the 60 or so I have to cross already.
Biden - the gift that keeps on gaffing...
Zabelle wrote:
"Yes, Morgan, I saw it...until Obama said "there are no earmarks in this bill." I had to shut it off then. Just click and he was gone. Wanted to play some piano but couldn't bring myself to..just sat there. weird."
Not so weird actually. It's a sane person's response to insanity. I'm half a wacko anyways, so I watched it with three beers. LOL!
I can't STAND Biden and Piglosi!
"Asphalt"! Too funny!
How pathetic. "Yes lady, you too can have a bridge to nowhere"! Good grief!
But, the President was thrilled last night. Not because he was in an histotic place to give a speech. Not even because he knew he would likely get what he wanted.
He was thrilled because everyone in the place was hanging on every word because he's Barack. The spotlight shone on him, and that's what mattered. He was the center of attention and nothing mattered more.
He who makes proclamations as if he were a monarch. Why, he pronounces a salary cap for ceo's.
He calls Senators to a "meeting" and treats them like students in a classroom. He sends them off in groups to come up with solutions to certain problems, and they in turn report to him what they came up with. And they did it, like good little students. Amazing!
He does not ask for debate on any issue, he simply states what he wants, and expects to get it. No matter if the people want it. He's Barack Obama, like it or lump it.
This is what the voters bought. They ignored hts need for thousands to bow at his feet.
They ignored his need for his own insignia.
They ignored the odd sight of grecian columns on what looked like a movie set rather than a podium.
They bought the whole gaudy sight. It never occurred to them that something is wrong with this man. I think there is.
As for old Joe, he's just along for the ride.
Biden serves a purpose. Every king needs a court jester.
Oops, oh darn a typo........
Historic not histotic..
Oh good grief, and...his, not hts.
"What will this bill do to help us small business owners?"
Well, madam, not a damn thing. You see ... we want to build bridges and things like that. The Obama administration doesn't give a tinker's damn about your business, or how many people you lay off, or even whether or not you go out of business. What we care about is hope and change for America ... and if you end up a casualty, that's just the cost of electing us Democrats. Besides, we were elected, not you.
Joe Biden
Dear Joe,
One thing we Americans should have realized....if you didn't give THEM time enough to read the package, you probably hadn't, either. Now we know.
Shame on you, pal.
Now, PLEASE don't do too much more harm to America...PLEASE listen to the Republican grownups!!
Thanks. An American
On the bright side, he can spell potato.
In a smoke and mirrors show Joe is just the warm up comedian. At least the ruining of America will come with a little comic relief.
I stole that line from "O' Brother Where Art Thou?"
Awesome movie, Z.
Biden is like that guy in the bar who is always there and people learn to avoid him because they've heard all his stories about 20 times.
First you feel sorry for him, then you start to think he's funny, then you finally run for your life at the sight of him. Biden's problem is he has no original thoughts. He's said the same thing so many times in so many places that he believes himself.
He'd be a sadsack if he wasn't the VP, a perfect office for him by the way.
As for spelling/counting BTW, remember this "Our program is about a three letter word, J-O-B-S."
Joe Biden-totally irrelevent.
And liberals like to call Dan Quayle an idiot! LOL!!!
Really, this just shows what a total scam this spending bill is. Thank God there will be a bridge somewhere near my business now. I'm saved! Thank you, Obamassiah!
*End sarcasm*
Maybe the bridge is for the ocean front property in Arizona. ;0)
Sorry , the bridges are for the lakes of manure we will have to wade through.
Loved that movie: O Brother , where art thou?
duh..didn't we just get rid of the 'dumber than a bag of hammers' guy?
No, Sue, we've got worse now (and he's JUST about to ruin America forever..."no earmarks??" That's TRUTHFUL?...When we have VOLCANO MONITORING? STD PREVENTION, RAYBURN MUSEUM etc etc..That's NO EAR MARKS? That's as bad as "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"), except your media won't tell you Obama called Canada's Prime Minister "president" the other day...nor will they remind you he mentioned how an American invented the car when a German did.
See, any tiniest problem with Bush was 3" letters on the NYTimes headlines, but THE ONE is in now...Socialism reigns and the Lib media's delighted. That's all.
Then there is this: Every time Obama speaks, the market goes down farther; STOP SPEAKING, MR OBAMA, PLEEEASE?
November 5, 2008 (Wednesday after Election Day): -486 (5.0%)
January 9, 2009 (one day after Obama speaks at George Mason University on "need" for $800 billion stimulus package): -143 (1.6%)
January 20, 2009 (Inauguration Day): -332 (4.0%)
February 10, 2009 (one day after Obama declares that without a stimulus, "an economy that is already in crisis will be faced with a catastrophe"): -382 (4.6%)
February 17, 2009 (market opens for the first time after Congress passes $787 billion stimulus on February 13; Obama signs bill into law, declaring, "The stimulus lets Americans claim destiny."): -298 (3.8%)
February 19, 2009 (one day after Obama announces potential mortgage relief plan): -90 (1.2%)
February 25, 2009 (one day after Obama's first speech to the full Congress): -80 (1.1%)
Law & Order: This is SUCH a good characterization, sadly
"Biden is like that guy in the bar who is always there and people learn to avoid him because they've heard all his stories about 20 times."
He really is. He almost acts like he KNOWS it, too, you know?
Sue, he only pretended to be dumb. It was all an act.
He was a diabolical genuis...he had all you liberals fooled!!
He really speaks with a British accent, smokes a pipe, and reads quantum physics journals in his spare time.
I swear it. I have my sources.
by the way, folks...did you know there are millions for TATTO REMOVAL ON GANG MEMBERS?
Is that going to stimulate the economy?
I give up your comment just now....:-)
Talk about "Stupid" Where does the republicans get such shallow losers from? This is NOT what we stand for! ..... Or are Palin and Jindal really the best they have to offer?
there are some 8,000 anecdotes in the Omnibus bill.
AH, our Vice President, Joe Imbiber. I swear, I can't tell when he's drunk and when he's just stupid.
I have to give NObama credit though, it was a REAL smart move for him he get Joe as his VP. That one thing automatically doubled his life expectancy, no one would want Joe pulling the strings.
Biden can't even tell the truth about his own wife's death. He is a man that is completely without honor.
The real reason that they had to rush the stimulus bill is because after Ash Wednesday Biden wouldn't have been able to eat all the pork.
Wait till you see my post tomorrow...falls right into line with your line about pork!
Actually, I'm trying to figure out what I'm giving up.
DUCKY? (heh) naaa, never want to give HIM up!!
I didn't dare watch his drivel & blather show. It makes me angry enough just knowing the bum is in the White House.
"Asphault a rectal disease!" That is good, LA, but I must ask you a question along that line: what do you think of the rectum as a whole??"
Z, I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. Feel free to delete at your discretion!
David! I read it and thought "WHAT?" Then I GOT IT! Hilarious.
I'm not deleting..we're adults and, these days, we NEED humor, even THAT kind!!!
I still have no idea why he chose Biden... Biden has far less brain acumen than GWB and Dan Quayle combined.
I'm glad you liked it, Z!
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